Patrick's Christmas

Patrick's Christmas

The day before Christmas had been unusually warm in the Midwest and Patrick was feeling somewhat hopeful. Because he'd made himself presentable in decent clothes from Goodwill, he been able to secure a long-term subbing job at Spalding High and was looking forward to getting off the street. The little money he'd get paid as holiday help at Penney's would allow him to buy a few better changes of clothes for his job as long as he didn't spend it on anything else.

As evening approached, the temperature dropped to its normal seasonal low, promising a very miserable night. He hurried back to his nest under the 4th Avenue Bridge only to discover that the last of his earthly possessions had disappeared along with old Frank whom he had trusted to watch them. At least he still had the dressy sweater he'd worn to the department store which would keep him from being quite as miserable.

How could he have been so careless with what little he had? He'd been lulled into a false sense of security because of the mild weather and the fact that the old wino had befriended him from the start and had helped him survive. Frank must have been setting him up to steal from him, and now he had no sleeping bag and no coat. Not anticipating his plight, he hadn't attempted to find a shelter to sleep in for the night. The few dollars he had rolled up in a plastic bag in the pouch of his briefs as a hedge against starvation wouldn't last long if he had to spend it on a room.

Patrick shivered in the alley by an exhaust vent which provided only a modicum of comfort. If he had a blanket or a cardboard box, it might be livable, but sadly such was not the case.

All of a sudden, he felt completely alone in the world. He had tried to stay upbeat for so long, and now everything came crashing down on him. He gave in to the wave of self-pity and cried for several minutes. Then he got his emotions under control and pondering how to cope with his present situation. His thoughts were interrupted by the lights of a police cruiser which pierced the gathering gloom.

"Sgt. Daniel D'Angelo at your service, stand up and put your hands against the car, please," the officer asked of him. "You know how this works."

Patrick leaned against the cruiser and spread his legs like he'd seen guys do in police stories on TV. Even in his fear at the possibility of being thrown in to a cell with a bunch of drunks, Patrick noted that the policeman had made more of a request than an order. The office seemed polite as he patted Patrick down. Feeling the cops warm hands near his crotch made Patrick almost enjoy the procedure.

"You're obviously not drunk, but I guess I should take you in on suspicion of loitering or something. The new chief runs a tight ship. He thinks if we take care of the small stuff, the big stuff won't happen."

"Is it really necessary? I've never been arrested and it could jeopardize my chances of getting a permanent job." Patrick pleaded.

"Don't worry; I don't have to make an actual arrest. Besides, spending a little time in a warm precinct station isn't as bad as being out here. It's near the end of my shift and I'll try to locate a shelter where there's room for the night if you don't have any place to stay. This time of year there's not much available, but you can't chance catching your death of cold out here. Christmas on the street can be bleak enough without getting sick on top of it."

"Thanks," Patrick replied quietly.


Their trip to the station passed in relative silence, broken up by the occasional message on the communication system. The snow which was beginning to fall made Patrick feel that even being tossed in a cell with a bunch of bums might be preferable to facing the coming night alone outside with no way to keep warm.

At the station, Sgt. D'Angelo directed Patrick to a chair next to his desk.

"I've seen you around the area several times and you've never been doing anything suspicious, but I need to run a check to see that you are who you claim to be. It shouldn't take long since you have a driver's license. Are you hungry?"

"I'm fine," Patrick lied, but his growling stomach gave him away.

"Don't go anywhere. I'll get cheese and crackers out of the vending machine to tide us over 'til we're properly fed."

Patrick waited with his head in his hands until Sgt. D'Angelo returned. Then he brightened up at the prospect of a snack – one that he didn't have to pay for.

"I forgot to ask what you liked to drink, so I got bottled water in case you were avoiding pop."

"I'm not in the position to avoid anything edible," Patrick smiled wanly.
"Thanks for your kindness."

"You're welcome. I saw a picture on the 'net of a policeman in New York who bought socks and boots for a homeless man, so my little gesture is a drop in the bucket to what some people do.

I guess I should interview you while I'm waiting on the computer. How did you end up out in the cold? You look more like one of Santa's elves than a bum."

"It's probably my boyish face and red hair." Patrick smile, warming up to the officer's easy-going manner.

"You do look younger than your license says, and that sexy red hair helps complete the picture. Is it for real, or do you have it colored?"

"Given my plight of being on the street, do you think I'd spend money foolishly? The only reason it's even properly cut is that a friend in the salon at Penney's took pity on me when the manager complained about how I looked."

