Reincarnated Death

Reincarnated Death

What? I can't breathe! This noose around my neck...damn it! Today of all days, this shouldn't be happening to me!

Oh jeez, I can see one of the others shadows now. Damn it! Shit! Whoever this was, knows how to tie a good knot.

The floor is a foot away, the chair that held me suspended, knocked over. The garage I'm hanging in is freshly cleaned. I'm trying to hold the rope, so I can survive the next 24 hours.

Who am I? I'm known as The Grim Reaper or The Shadow of Death. But if I can't get down from here, I won't get my day off.

The shadow lurking in the corner starts moving in. There isn't much time left, maybe a few seconds more.


The side door to the garage flies off its hinges and splinters as it hits the floor. Who the hell?

The last thing I see is a beautiful face, before I lose consciousness.

The bright light burns my eyes, as I try to focus on my surrounding. I don't think I am dead... no, not yet. The angelic face comes into view, finally being able to focus.

His deep blue eyes attract my attention. His light brown hair is kept neat, and highlights his perfect face. The redness in his eyes shows that he's been crying. Why? Was he crying over me, or rather the body I'm in?

"Jonathan, are you alright? You had me scared shitless!" Tony leaned over me and held my hand. In his other, a paper, apparently this mortal had written a suicide note.

 "*?*" What the hell, I can't talk. Oh yeah, the rope must've hurt my throat. What does this guy want with me?

The memories are slowly coming forward. Tony has been a friend of this Jonathan, for quite a number of years. The only problem is this boy doesn't know who I really am.

I struggled to sit up, but Tony held me back.

"Dude, you better lie back down, and let me get some help." Tony placed his hand over my heart, and stared into my eyes.

I shook my head and waved my hands. There was no way I could get caught in this body. Twenty four hours is just that. I'm not wasting my time locked up in a padded room.

Tony placed his hands on his hips and straightened up. His eyes narrowed as he looked at me.

God was he gorgeous. His slim waist and muscular build were accentuated by his cute face. He had a perfect high school jock's body that filled out his clothes perfectly.

"What in the hell were you thinking? Hanging yourself?" Tony stood up and turned away from me.

I looked around. We weren't in the garage. He had carried me outside just out of site of the driveway.

I struggled to sit up. My arms quivered as they supported the weight of my body. The rope had almost done its job, but a crushed larynx is far from successful.

My eyes scanned this new area. I'd never been around here before. This was a nicer neighborhood, than what I usually haunt.

"Dude, what is up with you?" Tony glanced over his shoulder at me as I sat transfixed on his little bubble butt.

His words pulled me from my dreamlike state and I turned my head away. Tears escaped, as I looked down at my fingers resting in the grass.


"Hey, it's okay. Sorry. I didn't mean to snap at you." Tony walked over, sat down, and wrapped an arm around me.

I tried to look into his face, but the tears blurred my vision. As I looked down at the lawn, the note crumpled up in Tony's hand caught my attention.

"What are you going to tell your 'rents about the door?" He pulled my body closer to him.

Ah shit, the door. I'd forgotten all about it. I blinked some, and tried to focus on the back of the garage. Yup, the door was toast. The cut rope swayed in the shadows.

There was something else that moved in the shadows. The other soul collector must still be around, waiting for Jonathan's soul.

Being only one of the death bringers, I have to be extra careful of the others. When we're in bodies, we're just as fragile as the mortals we help cross over. It's someone's idea of a joke, having us take over bodies for one day every hundred years or so.

It is supposed to make us 'appreciate' our jobs more. Yeah, right. Like helping others find eternal peace, while we are constantly 'working', is going to make anyone happy.

We are who we are. We are feared by all things mortal. They're powerless to stop us.

How long have I been a death bringer? Who knows... I don't keep track of time. We have always been and always will be, the bringers of death.

The last time I was in a body, it was during a hanging. I dangled the entire 24 hours with a broken neck, while the birds ate at my eyes, and picked at my flesh. If I could feel any pain, I'm sure it would've been excruciating.

Normally, we're put into bodies where the spirit has given up. All we do is give the host another day to decide on living.

Now the soul of this boy is trapped inside an amulet that only I can see. If after one day, he decides life's still not worth living, I'll help him cross over and his body dies.

That is what normally happens but this time, it felt different....

"Jonathan! Earth to Jonathan! Are you alright?" Tony shook me to gain my attention.

I could only move my mouth, as I tried to speak.

