You Ain't Santa

Chapter Twenty: Are We Going to Ride Sawhorses?

Ryan and Nate decided that they had better ride in the truck with Vince and Alex, since Vince and Alex had never been to the condo.

Ryan and Nate were packing the train things into boxes as Vince and Alex took the board with the track attached to it to the truck.  They helped Ryan and Nate pack the remaining train items in the boxes.  Ryan and Nate started to carry some boxes to the truck but Vince stopped them, "Ryan and Nate, we'll put the boxes in the truck.  Why don't you check with your Dads to see if there is anything else that they would like for us to take to Belle Monte."

The four guys left with the bed of the truck absolutely full of train things and Dan's and my books and journals. 

It was nearly 11:30; Dan and I were finishing getting our personal things and cleaning out our desk and file cabinet when the doorbell rang.  I went to see who was at the door, Brandon and Will were standing there, "Hi guys, usually you just walk in.  What's up?"

Brandon had a sheepish grin, "We heard the two of you were here by yourselves, so we thought we should make sure that nothing was up before we came in.  Since nothing is up, why don't we take you to lunch?"

Dan was standing there laughing, "We just about have everything move in ready.  Even the bed linens have been changed, so there was no way we could allow anything to be up.  This is the last of the things that we are going to be taking, unless we find that we missed something.  We shouldn't need to interrupt your playtime."

We loaded the last of our things into Dan's and my vehicles locked the condo and handed the keys to Brandon.  I looked at Brandon, "I guess the place is yours."

When we were eating lunch, Brandon asked the logical question, "How much is the rent going to be per month?"

Dan nodded at me, so I started "Guys, we really haven't discussed that, but we probably could let you have it for the amount that we are paying each month for mortgage payments.  The total includes insurance, taxes and the interest payments. Right now our payments are $1202.00 a month, plus we should probably add a rental fee of at least $5.00 per month to prove to the government that we are actually renting to you."

Dan added, "You will be responsible for paying any additional fees.  You will have water, trash, electric and natural gas bills each month.  It is up to you, to provide for your phone, cable and internet connections if you want them.  We will be canceling the contracts for those services on the 3rd of January.  That will give you an opportunity to discuss and make arrangements for whatever services you guys would like to have."

Will was writing down the information.  "Gentlemen, that sounds reasonable to me.  Why don't you have Mr. Holloway draw up a contract, so the two of you can take advantage of any tax breaks as Mr. Fort mentioned. We can sign the contract tomorrow night since all four of us will be at the club, and we'll pay you ten bucks for the two days."

As we were leaving the restaurant, Dan was grinning, "If you make a mess then you guys need to clean it up.  We'll be watching the surveillance monitors to see what going on in the condo."

Brandon shrugged his shoulders, "You're probably going to get very bored watching then.  We'll see you tomorrow night."

When we pulled up at Belle Monte, Shane was coming out of the house.  I rolled down my window, "Are the boys and everyone back yet?"

Shane shook his head, "Nope.  Vince and Alex just left to take the rest of your things to the Little House."

We wound our way up the hill and Vince and Alex were just getting into the truck, Vince leaned out the window, "We put your boxes in the game room as we were instructed to do.  Nate and Ryan are going to set their train up in the game room at the Big House.  We'd stay and help unload your cars  but we have been ordered to do some other things.  Snitch, Snatch, Hodge and Podge have been fed."

When Dan and I walked into the house, the kittens and puppies came to see who was there and promptly returned to the sun room.  I guess Dan and I weren't very interesting to them.

We had just finished unloading the vehicles and I was pooped.  I plopped down on the sofa next to the fireplace and Dan sat down next to me.  We were sitting talking about everything that was happening.  The only thing out of the ordinary was that he had unzipped my fly and his hand was massaging my penis.  He whispered, "I think this weapon needs some activity."

He had just finished saying that when the front door burst open and Ryan and Nate came and sat down.  I managed to put a throw pillow over my open fly before the boys noticed.  Nate was in high gear, "Dads, all anyone wanted to do today was spend money on me and Ryan.  They bought us things that we will never use."

Dan sat up, "Like what, Nate?"

Ryan answered, "They bought us boots and jeans and some fancy shirts and a big hat."

I had managed to zip my fly, "I guess they wanted to make sure you had boots in case it snowed.  They probably didn't want your ears to get cold so they bought you a big hat."

Nate was totally frustrated, "Dads, they weren't that kind boots, they were cowboy boots.  The hats aren't going to keep our ears warm; they were cowboy hats.  They even bought us saddles.  Why do we need saddles?  We can't put them on Snitch, Snatch, Hodge or Podge."

