You Ain't Santa

Chapter Thirty Five: Round One

Believe it or not, we made it through Wednesday without anything major happening.  My Dad called and they were going to be arriving late Sunday afternoon.  Bruce complained, "This is like the calm before a storm.  We know something is going to happen, but we don't know what and when."

When we were getting ready to go to the little house, Ryan asked, "Aren't Vince and Alex going with us, tonight?"

Vince answered, "We gotta work tonight."

Nathan frowned, "I thought you worked here at Belle Monte?"

Vince realized he was in trouble.  "We do, but, where we are going to work tonight is a fun place.  It's not really like work."

That was the wrong answer.  Ryan asked, "Can we go with you if it's a fun place?"

Dan saved Vince from getting himself in deeper, "Nate and Ryan, it's where people go to dance and have a beer.  I don't think you would have a good time.  You probably need to wait until you're a little older before you go to work with Vince and Alex at their fun job."

The conversation was interrupted by the front door chimes.  Talk about freezing.  Nate and Ryan disappeared.  Charles went to answer the door.  Lanny was standing there in his uniform, "I just stopped by to see if my two favorite brats are here?  I figured they must be because the cars are all here."

Ryan came running into the room and jumped in Lanny's arm, "Who are you calling brats, you big meany?  We miss you.  Are you being good?"

"I miss you guys, too."

I looked at Lanny, "I didn't think you were going to be working at nights?"

"Normally I wouldn't be working at night, but I switched for tonight, so I could be off all day tomorrow.  Lance and I found an apartment, and we're going to be moving in, tomorrow.  I guess I need to clarify that. I'm going to be moving in since he has to teach a class, and he can't carry much as long as he's in his wheel chair."

Nate asked, "Uncle Lanny, what is this Lance person like and why is he in a wheelchair?"

Lanny grinned, "Well, for starters, he's ugly as all get out and he works for your Daddy.  He broke his legs in a skiing accident.  He sorta looks like your Uncle Vince and Uncle Alex.  He's tough and hates little boys.  I'll bring him by this weekend so you can see if you approve.  I gotta get back to work.  Be good."

 Nate and Ryan walked Lanny to his sheriff's cruiser.  Vince asked, "Does this mysterious Lance person have a last name?"

I grinned, "He's a local boy.  He's working on his doctorate and he's one of the people I'm mentoring.  His last name is Kenmore."

Alex frowned, "I went to school with Lance.  I thought he went to Stanford.  Has Lanny seen him up close and personal?  As I remember that he was built like Charles Atlas and was big all over."

I laughed, "I'll have to check with Lance, tomorrow.  Maybe I'll have Dan come and give him a physical, and we can check to see how big he is.  Remember, guys, we've seen some of you guys up close and personal.  If he's built like you say, maybe we can get him and Lanny hired at the Nuggets so you don't have to work so often."

When we got to the little house, I thought perhaps the boys would complain because they were lonely.  That was not the case at all.  After they took care of the cats and dogs, they came and sat beside Dan and me on the sofa, where we were watching a football game.  Nate was leaning against me, "Dads, it's nice to have people around sometimes, but it's also nice when it's just the four of us."

It was different in the morning as well, since Dan and I had to take care of breakfast.  When I arrived at the office, Lance was waiting for me.  I nodded to him, "Good, just the person I needed to see, go on into the office.  Let me check with Sandy to see if I've had any messages."

"Good morning, Sandy.  Anything that I need to know?"

She grinned, "It's not even eight thirty and the phone hasn't stopped ringing.  Why is everyone needing to talk to you?"

"Beats me.  Let me go see what Mr. Kenmore wants to talk to me about."

I went into the office and sat on the on the end of my desk facing Lance. "Lance, is there a problem?"

"Dr. Richter, I'm concerned that I'm not doing a good job.  I don't think I'm getting through to my students."

I put up my hands, "Lee, came to see me on Tuesday afternoon and commented how well your students were paying attention.  I didn't have an opportunity to sit on your Tuesday class.  Unless people are dropping your class, you must be doing fine.  This is only your first week.  Give it a chance.  The students will let you know if they're unhappy."

"Dr. Richter, could I sit in on your seminar that you're teaching this morning?  Lee said it was great and students were practically kissing your feet."

"Lance, you're welcome to sit in or even take the course for credit, if you would like."

Lance shook his head no.  "I tried to enroll in it, but it's closed.  The registrar said the course was closed and complained that there were so many people trying to enroll that you should open another section."

I laughed, "You people want me to be so busy that I won't have time to breath."

Lance grinned, "Dr. Richter, you mentioned that I was the person you wanted to talk to.  Is there a problem?"

