Fred the Elf

Chapter 02 - Santa's Problem

By Neal Richards with the permission of Str8mayb

Fred the Elf had, had a truly marvelous year.  His six children, the boys that Santa had brought him last year, had been a real joy for Fred.  As a matter of fact, such a joy that he gained the attention of a very cute little Elf in Dolls; in fact, they were seriously considering marriage.  The father Elf was not at all happy, since Fred had that dreaded birth defect that made him appear just like those boys of his, Human.  Beatrice, however, thought Fred was cute and could overlook those hideous human like ears and the absence of sparkle on his skin.  After three hundred years, you could overlook a lot.  Her father always found some reason to forbid her marriage.  Now, he had agreed that if, and he stressed the word 'if', Santa himself would proclaim Fred a member of the Council of Christmas, then he would support the marriage.

This, of course, was nearly impossible. It had taken nearly a five hundred years for Beatrice's father to be appointed Head Elf in Toy Cars much less to be on the Council.  Poor Fred, Beatrice loved his boys as much as he did, and she was so wonderful with them.  After Thanksgiving, Fred and his boys were called into the Big Guy's office.

"Ho, ho, ho!  Hello Fred, boys.  Well, we are coming quite close to Christmas, are you boys ready?"

"Yes, sir." they chorused.

"Ho, ho, ho.  Very good. Very good, indeed!  You boys go on through the green door and Bernard will give you your assignments.  We have a lot of kids to find.  Good luck."

The boys hugged Fred, then Santa, and left to begin their adventure.  Fred watched his boys disappear through the door to Bernard's office.  He felt a tear on his cheek.

Santa now addressed Fred, "So, I understand you are having some problems with a certain Elf in Toy Cars."

Fred rolled his eyes, "Yes sir."

"Well, now, I have a little job that might just take your mind off things.  I want you to take Bartholomew and find me an adult with True Christmas Spirit." Santa said.

'That should be easy, this time of year,' Fred  thought to himself.  "I think I can do that, Santa."

"Ho, ho, ho.  I knew I could count on you, Fred.  I'll expect your report before I leave Christmas Eve."

Fred left Santa's office and went to the Reindeer Stable.  Sure enough, Bart was there with a little doe he had taken quite a fancy to.  "Sorry Bart, but we have a job to do for the Big Guy."

Bart was proud to be asked once again to do a special job for the boss.  His little doe seemed very impressed too.  Fred hoped Bart wasn't having the same problems that he was having.

So Fred and Bartholomew began their adventure.


New York City, home of the biggest Christmas Parade on the planet. It was funny how that huge store was still powerful even after it was purchased by that big chain.  Surely here there would be Christmas Spirit everywhere.  It only took a few hours to convince Fred that there was absolutely no Christmas spirit here at all.  After all, seeing a Street Corner Santa mugged for the change in his kettle, women fighting over toys, Taxi Drivers using such harsh language that it alone would have put them on the Naughty List (even Fred's Naughty List).

Next, Fred tried Chicago, not much different there, Fred thought it was funny that the big chain store had also bought one of the huge department stores there just like they did in New York and had decided to change the name of it to match the one they bought there. People seemed to stay away in droves now.  On to San Francisco. No luck there.  Next try was Washington DC, the Nation's Capital, The National Christmas Tree.  Now here, there must be Christmas Spirit.  A stop at the Capitol Building, The political bickering was ridiculous.  No one was trying to help others just further their own careers.  Then to the White House, the decorations were beautiful but the spirit of Christmas was totally missing.  Fred was getting very concerned.  Where could he find an adult with Christmas Spirit.  The Church!  After all that was where the true meaning of Christmas should be, but which church?  Of course, The Vatican, where else.

Fred and Bart were impressed by the beauty of the place.  Wonderful art, jewels, gold treasure beyond belief.  The priests, Bishops, Cardinals and the Pope in the beautiful robes and large jeweled rings.  Fred soon realized this was a business.  All this wealth and power and yet not far from their walls there were poor and hungry people.  From here Fred searched out other large Ministries.  TV Evangelists were so much into themselves, and raising money for a bigger flashier building to 'Glorify God', which meant to glorify themselves, God was glorious all on his own if you really knew him.