"Sorry, I didn't mean to offend you. You seem to be doing your best to get ahead; so what happened?"

"I was given the dreaded pink slip from my teaching position last spring because of budget cuts, and in this economy I haven't been able to make enough money to more than keep body and soul together. I've tried everything including washing dishes. I got behind in my rent and lost my apartment and had no one who would give me a helping hand. I wasn't looking for a handout, only a hand-up, if you know what I mean. When I was reduced to living on the street, an old guy sorta took me under his wing and I fell for it. Now I don't even have a bedroll. I should never have trusted Frank to watch my stuff. I could kill the bastard!"

"Is that Frank Schneider, the wino who hung around 4th Avenue?"

"The same!"

"Um, don't speak too loudly about wishing him dead. He was found over on Third around noon, evidently robbed and badly beaten. I heard he died in the hospital about an hour ago."

"Damn! Here I've been cussing the old man when I should have been praying for him. He must have been the harmless old coot I took him to be after all."

"Just so you're not under suspicion, do you have an alibi for the morning?"

"I clocked in at Penney's at 8:45 and didn't leave until they closed at 5:00, except to have a bite to eat at 11:30 with another employee. I'm sure she'll vouch for me."

"I didn't assume you had anything to do with Frank's death, especially when you hadn't discovered the loss of your things until long after he was found. Besides, you're not the type to kill anyone."

"How can you be sure?"

"One can never be certain of anything, I guess, but there are no red flags in this report. You haven't even had so much as a traffic ticket in the past five years."

"Are you sure you don't want to get a DNA sample and my fingerprints anyway?"

"Nah, you were fingerprinted when they vetted you for your teaching certificate. You're squeaky clean."

"Am I free to go then?"

"Not until I finish this bit of paperwork. Then my shift is over and I'll drive you to a shelter."

"I thought you said they'd all be full, Sgt. D'Angelo."

"I have connections," he smiled enigmatically. "Please call me Dan. Sergeant 'anything' is too formal among friends."

"My mother insisted on "Patrick," but please call me Pat if you like," he responded, wondering about how they got to be friends.

While Dan finished up a few details and straightened up his desk, Patrick sat there musing over all that had happened. Just when he'd felt hope, he'd lost what little he'd had. Then when he'd felt nothing but despair, Dan had come along and given him hope again. What a crazy day! Patrick prayed that the rollercoaster ride was reaching an end and there would be a long smooth track ahead for him.


Their drive to where Patrick would be housed turned out to be quite a distance from the station. The city buildings with close-set apartments gave way to duplexes and one-family houses with small lawns, and eventually to more commodious homes set on spacious lots. Finally Dan pulled up to a sprawling ranch with a double garage.

"Wow, does this family take in transients as a mission?" Pat asked.

"The owner has a soft heart for decent people who are down on their luck," Dan responded as he unlocked the door leading from the garage to the kitchen.

"I'm sorry about the furnishings. My ex took all the good stuff. However, I have the house and joint custody of my boys. I get them for the day tomorrow. She can't rob me of them completely!"

"It looks like a mansion to me!" Patrick insisted as he gave an involuntary shiver.

"You're still cold. Why don't you take a warm shower to dispel the chill while I make something to eat? I'll turn the thermostat up to 69 and find you a sweat-suit to lounge in. Let me show you to the big shower in the master bath and get you clean towels and a toothbrush. Make yourself at home."

Patrick felt like he'd died and gone to heaven as the warm spray caressed his body. He'd kept as clean as possible by taking spit-baths in lockable wash rooms when he could, but he hadn't enjoyed the luxury of a real shower in months.

Dan's shampoo and body wash had a clean fresh scent that made Patrick feel special. As a result, he spent longer in the shower than he'd intended to. He was standing naked in front of the mirror assessing his image while trying to spike his hair with the gel Dan had left him, when his host peered through the open door to tell him dinner was nearly on the table.

"Oops, sorry, I wasn't intending to intrude on your privacy."

"No problem. At least you know for sure I'm a genuine redhead," Patrick joked.

"And one who cleans up very nicely," Dan bantered back as he assessed his good-looking guest.


A few minutes later, the men sat at the rickety card table in the kitchen to the delicious fare Dan had whipped up. It was simple, but the aroma made Patrick's mouth water. Dan had sliced pieces of sirloin steak in half to make them quite thin. He had seared them in a hot cast iron skillet sprinkled with salt and a bit of oil. To complement them, there were kettle chips, a big bowl of salad with several choices of dressing, and another bowl with cutup fresh fruit.