Dan asked, "How did you get here and where are the Grandparents?"

Nate answered, "Shawn brought us in the golf mobile.  The grandparents are helping fix dinner.  We were told to bring you back.  I think they wanted to get rid of us because we were complaining so much.  We're supposed to tell you that dinner will be at six.  Come on, Ryan, let's go play with  Hodge, Podge, Snitch and Snatch."

After the boys left, Dan looked at me, "Kirkie, why do the boys need saddles?  I don't remember seeing any horses here at Belle Monte."

Our conversation was interrupted by Nate, "Dads, Mr. Cisco told us that we should take Snitch and Snatch out and let them run.  Is it okay if we take the puppies and kittens outside and see what happens?"

I shrugged my shoulders, "Nate and Ryan, I don't know what's going to happen.  I think Dad Dan and I should probably go with you to make sure they don't get hurt or run away."

When we went into the yard, the puppies were running around sniffing and the kittens were following.  The puppies saw a rabbit and started to run after it.  The boys started to run after the dogs and finally were able to catch them.  They came back carrying the two dogs, and the kittens were  following them

Nate looked at us, "We need to teach the puppies and the kittens that they can't go outside the yard."

Nate and Ryan handed the puppies to Dan and me.  Ryan instructed us, "You take the two puppies into the house and we'll bring the kittens."

The guys were playing with the puppies and the kittens when we heard Shawn's voice, "Planet Little House, this is Home Base do you copy?"

Ryan looked up, "I didn't know that Shawn was here."

I hadn't noticed the intercom system before; I went and pushed the talk button.  "This is Little House, what's up?"

Shawn was giggling, "Nothing right now, but maybe later tonight.  You're to return to Home Base for cocktails and snacks before dinner."

"Roger, Home Base, we're on our way."

Nate and Ryan put the puppies and kittens into the sun room and put up a barricade.  Nate explained, "That's so they will learn that is where they are to stay when no one is here.

When we got to the house, we were met by George.  George leaned down and hugged Ryan and Nate, "Guys, please don't complain anymore about what happened today.  You will understand why your Uncle Bruce did what he did, tomorrow, when your Christmas presents arrive."

Nate started to argue, "But we already got too many Christmas presents."

Geoge shook his head, "But you didn't get one from your Uncle Bruce and me.  We'll just say it's a New Years Day present.  Do you promise you won't complain anymore?"

The guys hugged George, "Okay, Uncle George."

I leaned over to Dan, "Why are we being kept in the dark about what's going on?"

"There must be a reason."

The boys were very good about not complaining.  In fact they seemed to be almost too quiet.  We were just about finished eating when Nathan asked, "Mr. McTavish, how hard would it be to have a fence put in the back of the Little House next to sun room where the puppies and kittens are, so they could exercise and go to the bathroom?"

Ian was surprised by Nate's question as were we all.  "Nate, it would be relatively easy, if that's what you would want."

Ryan added, "We don't want the area around the Santa tree to be inside the fence because we want to be able to feed the animals.  Dads can we get one of those door things so the puppies and kittens could go in or out by themselves if we aren't there."

Bruce had a sparkle in his eye, "Guys it sounds to me that what you need would be a big kennel like area, so that puppies and kittens couldn't get out or be attacked by wild animals."

That set Nate off again, "But, Uncle Bruce, that sounds like it would be expensive.  We can't keep spending money all the time."

Ian nodded, "Guys, why don't I call a friend of mine who could come and give you an estimate of how much it would cost to do what you want."

Vince added, "Alex and I can take care of the trap door that Ryan wants, once you get your fenced area."

Dan leaned over to me and whispered, "It appears to me that the boys are probably going to have their fenced area by this time next week."

Everyone had finished eating, Shane stood, "Come on, guys.  Let's get the clean up done so we can go work on setting up your train display."

Nate stood, "Thanks for a good dinner."

Vince and Alex were helping Nate and Ian clear the table when the phone rang.  Shawn brought a portable phone and handed it to Bruce, "It's Mr. Fort."

"Hi, Chuck. …. Oh, I'm so sorry.  Did you get there before he passed away? … That's good. That will help bring closure. … No, take as long as you need.  Vince and Alex will be able to handle things. … Hi, Evan. … I'll tell the guys. … Say hi to your Grandma for me. … Okay talk to you later.  Call if you need anything."

"George, remind me to send some flowers and a memorial for Chuck's father tomorrow."

George started to laugh, "I thought you said that I was the one who was getting senile, not you."

Ryan came in, "We're going to the game room to work on the trains.  Are you going to come watch us?"

