The Michaels' Family: Book One - We Saw Daddy Kissing Santa Claus

Chapter Thirty Seven: What's Your Name?

When Cowboy turned off the phone, it was as if that was the signal for everyone to disappear.  Justin and Wayne left for their apartment, as did Ross and Rosa.  Dusty and Mimi decided to go to the furniture store to look for things for the nursery at the other house.  They wanted David to go with them, but he asked not to go.  "I need to stay here and make sure that everyone does their homework."

Everyone had disappeared.  Cowboy, looked at me, "I guess no one loves us.  Let's go to our room and cry ourselves to sleep."

When we walked through the family room, Ramsey, Tad, and Jacob were sitting at the game table doing their homework, and David had crayons; he was doing something at the coffee table.

We went to the master suite and Hank looked at me, "I guess it's too early to play any games in bed, so I'm going to go see if I can finish the newest game.  Why don't you come keep me company?  Better leave the door open, in case someone comes looking for us."

It wasn't too long before we had our first visitor.  Kevin came in, "Hi, Dads, I'm home.  Chris and Chase would like to speak to you."

Cowboy had the funniest look on his face. "Well, tell them to come on up.  If you have your homework done, why don't you check out this program and tell me what's missing.  I know it's lacking something, but I can't decide what it is."

We were joined in the suite by five guys.  Hank looked around, "Where are Tad and Ramsey?"

David answered, "Ramsey's helping Tad with his homework."

Hank looked at David, "Don't you mean that Tad is helping Ramsey?"

Jacob shook his head, no, "David was correct.  Ramsey is helping Tad with his Algebra.  Ramsey's a whiz in math, so it would seem."

Kevin motioned, "David and Jacob come help me check out Dad Hank's new program, while the Dads talk to Chase and Chris.  We'll shut the door if you would prefer."

Chris shook his head, "That won't be necessary.  What we want to talk about is nothing bad or private."

The four of us went into the sitting area and Hank looked at the two guys, "Chase and Chris, unless I miss my guess, you want to talk about what happened at lunch today.   Please be assured, that neither Stevie nor I had any idea what was going to happen."

I nodded, "Chase, as I told Chris on the way back to the office today, I think the parties involved are all feeling a little guilty for what happened to the two of you, especially Chris.  They are just trying to make sure that you only have the best.  Please listen and accept any help they offer you graciously.  Believe me, I don't think that they are trying to buy your love or respect.  I think that the parties involved are intelligent enough to know that won't work."

Hank took over, "I've known your Grandmother for sometime and once she makes up her mind to something, she charges like a mad bull.  Unless I miss my guess, she is having second thoughts as to how she handled the situation today.  I'm sure she thought you had some inclination about Mr. Farway wanting to pay for your educations.  There is also another thing they want to do that wasn't mentioned today.  They want to …."

Ramsey and Tad came into the room and Ramsey started, "Where is everyone else?"

"They're in the office trying to help me with a game that I'm trying to get ready to put on the market.  Why don't you guys go check on them while we finish talking to Chris and Chase?"

"Look, Mr. Rodgers, we know when you're trying to get rid of us.  We weren't born yesterday."

Chris and Chase were sitting laughing at Ramsey's antics.  After Ramsey and Tad disappeared into the office, Hank continued, "Chris and Chase, your Dad and Mr. Phillips suggested that they would like to adopt Ramsey if they could."

Chase looked totally befuddled, "Why would they even suggest something like that?  They don't even really know him."

Chris shook his head, "Chase, I think you're wrong.  They recognize that Ramsey is a survivor to be able to do what he did to provide for himself.  There's probably more that we don't know about.  It's none of our business unless they come to us and ask our opinion.  Mr. Rodgers and Mr. Michaels, there is one other thing that we would like to talk about."

I was gaining even more respect for Chris, "What else is on your mind?"

Chris sucked in his breath, "This has nothing to do with anyone but me.  I would like permission to live at the house on the hill.  That way Chase would be free to have guests into his room and not have to worry about me."

Hank interrupted, "Chris, I would rather you not do that right now.  If you were to be living at the house on the hill, then Ramsey would insist that he could live there also.  If you were to be at college and something were to happen to him, there would be no one there to help him."

The conversation was interrupted by sounds coming from the office, "No, you dorks, no one is going to buy a dumb game like that.  Here let me show what needs to happen."

We followed Hank as he went to see what was happening and Ramsey was sitting at the console, frantically typing away.   Ramsey turned to Kevin and Jacob, "Now try this while David, Tad and I take our showers.  We'll meet you in the kitchen for dessert as soon as we're finished."

The three young guys went into our bedroom and David announced, "We're going to take a shower together, to save water." 

Hank and I watched as they shed their clothes and went into the shower.  Hank looked at me and whispered, "There sure are some beautiful young males in this house.  Now let's see how Ramsey wrecked the game."

When we went into the office, Jacob and Kevin were intent on the game.  Kevin looked at us, "I don't know what Ramsey did, but this game is going to sell like hotcakes in the middle of winter.  Here you try it while I go take my shower with the guys."

