You Ain't Santa

Chapter Forty Two: What To Do Now?

After everyone had departed, except for Ginger, Dan and me, Dan went to Quinn's bed, "Son, I want to show Mrs. Belton and Mr. Richter what someone did to you before you were hit by the car.  You don't have to say anything and they aren't going to laugh at you."

Dan had Quinn turn on his side and then he showed us the bruise marks that were obviously old, when compared to the one on Quinn's hip where he was probably hit by the vegans who were protesting at Belle Monte.

When Quinn was covered again, Ginger asked, "Quinn, do you have a mother or a father?"

Quinn shook his head no and put his hands to his head as if he were sleeping and pointed to the ceiling.

Ginger asked, "Are you saying that your daddy and mother are dead, and have gone to heaven?"

Quinn nodded yes.

Dan stopped anymore questions, "Mrs. Belton, I think we need to let Quinn get some rest so he won't be too tired when Ryan and Nate come back to see him after dinner."

When we were outside Quinn's room, Dan apologized, "Ginger, I didn't mean to cut you off, but I didn't think that Quinn needed to have any more stress placed on him, today.  Tell Kirk what else you would like to know, and he can call you when he has the information.  I need to go call the police and tell them Quinn's name, to preclude more problems later, Kirk, I'll see you back at Belle Monte."

Ginger looked at me, "Kirk, if Quinn's parents are dead, then who was his caregiver when the mess started.  Call me if you can find out any more information about Quinn.  It's cases like this that make it very difficult for justice to be served.  It would be so much better if Quinn would be able to speak at least a little."

"Ginger, I'll call you as soon as we get any further information."

When I arrived at Belle Monte, Bruce was waiting for me, "I understand the young man's name is Quinn Danielson.  Were you able to find out any more?"

I took a deep breath, "Not much, but Quinn indicated that his parents were dead.  Dan showed Mrs. Belton and me the marks of where Quinn had been beaten, before the accident.  The little boys' back and the back of his legs had old black and blue marks all over them."

Dan arrived, so the conversation was diverted, "When I left the hospital, Quinn was resting quietly.  I talked to some of the staff doctors and they recommended that we call a Doctor Richfield who has his offices at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota.  I tried to call, but of course no one answered on Sunday."

Bruce interrupted, "If you get me the number for Doctor Richfield, I'll get him here."

The guys returned from the house on the hill and Ryan asked, "Dads, how was Quinn when you left.  When are we going to make it so he can talk all the time?"

Dan leaned down and hugged Ryan, "When I left the hospital, Quinn was asleep.  I think he was tired from all the visitors today.  When you go back tonight, make sure you don't make him too tired.  Your Uncle Bruce is going to see if he can get someone here to make it so Quinn can talk all the time, the way you and your brother do.  I think you even talk in your sleep."

Ryan frowned, "Dad, that was really mean.  I don't talk in my sleep."

Alex answered, "Ryan, the night we spent in the hospital with Quinn, I don't think you stopped talking even when you were sleeping in the chair next to me."

After dinner, it was only Nate, Ryan, Bruce, Alex, Vince and me who went to the hospital.  When we walked into the room, Quinn was watching television.  When he saw us, he perked up and pointed to Bruce, as if to say, "who's he?"

Nate introduced Bruce, "Quinn, this is our Uncle Bruce.  He wants to help you get better. "

Bruce moved his wheelchair close to the bed and put out his hand and Quinn put out his hand to shake it.  Bruce took control, "Quinn, Dr. Richter tells me that your parents are dead.  Is that right?"

Quinn nodded yes, and Bruce continued, "Did you live with your grandparents?"

Quinn shook his no.

Bruce took a few minutes, "Did you live with an aunt?"

Quinn shook his head no.

Bruce frowned, "Did you live with an uncle or a cousin"

Quinn put up one finger and Ryan asked, "Quinn are you saying that you lived with an Uncle?"

Quinn nodded in the affirmative.

Bruce wasn't finished, "Quinn, can you tell us your uncle's name without trying to talk?"

Quinn took a short time before he shook his head yes.  He made a motion like he was taking something out of his pocket and putting it in something and turning it.

Nate yelled, "Are you saying that his name was Key?"

