Cupid Lets One Rip

Cupid Lets One Rip

Administrators Office

The story begins in the main office of Agent Z99. Looking from wall to wall his office is covered in successful cupid arrow matches. On his desk is a single folder labeled B-293C. The report lists a total of nineteen almost failed matches. Sixty completed successful matches. Then highlighted in highlighter is on pending case.

"Agent B-293C, get your butt in here this instant." Senior agent Z99 yells from his desk.

The door slowly opens and in walks in Cupid B293-C also known as Kennedy. "Yes sir, you bellowed?"

"Kennedy, explain how you have a pending failure on your report," Z99 asked hoping he would hear an honest answer instead of more Bullshit.

"Sir you're not going to believe me, but I just let one rip while trying to shoot an LM - 9000 arrow." Kennedy answered while his face flushed bright red.

"Kennedy, just take a few moments to explain it, Before I have to write you up and send you back for Arrow Mastery Training," Z99 said trying to stifle a laugh.

One week earlier

Lucy and James are walking down the street talking about how things are going. The siblings are just chatting about who they like and who they think like them. "So James, have you found a girl you like yet?" Lucy asked then decided to hit a sore spot. "Or perhaps have you found a guy you like?"

"Lucy, you know I am into girls," James said with a little fire in his voice, but truth be known he had a few crushes he would consider. "Lucy, what about you any guys or girls you're interested in?" James asked already knowing the answer.

Lucy stopped at the red light, turned to look at James. "Why did you ask? You have known that Laura and I have been a couple for a year now." Lucy said slightly harsh but still made eye contact with her brother.

Once the light turned green they resumed their walk to the park. "I'm sure Trev and Kevan would love to get with you," Lucy said with a grin.

"Lucy, they are great guys to chill with, but I'm just not interested in them," James said while looking at his shoes.

"True but they seem really interested in you," Lucy said smiling at James.

Table 7 Southwest of Ryder Park

"Where the hell are they, I have other things to do today?" Kennedy asked the wind, "OK, I really should have laid off the Chinese buffet today!"

Kennedy, sat there watching the park. To his left approximately twenty-five feet away sat Trev and Kevan. They seemed to be staring straight ahead of them. "Yes, there they are. Now let's see instructions for loading the double load Cupid X590-89.b Arrows with self-guided targeting systems. Now I just load them in the Master Twin Bow launcher and then select the target names from the list." Mumbled Kennedy to himself.

Kennedy waited till the group was all together, selected the names, and was about to confirm the targets when out of nowhere his belly gurgled and he released a loud exploding fart and accidentally bumped a button and fire the twin arrows.

Back in Senior Agent Z99 Office

"You fired experimental double load rounds and actually knocked the launcher off axis during launch!" Agent Z99 yelled at the top of his lungs. "You missed and the rounds split into two separate launches, you hit four targets when you only had two. Can you see where I am going with this?"

"Yes sir, I think they might work out," Kennedy said talking to his shoes. "I was asked to try the new delivery device." Kennedy almost whispered, tears now rolling down his face.

"Stop, no more tears. Let's go visit accounting and see if they can tell us where you stand with this misfire." Agent Z99 said as he went and rubbed Kennedy's shoulders.

Accounting Office

"Hello Agent Z99 and Kennedy, please step in to my office." Laura Williams said kindly.

"Let me pull up the current stat’s for the misfire." Laura said then turned on the monitor on the back wall. "So according to these stats. James Williams and Kevan Trills is at ninety eight percent successful and Trev Davis and Lucy Williams are sitting at ninety seven percent successful even though neither couple is correct."

"Wait, so your saying this is actually a good screw up?" Agent Z99 asked slightly miffed.

"Yes, the stats are better than originally expected. So what happened to cause this mess up?" Laura asked while looking at a picture frame on her desk.

"I had over six full plates of Chinese, from Dynasty Buffet" Agent Kennedy said unable to make eye contact with Laura.

"I still don't see what that has to do with the misfire." Laura stated.

"I let a big nasty fart rip and almost crash landed on the launcher." Kennedy said while covering his face.

"When you let the poop hit the fan!" Agent Z99 started then stopped when Laura gave him an icy cold death stare.

"We will count these as successes on your file Kennedy." Laura said then escorted them out of the office.


The Cliffy End…