Dan bowed his head and asked a quick blessing on the food and on them before jumping up to take pieces of toasted bread from the oven where they were being kept warm.

"I hope you don't mind eating 'tramp style' because this was the quickest thing I could make since the meat was already thawed. My father used to make this."

"If this is tramp style, I envy the tramps!" Pat enthused.

He followed Dan's example in spreading a piece of toast with butter and placing a strip of meat on it to eat like an open-face sandwich. He wanted to inhale it, but ate slowly to savor every bite. He couldn't remember enjoying a meal more than this one.

The men conversed while eating and each got to know a bit more about the other. Dan told a few details about his messy divorce, but seemed to be holding something back. Pat revealed a bit more about being let down by people he'd assumed might help him when he was down. He too was guarded in what he said.

"I get so pissed off with some of those hypocritical Christians who claim to care about others but don't want anything to do with you if you don't fit their idea of what you should be! It's like they're the gate-keepers for the kingdom of heaven and what they say goes," Patrick said in one long spiel.

"Yeah, I agree. I try not to be one of those!" Dan responded when Patrick stopped his tirade to draw a breath.

"I wasn't referring to you," Pat assured his host. "You put your money where your mouth is, or should I say your faith where your mouth is. You saved me from a miserable night on the street not knowing what you might be getting yourself into. I might be a murderer, thief, or rapist who's simply stayed under the radar."

"You're none of those things! After several years in the department, I'm a good judge of men."

"If you are, have you figured out why I'm railing against church people?"

"It's probably the same reason I'm not considered to be a good Italian Catholic son. The way God made you is in conflict with some people's ideas of what you should be and whom you should love."

"You too?" Patrick's eyes widened in disbelief.

"Yup. I didn't really have to check on you when you were getting out of the shower. I was hoping to see you in all your glory and I wasn't disappointed. I apologize about perving, but you're so adorable."

"You don't need to be sorry for anything you've done. You probably noticed that I didn't make any attempt to cover up either. I wanted you to see me naked and I hoped you'd like what you saw!"

"I really DO need to apologize. I have a confession to make and you may be pissed when you hear it. I knew a lot about you before I ever picked you up on suspicion of loitering. I ran a background check on you several days ago without having adequate reason to other than that I thought you were cute. I could lose my job over it if you wanted to push the issue."

"God, I'm flattered that you'd want to know about me! I'm not going to do anything to jeopardize your employment. You're nothing but kind!"

"But, don't you see, I sorta sought you out in hopes of getting together with you. I didn't exactly stalk you, but I did go out tonight wanting to bring you home. When you weren't under the bridge, I figured you'd probably heard about Frank and were looking for some place safer. I was afraid you'd be in a shelter where I'd have no way of enticing you to come home with me."

"I'm all yours if you want me." Patrick declared.

"I can't do what I'd like to with you. I feel like a fraud and I don't want you to hate me. I started out wanting your body, but now I know it was so shallow of me. You're not some toy to entertain me. I want to know you, and I hope you'll want to know me."

"I like you already."

"I mean I want you to like the real me. Would you stay a while with me? I can provide a roof over your head until you want to move on. I won't pressure you for sex. I want to be the Christian you think I am. You don't have to pay me back with your body."

"Dan, you're so sweet!" Patrick exclaimed as he leaned down beside Dan's chair and kissed him on the cheek.

"Pat, you're making me feel even guiltier!"

"Well, don't! There's nothing wrong with going after something you want. I'm very flattered that you'd want me! You look like a movie star with your dark hair and eyes. I find you to be the most handsome guy who's ever given me a second look. Besides, there's nothing wrong with two consenting adults hooking up, even if it never leads to anything further. People do it all the time."

"I need to pick up the kitchen and get to bed soon. I'd better give you the mattress in my room and I'll sleep on the futon." Dan said, changing the subject.

"I'll help you wash up. Then I want you to take a shower and join me in your bed because I want to explore every inch of your body," Patrick said in a husky voice.


"No buts' about it unless it's my butt," Patrick joked. "I'd like us to take each other to heaven."


They made short work of cleaning up the kitchen. Patrick finished up after sending Dan to the shower. He came into the bathroom just as Dan was reaching for a towel.

"Please let me dry you off," Patrick requested as he led Dan into the adjoining bedroom.

