You Ain't Santa

Chapter Twenty Eight: Man Down

For some strange reason, both Dan and I woke up about two thirty.  Something didn't seem right.  We went to check the boys on the first floor.  The boys were fine but the four animals were pacing at the front of the room.  That was something new.  I went to check on Shane and Jacob and they were asleep with Shane's left arm draped over Jacob. 

I started to go into Nate's room, but Vince and Alex were coming out, Vince asked, "What's wrong, something seems wrong?"

I answered, "Guys, we both woke up feeling the same way.  The seven youngest are sleeping.  However, the dogs and the kittens are pacing in front of the front door as if they are anticipating the arrival of someone.  I haven't seen them do that before.  I know the house is locked, because I checked it myself before I came upstairs."

Alex asked, "You did switch the intercom to the master bedroom didn't you?"

Dan answered, "Yep, but it hasn't squawked, that I've heard."

Vince shrugged, "Can we go into your bedroom and look to see if there is any activity at Homebase?  Your balcony looks directly down on it."

We went out on the balcony, even though the four of us were dressed only in our briefs, and there were lights on all over the big house.  Vince clinched his fists, "Something's happening.  We looked down the road leading to Little house, and there were three cars approaching the newly installed gate."

Alex went to the intercom, and pushed the button to talk, "Homebase what's happening?"

The response light was blinking, but we weren't hearing anything.  Alex turned the volume button, "Homebase, we haven't been receiving your transmissions because the volume was turned off on the Intercom in the master bedroom.  What's happening?"

Bruce's voice came on, "Finally, there are three cars headed your way.  Vince, you know where the rifle is, get it and be ready to stop anyone who makes it through the barrier by any means.  The Sheriff's Department and the State Police are on there way."

Vince took a deep breath, "Uncle Bruce, am I supposed the kill someone, if I have to?"

"Vince, turn on the outside spotlights if anyone gets through the barrier.  You're a good enough shot that you can incapacitate the intruders, without killing them.  Keep your eyes on what's happening at the gate.  I hear sirens approaching."

Dan and I each put on a warm-up outfit and we were watching as the people kept trying to dismantle the devices at the gate.  Finally we could see someone try to climb over the gate; the sounds that the person uttered reverberated, and we could hear the person's agony.

Vince and Alex had joined us on the balcony and we watched as a car tried to go around the gate on the left and we saw it falling in to the gulch.  We saw  flames coming from the bottom of the ravine. 

A second car rammed into the gate and the skies were lit with all kinds of flares and lights and sirens were sounding.  We watched as five vehicles with flashing lights started up the road to Little house.  We were joined by Shane and Jacob.  Jacob asked, "What's happening?"

Dan answered, "Guys, we have some intruders trying to get to some of you people.  So far, their efforts have been thwarted, and there are at least five police vehicles on their way.  The threat should be neutralized shortly."

Shane started to laugh, "Doctor Dan, you sound as if you think you're a military person.  Maybe you're in the wrong profession.  Come Jake, let's get some clothes on, so we can watch the fireworks without freezing our balls off.  There were six of us on the balcony when we were joined by the two dogs and the two kittens."

We were watching as a helicopter arrived and went into the gulch where the car had fallen when it tried to go around the gate.  While we were watching the activity, we were joined by Shawn.  He yawned, "Why didn't you answer the intercom.  Uncle Bruce wants to talk to someone?"

I went to the intercom, "What's up, Bruce?  We're all fine here.  Everyone is out on the balcony watching the activity except the four youngest boys.  They're asleep."

The four boys took that as signal to appear and Nate stretched and yawned, "What's happening, Daddy?  Why is everyone up and why are all the lights on?  It seems like the middle of the night."

I turned to the boys, "We had some people who tried to get through your gate and they didn't make it.  The police are taking them away.  Now I suggest you get back to bed."

The guys saw the kittens and the dogs on the porch and went to get them.  They were wearing only their briefs, but when they were on the balcony three more helicopters were arriving to recover the people who had gone into the gulch.

Nate decided, "Guys, we need to get some clothes on so we can watch.  We'll freeze if we don't."

I went to the Intercom, "Homebase, this is Little house.  I guess we're up for the duration."

Bruce laughed, "I heard, I don't think there will be many people going to school in the morning.  I was just informed that the F.B.I. is now involved in the case.  Not only because of the gambling syndicate, but they intercepted communications saying that they were going to kidnap Nate and Ryan.  They'll be wanting to talk to everyone in the next several days.  We need to make this as painless as possible for the boys.  Mr. Bates is even a bigger maniac than I had envisioned."