Finally Fred and Bart were at the end of their rope.  Nowhere had they found an adult with even a spark of the true Christmas Spirit.  Fred had Bart land in a deserted lot in a small town in the Southern  United States.  He just sat there thinking of where else he could search.


Jesse Lincoln was on her way to the Church to help with the Christmas Pageant.  She had done this ever since her children were old enough to be in it, lord that was more than forty years ago.  Now at age seventy three, she was still doing it.  She had lost her husband many years ago and she had outlived her children as well; a parent should never have to bury their children and Jesse had done it for all five of hers.  She didn't let that stop her, though, she gave all she could to others.  She loved this time of year better than any other.  To be able to bring a smile to a child was the best present she could ever receive.

She noticed the boy sitting on a stump.  There was no one else around.  She walked over and stopped about ten feet away from him.  She didn't want to scare him off.  "Hello, you look awfully sad."

Fred startled back to the present.  "Oh, ah, I was just thinking."

"I could see that.  I'm a pretty good listener, if you want to talk.  I'm on my way down to the Presbyterian Church and the rehearsal for the Christmas Play.  We need an Elf, you want to help us out?"

"Huh?  How could you tell.  Even some of the Elves think I'm a boy."  Fred said, as he stood up.

Jesse looked at the boy then grinned, "Oh that's a good one.  I'm Jesse who are you?"

"Fred.  I'd like to see this play."

"Well young Fred, let's go.  What were you thinking so hard about?"  Jesse held out her hand and Fred put his hand in hers.

'Wow', he thought, 'she has never been on the Naughty List,' Fred sensed it through their touch.  "I was just wondering where the true Christmas Spirit was.  It sure isn't around the big cities and all those stores, and it isn't in the governments and it isn't in the big churches.  I know kids are full of it but do all adults lose the Christmas Spirit?"

"No sweetheart, not all of us adults loose the Spirit.  Sometimes we forget what is really important, but the truth is, the Christmas Spirit lives in our hearts.  You want to know a secret?"

"Sure, what?" Fred asked.

"I still believe in Santa Claus.  He doesn't bring me presents anymore, but I see what he does for all the children and I know something or someone exists to do that.  The Joy of Christmas is a wonderful thing.  Santa is only part of it though, we got to remember God."  Jesse squeezed Fred's hand.

At the church Fred watched the play and declined a part in it, saying he wouldn't be in town Christmas Eve, which was true.  After the rehearsal, Fred left and climbed onto Bart becoming invisible.  He followed Jesse home and observed her closely. 

She worked on baking cookies until late in the night.  Fred and Bart found a warm place to spend the night.  The next day, he watched as Jesse went up into her attic and brought down a box of old toys that had belonged to her kids when they were little.  She sorted through them and selected several that she wrapped and put in a basket with the cookies.  She then took her basket and walked down to the bank.  There, she withdrew cash and asked for seven envelopes.  She then walked into the poorest section of town.  She knocked on seven different doors and when asked in, gave the child living there a baggy with the cookies.  While the child was busy eating, she gave the parents the toy who's tag had the child's name and From Santa written on it.  She left the envelope with the cash in it on the table when she left.

Jesse returned home and smiled at the Santa on her door and felt it mirrored in her heart.  She said out loud to the room she thought was empty, "See Fred, I still have the Spirit."  Jesse went to bed and slept better than she had in years, with the help of a little Elven Magic.


"Ho, ho, ho!  So Fred, did you find Christmas Spirit?  Don't feel bad if you didn't.  Every year for the past twelve, I have sent one of my most promising Elves to find it and they have all failed.  I have begun to worry about this because if the adults don't have Christmas Spirit, how can the children.  Do you see my problem?"

"Oh yes, Santa, it is quite a problem.  I am embarrassed to say I did not find it, it found me."  Fred then related the day he spent with Jesse Lincoln.

"Ho, ho, ho.  Jesse, yes, yes, she was such a wonderful child, so full of life and fun.  And you say she still believes?  Wonderful, wonderful.  Thank you Fred, a job well done.  You go on home and get ready for your boys; they should be coming home soon."

"Ho, ho, ho." so said Fred, as he left the Big Guys office and headed home.  He stopped and gave Bart a double carrot treat to reward him too.