"Are you sure you don't want me to go get help? I think you really should see a doctor about..." Tony attempted to stand, but I gripped his hand and held him in place.

I looked him in the eyes and shook my head.

"Are you sure? You might've hurt yourself if you can't talk." He tilted his head and examined my neck.

I nodded my head, and in the poorest sense of the word, I tried to wave away his concern. I pointed at my watch, and made a circular motion, to indicate one day.

"You think you'll be better later? Is that what you are trying to say?" Tony's face looked comical as he deciphered what I tried to tell him.

"Jonathan, why would you try to off yourself?" He stared at the broken garage door.

I grabbed his shoulder and shrugged. I had no clue what he was talking about.

His eyes lightened in color and captivated me. I couldn't help myself as this body started crying.

"Ah man, don't go doing that again." He removed his hand from my leg and stood up.

I stared at his back, trying to figure out what Tony was doing. The impulse to go back into the garage and finish it was strong. I stared at the cut rope as it swayed in the breeze.

Tony looked at me as I concentrated on the rope. He looked into the garage when it dawned on him.

"No way. No fucking way. You can't be serious, can you? Ah shit. Now, what am I supposed to do?" He slid his hands into his pockets and stared at his feet.

I struggled to stand up and lost my balance, but Tony caught me before I fell.

"You should really see a doc, ya know? I know it's against my better judgment, but... I guess I have to watch out for you. Let's just sit down so you can catch your breath. You were barely breathing when I cut you down, and it hasn't been that long." He had his arms around my waist as he helped lower me back onto the grass.

Before he could pull his arm away I leaned up against him. Being with this young hunk just felt so right. The closeness must've had the same effect on him. 

This body felt good being close to Tony. The warmth emanated from his being.

"Umm, man...this is odd." Tony looked at his lap like it held the answers to the universe.

I straightened up and tried to get his attention. He was too involved in whatever thoughts raced through his mind.

I grabbed his chin and turned his face toward me in an attempt to get his attention.

"What is it, Jonathan?" Tony's eyes sparkled in the sunlight, as he avoided my gaze.

I swore I could see straight into his soul. His eyes shifted to almost a powder blue, and I couldn't help but stare.

The daylight highlighted his hair, and it gave him a halo effect. This mortal was special.

All I could do was move my mouth. I wanted to say so much, but couldn't. His eyes sparkled with life and I was lost in them.

He stared at me, and moistened his lips. His pulse was strong, and he was perspiring as well.

Oh, the scent of a young male, what a pleasure to the olfactory senses that is.

I could only manage a small grin, as his face was only a few inches away. I wanted to... to kiss him.

"Dude, are you okay? You look kinda lost?" Tony broke eye contact, and turned away. His body couldn't lie, to one who has trained senses.

I reached over and placed my hand on his shoulder. I wanted to feel that ...magic, in his eyes again.

"Hey, you hungry? Your rents got any snacks inside?" Tony stood up, and brushed his pants off, taking his time, as his hands caressed his rear.

I started to salivate, as I watched his hands go over his backside. 'What is going on with me?' echoed through my mind. This body I'm in, is behaving strangely. The sweating, dry mouth, and subtle tremors, is... unique. Not to mention, the weird sensations in the abdomen. 'Is this what hunger is like?'

"Hehe, what is up with you today?" Tony reached out, waiting for my hand, to help me up.

My face felt warm. With my free hand, I felt it. I didn't sense a fever or anything, but with him holding my hand, this body got warm.

I felt dizzy all of the sudden, and Tony must've noticed. He put his arm around me to help me walk.

Letting an audible breath out, I laid my head on his shoulder as we walked to the house. While it was only a few feet away, I wished it could've been miles.

We got to the front door and he waited for me to open the door, I guess. We just stood there, my head on his shoulder, and his arm around my waist.

"Hey, it's your house. You wanna let us in?" Tony nudged my head with his shoulder.

I didn't know what to do. I was comfortable the way we were. If I could spend the next day, just like this, I'd be happy.

Tony let out a sigh, and opened the door. Entering was a challenge having another body so close.

He closed the door behind us, and headed towards the right. This was a pretty nice house.

My job has brought me to all sorts of homes, and areas. The worst cases are when someone who has no one beside them, at their time of passing. It happens more frequently than anyone realizes.

The kitchen. The haven of a starving teen. I should've known this was where we were heading.