Jacob announced, "I'm going to go relieve Tim.  I'll see you tomorrow."

Cowboy sat down and started the game and I decided to go check the four guys.  Kevin was drying David, "Go get some briefs and some pajama bottoms on and I'll meet you in the kitchen.  We'll get the dessert ready for when everyone is done playing around."

I went to check on Hank and he was sitting there shaking his head, "I don't know what Ramsey did, but boy was Kevin right.  The gamers are going eat this game up."

We went down to the kitchen and the six guys were eating some mini cheese cakes that someone had made, so Hank and I joined them.  We had just finished when Tim arrived.  He looked at Hank and me and asked, "Might I talk to the two of you alone for just a minute?"

Kevin stood, "We know when we have been dismissed, we're going to bed.  Tim, you get to do the dishes."

The other six guys disappeared and Tim sat down with us, "This is all so confusing.  I don't know how I should address the two of you."

Hank patted Tim on the arm, "Tim, you may address us however you would like.  Now, I know that's not what you wanted to talk about."

"Uncle Hank, you need to get Danny out of that hospital.  He hates it there.  He feels as if he is in a prison.  He doesn't want to have people coming to take care of him all of the time."

Hank nodded, "Tim, Dr. Harrison warned us that Danny was going to resent being isolated.  Even though someone has been with him constantly, he is bound to feel as if we are babying him.  Danny is doing remarkably well and might be able to come home next week."

Tim nodded.

Cowboy asked, "Tim, there is something else bothering you, isn't there."

Tim took a deep breath, "Dad Hank, I received two calls from two different universities today asking me to come visit.  They are interested in offering me full scholarships to attend their universities.  Could one or both of you go with me on the visits?"

Hank stood, "Tim, do you realize that you just called me Dad Hank?

You arrange the visits and I can assure that either Stevie or I or both of us will accompany you.  I want to remind you that you do not need a scholarship to be able to go to college.  Your Dad and I have made sure that you and Tad will be able to attend any school of your choice."

Tim hugged us as he left and Hank looked at me, "Steve, I think we had better go to bed.  We have two house closings tomorrow and a basketball game to attend.  With the way things are happening, who knows what else is going to happen."

Hank and I went to get ready for bed after we played in the shower.  It's a good thing that the ranches were connected to the county sewer lines because the septic tanks would have been clogged otherwise.

Hank woke me the next morning just as it was beginning to get daylight, "Steve, let's go run.  It may be a little cool, but I just feel the need to go run."

So we did.  We had sweatpants and hoodies on and went for a leisurely run with the four dogs at our sides.

When we got back to the house, we were met by David, "Where have you been?  We've been worried sick about you.  We thought someone came and took you away, since we couldn't find the dogs either.  Breakfast is ready.  Uncle Chris, Uncle Wayne and my Daddy have already gone to the office and Granddad has gone to make sure that Jacob gets something to eat before he goes to school.  We'll see you later; Kevin is going to take Ramsey and me to school."

Hank looked at the clock, "It can't be 8:00 o'clock already."

Rosa looked at us, "I'm afraid so.  Breakfast was over a half hour ago, so I guess you will just have to go hungry.  Sit your butts down and eat.  This is probably the only decent meal that you will eat today."

When I arrived at the office, I was greeted by Chris, "I'm so glad that Your Royal Highness could join us today.  Your first client is waiting in your office.  I told her that you were meeting with the production staff."

I walked into the office and Flo was sitting there.  I had no idea what this meeting was about, so I pretended as if she was a new client.  "Mrs. Baker, I understand that you wish to speak with me."

"Cut the crap, Steve, I came to talk about the boys.  Ron told me that I came on too strong yesterday.  I am upset with me, and the entire situation.  Chris and Chase need to be able to enjoy the rest of their lives.  I may not agree with Chase's chosen lifestyle, but I'll still support him.  I feel so guilty that I didn't know about the two guys until now.  I probably should not have interfered, but I felt that I needed to talk to Brent."

"Mrs. Baker, Hank and I have already spoken with the two young men and explained that we were sure that you were offering your services not out of pity but that you wanted for Chase and Chris to be able to enjoy a better life.  I commend you, but I just wish that you could have let Brent spring the fact that he was going to pay for the boys' college education on them.  I don't know how much you have talked to Brent, but he wants to do some other things as well.  Hank and I talked at length with Chase and Chris last night and I think they will be fine."

Flo looked at me, "Why don't you get that cute Dustin person in here and we can talk about the advertising campaign that we are going to conduct once Sleazeball is out of the picture.  Tell Cowboy to be ready to prosecute when Mr. Young and Mr. Freeman get done examining the books."

Fortunately, the remainder of the morning was relatively quiet.  After a boring lunch, things began to pick up.  Hank arrived just before the Hamiltons.  After the paperwork for the sale of my home was signed, I felt as if a part of my life had been taken away from me.

