The Michaels' Family: Book One - We Saw Daddy Kissing Santa Claus

Chapter Forty: Taming the Car Salesman

Lunch turned out be a nice quiet affair.  There was no business discussed other than what type of vehicle Chris and Chase wanted.

Judge Baker offered his two cents.  "Guys, we can spend the day looking, and then you can make up your minds."

Chris suggested, "Why don't we go to the nearest car dealer and see what's available?  I just want a basic car that will get me from point A to point B and back."

Chase shrugged his shoulders, "I guess I probably should get a truck, since I will be working at the ranches.  There may be times when I will need to pick up feed and other supplies."

Hank disagreed with both guys ideas. "Chris, you may have occasion to do things other than go from point A and point B, so I suggest that you look for something practical yet comfortable."

"Chase, we have a truck at the ranch to take care of doing the type of things you mentioned.  You don't need to let your job at the ranch be an influence in choosing a vehicle.  I suggest you go for the fanciest vehicle you can find, so we can watch Flo and Judge Baker cry as they go broke."

Flo looked up, "Cowboy, we may bend, but we aren't going to break.  Can I get anyone some dessert?"

There were no takers.  Wayne, Justin, Cowboy and Jeremy followed Flo to the office area and the others of us exited the restaurant and climbed into Judge Baker's van, since it had the most seating space.  Brent was sitting in the front passenger seat.  I climbed in the back so that Chris and Chase could be seated behind Judge Baker and their Father.

We stopped at the first new car dealership that we saw and it happened to be a Toyota dealership.  It wasn't the dealership where I bought the twins' Christmas presents, though.

When we walked into the showroom, everyone was standing around talking, and no one paid any attention to us.  Chris and Chase were looking around at the cars and the stickers on the window.  Judge Baker whispered, "I don't have a very good feeling about this place.  No one seems interested in dealing with the two guys."

Brent went to the receptionist, "Miss, do you suppose you might get someone to help us?  We are looking to buy two cars."

The receptionist announced over the public address system, "We have to two people looking to buy a car.  Would two sales associates please meet the parties at the reception desk?"

We were quickly joined by two gentlemen who were dressed as if they were going to go play golf.  "Hi, I'm Dan Myers and this is Rollin Nails."

Brent looked at the two guys, "It's not us who are looking for cars; it's the two young men over there."

The sales associates looked to see whom Brent was pointing at and their shoulders drooped.  They walked up to Chris and Chase, "Gentlemen, how can you help you?"

Chris was astute enough to ask, "Can we see the rest of your inventory.  There is nothing here in the show room that appeals to us."

The Nails person said, "These are the best deals we have.  The red Avalon over there is reduced for quick sale."

Chase looked at the two men, "Chris said that there was nothing in the showroom that we were interested in.  Neither of us is looking for anything as big as the red car and neither of us want a red car.  Since you don't seem to want our business, we'll go elsewhere.  Judge Baker, is their another Toyota dealership where they might be willing to deal with two teenagers.  It's obvious that these gentlemen don't seem to want our business."

I answered before Judge Baker could, "I found the salespeople at Performance Toyota to be most helpful.  That's where I bought our three vehicles.  It's about a twenty minute drive."

The two salesmen started to follow us as we started to walk to the entrance.  The Myers person rushed in front of us, "Gentlemen, I'll be glad to show you around the lot.  I'm sure we can beat any deal that you might be able to get at the other dealership."

Chris turned around, "For starters, sir, you and you other sales associates might have the courtesy to greet the prospective customers at the door, instead of making them beg for help.  Quite frankly, sir, I will recommend to all my friends that they not come here."

Brent leaned over and whispered, "I've got one feisty son there.  I'm glad to see that you train your employees well."

When we were in the van, Chase spoke, "If we don't get better treatment at the next dealership, then I suggest that we call off the great car hunt for today."

Judge Baker spoke, "Guys, this is where I would have suggested that we go in the first place.  I have been dealing with the company even before they moved into this new facility.  I know the owner.  We may not be the best of friends, but we know each other."

I wanted to ask what he meant by that comment but refrained.

As soon as we walked into the showroom, we were met by a young man who had on a dark blue dress shirt with a nice tie.  He looked at us, "I'm Kent Dodd.  Mr. Michaels, it's good to see you again.  I trust the sons are enjoying their new vehicles."

I made the introductions and the young man shook the hands of the four people he didn't know.  Kent asked, "What are you gentlemen looking for, today?

Judge Baker answered, "Kent, the two young men are looking for reliable transportation to get back and forth to work and to school.  They just found out that they were getting new vehicles at the insistence of their Grandmother.  They're not really sure what they're looking for."

Kent asked, "So we're talking two vehicles then.  Would you like for me to get another sales associate?"