Quinn shook his head no and pointed to his teeth and made like he was pulling something.

Vince asked, "I guess you want us to put key with teeth, so I think your uncle's name was Keith.  Was that his first name or last name?"

Quinn put up one finger.  Bruce nodded, "So your uncle's name is Keith something but Keith what?"

Quinn sat up and put his left hand on the bed and put his right hand over his head.  He pointed to his left hand and shook his head no and then pointed to the hand over his head.

I was baffled where Quinn was going, but Vince asked, "Is it top or something?"

Quinn shook his head no and made a motion like he was going up and down hills and Ryan asked, "Quinn, are trying to say high?"

Quinn shook his head yes and proceeded to make a something where he had his hands spread far apart and gradually put them together as he raised them over his head.  It suddenly dawned on me what he might be trying to say.  "Quinn, was your Uncle's name Keith Hightower?"

Quinn got a big grin on his face and nodded up and down.

Bruce asked one more question, "Quinn, can you tell us where you and your uncle lived?"

Quinn made an outline of a big building that had lots of windows and he made it seem like it was four or five levels of windows. 

Alex asked, "Quinn, did you and your uncle live in an apartment?"

Quinn nodded yes, and Bruce asked, "Quinn do you know the address?"

Quinn looked totally lost at the question and shook his head no."

"Quinn, Dr, Richter and I need to go.  We have some things that we need to take care of.  Nate brought a book with him to read to you and then Alex and Vince will bring Nate and Ryan home, so you can get a good night's rest, the boys do have school in the morning."

As Bruce and I were leaving the room, both Nate and Ryan were in bed with Quinn, and Nate was starting to read the book he had brought with him.  When we were going to Bruce's van, which I had driven, Bruce mumbled, "Hell, anyone in their right mind should be able to see that Quinn needs to be at Belle Monte whether it be as your and Dan's son or better yet as Vince and Alex's son.  I'd like to be able to kick the ass of the person who beat him."

"When we get to Belle Monte, you need to call Mrs. Belton and tell her what we found out and then call the police so they know the latest.  I just wish we knew where it was that Quinn and his mysterious uncle lived.  I don't recognize the name, so I'm guessing it isn't in our city."

Dan was sitting talking to Charles and George when we arrived at Belle Monte.  Bruce informed everyone what was happening and that both he and I needed to make some phone calls.  Dan and I went into the office and I called Ginger and the police and informed them what we found out.   Dan looked at me, "I hope you didn't try to make Quinn talk too much."

I shook my head, "I don't recall him saying a thing verbally.  He did a magnificent job talking with his hands.  Bruce has something on his mind, but he hasn't shared it with me.  He's really upset.  The boys should be here shortly.  Quinn was lying between the two boys and Nate was reading them a story when we left."

It was twenty minutes later when Ryan, Nate, Vince and Alex came into the big house.  Ryan was so excited, "Dads, you should have heard Quinn when we left.  He said, 'Good night, guys, I'll see you all tomorrow.'"

Vince plopped down on the sofa, "Quinn is truly amazing.  How many people could be so descriptive with their hands?  Ryan is right when Quinn said goodnight to us, it was very intelligible."

I stood, "Come on, you pet owners, you need to go make sure that your animals are okay and you do have to go to school tomorrow."

Ryan started to argue, "But Daddy, who's going to be at the hospital to let Quinn know we care?"

Vince started to chuckle, "Ryan, unless I missed something, I thought your Dad Dan worked at the hospital.  Plus me and Alex can slip away to make sure that the nurses aren't beating Quinn up.  I can hear Snitch, Snatch, Hodge and Podge pacing waiting for you to come home."

Nate pouted, "Come on, Ryan, I can tell when these big people want to get rid of us."

When we arrived at the little house, the animals were indeed waiting for the boys and as soon as the boys were in bed, the animals were there to keep them safe.  Dan and I took advantage and had a nice hot session which we hadn't been able to enjoy for some time.  I wasn't sure who was going to be the most uncomfortable when morning made its appearance.

