Lost Innocence

Lost Innocence

Jon was tired of arguing with his parents. He finally gave in to their insistence that he attend the party. It wasn't really a party, but a fall dance at school.

The reports of missing children from around the town, didn't persuade his parents. They considered them as runaways, not missing.

Jon knew better. His best friend was amongst the missing. Jon knew Robbie wouldn't run away. Not at least without telling him first.

Jon first met Robbie during preschool. They didn't hit it off at first, but after a couple of years of going to the same schools, they became friends. Now years later, they were almost inseparable at school. They still lived far enough away, they couldn't spend all their time together.

It was halfway through primary school that their parents finally allowed sleepovers. After the first couple of times, it became a regular activity. If Jon wasn't sleeping at Robbie's house, it was the other way around.

Dinner was served early, so Jon wouldn't be late for the dance. Jon's appetite wasn't what it usually was, and his parents wondered why. They still had no clue as to all the kids that were missing.

It was after dinner that Jon let his parents know that it was his best friend that was one of the missing. Jon's father was the first to comment. His little degrading of Robbie was more than enough for Jon.

Jon wasn't going to let his father get to him. He quietly excused himself from the dinner table. As he left the dining room, he could hear his mother reprimanding his father.

1As is it should be. He'd never understand our friendship.' Jon thought as he grabbed his coat on his way through the door.

The weather was unusual for this time of year. The temperatures were above normal during the day, but cooler at night. Jon looked down the street as the fog began to roll in.

He usually enjoyed his walk to school, but tonight he felt strange doing it. In the morning, the rising sun would begin to melt the fog away, making the air fresh and crisp. But at night, it brought cold and dampness.

Jon tried to think of better things. The shadows in the distance made chills run up his spine. He tried to remember how fun it was with Robbie, especially during their sleepovers. It was Robbie, who first entered puberty, and he was more than happy to show the effects of growing up to Jon. It was during this awkward time that Jon realized he more interested in boys, than girls. Robbie was more than willing to share this fascination with him. Boys will be boys, and they had no secrets between them. Once Jon could do the same things Robbie could, it was only natural for them to share their bodies. At least that's what they kept telling themselves.

The school was only a fifteen-minute walk away. Tonight, it seemed to take twice as long.

Jon wasn't in a hurry. He knew that once he got to school, the same things would happen. His classmates would kid him about finding a girlfriend, and who he was going to dance with. He would keep telling them he was a late bloomer, and that in time, he would find someone. Jon knew he could only lie for so long. Everyone knew that he spent all his spare time with Robbie. Jon was beginning to think they already knew about him.

Jon walked as slow as he could. He really began to dread going to school.

The streets were deserted. It looked like everyone was already there. Several of his classmates lived on the same block. Jon was crossing the street when he heard a very familiar voice.

"Hey, homo. Ya bringing your boyfriend tonight? Oh, that's right, he ran away from you! Haha" Steve, the local football jock, called from his bedroom window. He'd lived on the same corner forever. Steve would always see those two together, and came to his own conclusion.

"Only if you're bringing yours!" Jon hollered back at him. The only way to confront someone like Steve was to through it back into his face. At least it'd worked so far.

"Up yours Jon!" Steve tried again to rile Jon, but it was in vain. Jon had already crossed the street and was almost out of earshot.

"Don't let him get to you. He's full of shit." The figure sitting on the bench in the distance told him.

"Yeah? What'd you know about it?" Jon's voice let the other person know he wasn't going to take any shit from anyone. His guard was up, and he didn't want any more confrontations tonight.

"Only that if it was me, I'd go back there and kick his ass." The stranger sat more upright, as Jon got closer.

"Wha?" Jon could see who was in front of him.

The familiar outline of his best friend could be made out in the faint light, the fog highlighting his face.

"Surprised to see me?" Robbie stood and waited for Jon to get closer.

"Yeah, I am." Jon stopped a few short steps from his friend. "Don't be mad with me.." Robbie started to take a step forward.

"Mad!? Why would I be mad? My best friend just ups and disappears, without a word, and you think I shouldn't be mad?" Jon's face began to redden as his emotions surfaced.

"I didn't mean to hurt you, that's why I'm back." Robbie stopped in his tracks, he knew what might happen if he pushed this.

"Hurt me? Do you know what it was like, to suddenly wake up and find out you're missing? It was pure hell!" Jon stood back, he didn't know what to expect to happen.

