Lynne's Miracle

Lynne's Miracle - Written By: Elsie

Here is a story sent from Elsie one of our friends from the chat:

Lynne grew up in the world of the Southern Baptist Bible Belt. She was always taught that marriage was for life. No divorces. To be a wife and mother was the best thing a woman could be.

Lynne had a fairly happy upbringing and when it came time to think about her own family and marriage, she hoped she would make the right choice. She had 2 older brothers and one older sister who got married before her and the marriages ended in divorce. Lynne vowed she wouldn't make that mistake.

The family moved to Texas when she was only nine years old. Her father was a teacher at a college and her mother was a stay at home wife. To make a little extra money she would take care of the children while the parents went to school. Lynne helped out taking care of the children and dreamed of the life she would have when it was time to have a family of her own.

When Lynne became old enough to start dating she kept in mind what she had been taught. Be careful of your choice for a husband because it is for life. She hung around with her girlfriends and a few boys but she never felt any thing other than friendship for them. Then one day a group of friends were meeting at a local youth hang out and invited her to come along.

Unknown to Lynne, her best friend also invited a few boys she had never met before. Then He walked in. A young man who was 19 years old with severe acne and Buddy Holly glasses came over and introduced himself to her. When they shook hands there was such an electrical spark you could visibly see it and they fell instantly in love. For the next two years they were always together, apart from her going to school and his job. They married when she was 18 years old and he was 21.

Lynne believed in her marriage vows she made that day and so did her husband. On the outside looking in they had a happy marriage. But it was not a happy one. Steve began drinking occasionally and was the good time boy at all social events. Right off the bat they had two boys in four years but they wanted a bunch of kids.

Her husband Steve gave into the family disease of alcoholism and crawled into a bottle for the next 12 years. He became mentally abusive towards Lynne and never missed an opportunity to put her down. Lynne knew it was the bottle that was making him like that so

she kept her vows. It was very hard for her to let the insults, put downs and extremely hurtful and nasty words go by. She knew in her heart that they loved each other madly. Their union was forever but she remembered every word. She tried very hard to still love him. The spark was still there so she always accepted his apology.

Lynne had no problem getting pregnant but with the emotional upset that was a constant in her life and Steve's drinking, she would miscarry. Every year at the magical time of the Christmas season, she would always pray for God to let her have just one more Child.

The last miscarriage she had was so bad that it made Steve sober up. All the doctors told Lynne and Steve not to count on having any more children. There was too much damage and that Lynne would not survive another pregnancy. Six bad miscarriages in twelve years were too much. But Lynne continued to pray.

Lynne had her annual physical just after Christmas was over and the New Year had started. Her question was always the same. The doctor's answer was final this time. DO NOT GET PREGNANT. IT WILL MEAN YOUR DEATH THIS TIME.

On the way home Lynne stopped at her church. She made one final prayer as she talked openly with God. It was the same prayer only this time it was a last desperate one. "Please God let me have just one more child. I am getting older and soon the time for having babies will be over." She cried her heart out and pleaded with God until she was exhausted. She had endured so much. A special group of ladies that were friends of Lynne came and helped her get home.

A few weeks went by. Everyone tried to cheer Lynne up. Her husband and now almost grown boys redid the house. Her husband even redecorated the bedroom with new furniture and a waterbed. Lynne and Steve had the kids spend the weekend with friends so that they could talk and renew their love for each other. That electrical spark between them had never gone away. As a matter of fact it had gotten stronger.

Lynne was happy. Her family and friends loved her and she loved them. Her oldest son wanted to become the best police officer he could be. Her other son wanted to be a musician and have his own band. Lynne was their biggest fan and encouraged them to realize their dreams.

They went on as families do living their lives the best they could. All was going well. Lynne had started feeling tired and her stomach was upset most of the time. Hope returned to her heart and she went to her doctor.

The news was not what she expected. He said that yes she was pregnant but probably would not carry the baby to term or she would die before the baby would be born and recommended that she terminate the pregnancy. She refused. She told her doctor this was her last chance and she would carry the baby to term and live to see the baby grow into the best person it could be.

The pregnancy was not an easy one. Lynne was in and out of the hospital. The doctor kept begging her to terminate the pregnancy but she said no. No matter how bad it got she

continued to say no.

During her last month the doctor admitted her to the hospital for the duration. Lynne's health was so bad it was touch and go whether either of them would survive.

Lynne continued to pray no matter how bad it got.

Christmas Eve came and Lynne went into labor. It had been decided that the birth would be by c-section or she would not survive the birth.

Lynne's heart stopped six times during the delivery but would always come back. They had to work very fast because the doctors didn't think she would come back a seventh time.

It was another boy. Although Lynne was not in good shape the baby was. He was as healthy as her other boys were. Lynne was in a coma.

Everyone that knew and loved Lynne were told to pray with their whole heart because that was the only chance she had. The doctors had done all they could.

On New Years Eve, Lynne opened her eyes and held her miracle for the first time. She defied the odds and had come through. She had almost given her life for this little miracle in her arms. Something she would do again if the Gods smiled on her again.

Lynne was visited the next day by her doctor. He confessed that he had gotten her mixed up with another patient and had made it impossible for her to have anymore children. She told him to undo what he had done but he said he couldn't. He had already told Steve what he had done.

Later that day Lynne was feeling good enough to have a talk with Steve.

What Lynne found out from that talk horrified her. Apparently everyone knew her doctor had a drinking problem and was drunk most of the time even when he was delivering babies. He was under probation with the medical licensing board because there were hundreds of complaints against him. Lynne would not know for two years the full account of what he had done to her.

Two years went by and Lynne had to have the first corrective surgery. Some of the stitches in her c-section scar had come undone and she was now the recipient of a fake naval. In the repair they had to amputate her navel along with most of her intestine connected to it.

Lynne began to have more and more problems so over the next ten years she was in for more corrective surgery. Her former doctor in this span of time had drank himself to death.

To this day Lynne is still having problems caused by him. More surgery is scheduled for when Lynne is able to have them. Lynne has come to realize miracles do not come free. If her loved ones had just let her know the truth about her doctor things would have been a lot different.

Lynne's husband Steve is paying for his sins also. Every time he is with Lynne he looks at all the scars from all the surgeries caused by him not being honest with her about what he knew and cries as he kisses each one.

Every painful word of this story is true.