You Ain't Santa

Chapter Thirty Seven: The Old Curve Ball

On Tuesday morning, I took Nate and Ryan to the big house so they could attend school.  I was running late, so I didn't really have a chance to talk to anyone.  My seminar class was packed and there wasn't an empty seat.  I looked and President Armstrong was sitting beside Dean Meyers.  I thought to myself, 'Oh crap, I'm in trouble.'

I explained to the class what had transpired since I had last seen them and asked how they thought we should proceed, considering what they already knew about Ryan and Nate.  The discussions were lively and heated, to say the least.  I was walking around listening to the discussions as were President Armstrong and Dean Meyers.

After the groups explained their opinions, I announced, "The hearing on the custody of Nathan and Ryan is this afternoon at two o'clock.  I'm sorry, but I need to go."

I was just about the last person to get to the courtroom, and I hadn't even had lunch.  When I entered, Dad Thornton motioned for me to come to the defendants' table where Ryan and Nathan were sitting with Bruce and Dad Thornton.  As soon as I sat down, Ryan crawled in my lap and whispered, "Daddy, please don't let them make me stop talking again."

I looked at the two boys and their sweatshirts said, We're the sons of Dr. Richter and don't you forget it.

The bailiff stood, "Please rise for the Honorable Judge Smiley."

After the judge was seated, the bailiff announced, "Judge Smiley, this case is a request from a Mr. and Mrs. Leach, asking that they be granted the custody of their grandsons, Nathan and Ryan Holloway, and all of their holdings."

Before the judge could say anything, Nathan jumped up, "Judge Smiley, me and Ryan don't understand what's happening.  Judge Winston said that our Dad was Dr. Richter.  We don't have any grandparents by the name of Leach.  If you make us go with those people, Ryan is going to stop talking again, and we'll run away again.  We can't understand why people think we have money.  We don't got nothing but two dogs, two cats and two horses and two dads.   Everything else belongs to the corporation that me and Ryan can't do anything about."

Mr. Roach jumped up, "Your Honor, this is an obvious ploy by the defense to stop justice from being done.  I suggest that you ignore the comments of this juvenile and get on with administering the laws that govern cases such as this."

Judge Smiley pointed his gavel at Mr. Roach, "This is my courtroom, and I'll run it as I determine best for all parties.  So sit down and be quiet."

I hadn't realized that Judge Winston was present.  Judge Smiley looked at Judge Winston.  "Judge Winston, did you indeed agree that Dr. Richter should be the father of Nathan and Ryan Holloway."

Judge Winston stood, "Your honor, I did indeed authorize the adoption of Nathan and Ryan Holloway by Dr. Richter.  The evidence showed that he was more than suitable to take care of the two young boys, and the only known relative is sitting at the defense table.  Mr. Holloway is the boys' uncle, and he is the person who wanted Dr. Richter to be the boys' father."

Mr. Roach objected, "Judge Smiley, this has nothing to do with the case in question.  It is obvious that Judge Winston made a misinformed ruling which needs to be reversed.  I'd like to call my first witness."

Judge Smiley stood and pointed his gavel, "Mr. Roach, this is your last warning.  This is my courtroom and I'll decide how to proceed, so sit down and be quiet, or I'll fine you for being in contempt."

Judge Smiley looked at Dad Thornton, "Sir, do you have the DNA experts standing by, in case they're needed."

"Yes, Your Honor.  They are standing by with the equipment and we also have another team of experts standing by, should they be needed."

Judge Smiley asked another question, "Why did you think it necessary to have Nathan say what he did?"

Nathan jumped up, "No one told me what to say.  Our Dads and the big people haven't talked about anything that is happening.  They keep finding ways to keep us from hearing about what's happening.  Ryan and I figured out what was happening when we saw those people sitting at that table over there.  Remember, we were here when those other people tried to take us away.  We may be little, but we aren't stupid."