"I missed you too." Robbie held his arms out, in hopes to help calm the fears. "I missed you." Jon fell into his embrace and held him tight.

"Jon, there's something I need to tell you." Robbie released his grip, and looked into his eyes.

"What?" Jon stared back, his eyes wet with tears.

"I can't stay long, but I needed to see you." Robbie let his arms fall, and took a step back.

"You just can't show up, and then leave again. What's wrong with you? Did you let your parents know yet?" Jon watched as his friend started to step back.

"I told you, I just wanted to see you again. You're the only one that knows I'm here." Robbie couldn't look him in the eye.

"Why?" Jon started to get nervous, this wasn't like his friend at all.

"The others, will be here soon. I can't stay. Don't you understand?" Robbie began to back up further away from his friend.

"Others? What are you talking about? Where have you been for the past month? Why can't you tell me? I thought we had no secrets!" Jon took a step forward, afraid Robbie would run again.

"Not here. Follow me, where we'll be safe." Robbie glanced around, to make sure no one would see where'd they go.

Jon didn't know what to think. He trailed after his friend as he crossed over the lawn. The path they took zigzagged between houses. After they arrived at an empty house, it was only one block from where they started. Robbie took the scenic route and made it last five.

With a final inspection of the surrounding houses, Robbie opened the door and signaled for

Jon to join him.

After Robbie closed the door behind them, he ran to Jon and wrapped his arms around him again. Jon was more surprised when Robbie kissed him.

"What? Didn't you like that?" Robbie looked into Jon's eyes, and the evident confusion they relayed.

Jon stepped back, touching his lips with his fingers. The beating in his heart told him he liked it, but his voice wasn't so sure.

"I can tell you liked it. Your heart is beating faster, like you just ran a marathon." Robbie smiled like he'd just figured out Jon's biggest secret.

"You have no idea of how long I've wanted to do that." Robbie wrapped his arms around Jon again, resting his head on Jon's shoulder.

"Y.. you really feel that way about me?" Jon enjoyed the hug, gently licking his lips savoring the flavor of his friend.

"Of course I do. I just never had the courage to tell you. That is until now." Robbie nuzzled into Jon's neck.

Jon began to cry as he took the next step, and returned the favor. He never knew the feeling that a kiss would make. Jon had fantasies about this moment, and nothing would ever compare with the real thing.

Jon felt the love that Robbie had for him. He knew this was right.

Robbie let him go, and crossed the room. He stared out the window, knowing that his time was short. They never let anyone go.

"What's the matter?" Jon's voice trembled, he didn't know what to think.

"I wish I could stay here with you. But it's impossible now." Robbie couldn't stand to face him. He knew this was a limited time here.

"Why can't you stay? Can't you see how right we are for each other?" Jon walked up behind him, and wrapped his arms around his waist.

"Just because." Robbie placed his hands over Jon's.

"I see. You just don't love me, is that it?" Jon's arms dropped to his sides as he stepped back.

"No. It's not that. So much has happened since I last saw you." Robbie turned to face Jon. "Then what is it? Is there somebody else?" Jon clenched his teeth as he glared at him.

"No, at least not that way." Robbie tried to keep the eye contact they once shared.

"Then what is it? Why can't you stay?" Jon turned around and crossed his arms. He only wanted what they once had.

"I'm different now." Robbie took a few steps towards Jon. When he didn't reply, Robbie placed his hand on Jon's shoulder.

"Different? How different can you be? Jeez, you finally kissed me! And you call that different?" Jon pulled his shoulder from under his hand.

"Different enough to know that you would be better off without me." Robbie hung his head. He knew this was getting too involved.

"I was torn up when you disappeared. My whole world came crumbling down around my ears. Without you, I'm nothing. How can I be better off without you?" Jon turned to face him, tears streaming down his face.

Robbie stood and stared at Jon. He knew it was a risk coming back here. But he missed Jon so much, he was willing to break the rules that were set down. He decided it was time. He walked over to the sheet covered couch and sat down.

"Jon, come sit beside me." Robbie patted beside where he sat.

"Why? So you can tell me how much you care about me, but still, say you can't stay?" Jon spat the words out.

"Please? So I can tell you why things are the way they are." Robbie gave him a pleading look, one that always used to work.

Jon looked him in the eye, wondering if this was such a good idea. His heart wanted to trust him, but his head was telling him to stay away. Looking at Robbie's face, he knew he would give in.