My Dad answered, "Ryan, I need to work on my sermon for Sunday."

Dan's parents deferred also, his Dad announced, "We're going to go visit some friends for the evening. We'll see you in the morning. 

My Mom announced, "Tessa and I are going to make you guys some dessert.  She has some recipes that I want to copy."

That left George, Bruce, Ian, Dan and me to go watch the six guys.  When we got to the basement, the six guys were crawling on the floor trying to put things in place.  Ian immediately suggested, "Guys, it would be much easier if you put some sawhorses under the platform so you wouldn't have to be crawling around on the floor."

Shawn looked at his dad, "Good thinking Dad."

Ryan looked at Shawn, "What's a sawhorse?"

Ian answered, "It's pieces of wood that are put together so it looks like it is the body of a horse."

Ryan looked at Bruce, "Did we have to get saddles so we could ride on a saw horse?"

Bruce and George were laughing, "Not exactly."

Shane started toward the door. "Come on guys let's go to the shop and get some sawhorses."

The guys left and returned with six sawhorses.  Vince and Alex carefully picked up the board with the train track and held it while Ian and his two sons placed the sawhorses to provide maximum support for the board with the track.

When the board was in place Bruce spoke to the guys, "Guys, we're going to be upstairs.   I  have some things that I need to talk to your Dads and Ian about.  Ryan, you're in charge down here."

When we were settled in the living room, Bruce started, "Sorry for the mystery guys, but your parents and I were talking yesterday after you left with the boys.  Something was said about riding a horse and I remembered how much I loved to ride a horse when I was young.  So, I did the obvious thing, I ordered four ponies for the guys.  One for each Ryan, Nate, Evan and Chase.  They are going to be delivered tomorrow as are the other things we bought today."

I interrupted, "But Bruce, where are the boys going to keep the ponies?  I don't recall seeing a stable or any horses when we had our tour of Belle Monte."

George answered, "You were very close to them when you were at the Brangus area.  The stable doesn't really look like a stable."

Ian added, "We have ten horses housed there.  We use them when the Brangus cattle are grazing in the open pasture to keep track of them and monitor the birthing process.  We can house up to twenty horses."

I had another question, "How are the boys going to be able to get to the stable, and how are they going to be able to handle putting the saddles on the ponies?"

Ian answered, "Vince and Alex are in charge of the stable area.  The have a gentleman who comes five days a week and takes care of the stable.  Andy, will be available to help the boys when they get to the stable.  The guys can always ride their bicycles to the stable if no one is available to take them."

Bruce added, "Snitch and Snatch will be right at home when they are helping to herd the cattle.  Heck, the boys will probably make herding cats out of Hodge and Podge."

"One other thing; Ian, I want you to check with Mr. Forester and ask him to come see if he can do what the boys want for the kennel area as soon as possible."

Mom came into the room, "Kirk, go tell everyone that the dessert is ready.  Your Dad is already in the dining room.  He's been working at the table."

As we were eating, Nate looked at Ian, "Mr. McTavish, do want us to take down the train, so we can put the sawhorses back in the shop?"

"Nate and Ryan, if you stop calling me Mr. McTavish then you can keep them.  I'll have Shane and Shawn build some new ones if we need them."

Shawn objected, "It would probably be cheaper to buy new ones than make us build them.  You know how clumsy we are with tools.  We'd probably cut our hands off."

Ryan looked at Ian, "If you don't want us to call you Mr. McTavish, what do want us to call you?"

"Evan and Chase call us Aunt Tessa and Uncle Ian."

Ryan shrugged his shoulders, "That's easy enough.  Dads, I'm getting tired; can we go back to the Little House?"

Shane stood, "We'll take care of the dishes.  We'll see you guys tomorrow."

Ryan and Nate hugged everyone and we started up the hill.  When we arrived at the Little House, Ryan was already asleep so I carried him to his new bedroom and undressed him, except for his briefs.  He was dead to the world.  Dan and Nate were taking care of the animals when I returned to the first floor.  "Nate, why don't you sleep in Ryan's room with him tonight, since this is his first night to sleep there.  You can take your shower or bath in the morning."

After Nate was settled, I pushed Dan into our bedroom and started to undress him, "Let's move it buster, we need to make hay while we can."

We not only made hay but some straw as well.

Editor's Notes:

Things are moving right along, aren't they?  Nate and Ryan are going to have a lot of fun, I do believe. 

It looks as if Dan and Kirk finally got a chance to have some fun too.

I can hardly wait for the next chapter.

Darryl AKA The Radio Rancher