Mr. Roach jumped up but Judge Smiley pointed, "Say one word, Mr. Roach, and you'll find yourself $1000.00 poorer." 

Judge Smiley looked at Nate and Ryan, "Nathan and Ryan, it might be better if you weren't present in the courtroom during this hearing."

Ryan stood, "Please, sir, we want to stay here with our family where we feel safe.  We promise we won't talk anymore, unless you ask us a question."

Judge Smiley pointed to Mr. Roach, "Counselor, call your first witness."

"I call Mr. Albert Leach."

After Mr. Leach was sworn in, Mr. Roach started, "Mr. Leach, will you tell the court your full name and where you're from?"

"My name is Albert Leach and we're from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania."

Mr. Roach continued, "Mr. Leach, could you tell us why you  and your wife should be granted custody of Nathan and Ryan Holloway?"

"The father of the boys, Mr. Brice Holloway married our daughter Connie, twelve years ago.  Connie died during the birth of Ryan.  Mr. Holloway took the boys and disappeared.  We had no idea where the boys were until the attempted kidnapping.  We've come to take them home."

Mr. Roach asked, "Why wouldn't you stay here and live at Belle Monte?"

Mr. Leach shrugged, "I know nothing about farming.  The people who work at the farm are probably taking advantage of the money that belongs to the boys."

Mr. Roach approached the bench, "Your honor, we have a copy of the marriage certificate that proves Brice Holloway and Connie Leach were married on December 24, 1998.  We also have the birth certificates for Nathan Thomas Holloway and Ryan Robert Holloway."

He turned to Dad Thornton, "Counselor Thornton, do you have any questions to ask Mr. Leach?"

Instead of Dad Thornton standing, Bruce maneuvered so that he was directly in front of Mr. Leach.

Mr. Roach stood, "I object, your honor, that man isn't qualified to cross examine the witness."

"Mr. Roach, that outburst just cost you a thousand dollars.  Go ahead Counselor Holloway."

Dad winked at me as Bruce started, "Mr. Leach, is it not true that your name isn't  Albert Leach, but  Alvin Farmer and that your wife's name is Edna Farmer, and you have warrants out for your arrest in ten states.  Isn't it further true that Mr. Roach isn't a lawyer at all, and that his name is Marvin Abrams and he is a convicted criminal who is also sought in other states as well.  Judge Smiley, we have obtained copies of these people's fingerprints and we have a fingerprint team standing by to prove their identities."

"Mr. Leach, I know for a fact that my brother was never married.  The marriage certificate is phony, since Bryce's name isn't even spelled correctly.  The birth certificates for the boys are fake as well, since they never had middle names until they were adopted by Dr. Richter."

"Judge Smiley, here are the boys' original birth certificates and as you can see, there is no mother's name listed."

Judge Smiley looked at the certificates and handed them back to Bruce.  Bailiff, secure the courtroom.  I want the finger prints of Mr. and Mrs. Leach and Mr. Roach to be taken.  I also want DNA samples of Mr. and Mrs. Leach taken, to definitively determine if they are or are not related to Ryan and Nathan.  I declare a thirty minute recess while the testing is being done."

A woman had approached the bench, "Judge Smiley, I believe that I can help clarify the matter, if you were to have my DNA tested as well.  I have every reason to believe that I'm the surrogate mother of Nathan and Ryan.  I think it is time to resolve this issue, so the boys can move on with their lives."

Judge Smiley looked at the woman, "What is your name?  And why are you just now coming forward?"

"My name is Mrs. Yvette Samples.   I hadn't even thought about the two young men until the story about what happened last Friday made the national news.  My husband and I decided Sunday night that I was probably the only person who could stop people from trying to take advantage of the two boys."

Judge Smiley shook his head, "So ordered.  Court will be reconvened as soon as the testing is done and the results are verified.  Nate and Ryan, let's bust out of this place for a while and get something to drink and go to the bathroom."