Chris shook his head, "Why don't you work with the two of us?"

Kent smiled, "Well then, why I don't I walk you around the show room and explain the features of the vehicles that are on display.  Then we can go to the lot and look at the inventory that is available, so you can find your dream vehicles."

The three of us stood and watched as Kent walked Chris and Chase around the display floor.  He was talking and every so often one of the guys would ask a question. Kent went to get a jacket so they could go outside.  It didn't take the guys long to decide on a vehicle they wanted to test drive.

Chris looked at Kent, "Will it make a difference if I don't have my driver's license, yet?"

Kent shook his head, "As long as you have a learner's permit you will be covered by our insurance.  Let me go get the keys to the vehicles and plates and we'll take the cars for a test drive."

He took off running as the two guys were looking at the vehicles.  Chris looked at Judge Baker, "Sir, are you sure you want to do this?"

"Chris, your Grandmother and I are sure."

Kent came running back; he handed a set of keys to Chase and one to Chris.  He handed them each a license plate.  Place the plate in rear window,

The guys went to do as they were told.  Kent turned to me, "Why don't you go with Chase, since you have a car similar to the one he is driving and will be able to answer his questions.  I'll go with Chris.  We'll go to a park and play musical cars.  That way I can answer any questions the gentlemen might have."

Kent and Judge Baker crawled in with Chris so that left me and Brent to go with Chase.  Chase carefully followed the car that Chris was driving.  We went to the interstate and drove through a congested area with stop and go traffic and then pulled into a park.  After playing musical cars, I was riding with Chris as Chase and Kent led us back to the dealership.  He had Chase pulled into an area right outside the entrance.  I had Chris pull into the space next to the other car."

As we exited the cars, Kent asked, "Well guys what did you think?  Would like to look at other cars?"

Chris spoke, "Mr. Dodd, I'd like to talk to Granddad Baker before we make a decision."

Kent nodded, "I'll meet you inside."

Chris asked, "Granddad, are you positive that you and Grandma Flo really want to do this?"

Judge Baker put his arms around Chris and Chase's shoulders, "After today, I'm absolutely one hundred percent sure that we want to do this.  The question is: would you be happy with these two vehicles?"

Both guys nodded.  Judge Baker looked at us, "It's time to go bargain."

When we walked in, an older man was talking to Kent.  He looked at us, "Here come d'judge.  Kent, double the prices on the cars.  I need to get even with the Judge for all the money he has stolen from me on the golf course.  Make sure you get a good commission to help pay to feed your ten starving kids."

Kent was laughing, "But Dad, I'm not even married yet.  We're not getting married until June.  Guys, ignore my Dad.  What have you decided?"

Chris was chuckling, "We were going to buy them, but now that your Daddy has threatened to jack up the prices, I guess we'll go and see if we can get a better deal from your competitor.  We'll take 'em if you can give us a fair deal."

The older man who obviously was Mr. Dodd, "Ron, fine this kid for being in contempt of court."

"Roy, I can't fine my own grandson."

Mr. Dodd looked a little stunned, "Kent, triple the price of the cars if the Judge's grandsons are involved.  Kent, I'll take them into my office so we can make sure they aren't stealing us blind while you get the invoices for the two vehicles in question.  We'll meet you there."

When we got to the owner's office, Mr. Dodd opened the refrigerator, "Would anyone like a soda or juice?"

We each chose a drink and Kent came in with the two invoices.  He and his Dad went through the invoices and Mr. Dodd wrote down a figure.  "Guys, this is the bottom line.  This is the best we can do."

He handed the piece of paper to Chris. Chris looked at it and visibly gulped.  He handed it to Chase who didn't react at all.  He handed it to Judge Baker who looked at it.  "Roy, we'll take the vehicles, but you had better be ready to pay me back tomorrow on the golf course.  The cost for losing a hole went from five to ten bucks.  I suppose you would like the payment in pennies?"

Kent took charge, "I'll prepare the paperwork while the two old men haggle over their golf game.  Guys, we'll service your cars on Monday. They will definitely be ready for you to pick on Monday, say after three o'clock.  I'll be here from noon to six since I have classes all morning.

As we were leaving, Mr. Dodd called after us, "Ron, we'll meet you at church in the morning and then we can have breakfast at the club before our tee time at eleven."

As we were driving back to the Basket to get our cars, Chris spoke, "Granddad, I don't know what else to say except, thank you."

Chase added, "Me too, sir."

"Grandsons, it was our pleasure."

When we arrived at the Bread Basket, the only cars that were there were the my Towncar and the truck that Justin and Wayne were riding in.

I said out loud, "I wonder how the audit is going?"