When I went to work on Monday, I assumed that I wouldn't need to get involved in the affairs surrounding Quinn, since Dan was at the hospital, but Vince and Alex were going to be checking in on Quinn.  It was about noon when I received the first call.  It was Bruce, "Kirk, Doctor Richfield is flying in from Minneapolis and wants to meet with the primary players, so he knows what he's up against.  He'll be arriving at four o'clock.  You need to pick him up at the airport."

I looked at the phone, "Bruce, how in the world did you manage to get someone from the Mayo Clinic here that fast?"

"Bryce and I just happened to have gone to school with the man, and he's familiar with what has been happening with Ryan and Nathan.  He's intrigued and wants to come investigate for himself.  I didn't realize that I knew the man until I called him and identified myself."

"Bruce, could you give me a clue what the man might look like and what flight he will be arriving on?"

"He'll be on flight 462, and I haven't a clue as to what he might look like.  As I recall, he was rather handsome, but I haven't seen him since we went to college.  He went to some rinky dink college called Stanford and Bryce and I chose Harvard.  We'll meet you at the hospital when you arrive.  Oh, by the way, I told him he would be welcom to stay at Belle Monte."

I explained to Sandy that I needed to go the airport and that I needed to deliver my passenger to the hospital.  I looked at her, "I'll need to bring you up to speed tomorrow.  Our house has been busier than a beehive all weekend."

Sandy laughed, "Yeah, I heard Belle Monte was a hornet's nest on Friday night."

When I arrived at the airport, I was a little early and Dean Meyers was sitting in the baggage claim area, waiting.  I went and sat down beside him, "We should have come together.  We could have saved some gas.  I'm here to pick up someone I don't know."

Dean Meyers laughed, "I'm here to pick up my wife.  She spent the weekend visiting with her sisters in Minneapolis.  They get together once each year, so they can visit without family around.  I think they really use it as an excuse to spend hours shopping.   We'll probably be receiving packages for two weeks, and we'll probably be eating pork and beans for the rest of the month."

There was an announcement, "Flight 462 has landed and passengers should be arriving in the baggage claim area shortly."

Mrs. Meyers appeared walking with someone who was in his mid to late 30's.  She called, "Kirk, I believe this gentleman is looking for you.  He says you're to give him a ride to the hospital and that he's going to be staying at Belle Monte with you and your boys.  I understand there were some more fireworks at Belle Monte while I was gone."

Dean Meyers and I went to meet them.  Dean Meyers looked at the young man, "Nelson, what brings you to our little corner of the world?

Kirk, this is one of our nephews, Nelson Richfield.  Nels, this is Dr. Kirk Richter who works in the psychology department at the university."

I shook Doctor Richfield's hand and he certainly did have a firm handshake.  He moaned, "Do you realize how difficult it is for a doctor to take his needed gear on an airplane anymore?  I swear they were going to make me take one of every pill that I usually carry in my doctor's kit.  They have to bring my doctor's bag to me separate from the rest of the luggage.  There are my two bags; Kirk, would you please grab them while I track down my doctor's paraphernalia?"

An attendant arrived and asked, "Doctor Richfield, would you please sign for your equipment?"

As we were walking to the parking garage with Dean and Mrs. Meyers, Mrs. Meyers said, "We'll have to get together while you're here, Nels.  We've been to Belle Monte, and I think you're going to be surprised. If you talk to Lars, give him our love."

When Nelson and I were in the car, Nelson laughed, "Aunt Eleanor sure doesn't let any secret hide in the closet.  When I talked to Bruce this morning, he explained that you have a young man who has difficulty in speaking and didn't speak at all until your sons put in a prayer request yesterday.  I'm intrigued by his case and also by what has been happening at Belle Monte.  My nephew keeps me posted on what's been happening here in the area.  He's a senior at the university.  I understand he's in your seminar class and that the class fell in love with your two sons."

Before our conversation could continue, we arrived at the hospital and made our way to meet with the others, whoever the others were going to be."

Editor's Notes: 

It is nice to know that Quinn has been speaking, at least a little. I hope he can tell the police and who ever else needs to know, how he happened to be on the side of the road, the other night. 

It's interesting to note that Nelson is related to the Myers. Things like that seem to happen every so often.

I can hardly wait for the next chapter. 

Darryl AKA The Radio Rancher