I got up and shut the door, "Well yes, and no.  Last evening, Deputy Lane dropped by to see my sons and he informed us that you and he were going to be cohabitating as of today.  I also heard that you were built like Charles Atlas and that you were big all over.  I want to make sure that the fact that you and Lanny are cohabitating isn't going to be injurious to Lanny's health.  My sons would never forgive you if you caused him bodily harm."

Lance was laughing so hard, I thought he was going to fall out of his wheelchair.  He took a breath, "Dr. Richter, it's me that you need to be worried about, not Lanny.  Have you seen that stud?"

"Yep , and it's a good thing that you're running around in a wheelchair.   That way people won't see you walking funny.  Lance I'll talk to you later.  I need to get some work done."

I went through the messages and made some phone calls and decided to go observe Leland's class to see if he had changed anything.  He had indeed changed the format and even the vocal young man from Tuesday commented as he was leaving, "That's more like it Mr. Straight."

Lee and I watched as people started to come into the classroom. The room was packed and it was still five minutes until class was scheduled to start.  Dean Meyers arrived with Lance.  Dean Meyers announced "I authorized that the class size be doubled because of the demand.  I hope you don't have a problem with that."

I took a look around, "For those new people who are here for the first time, I apologize.  I had no idea that there would be new people attending, for the people who were here on Tuesday, I think I need to bring the new arrivals up to date on what transpired on Tuesday.  You may leave, if you so desire. I promise that we won't cover anything new today even though there have been some things happening."

I was dumbfounded when no one left.  Class even went longer than it had on Tuesday.  As class was ending, a young woman stood, "Are we going to have the opportunity to meet Ryan and Nathan, if those are there real names."

"Perhaps, in due time.  But not just yet."

When I arrived back in the office after observing Lance's class, the shit hit the fan.  Sandy was waiting for me, "Dr. Richter, Deputy District Attorney Wayne is waiting to see you."

I looked at the woman, "Please go into the office and I'll be with you as soon as I visit the restroom."

When the woman had gone into my office, I looked at Sandy, and put up nine fingers and then one finger on each hand.  She nodded.  I did indeed need to go to bathroom.  I took as long as I could, and when I returned to the office Sandy signaled that security was on their way."

When I walked into the office, I apologized, "I apologize for taking so long, but it's been a long day.  What can I do for you this time, Deputy District Attorney Wayne?"

The woman handed me a piece of paper and announced, "I have here a subpoena that says you are to have Nathan and Ryan Richter in court on Friday morning at ten o'clock."

I looked at the document, "This document doesn't say why I am to have the two boys in court."

I moved so I was blocking the door, "Miss Wayne, if that is even your name, I'd like to see your official credentials saying that you are a Deputy District Attorney.  I know for a fact that you aren't, because they had never heard of you and Deputy James when we checked."

"Look prick, I'm the mother of those two boys, and I want what is rightfully mine.  We have DNA evidence that proves the boys are my sons.  They were tested at County General Hospital and the results definitely prove that I am the mother of the two boys."

There was a knock on the door, "Sir, we had a call that you need help."

"Officers, I'd like this woman arrested for impersonating a County Official.  I don't know who she is, but she's trying to claim that my two sons are hers."

After dinner, I looked at Vince and Alex, "Are you guys available to take the boys to take care of their animals.  We have some things we need to talk about, and the boys would be very bored."

Vince started to complain, "Gees, do we have to.  It's so boring at the little house.  Okay, we'll do it but don't take all night."

We went into the den and I told everyone about my experience with Deputy District Attorney Wayne, and told them what she said.  I showed them the subpoena.

Dad Thornton looked at the subpoena, "I think we should be there to kill this bud before it balloons.  These people have gone to great lengths to gain custody of the two boys.  I have a feeling that this will be an easy case to resolve."

Bruce laughed, "We need to have Vince and Alex go with us.  Maybe we should even take Evan and Chase to muddy the waters.  Dan, can you have a DNA expert there to evaluate any samples that should be presented?"

Dan looked at me and I nodded, "Sir, I'll have an expert there with the proper equipment to evaluate any evidence."

When Dan and I finally arrived at the little house it was quiet.  We walked upstairs and went to take a shower.  The boys were asleep but we chose not to check on Vince and Alex.  We were to find out the next morning that that was a wise decision.

When Dan and I arrived downstairs on Friday morning, the boys and Alex and Vince were eating breakfast.  Nate looked up at Dan and me, "Dads, your breakfast is in the oven.  We couldn't wait all day, so we decided to go ahead and eat."

I looked at the four guys and mentioned, "It was very quiet when we got here last night, so we didn't want to bother you.  Guys, we need all four of you to be at the courthouse about nine forty five this morning.  We need to see a judge."