Robbie sat back, waiting for Jon to join him. He knew Jon couldn't refuse his charm. It was like when they first discovered masturbation. Jon didn't want to anymore, but Robbie turned on his charm, and Jon couldn't turn him down.

Jon managed his way across the room, and took his seat next to Robbie. The house was quiet for some time, before Jon broke the silence.

"Well, what is it you have to tell me? Anything important?" Jon began to fidget, the mood was fading.

"I just wanted to sit with you, while I figure out what I'm going to tell you." Robbie wrapped his arm around Jon, and lay back on the couch.

Jon always enjoyed the closeness they had. It wasn't very long before he cuddled up against him.

"Jon, I want you to know how much I care about you." Robbie held him closer. "Shh... let me finish." Robbie hushed Jon before he could get a word out.

"There's been many things I've done since you last saw me." Robbie's voice was quieter than before.

"You already said that." Jon couldn't remain quiet for long.

"Please, before I lose my train of thought." Robbie felt Jon's head nod on his shoulder.

"There are things, in this world, that you wouldn't understand." Robbie let his words set in. Jon nodded his head in understanding.

"Where I've been, and what I've done, would freak you out. But remember, I never stopped thinking of you." Robbie held his arms tight around Jon.

"There's these people out there, that showed me another way of life. It made so much sense, that I agreed to go with them. I kinda did run away, but only to a better life." Robbie waited for Jon's response.

"Better? Someplace without me?" Jon's voice cracked under the pressure.

"That's why I came here tonight. To see you." Robbie held onto Jon as tight as he could.

Jon snaked his arms around Robbie. He felt that this wasn't going to end on a happy note, so he wanted to enjoy every second he could.

Robbie enjoyed the warmth of Jon's body. He knew he could only last so long being here with him.

"Take me with you." Jon's words slipped out before he could think about them.

"What?" Robbie jumped off the couch. He stared at Jon and tried to make sense of what he said.

"You heard me. Take me with you. I don't want to be separated from you again." Jon looked up at Robbie, the reflection from Jon's eyes showed that he was serious.

"But that's not really possible Jon. You don't know what you're saying." Robbie shook his head as he watched Jon's expression.

"Why? Don't you want to be with me forever?" Jon walked over to him, reaching for his hand.

"That's not the point. Do you really know what you ask of me?" Robbie pulled his hand away, and walked back over to the window.

"I have thought about it. I want to be with you forever. Is that too much to ask?" Jon took baby steps toward Robbie.

"It is if you want to lead a normal life. That isn't possible if you come with me." Robbie turned around to have Jon already in his face.

"What's normal about living without the one you love? Everyone already knows it, and I'm tired of having to defend myself without you. I can't have a normal life, if you leave again. So I'm serious about this." Jon placed his hands on his hips in an attempt to assert himself.

"Are you really sure about this? There would be no turning back." Robbie placed his hands on Jon's arms, to get his to relax.

"If I get to spend the rest of my life with you, then I'm sure." Jon relaxed his arms, letting them fall to his sides.

Robbie looked deep into Jon's eyes. He knew the consequences if he did this. His love for Jon would drive him to the brink of destruction.

"Are you really sure? This would be forever." Robbie whispered into Jon's ear. "I love you so much, I couldn't be any more sure." Jon fell into his embrace.

Robbie wrapped his arms around Jon. The kisses were gentle at first, but eventually, they become more fierce. Jon didn't know what to think, he only wanted to enjoy every feeling he was experiencing.

Robbie knew what he had to do. This wasn't like before, when it was only the hunger he had to control, it was so much more.

The constant rubbing against each other, was doing the trick. Both boys had erections that wouldn't quit. It would only be a matter of time before one or both of them left stains in their jeans.

The heat of the moment was going to win. Jon was so close, whimpers began to escape his lips. Robbie knew he could last. But, this is what he wanted.

Robbie began to nibble on Jon's ears, and neck. This made him tilt his head back, to give Robbie more exposure.

As Jon was at the point of no return, his body rigid on the edge of explosion, it was time.

Robbie grinned as his teeth grew. He had only seconds to complete the task. He knew, if he could bite him at the exact moment, Jon would be his forever. Robbie's teeth sank into

Jon's neck, as the signs of his orgasm, began to soak through his pants.

The deed was done. Jon would get his wish. He would be able to stay with Robbie, forever.