Dan only nodded because he was too excited to speak. His big, uncut cock throbbed in anticipation of Patrick's touch. Patrick not only dried it off, but lovingly kissed it as he knelt.

"Oh shit!" Dan cried. "You'll have to be careful. I'm sure I'll have a hair-trigger tonight. It's been s o-o-o long since my dick's had any attention at all."

"Then let's get the initial blast out of the way so we can take our time arriving at the next one," Patrick suggested, just before licking Dan's firm cock-head as if it were a lollipop.

Pat continued his ministrations, reaching up to stimulate Dan's nipples and abs. The total effect drove his host closer and closer to the edge.

"I'm cumming; oh fuck!" Dan screamed as he pumped a copious load of jizz into Patrick's hot mouth. "Oh fuck, oh shit! That was the best ever!"

Fortunately, with Pat's help, Dan collapsed on the queen sized mattress instead of the floor. Despite being in excellent physical condition, his knees had buckled from the intense orgasm.

Being the considerate person that he was, Dan mustered enough strength to pull down the sweat pants Pat was wearing in order to free his turgid cock as they lay together. He nuzzled the red pubes which he found extremely attractive. He couldn't wait to lick the drops of precum oozing from Patrick's throbbing phallus.

Then slowly he tongued his way to Patrick's balls, bathing them and sucking them into his mouth one at a time. When he reached Patrick's perineum, he found the redhead's most sensitive erogenous zone. Patrick moaned and writhed until he could barely take any more. Then Dan flicked across his rosebud and licked from balls to cock-head pushing Patrick over the edge to orgasm. The first strong spurt landed in Dan's black, wavy hair. The next were captured in his hot mouth. Had Pat not been lying down already, he would have crumpled like Dan had done earlier.

"You're awesome!" Patrick cried out in ecstasy. "Never, never have I felt like this; not even the first time I ever got sucked off."

"I'm glad I could please you," Dan grinned.


The two cuddled together in euphoric exhaustion, falling asleep for about 45 minutes. They awakened with lascivious grins on their handsome faces.

"Do you have any condoms?" Patrick asked. "I'd like you to make love to me when you're up for it."

Dan's rising erection bore testimony that he was indeed up for it! He got up and rummaged through the top drawer of his old bureau to find condoms and a tube of KY jelly.

"Are you sure you want this? I'd be happy to let you fuck me."

"I can go either way, but I'd honestly like to feel you on top of me. I'm a real sucker for a man in a uniform. Would you consider wearing your hat and boots?"

"Hell yes! Do you want the handcuffs too?"

"Um, no, not right now. I want to feel dominated to an extent, but not quite that much."

"I can understand that, but I'd like you to handcuff me to the headboard sometime – uh, when I get a headboard again!"

Patrick wondered if he was reading too much into Dan's comment. Did it mean Dan was thinking of them together in the future? If only!

Despite looking like a tough officer with his cap and boots on, Dan was as gentle as could be in preparing Patrick to take his ample cock. He began by rimming Pat until he was begging to get laid. Even then, Dan made no attempt to enter until he had used plenty of lube, working his way up to three fingers stretching Pat's tight canal.

"This will probably hurt at first, but I'll stop to let you get used to it." Dan said.

True to his word, he took several minutes before his pubes rested against Patrick's butt. Patrick shivered in anticipation.

"Are you cold?"

"No, I'm just excited."

"I hope I'm not going to disappoint you."

"You couldn't possibly!"

Dan began humping slowly, allowing Pat to become accustomed to his big dick. He read body language well and knew exactly which position gave Pat the most pleasure. Even when having sex with Lisa had been more a duty than a pleasure, he had always been a considerate lover.

When Patrick thrust his butt upward forcefully to meet Dan's thrusts, Dan knew he was getting close and that stimulated him in return. Patrick's continuous gasps and whimpers heralded his impending climax. With a final cry of pleasure, Patrick flooded the tight space between them. The contractions of his sphincter muscle helped to milk Dan to his orgasm almost simultaneously.

They clung together as they slowly descended from the mountain peak.

"Sgt. Daniel D'Angelo, you are one hot fuckin' stud!"

"I take it I was okay then," Dan grinned.

"You have NO idea how 'okay' you were! Look it's almost midnight; Merry Christmas, Santa!"

"Merry Christmas, my special elf!"