Judge Baker answered, "Well, let's go see.  It looks like it's a quiet afternoon."

Wayne and Justin were just coming out of the office and Wayne was saying, "Flo, your partner has been skimming the profits big time.  I suggest that you change the banking accounts before he returns on Monday, so he doesn't have access to them.  I suggest that you also change the locks so he will be unable to get in.  I would advise that you not talk about this to anyone who might be associated with him.  We'll return tomorrow if you want us to."

"Guys, thank you.  I should have realized much sooner what he was doing.  Cowboy tried to tell me to be more careful, but I wouldn't listen.  I guess I'll be seeing you tomorrow afternoon for a picnic from what Elaine tells me.  Oh, there are the guys who were going on the great car buying spree.  How did you guys make out?"

Chris spoke first, "It was a complete disaster.  We stopped at the first dealership, and they didn't even want to talk to us because we were poor orphans.  When we got to the second place, Granddad made the owner so mad that he tripled the price on the cars.  The  owner finally relented when Granddad told him that he had to pay him $10.00 per hole that you won on the golf course in the morning."

Flo was standing there with her hands on her hips.  "Did you get cars or did you not?"

Chase answered, "Grandma, Granddad beat us until we relented and he bought us the cheapest cars we could buy.  We can't pick them up until Monday.  They need to make sure that the Silly Putty that is holding them together has time to dry."

Flo looked at Brent, "Farway, these monsters must be just like you.  You need to take them and teach them some manners.  Of course, if they are going to around Cowboy and Stevie very much, you're fighting a losing battle."

We said good-bye and I had Chris drive back to the ranch.  As we were almost to the ranch, we could see David, Ramsey and Tad riding in one area and Tim, Kevin and Jacob appeared to be returning from the other ranch.  When Tad saw us, he came galloping on his horse to where Chris was parking the car. 

Tad shouted, "Chase, Freddie the Freeloader would like for you to call him.  He wants to know if you want to do something tonight?  His number is on the pad in the stable."

Chase looked at Hank, "Mr. Rodgers, would there be a problem if I did something with Freddie?  I will need to borrow some money."

Hank looked at him. "Chase, why are you asking me, and why would you need to borrow some money?  Ross brought the paychecks by; they're in the house."

Tad decided to give Chase a difficult time.  "Of course you can go, Chase, but you need to have Freddie bring his sister along so she and Chris can make sure you and Freddie behave yourselves.  Of course, you realize there is a curfew of nine o'clock, here at the ranch, right, Dad Hank?  Do you want me to call Freddie and tell him to be here at eight with Michelle?"

Everyone was laughing at Tad's antics.  Chris spoke, "Tad, the next thing you'll be telling us is that this Michelle is so ugly that she has to wear a paper bag over her head."

The other three guys had arrived and had been listening to the conversation.  Tim was laughing, "Chris, you're close, but no cigar.  Michelle was the Homecoming Queen this year and is the head of the cheerleading squad.  In fact, you've already seen her at the guys' basketball games.  I also know that she and her boyfriend broke up this week.  Chase, why don't you give Freddie a call and perhaps all five of us couples could do something together tonight."

Chris asked, "Don't I get a say?"

The four high school students shook their heads no and Kevin answered, "Definitely not."

We followed Chase to the stable and listened to his conversation, Someone obviously answered, because Chase started to talk, "This is Chase Farway, may I speak with Fred, please. … Hi Freddie, Tad said you wanted me to call. … That sounds like fun.  The guys suggested that I see if Michelle would be interested in going out with my brother, Chris. … Great.  Here, Tim wants to talk to you. …"

Tim took the phone, "Hi Freddie, why don't we quintuple date tonight? …  Why don't we meet at your house and we can make plans and go from there.  We'll pick up the other girls so why don't we plan to meet at 7:30?  … Great, see you then."

Chris threw up his hands, "Guys, you do realize that I have never been on a date before, don't you?"

Tad giggled, "Just do what Tim does. He's the expert.  Now let's get the horses squared away and get something to eat."

Editor's Notes:

It looks to me as if Chris is going to get lessons in a lot of things.  The funny thing is that everyone is acting the exact same way that Cowboy used to act and that everyone complained about.  It is funny how things change when the shoe is on the other foot, so to speak. 

I also noticed that we didn't get any news about Danny's condition. I hope he is still doing well and that he can be coming home soon. 

That first car dealership really had a bunch of fools working there.  They had a good chance of selling two very nice vehicles and because they saw two youngsters, they figured that they weren't going to make enough profit on them and treated them poorly.  Guess who lost on that deal.

I think grandma's partner is going to be in for a big surprise when he gets back.

Did I cover everything? Probably not, but, oh well, I am ready for another chapter.

Darryl AKA The Radio Rancher