Christmas Day all the elves, and six human boys, were gathered awaiting Santa's return.  When he appeared he had passengers, these appeared to be adults and the Elves were frightened.  Fred soon recognized one of the passengers but he and his boys had been pushed to the back of the crowd.

Santa brought The Sleigh to a stop and stood up.  The elves cheering stopped and they gave the Big Guy their attention.

"Ho!  Ho!  Ho!  Merry Christmas everyone!  Another year, better than the one before.  I see you have noticed I have brought a couple of visitors.  First I want to introduce my special guest, Mrs. Jesse Lincoln.  I sent an elf out this year to find a human adult with the True Christmas Spirit.  This has been a test for the last twelve years and some of our best elves have gone in search.  This year, I sent only one Elf.  He and he alone has found the spirit alive and quite well in Jesse.  As tradition holds that when there is a vacancy on the Christmas Council, I must set a problem to be solved and the one who solves 'Santa's Problem' will fill that empty seat on the council."

The elves were very excited, there had been an empty seat for a long time, but now it would be filled.  The excitement grew as they looked around for who had done this wonderful thing.

Fred told his boys to stay right where they were and moved as quickly as he could through the crowd to  Beatrice's side.  Her father scowled at him but before he could comment, Santa finished his announcement,  "Will Councilman (Councilelf sounds weird) Fred please come forward."

There was dead silence as the announcement was processed by the crowd.  Then six small cheers rang out and soon almost all the Elves were cheering, the one exception being Beatrice's father.

Fred grabbed Bea's hand and pulled her through the crowd until they stood by The Sleigh.  Santa had watched the crowd part to allow Fred to approach.

Jesse when she saw Fred laughed, "I offered him a part in our play as one of your Elves," she told Santa and the man sitting beside her.

"Ho, ho, ho.  Congratulations Fred, my friend.  You have done a wonderful job and your boys have also.  Come on up here boys we need you."

The boys soon joined their dad at The Sleigh.

"Ho, ho, ho.  Now as all of you have, I'm sure, heard, Beatrice's father said that he would approve Fred's and Beatrice's wedding when he was appointed to the Christmas Council.  Reverend Jack, would you please do the honors?"

The ceremony was quick and Mrs. Claus had been secretly working on a Wedding Feast; and so began Fred's new life as a member of the Christmas Council and as a devoted husband.


Author's Notes:
Hey look guys, see that, AUTHOR'S notes.  Uncle AC This is my second chapter so I REALLY should be an Author now, so I can roam the board at will.  Hehehe.
I hope you enjoyed my second Fred The Elf story.  I hope I get an A+ on this one too.  Let me hear from you so I can make Str8mayb and Uncles AC, Jeff, Akeetia and even Uncle TSL treat me like a real author.

Ah, no.  Just to be clear, N, O. No.  Even though this is a nice story.

Editor's Notes: Hey Str8mayb, I think Neal did a wonderful job. I think maybe we should consider his request before we make a blanket statement like "NO NO a thousand times No!" I mean, He writes pretty darn well,  In fact, I think he takes after Str8mayb. He brought tears to my eyes when I read his story.  I know he is full of...... mischief and all, but hey, weren't we all like that when we were his age?  I seriously think we should consider his request and maybe give him some extra privileges, maybe not let him roam completely free, but maybe let him have reading access to the rest of the forums.   Don't tell anyone I told you this, but I know of another 'Compound Angel' that can read the rest of the board, and he doesn't write any stories.  Dell has asked me if he could read the board too, and of course I had to tell him no.  I do sometimes let him log in as me and check out a few things that I think he should see, but he is pretty responsible, and I think Neal has been a pretty good kid lately.

Okay Neal, can I have the SD card with those pictures you took on it back now?  I did what you asked.

Darryl AKA The Radio Rancher

To quote Str8mayb, "Ah, no." Giggle.

Fort Chief Editor's Notes: Nephew Neal although you did another wonderful job writing your second story you are still a Fictional Character. We already gave you the Title of "Compound Angel" that will have to be enough.

          Thank you for reminding all of us of the true meaning of The Christmas Spirit and for that I am truly thankful.

The Story Lover.