Morning came a bit too early for the men who had made love late into the night. Patrick would have loved spending a few hours simply cuddling with his hero, but he remembered that Dan's boys were scheduled to spend the day and worried where he'd be staying while they were here.

Dan stirred and smiled at his bed partner who looked even more like one of Santa's helpers with his tousled hair and sleep in his eyes.

"Hey sweet prince, we'd better get up so we can eat and make preparations before we have to entertain Benji and Joe-Joe."

"We? Are you sure you want me around? I could go 'loiter' in the bus station for a few hours."

"Of course I meant that both of us would play with them. I can use the help! Benjamin is six and Joseph just turned three in September. They can be quite a handful when they get wound up."

"But won't they wonder who I am? How will you introduce me?"

"I'll simply tell them you're my friend whose name is Patrick and that will satisfy their curiosity. It's not like they're teenagers who would want to know more and possibly put two and two together."

"Okay. What do we have to do to get ready for their visit?"

"We need to get showered, dressed, and bring some kind of order to the bed we destroyed last night. Might I express how much I loved it? And then put up the little Christmas tree, wrap their gifts, and get the turkey in the oven."

"Just like a man, leaving everything to the last minute!" Patrick exclaimed, trying to keep a straight face.

"Nag, nag, nag, just like a woman," Dan bantered back. "Now get in the shower with me so we can have a quickie before we start slaving away."

"Yes Sir, Sergeant, Sir!"

"I'm gonna teach you some manners, smartass!"

"Please do."

Their bantering and teasing ceased the moment their lips met as the almost literally melted into each other's body.

They broke off long enough to pee and brush their teeth. Then Dan led Patrick back to the bedroom and lay on his back with his knees pulled up.

"Are you sure?" Pat asked.

"Yes! Grab the supplies and fuck my brains out!"

Dan's naughty invitation made Patrick want to plow him hard, but he was as gentle as Dan had been with him the night before. He didn't neglect the foreplay nor did he skimp on stretching and lubing him.

"Oh God, I want you so bad!" Dan cried.

Pat took those words as a mandate. Dan's hole was tight, but the process of coupling with him went smoothly. He exhibited no sign of discomfort despite the fact Patrick was by no means underdeveloped.

After a few minutes of slow, rhythmic thrusts, Patrick began to speed up as Dan raised his ass to meet his every stroke. It was all over before either of them really wanted it to be. Dan came almost immediately upon feeling Patrick's explosion.

"I guess we really need a shower now!" Dan grinned. "Good thing you wore a condom or I'd be dripping cum all day. That was a gusher!"

"Look who's talking," Patrick responded as he mopped up part of the load Dan had spewed between them.


After showering and eating, the men started their tasks. While Dan straightened up the house, Pat wrapped the presents for the boys and helped prepare the small turkey to go into the oven.

Dan hadn't put everything off to the last minute. He'd purchased several things from the deli to complete the meal. Once the potatoes were peeled and put in water to keep from discoloring, the two men began decorating the house and tiny artificial tree.

There was a box of old ornaments from Dan's childhood which Lisa had decided were too shabby to keep. She had tossed them in the trash several years before, but Dan had rescued them and stashed them in the garage attic. They would now serve a purpose again.

While digging through these old treasures, Dan pulled out two Christmas hats which brought back memories of his brother and him horsing around years ago. On was a red Santa hat with the fake fur trim and the other was a green hat with a little bell at the end instead of a pompon. He donned the red one and playfully put the green one on Patrick's head, declaring him an official elf. The hats seemed to contain some kind of magic which put them in the spirit of the holiday.

Having worked well as a team, the men actually had time to sit down to read the paper before the children arrived.

When the doorbell rang, Dan suggested that Patrick might want to hide out in one of the empty bedrooms to avoid a run-in with "the dragon lady." Dan would have to bite his tongue to keep from being baited by her and there was no reason Patrick should have to put up with her attitude until they became a couple. He hurried to answer the bell before dwelling on the possibility of permanence which had just crossed his mind.


Lisa was here usual charming self, "You look stupid in that old hat. I thought I threw that out?"

"I'm pleased to see you too, dear, and yes you did try to destroy everything connected to my childhood and happier times, but somehow they and I have survived very well."

"Whatever. I stopped at the only open McDonalds and got the boys Happy Meals because I know you won't be cooking."

"Can't you smell the turkey? I have baked yams and I'm making mashed potatoes like the boys love. There's a green bean casserole and steamed broccoli because I know they love those too. This is a fast-food-free zone. Why don't you take these home for you and Ralph? That way you can spend less time in the kitchen and more in the bedroom."