Ryan came to where I was standing, "Daddy, is it always going to be like this.  I don't like what's happening."

Bruce came on the speaker, "Ryan, this is a one time thing.  Once these bad people are put in jail, you, Nate and your Dads will be okay."

Ryan wasn't pleased, "But Uncle Bruce, why don't these people like us.  We didn't do anything to them.  Me and Nate don't have anything except two puppies, two kittens, two horses, two daddies and whole bunch of people who take care of us."

I could almost hear Bruce's mind working, "Ryan, I guess they are just jealous because you and Nate have so many people who are taking care of you."

Ryan was distracted by something that was happening, "Uncle Bruce, something's happening down below.  I need to go see what it is."

There was a pause.  Bruce asked, "Kirk, are the boys going to be okay?"

I took a deep breath, "Bruce, I'm sure they will be okay as long as people don't keep bringing up this incident.  There will be new things to take center stage.  Hopefully we can keep the boys out of the spotlight.  That might be difficult now that we have the state and federal authorities involved.  Fortunately they're young and resilient."

The conversation was interrupted by Nate, "Dad, you gotta come see what's happening.  A helicopter is taking someone out of the ditch on a stretcher.  The other helicopters are taking off and all the police cars and other cars are leaving."

The two dogs and two kittens went thundering down the stairs to claim their sleeping spaces on the sleeping bags.  I looked at the clock and it was already five thirty.  I looked at the four young guys, "Why don't you get in our bed?  We'll try to be quiet when we get ready to go to work."

Dan frowned, "But Kirkie, I was planning for a quickie before I went to work."

I went to the kitchen and started the coffee and tried to think of something different for breakfast.  I was joined by Shane, Jacob and Shawn.  "Hi guys, what would you like for breakfast. I guess you are planning to go to school today?"

Jacob giggled, "We may sleep through our classes, but at least we can say we were there.  Why don't we fix some pancakes and sausages while you old men get ready?"

I took Dan a cup of coffee and told him that we had just been called old men.  When  we went downstairs the food smelled great.  It didn't smell like pancakes at all.  It smelled like something sweet.   When Dan and I were seated the teenagers served us a blueberry waffle with two sausage patties.

We were joined by Vince and Alex, "We've been ordered to keep the four young guys here until they get the debris from last night cleared away." 

Dan departed with the three high school students while Vince and I did the dishes.  When I went past the gate, I stopped and looked to see what was so bad that the boys shouldn't see.  There was blood everywhere.  I was trying to figure out why there was blood everywhere when I was approached by a young deputy sheriff, "Excuse me, sir.  Why are you here?"

I pointed to the Little house, "That's where I live with my sons and friends."

The young sheriff grinned, "So that means you're Dr. Richter.  Why don't you just give me my A now so I don't have to sit through your boring lectures?  I've heard from my friends that you tend to put everyone to sleep.  Brandon says you're an easy mark."

I looked at the young man, "If you know Brandon, then you must be a trouble maker.  What are you doing being a Sheriff's flunkey if you're going to college?"

The young man chuckled, "You're even meaner than Will said.  Some of us weren't born with a silver spoon in our butts.  I've had to pay my way through college by working.  I have two more required courses before I can receive my degree.  Unfortunately, they are both taught only by you.  From what I understand, I'll probably need to spend all my free time preparing for your courses one at a time."

For some reason, I was liking this young man.  I looked at him, "Why don't you come to my office at the University so we can discuss this issue of how mean I am.  What is your name, anyway?  I can see by your name tag that you last name is Lane.  Do you have a first name?"

The young man laughed, "Yep, my Mom stutters so when the doctors asked what my name was to be, she answered Lane Lane.  I subsequently had my name changed to Lanny Lane to prevent confusion,"

I looked at my watch, "Lanny, I need to go.  I'll talk to you later."

I stopped at the big house to see what was happening and it seemed to be quiet.  I was about to leave when George appeared in his robe.  "Kirk, Bruce would like to speak to you if you have time."  He led me to their bedroom.  Bruce was leaned up against the head board and it was obvious that he didn't have any clothes on.

Bruce was direct, "Kirk, how did everyone take the events of last night?"

I wasn't sure what I was being asked, "Bruce, it was a different experience for all of us.  The young boys are going to be fine and the teenagers are at school as we speak.  Why did you ask?"