Ryan was still sitting on my lap.  He looked up and I winked at him to let him know that he and Nate should go with the judge.  I figured he and Nate didn't need to see and hear what was going to be happening.

The DNA testing went smoothly but the taking of the fingerprints was a different ballgame.  Mr. Roach and the Leachs tried to resist.  But with a little force, the fingerprints were taken.  Everyone in attendance watched as the fingerprints were compared to the samples that had been taken from the mugs and had lead to learning the identities of the three people. 

The bailiff went to get Judge Smiley and the Judge appeared with two giggling boys, "All rise for the Honorable Judge Smiley and Nathan and Ryan Holloway."

As soon as Ryan was back on my lap and Nate was beside me. Judge Smiley declared, "This court is in session.  What do the fingerprint experts have to say as to the identity of the Leachs and Mr. Roach?"

A female officer stood, "The fingerprints are those of convicted felons, Alvin and Edna Farmer and Marvin Abrams."

The Judge looked at the DNA technician, "What do you have to report, sir?" 

The guy grinned, "The Farmers, AKA the Leachs are definitely not related to Nathan and Ryan Holloway, however, Mrs. Samples is.  She is probably the mother of the two boys."

Ryan started to cry and so did Nate.

Judge Smiley stood, "Officers, please escort the Farmers and Mr. Abrams to jail.  I'll be turning this evidence over to the County Attorney's office."

After the three arrested persons were escorted from the courtroom, Judge Smiley looked at Mrs. Samples, "Mrs. Samples, what do you plan to do, now that you know you are probably the mother of Nathan and Ryan?"

Mrs. Samples stood, "I don't plan to do anything, Judge Smiley.  I don't think I could ever be considered to be the boys' mother.  I was paid handsomely to bring them into the world.  I never even met them or their father.  It was because of the money I was paid that I was able to get my doctorate degree."

Ryan stood and looked at the lady, "Do you promise that you won't try to take us away from our Dads?"

"Yes, Ryan, I promise we won't try to take you away from your Dads, and your animals.  We can't even take care of the three boys we have now."

Nate asked, "Where are the boys now?"

"They're with their nanny at the hotel."

Nate was on a roll, "What's a nanny and how old are the boys."

The judge pounded his gavel, "This court stands in recess.  I've lost control.  Mrs. Samples, would please answer Nathan's questions?" 

"A nanny is a person whom we pay to take care of the boys while we're working.  The boys are triplets and are four years old but act like they're sixteen.  They're spoiled brats."

Nathan giggled, "Please go get them and bring them to Belle Monte, and we'll teach them how to be good.  We'll make them work."

Judge Smiley chuckled, "Nate, I have some grandchildren whom you need to take care of, too."

Ryan grinned, "Just bring them to Belle Monte and if they don't do what they're supposed to, we'll roll them down the hill."

Bruce had been on the phone, "Mr. and Mrs. Samples, you and your sons are due at Belle Monte at five thirty for dinner.  Judge Smiley why don't you bring your wife and the Winstons with you and join us.  It's going to be casual.  Come on, boys.  We need to get you home so you can fix dinner."

I went back to the University, because I had left everything in such a mess.  I needed some time to process what had happened. 

I was the last person to arrive Belle Monte.  When I walked in, I could hear young voices coming from the downstairs.  The adults were sitting in the parlor, having a before dinner drink.  After I was introduced to the few people I didn't know, I went to change into casual clothes, since I was definitely overdressed."

The ten youngest people were eating in the kitchen so it was convenient for us to talk about things the boys didn't need to hear.

Mrs. Samples was concerned, "We usually have to force the triplets to eat anything new.  They're very snooty."

Tessa laughed, "Mrs. Samples, if anyone can get the triplets to eat, it's Nate and Ryan.  I do know they aren't very fond of tuna, but other than that they eat everything that they are offered."

We could hear the boys in the kitchen laughing so they were fine.  As we were eating, my Dad asked, "Mr. and Mrs. Samples, what is it that you do for a living, since Mrs. Samples indicated that she had her doctorate degree?"