After the Hamiltons had departed, Hank hugged me, "Look, lover, we have more important things to think about than the past.  I'm going to go pick up David and Ramsey and bring them here while we complete the paperwork for the Clark house with the Harrisons."

It was about three fifteen when Chris stuck his head in the door, "Mr. Michaels, Dr. Harrison is on the phone.  He says it is urgent that he talk to you."

I picked up the phone thinking he was backing out of the deal to buy the Clark place, "This is Steve Michaels."

"Steve, there has been a horrible accident.  A van taking children home from school was broadsided and twelve children were badly injured.  I need to be here to help attend to them.  Is there any way that you could meet with my wife and me here at he hospital to sign the paperwork for the house?"

"Doctor, my lawyer and I will be there as soon as he gets back.  He went to pick up the young'uns from school."

"Good, my wife is doing the same thing.  See you shortly."

I collected the paperwork that Hank had on the table and went to tell Chris and Dusty what was happening.  When Hank arrived with Ramsey and David, I met them, "We need to go to the hospital.  There has been an accident and Dr. Harrison can't get away.  His wife is going to meet us there."

Ramsey laughed, "Hi Chris, goodbye Chris, see you later Chris."

I threw the keys to the car to Chris, "We'll see you later.  Make sure Wayne gets home."

When we got to the hospital, we met Mrs. Harrison in the parking garage with her two sons.  The boys knew each other from the swim party so they were fine.  Mrs. Harrison took us to her husband's office and the receptionist notified Doctor Harrison that we were there.  We had the receptionist witness the signatures and the Harrison's handed me the check.

When the business was completed, the Doctor looked at us, "Hank, I know that you wanted Danny in a private room, but because of the terrible accident, we are rather short of beds.  I okayed putting a young man about Danny's age in Danny's room at least for the time being until another bed opens up."

I could tell that Hank was not pleased, but he said nothing.  David looked at Doctor Harrison, "As long as he's wearing a mask like everyone else, Danny will be fine."

After the transaction had been completed, and Mrs. Harrison and her two sons had departed with the keys to their new home, I had another sizeable check in my possession that needed to be deposited.

David was chomping at the bit to go see Danny, so we went to the change room to get suited up for our visit.  When we were properly outfitted, we went into Danny's room and there was a young man with his left leg in traction and his left arm had a cast from his wrist to elbow.  The most noticeable thing was that his face and head were almost totally covered."

David asked, "What happened to that boy?"

Danny shrugged, "He can't talk, so I don't know.  He just got here."

David went to look at the boy close, "What's your name?" 

The boy mumbled something, but it was unintelligible. Ramsey looked at the boy, "Can you show us your name with your fingers?"

The boy very gently nodded his head and formed an "L" with the thumb and pointer finger of his left hand.  David correctly identified the letter.  The young man was ingenious in that he figured a way to spell out the letters, "i", "o", "n", "e" and "l". 

David looked at Ramsey, Ramsey asked, "Is your name Lionel?"

The young man nodded yes.  David asked, "Lionel what?"

The young man nodded yes.  David wasn't satisfied, "What's your last name?  Spell it for us"

The young man started to use his fingers again and spelled "W", "a"  "t", "t", "s".

David looked at Ramsay, "He has the same last name as you."

Ramsey started to stutter, "I-I-I  th-th-think h-h-he's mm-m-my br-bro-o-ther."

Ramsey went and looked at the boy closely, "Lionel, do you know who I am?"

The boy nodded his head, yes.

Editor's notes:

Well when I received this chapter from E Walk, I saw what I thought was an interesting message:  

Bombs A





That really does sort of sum it up pretty well, and even then, I wasn't quite expecting it.  I wonder why we hadn't seen Lionel before. I sure hope he will be alright.  Ramsey is probably pretty shook up about finding his brother all cracked up, and in the hospital.  Just when you think things are going pretty smoothly, everything gets thrown into the mix master and stirs things up.

Does this count as a cliffhanger?  I think it is as close as I want to get to one.

I wonder if the guy that rammed into the bus was drunk. Not that I care all that much, but I wonder if he was killed in the crash.

It IS rather ironic to realize that quite often drunk drivers, who cause terrible crashes, come out if it with little to no damage to themselves.  Massive car pile ups have occurred where bunches of people are killed, and the person who caused it has little to show that they were in an accident. Strangely, I am not going to linger on this point, except to say that I hope the driver survives, but that he is pretty much a vegetable and that he was quite well insured.  I also hope that he is held completely responsible for the crash and is made to pay for all expenses involved with the people in the bus. 

Of course, since Cowboy has become involved with Ramsey, and of course, by association, now, with Lionel, he will take it upon himself to make sure that things will be taken care of, properly.

Of course, all this is pure speculation on my part. I have no advanced knowledge on all this. I will just have to wait for the next chapter like everyone else.  Of course, I won't have to wait quite as long as the rest of you, because it has to go through me before it gets posted, but hey life isn't always fair, is it?

Darryl AKA The Radio Rancher