Nate protested, "But Dad, why do we gotta see another judge?  Judge Winston said that you were our Daddy?"

Dan answered, "Guys, some bad people want to take your money.  We have to see another judge.  They say that they have proof that you are someone's son.  They say that they got the proof from tests that were taken at County General Hospital."

Vince joked, "Don't worry boys, me and Alex will take care of the problem.  Dr. Richter, how do you want us to dress?  Are we going to play the cow and bull game again?"

I laughed, "Guys, you should probably wear the tightest jeans and shirts you have, so the people from General Hospital will recognize you, if they are called to testify."

I went to the office and explained to Sandy what was happening and asked her to cancel my classes.  When I arrived at the courthouse, I was met by a sight.  Nathan and Ryan were standing there with Vince and Alex.  The only problem was that Alex and Vince were wearing sweat shirts that said Cows and Bulls can be Friends."

I looked at the guys, "Where did you get those, on such short notice?"

Vince grinned, "We own a company that specializes in monogramming shirts.  It's amazing what you can get done when own a company."

 I whispered to Vince and Alex, "Take the guys out, if the hearing gets too graphic.  I need to hear the story of why you own a monogramming company."

When we were settled in the courtroom, Dad Thornton, Bruce and I were seated at the defense table.  The bailiff entered, "Please rise for the Honorable Judge Smiley."

After everyone was seated the bailiff announced, "Sir, this a custody case for the care of two young boys.  The prosecution claims that they are the people who should have control over the estate of minors, Nathan and Ryan Richter."

Dad Thornton stood, "Your honor, the defense has no idea as to whom the prosecution is referring."

Dan leaned over to me and whispered, "That attorney is the person who came and presented himself as Deputy Attorney James."

I turned around, "I should have guessed."

I'm going to only tell you the highlights of the rest of the trial because no one would believe what happened."

The prosecuting attorney called the person who admitted us at County General.  "Sir, did you register Mr. Nathan and Mr. Ryan Richter to have a DNA test done?"

"Yes sir, they came in on Wednesday with their Father."

"No further questions your honor.  The prosecution rests."

Dad Thornton stood, "Young man, do you have proof that the two people who were to be tested were Nathan and Ryan Richter?"

The young man shook his head no, "Not really, sir.  Dr. Richter said he would be paying for the tests if the county didn't pay for them, so I assumed that they were his sons."

Dad Thornton asked, "Mr. Mercer, how much did these people pay you for informing them that Nathan and Ryan had been in for tests?"

The young guy answered, "They paid me a hundred bucks."

Dad Thornton didn't tip his hand.  Judge Smiley asked "Does the  prosecution have any other witnesses to present that will prove that Ryan and Nathan Holloway are the sons of this female person?"

The prosecuting attorney jumped up, "We have, your honor.  The young man who did the tests is available to testify."

The technician who had taken the samples of Vince and Alex's DNA went to the witness station and was sworn in. The poor man had no idea what he was in for.

The prosecuting attorney asked, "Mr. Nolan, did you take the DNA samples of Nathan and Ryan Richter?"

The young man nodded, "Yes, they came in with their Dad on Wednesday.  I won't be soon forgetting them because of some the things that were said."

The prosecuting attorney asked, "Are the young people that you tested in the courtroom, today?"

"Yes sir, they're sitting in the gallery wearing those obscene sweat shirts that say cows and bulls can be friends."

The woman known as Deputy Attorney Wayne jumped up, "You asshole.  Those aren't my sons.  My sons are the age of the boys sitting next to those morons."

Dad Thornton stood, "Judge Smiley, I think we should have this person who claims to be the boys' mother submit to a DNA test; so that there is no question that she is not the mother of Nathan and Ryan Holloway."

The woman stood and started yelling at her attorney, "I told you this wasn't going to work.  I'm not having any tests done.  You can all rot in hell."

Judge Smiley looked up, "I sentence you and your attorney to thirty days in jail and six months of community service for the antics that you tried to pull."

A well dressed gentleman stood, "We would like to file for custody of Nathan and Ryan Holloway."

Judge Smiley stood, "It's lunch time and I don't have a brief before me saying that I have another case concerning Nathan and Ryan Holloway, so you're going to need to wait until Monday.  I have a full docket this afternoon.  See the clerk of court and I'll make sure that I hear this case, since I'm concerned about what is happening in this case."

Editor's Notes: 

Things seem to be happening at a rather swift pace.

I don't think the judge is going to take any guff from the people who are trying to get custody of Ryan and Nathan. At least I hope that is the case.   I sure hope we have another chapter soon. I am on pins and needles.

Darryl AKA The Radio Rancher