"What kind of munchies ya got Jonathan?" Tony helped me sit down at the counter. He immediately went to cupboard in the corner and produced some cereal.

He opened the fridge, and grabbed the milk. Picking a bowl from the dish rack, he helped himself to breakfast.

I watched him eat a few mouthfuls, and it looked good. I was going to ask for some, but my throat was starting to hurt. I grasped my throat, it felt as if I had swallowed a box of needles.

"Oh, sorry. Did you want some? Err, probably not, huh?" Tony blushed, the color of his cheeks was such a nice shade of red, it really contrasted with his blue eyes.

He lowered his head in a deep thought. Abruptly, he stood up, grabbed another bowl and opened the icebox.

"Kewl, you got ice cream." Tony grabbed a container.

"Remember when I had my tonsils taken out? I got to eat all the ice cream I wanted. The doc said it was to make my sore throat better, so... I was thinking that maybe it might help, um, your sore throat." He turned around with what seemed like the entire container piled up in that single dish.

He noticed me staring at the bowl, and blushed again. The heat coming off his body I could see, and his scent changed.

"Oh, err...oops, sorry." Tony stumbled over his words, and I could swear I saw a tear forming in his eye.

Not wanting to waste this "ice cream", I frantically tried to say something. All that came out, was a barely audible gasp. I hit the counter to get his attention back, before he dumped his little offering down the sink.

He held the porcelain container, like his life was dependent on it. The careful movements he made were smooth and calculated. He really thought highly of this frozen concoction.

Tony placed the bowl in front of me, and then turned to get his cereal. He must've felt a little uncomfortable with the closeness we had earlier, because he stayed on the opposite side of the counter.

"Well, dig in, before it melts." He smiled, showing his pearly whites, and then dug back into his breakfast.

His eating technique was interesting. He placed his face only inches away, and basically shoveled it in his mouth, only stopping, every few cycles, to breath. I don't think he even chewed it.

Tony stopped the continuous feeding frenzy he was in. The look on his face, was one that makes my heart melt.

"You really should eat. At least try it, for me?" His blue eyes bore into me like no others I've witnessed.

I'd no idea, what this stuff is. Like I said, the last few times, were not pleasant being in a body.

I looked at the mountain of frozen sugars and cream in front of me. I've no idea of what flavor it was. The mixture was full of color.

I picked up the spoon, and took a small sampling of it. I must've closed my eyes, to wait for the frozen crystals to hit my taste buds.

"You look like you've never eaten Tin Roof Sundae before?" Tony watched me and grinned showing off his dimples.

The taste of sweet caramel, rich cream, and fudge hit my tongue. My eyes flew open as the delicious dessert melted in my mouth.

I dug another spoonful, and shoved it in my mouth. The mixture of cold, and sweet was divine. My taste buds were in overdrive. The fact that it did help my throat feel better was a plus.

"That's the Jonathan I know. You gotta finish it all now, doc's order ya know." Tony's dimples were showing, as he winked at me.

After the bowl was half gone, my brain felt funny. Like someone had placed some dry ice on my forehead.

"Hehe, you might not want to try to eat that fast. Take a break before you freeze your brain." His smile was full of mischief.

Great, now he tells me. It feels like the blood has stopped flowing all the way around my cranium. As I grab my forehead, he comes rushing around the counter.

"I really think you should go to the doc. As much fun as it would be to play hooky with you all day, you might have something really wrong with you." Tony stood beside me and wrapped an arm around me.

I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding. Maybe he is right, this body thing, is kinda new to me. No... I have to be stronger than that.

With all my feelings, I looked into his eyes. My time here is limited, and I didn't want to lose any of it away from him.

"Okay, no more talk of doc's then. How bout we watch some tube, while you slowly finish your ice cream. Does that sound good?" His eyes seemed to change color, as he looked back at me. Maybe it was the lights in the kitchen, or maybe it was my brain thawing out.

He picked up the bowl with one hand, and wrapped the other around me. Together we walked into the living room.

Standing just inside the room, he stopped. I tilted my head to get a better look at his face, to see what was on his mind.

Tony hesitated before we walked over to the couch. The furniture consisted of two recliners, and an overstuffed sofa. The big screen tv was mounted on the wall, and faced the couch, with a chair on each side. There was matching end tables, and a nice hardwood coffee table in the center.

He set me down on the sofa, and reached for the remote.

Again, he seemed to hesitate, while he looked at the seating arrangement.