"I'm sure the boys would rather have these than your cooking."

"Want turkey!" Joe-Joe announced, as he held up his arms signaling he wanted his dad to pick him up.

"I insist you take them home," Dan said firmly, handing her the sack. "What time are you coming to get them?"

"Tomorrow afternoon."

"But you know I have to work the late shift tonight. We discussed it last week."

"Too bad; you'll have to arrange for a babysitter or come down with blue-flu I guess. Lots of luck finding a sitter."

With that, Lisa left taking the Happy Meals with her.


"Mom says we won't get any presents here because Santa is mad at you and you don't have any money," Benji said, "but that's okay 'cause we love you anyway."

"Well, your mother must have made a mistake. I'm a friend of Santa's. He gave me this hat when I was a boy and he left presents for you.

Pat, could you bring the gifts from us and from Santa?" Dan called.

"Whoa!" Benji exclaimed as Patrick came into the living room. "You have a real elf!"

"Cool!" Joe-Joe added.

Patrick got down on his knees so he wouldn't tower over them and the boys ran to hug him. They were much more interested in Santa's helper than in the presents he was bearing.

"How come you're not at the North Pole?" Benji questioned.

"Santa decided to give me a vacation after we delivered everything and I chose to stay here for a while so I could meet you guys. Your dad thought you might like that."

"Yay! This is the coolest Christmas ever!" Benji pronounced.

"Cool!" Joe-Joe echoed.

"Here, you'd better open your packages," Patrick suggested as he disentangled himself from the two excited little boys.

"Who is Patrick?" Benji asked as he read the tag on one of his gifts.

"Oh, I forgot to properly introduce the elf," Dan grinned. "His name is Patrick. I'm gonna ask Santa to let him live here for a long time. And since Santa is my good buddy, I think he'll grant my wish.

Would you like that?" he said to the boys, but looked into Patrick's eyes.

"Cool," Joe-Joe remarked again. It seemed to be his expression for everything he liked. Benji nodded his agreement.

Patrick had to turn away and wipe his eyes at hearing Dan's wish and the boys' reaction. He was overcome by the warm feeling of love.


Dinner was an unqualified success. The boys loved everything that was put on their plates. Dan cut up Joe-Joe's food into bite-sized pieces and Patrick did the same for Benji who continued to want his attention.

When the leftovers had been put away and the kitchen tidied up, they adjourned to the living room and sat on the floor to assemble some of the Lego projects the boys had received. Dan suggested that they keep them at his house so they wouldn't get "lost" and would have them to play with whenever they came to visit. He figured Lisa would likely throw them out when the boys weren't looking.

He couldn't understand why she was so contentious. She had asked for the divorce in order to be with Ralph. Dan hadn't come out to her and would never have done so until at least after the boys were of age. He would have sucked it up and lived in a loveless marriage without complaint rather than to jeopardize his relationship with his sons.

If anyone had a right to be bitter, it was Dan. He'd done all the right things, but had ended up on the losing end, at least until last night…

Ralph had "won" this time in taking Dan's wife from him. The two had always been rivals in high school. Ralph's family had a LOT more in material goods, but Ralph had always been envious of Dan. Dan had been the football quarterback. Dan had the body to die for, and Dan was built like the proverbial Italian Stallion. Ralph's money couldn't buy what Dan came by naturally.


Two tired tykes went to sleep quickly in their makeshift bed on the futon. They zonked out right after having their baths and being read to by their elf.

"I hate to impose on you to watch the kids when I go to work." Dan said.

"Hey, they'll be asleep most of the time and you know how well they've adjusted to me." Patrick smiled.

"They love you about as much as I do," Dan whispered.

"Aren't you afraid of that word since your divorce?"

"Scared to death, if I'm honest; but with you, it's a good kind of scared."

"Do you believe in God and in Christmas miracles?"

"I had my doubts for a while, but that's changed for me now." Dan blinked back a tear.

"Me too."

"The boys are sound sleepers; maybe we could express our feelings before I go out in the cold."

"You should catch a nap at least before your shift begins. You'll be dead tired."

"I can do that after…" Dan grinned.

"But you might not have time for a shower. You don't want to smell of sex the whole time."

"I don't?"

Hand in hand the men crept off to the bedroom. Dan and Patrick both got their Christmas wish.


Comments greatly appreciated at David Lee