A Christmas Wish For 2017

A Christmas Wish For 2017

"Gibby? Wake up! It's Christmas!"

Gilbert Morrison rolled over in bed and opened his eyes. The room was only just light, the first glow of dawn seeping in beneath the window shade. Beside him, the dark shadow of his younger brother, Albert, was poised at the edge of the bed, his eyes just visible in the new light.

Gilbert groaned, imagining the hour. "Come on, Allie! It's too early to get up!"

The shadow pressed closer, and when Allie's voice came again, it was a whisper. "But...he came, Gibby! He came!" The excitement in his brother's voice was plain. "I wished...and he came!"

Gilbert sighed. He was too old to believe in Santa. But Allie was only seven, and the real world had yet to intrude into his vision of life. "How do you know he came, Allie? Did you see him?"

"No. I heard his voice. Like in a dream. Him and momma, talking."

Gilbert sighed. "You heard him talking? To mom? Come on, Allie."

"I did hear him!" the younger boy insisted. "He was telling momma he didn't think he was going to make it, but he did. And now he's here!"

Gilbert squeezed his eyes shut, and for just a moment wished he could go back to sleep. Yes, it was Christmas day. And there would be presents, and Grandma and Grandpa would call from Albany, and mom would do the best she could to make everyone happy. Gilbert had already decided that he would make the best of it, because dad would want him to, and would be annoyed with him if he didn't.

"You'll be the man of the house while I'm gone," his dad had said. "I want you to look after your mom, and your brother. You hear me?"

Gilbert had nodded, trying not to be upset. "Yes. But...why do you have to go now, dad? Next week is Christmas!"

His father had frowned. "My unit was deployed. I have to go." And then the man had bent low, and placed his hands on Gilbert's shoulders. "You wouldn't want me to shirk my duty, would you, son?"

Gilbert had looked up into those eyes and shaken his head, not even sure what shirk meant, but being able to tell from the tone of his father's voice that it wasn't something he wanted to do. "No, dad. It's just...it's Christmas."

"I know, Gil. I know." His dad had brushed a hand quickly across his eyes, and then smiled. "I'll...I'll make it up to you guys, I promise. As soon as I can get back, we'll have a big Christmas, just our own. Okay?"

Gilbert had nodded, because he knew in his heart that it was hard for his dad to be going, and he didn't really want to make it worse for him. So when his dad had gathered him close, Gilbert had hugged him for all he was worth, because he also knew that sometimes dad's that wore uniforms could go away, and never come back home, ever again. It had happened to his friend Buddy. Buddy's dad had been deployed, and the experience had been a permanent one.

And then, the fact that it was Christmas seemed not so important. That his father was going away, did.

"You'll be careful, dad?"

The man had laughed. "I'll be careful."


"Yep. I promise."

Gilbert had finally managed a small smile. "I love you."

"I love you too, son."

And then he had gone. Mom didn't know exactly where, or if she did, she wasn't telling. And the days had passed, and then Christmas Eve had come, and there was still no word.

As they had sat before the fire, Albert had announced that he had a wish for Santa. Mom had smiled, and asked him what it was, but Albert had said it was a secret wish. "Do you think it's too late to ask Santa?" Albert wanted to know.

Mom had shaken her head. "It's never too late to ask Santa, honey. It doesn't matter where he is, he'll hear." Gilbert had given a little grunt, like yeah, right!, and mom had immediately prodded him. "Isn't that so, Gil? No matter where Santa is, he'll hear the wish."

There was a certain amount of steel in the request for confirmation, and Gilbert had not missed the warning. And on top of that, he heard his dad's voice in the back of his mind, once again admonishing him to take care of your brother.

So he had sighed, and nodded. "That's right, Allie. No matter where he is, he'll hear, and he'll come."

Allie had smiled, and squeezed his eyes shut, and his lips had moved, and then he had nodded. "I said it. I said the wish. And Santa heard me, and now it'll come true."

Mom had smiled, and given Albert a little squeeze, and cast a warning glance at Gilbert while his brother was happily getting his hug. Don't spoil it for him.

Amazing the things parents could say with just their eyes.

And now here it was, the crack of dawn, and Albert was already up, and being a pain in the butt.

Allie plucked at Gilbert's covers, and pulled them down, letting in the morning chill and killing off the last chance that Gilbert had of getting back to sleep. The younger boy grabbed at his arm and pulled. "You have to come, Gibby. Come see!"

"Awww!" Gilbert groaned, but allowed himself to be drawn from bed. He gave a little shudder as his bare feet hit the cold floor. "Darn it, Allie! It's too early!"

"No it's not! You said Santa would hear my wish, and he would come. And he's here now. I heard him!"

Gilbert shook his head, but nodded. Better to get this over with now. If he didn't go along, his brother would keep up the commotion and wake mom, and after all the things that had happened lately it seemed unfair to wake her early on Christmas day, too.

Allie pulled, leading Gilbert down the hallway towards the living room. A soft glow came through the doorway, from the little lights on the tree, which Albert had insisted on leaving on so that Santa could see his way.

As they neared the doorway Gilbert heard the low murmur voices, and slowed, looking at Albert in surprise.

"I told you!" Allie whispered. "My wish came true! He's here!"

Gilbert stared at the boy, for just a second wondering. The voices were soft, hard to understand, but one sounded definitely like mom. And the other voice sounded like a man.

Mom...talking to Santa? No way!

Gilbert crept forward to the doorway and peered around the jamb. Two people were sitting on the sofa before the Christmas tree.

"...it was just the biggest mess, honey. We no sooner go to the airfield at Stewart when they told us that our part in the operation was canceled. No need for our expertise, they said." A soft and familiar chuckle reached Gilbert's ears. "Captain Hansen signed our leave papers so fast the paper was scorched. I hitched a ride with transport to La Guardia, and then just about killed a cab driver getting back here in time!"

It couldn't be. Gilbert stepped into the room, peering intently at the two people on the sofa.

"I told you!" Albert yelled, overjoyed. "He's here!"

The two people turned at the sound of his voice, and Gilbert stared at their faces.

One was mom...and the other was...not Santa.


Gilbert raced forward. His father came to his feet, and the boy threw himself into the man's outstretched arms. There was noise now, the sounds of voices all about as everyone talked at one time. Albert yipped and hollered and hugged his dad down low, while Gilbert buried his face in the warm spot beneath his dad's jaw and hugged with all his might.

His dad hugged him back, and kissed his cheek, and in another moment shifted Gilbert to one arm and pulled Albert up alongside him, and hugged them both together. Gilbert's eyes ran, and he sniffed, and it was all he could do not to just break down and cry.

Finally, his dad laughed, and Gilbert pulled back and grinned at him. "You're here!"

"I did it!" Albert immediately pronounced. "I wished to Santa you'd come home, and you did!"

Gilbert gaped at his little brother. "That was your secret wish?"

Albert looked delighted. "Uh huh."

Mom laughed, and gave Gilbert a nudge. "And you didn't believe."

Gilbert was stunned. It couldn't be that!

"It was a good wish, son," Dad said, smiling down at Albert. "It certainly worked for me!"

Gilbert stared at his little brother, who simply smiled at him. "It's Christmas, Gibby!"

Yes. Yes it was.

The best Christmas, ever.