I scooted to the middle of couch, well, maybe not the middle but he had room to sit on either side of me.

Tony finally decided to sit on end with the least amount of room, which suited me fine. We would be closer.

"What do you want to watch? I don't normally watch tv in the daytime, so maybe we should just surf the channels?" He tried to not touch my leg, as he set the remote between us.

I shook my head and picked up the remote. I wasn't shy, and placed in on his lap.

Whatever he wanted to watch was fine. I had a bowl of ice cream to occupy me.

Tony finally picked up the remote, and started surfing the channels. I was busy enjoying this frozen dessert, eating it slow, so I wouldn't get "brain freeze" again.

He'd pick a channel, watch a few minutes, and then change again. Between shows, he'd glance at me, as I had the spoon in my mouth, letting the ice cream melt.

Before I could look at him, he would face the tv again, and blush.

This continued until I finished the bowl of delicious ice cream. I held it in my hands, wondering if I should just finish it off, and lick it clean. The look that Tony gave me, suggested no.

"Jonathan, you like that flavor, don't you?" His eyes glistened as he smiled at me.

I smiled back, as I felt the heat in my face go up a few degrees. Whatever was happening, had its effect on both of us. The red face, the sweaty palms, increased heart rate, what did it all mean?

Tony surfed the channels for a few more minutes, and then stopped on an old monster movie. At least the special effects were of an older time.

He pulled the oldest stunt in the book, and stretched as he yawned. And at the moment, his outstretched arm behind me was all the invitation I needed.

I leaned into him, and curled my legs up on the couch. He didn't flinch, or attempt to pull back. Instead, he wrapped his arm around me. Soon, I was fast asleep. Being in his arms, made all the pain in my throat disappear. It also helped me forget why I was here.

Apparently, he fell asleep too. It was in the middle of the afternoon when the phone rang and woke me up.

I nudged him awake. I knew I couldn't answer the phone.

"What? You want me to answer your phone, when, um, we're supposed to be at school?" Tony's smile was the best thing to wake up to.

It was this human's mother. She left a message saying that both mom and dad, would be late getting home, and to have a pizza for dinner.

At the mention of pizza, Tony's face lightened up. Food seemed to be one of his weaknesses. He must've had a pretty good dream, if the bulge in his jeans was any sign.

He caught me glancing at his crotch, and I looked down at my own. Seems like I had an issue too.

"Hehe, how bout pizza for a late lunch then?" Tony adjusted himself, and stood up. Damn, he looked absolutely delicious with his package on parade.

'Did I just think that? What is going on with me?' Those thoughts made my face heat up, more than before.

"It's okay. It happens to everyone." Tony left for the kitchen, taking the empty bowl with him.

I stared at his ass, as he walked out of the room. Was he trying to get me to look? He walked differently, or am I getting an imagination?

The sounds of shuffling pots and pans could be heard coming from the kitchen. I tried to get up, but my legs were still wobbly. The smell of cooking pizza soon wafted through the house. Tony still hadn't returned, where is he?

A few minutes passed, and my worrying was unfounded. He waltzed into the room with a piping hot pan pizza, and a bowl of popcorn. Under each arm rested a cold soda.

"Jonathan, a little hand here?" He looked so domesticated, it made me smile from ear to ear.

I reached for the sodas, being they would be the hardest to set down. The popcorn was next, leaving him to set the pizza down.

We thoroughly enjoyed the meal he prepared. He had outdone himself on the pizza. It was done, but not crunchy. It was easy for me to chew and swallow it, unless I took too big a mouthful.

We ate it all. Tony even made another trip to the kitchen for more drinks. He was being so nice to me, making me want him even more.

We settled back, to rot our brains out more on the tube. There was no subtlety this time as he put his arm around me. I welcomed it and snuggled up against his body.

Even after taking a nap, we both fell asleep after watching another old sci-fi flick. I had no idea what time it was, but I was enjoying this body way to much. The company I had was the key.

I awoke a few hours later to a blanket being thrown over us. What??

"Don't they just look darling together?" It appears that this boys parents came home. His mother decided to let us sleep and threw a blanket over us.

"I was wondering how long it would be, before they figured it out." Father wrapped an arm around her, and led her upstairs.

Now, I'm really confused. But not enough to ruin my time with Tony.

"Oh shit! Your rents, are they home yet?" Tony almost pushed me off the couch when he realized how late it was.

I nodded my head, and held the blanket up for proof.