Mr. Samples nodded, "Well, for starters, I'm in the same profession as Doctor Thornton, Not only am I an open heart surgeon, I'm the head of the Houston Medical Center."

Dan chuckled, "I guess you're one of the big boys, and I'm just a neophyte in the business."

Mr. Samples, whose name was Norm, laughed, "Yeah, and you'll probably live longer than me.  Between the pressures of the job and running after three boys, I'll probably be in my grave by the time the triplets are teenagers."

Mrs Samples grinned, "I teach part time at Baylor University.  I'm only teaching two classes this term.  I operate a small clinic where we help, or I guess I should say, try to assist young teenagers who are experiencing mental problems."

We were interrupted by Ryan, who came and stood between Mr. and Mrs. Samples, "Mr. and Mrs. Samples, we're going to take your sons to the little house, so they can spend the night with us up there.  We promise, we won't let anyone or anything hurt them.  Right Uncle Vince and Uncle Alex?"

Vince threw up his hands, "You mean we gotta babysit you again?"

Ryan giggled, "You know that you like pretending that you're the bosses, so stop complaining.  We'll go as soon as we finish helping with the dishes."

Mrs. Smiley frowned, "You mean the boys are helping with the dishes without complaining?"

Tessa laughed, "They don't complain at all."

Judge Smiley sighed, "Now I know we need to bring our grandchildren here, so the boys can train them."

Nathan came into the parlor where we sitting, "Uncle Vince and Uncle Alex, we're ready to leave, now.  Mr. and Mrs. Fort, Evan and Chase are going with us, okay?  Mr. and Mrs. Samples, you can pick Lenny, Denny and Kenny up any time after 8:30 in the morning, before we start school at nine o'clock."

Mrs. Samples asked, "Nathan, where is that you're taking our sons?"

"We're taking them to the little house.  We need to go take care of the animals."

Vince stood, "I'll go get the Belle Monte Express while you get your coats on."

We took the people to watch as the Belle Monte Express went up the the mountain and saw it stop at the gate and watched as the lights went on and saw it pass it through and the gate closed.  When they reached the little house and the lights were on.  Mrs. Samples turned around, "I don't think that qualifies as a little house."

My mother answered, "It certainly isn't as big as this house. It only has one room on the main floor and three bedrooms upstairs."

Judge Smiley asked, "Where is everyone going to sleep if it's so small?  Who are these Vince and Alex people who seem to be around all the time?"

I grinned, "Judge Smiley, unless I miss my guess, the seven young boys will be sleeping in Nathan's and Ryan's sleeping bags, with the two dogs and two cats.  That's Ryan's and Nathan's favorite place to sleep.  Vince and Alex will probably sleep in Nathan's room with the door open to make sure nothing happens to the boys.  They're extremely protective.  As to who they are, they are the farm foremen and make sure the day to day operations run smoothly."

Doctor Samples asked, "Aren't you concerned about them pilfering funds from the farm?"

Bruce responded, "They don't have anything to do with the money matters of Belle Monte.  Besides, they are doing well on their own.  They own a new white corvette and work elsewhere on their off time."

I chuckled, "Sir, they own the company who made the sweat shirts that Nathan and Ryan were wearing today."

Judge Winston stood up, "People, I think we need to be going.  I have a full day in court tomorrow.  We'll see you all later.  Thanks for the great food and fun time."

Dan and I watched as all of the guests departed.  We said goodnight to the people who were staying at Homebase and made our way up the hill.

Editor's Notes:

Well, as E Walk said in his cover letter to me, for this chapter, "Here is a roller coaster ride for you.

Enjoy.  I find myself agreeing completely.  It seems that Ryan and Nathan will finally have a chance to live the kind of lives that children are supposed to live. 

I definitely want to read more about them. 

Darryl AKA The Radio Rancher