Bruce sighed, "I feel as if I missed the boat with this bucket of shit.  I never dreamt that he would bring in the big guys to try to kidnap the boys.  It seems that the people that were taken into custody this morning have been talking non stop and the F.B.I. has taken seven more people into custody.  There's so much happening right now that I've lost control.  I hope that this doesn't come back to  cause problems for Nate and Ryan, because of people trying to take advantage of them.  What's this notoriety going to do to the two boys?"

"Bruce, I'm sure that once we get past the initial blast of media coverage and the news becomes old hat, the boys will seem like any other farm boys in the world.  It probably would be best to not try to shield them from any attention.  They both understand what kidnapped means."

"In fact it might be good to get the initial blast of news coverage out of the way, so that the media will be more likely to lose interest in what happened here last night more quickly. It wouldn't seem as if we were trying to hide anything."

Bruce shook his head, "But won't it be hard on Ryan and Nathan to have news people hounding them."

I grinned, "They'll probably be able to handle the pressure better than us."

Bruce nodded, "George, get the bottle.  I really need to relieve my bladder."

I watched as Bruce maneuvered to the edge of the bed directly in front of where I was standing and George held the bottle as Bruce put his penis in the bottle.  He indeed did need to relieve his bladder.  Bruce commented, "It's easier to do this like this than go into the bathroom.  It's a lot easier on George's back."

I chuckled, "Bruce, if the boys' father was similarly endowed, the boys have some growing to do."

Bruce leered, "Bryce was probably a little better endowed as you call it."   

I shook my head, "I have to go.  I'll see you later.  Here's my cell number if you need me.  By the way, what is the phone number here at Belle Monte, in case I need to call?"

George walked me to the office and handed me a card with the numbers for Belle Monte.  When I arrived in my office, I was greeted by the receptionist.   "Dr. Richter, Dean Meyers would like to talk to you."

"Thanks Sandy, I'll go see what he wants."

I walked down the hall and went into the Dean Meyers' office.  His secretary looked at me, "Dr. Richter, you're certainly making a name for yourself.  I'll tell Dean Meyers that you're here."

She made a call, "Dean Meyers, the newest professor is here.  Would you like me to put the black bag over his head now or later?"

Dean Meyers was laughing, "Eleanor, we'll put the black bag on just before we take him to the firing squad.  Show the young man in."

I went in and Dean Meyers motioned for me to be seated.  I still was baffled as to why I was there.  He put his arms on his desk and put his chin on his wrist and looked at me.  "Kirk, I want the truth and nothing but the truth.  How can you do everything that you're doing?"

I threw up my hands, "Dean Meyers, I have no idea what you're referring to."

Dean smirked and leaned back in his chair and put his feet on his desk, "For starters, I was just notified that you have two more articles that are going to be published next month.  If that wasn't enough, I understand that you're now the father of two young boys.  After your name was all over the news this morning, I'm sure that students will be clamoring to get enrolled in your classes.  We may have to add more classes to your schedule."

I took a deep breath, "Dean Meyers, the only two articles that I have written that haven't been published have been rejected by the journals."

Dean Meyers started to laugh, "Well they must have been unrejected."

He got out of his chair and came around the desk to sit beside me on the sofa where I was seated, "Kirk, my wife and I had dinner last with Glenn and Marilyn Winston, their son John and his friend Bill.  Something was said about you and all of a sudden you and your sons became the main topic of discussion.  I understand that there have been a few changes in your life since last semester.  According to the news this morning, there must have been some heavy duty action at Belle Monte last night."

I started to laugh, "Dean Meyers, you sure covered a myriad of topics.  Sir, you can't imagine how my life has changed since Nathan came to see what it would be like to talk to Santa Claus."

The Dean grinned, "Heck, I'm sure you'll be able to come up with a couple of topics for journal articles out of everything that has been happening.  We need to go, I set up a staff meeting for this morning.  I want to introduce our new instructors.  I understand that you will be monitoring the activities of two of them."

I nodded, "Yes, and I am surprised to see that one of them is considerably older than me.  I can not understand why I was chosen to be his monitor."

The Dean had a sheepish grin, "Probably because he heard you were a pussycat and would be an easy mark for making sure he received good evaluations.  Let's go."

Editor's Notes:

I certainly hope that Mr. Bates gets what is coming to him.  He needs to get some very special treatment, if you know what I mean.  I am not at all fond of him. 

That might be a slight understatement.

We will just have to wait till next time to find out what will happen next, I hope it won't be long.

Darryl AKA The Radio Rancher