"Oh shit! They saw us?" He tried to stand, but I held him back.

He slumped back down on the couch and started crying into his hands.

I sat up, and hugged him for all I was worth. It helped, he started to settle down.

He looked at the clock on the wall, and noticed how late it was.

"Why didn't your parents say anything about me being here?" Tony's red eyes blinked away the remaining tears.

I shook my head, and threw the blanket back over us. Holding him close to me helped, but he was still shaken up.

Realizing that it might be his parents that would have the problem, I sprang up, nailing him in the jaw with the top of my head.

"Ouch. Damn, what the hell Jonathan?" Tony pulled back, and rubbed his chin.

I couldn't help but trying to laugh as I rubbed my head. Laughing without a voice isn't as easy as one would guess.

I grabbed his hand, and held it to my cheek. If I couldn't talk, maybe he'd understand my emotions.

"Don't worry, I won't tell your parents, about... um earlier. Oh? My rents?" Tony figured out what I tried to ask.

I nodded my head.

"Oh, uh, they went on a business trip, and kinda left me home alone. Again." Tony looked away.

Alone? I never knew he was left alone? The thoughts of the previous occupant, were still not mine to command, but there was no recollection of him being alone.

I did the only thing I could think of to let him know I understood. I leaned in, and kissed him gently on the cheek.

His body stiffened, and for a moment, I thought he was going to bolt from the room. Tony slowly turned to face me, and in the dimly lit room, I could tell he was blushing. He grinned, and then snuck a little kiss of his own. Only his kiss was a quick peck on the lips.

It was my turn to blush. I could feel the blood in my face rush to the surface. The brief exchange of emotions, almost put my senses into overload. The room warmed up by a few hundred degrees. I pulled him into a hug, not only to keep my balance, but to let him know it was okay with me.

He cried silently into my shoulder, and I felt the tears soaking my shirt. I ran my hands up and down his back, to help soothe him.

"Jonathan, there is something I need to tell you." Tony eased back from our embrace, and stared at me.

I shrugged my shoulders. What on earth could he need to tell me now of all times?

He dug through his pants pocket, and pulled out a crumpled piece of paper. Oh shit, the note.

"This should help explain a few things." Tony pulled his legs up, wrapping his arms around them, as he tried to protect himself from something.

I noticed the scared look on his face, as I unfolded the letter.


The note read:

"To my parents, and friends, even though I don't have many.

I'm sorry, but I can no longer deny who I am, or who I care for.

.I know mom and dad, wouldn't want me now, but I love you anyway.

This is my last goodbye.  I don't want to be gay.  I know I can't help it, and I can't help who I love.

Jonathon's been my best friend since preschool, and I will miss him the most. He is my best friend.

Jonathan, I'm sure, wouldn't want someone like me around, if he knew what I am.

Tony Anderson (the gay boy)"

I couldn't help but cry, as I wrapped my arms around him.  I kissed him on the lips with all the love in my heart for him.

Time has a way of racing by, when you least expect it. The pendant around my neck started to glow and get warmer as the clock struck midnight... Bong...  Bong....Bong.... Bong....  Bong.... Bong... Bong... Bong... Bong... Bong... Bong............

Time slowed to a standstill. The pendant around my neck started to burn. This was not a good sign.

The soul within the charm, should be ready to come back. Not this time.

Another death dealer appeared in the room and walked towards me. This was odd.

He pointed to the pendant and made it disappear. What the...?

A blinding light appeared from within the shadow of death. I could hear the voices from the other side as I stared into the light.

The real Jonathan, no longer exists. His immortal soul, has taken my place amongst the shadows. He needs to learn to appreciate life...  by becoming a reaper.

But where does that leave me?

The reaper gave me the thumbs up, and disappeared.

Now I'm really confused. This was supposed to be a normal day, wasn't it?


"What're you staring at Jonathan?" Tony sat up and wrapped his arm around me.

I turned towards him, and smiled. This human has given me a new lease on life.

I grabbed him in the best hug I had, and kissed him. I had no idea what lie ahead of us, but with him by my side, we could take on the world.

We snuggled back up on the couch, wrapped in the blanket my mom had put over us. This would be the first of many nights, which we were to spend together.

I had every intention, of enjoying every second that I had alive, with Tony. He had changed me, and I wanted to thank him every chance I got. Even if it took the rest of our lives together, I would do it. After all, you only live once, right?


Comments appreciated at Hal