The Michaels' Family: Book One - We Saw Daddy Kissing Santa Claus

Chapter Twenty Four: The Strip Show

Hank and I went to the hospital and when we went to go into Danny's room there was a sign that said.  Do not enter without wearing the proper clothing.  Please check at the nurses' station.

The nurses' station was practically right outside the door to Danny's room.  We walked to the station and Hank identified us and the person on duty pulled out a clip board and checked something.  "I see that you two gentlemen have been cleared to visit Mr. Summers."

She handed us each a packet,  "Please put these protective items on before you enter the room so we can make sure that Danny's environment is as free as possible of germs.  It will be even more critical during the next several weeks that we keep the environment as sterile as possible since Danny's immune system will be weakened and he will be very susceptible to diseases.  Please wear these items when you are in his room.  There is a changing room adjacent to his room."

She looked at me, "Mr. Michaels, your son is with Danny now.  Danny is a little groggy so he might not acknowledge you gentlemen."

We went into the changing room and opened the packets and they contained clothing that the medical people wear in the operating room.  After we were properly attired, we went into Danny's room.

Danny looked so helpless laying there with tubes in his arm and his nose.  He opened his eyes as we walked in and barely moved his little fingers and whispered, "Hi, Grandpa and Poppa."

That must have sapped his energy.  Hank looked at the monitors.  "I think Danny is just sleeping.  The monitors all look as if he is okay otherwise."

We walked over to the bed where Jacob was reading.  Hank looked at him, "I'm surprised that they let you bring that book in here."

Jacob laughed, "They did something to make it okay.  The problem is now I can't take it out.  I even have a pencil and paper so I can do homework while I'm here.  I just have to remember what it is I need to do because I'm sure that they won't want to need to keep sterilizing things all the time.  You even have to wear the latex gloves to go to the bathroom and then get a new pair."

Hank and I both hugged Jacob.  Hank whispered, "Jake, we're very proud of what you are doing.  We going to go now.  I'll take your clean clothes to the house on the hill and you can change clothes there before you go to school.  You can always eat breakfast at the diner on your way to school."

We started to leave and I remembered something, "Jacob, how would you feel if we sold our house here in town?  There is a couple who want to buy it.  The lady is related to Mr. Roberts."

Jacob laughed, "So does that mean that you and Dad Hank are going to get married?  Dad, I think it would be great if you sold it.  We can always put the things in storage just in case you and Dad Hank decide to get divorced.  You could always sue for the house on the hill."

We were laughing, "Seriously, Dad, I really think you should sell it and have the things put in storage.  That way we can take our time to decide what we want to keep and what we want to get rid of."

On the way to the ranch, Hank suggested, "We should do the same thing with furniture in the other house on the hill.  Then we could have one gigantic auction or invite some antique dealers to come and look at the contents of the two houses to see if there is anything that they might be interested in.  We need to talk to Kevin to get his read on what's happening."

When we got to the ranch, we were surprised to see that Tim and Tad were home.  When we walked into the house the five teenagers were sitting at the table eating a piece of cake.  Hank looked at Tad and Tim.  "What happened to the victory party?"

Tad answered, "The Coach invited the team to his house on Saturday for a spaghetti dinner since we have never beaten Cody High while he's been coaching at our school.  Besides it's a school night and some us still had homework to do, including me."

Tim took over, "We want to thank you all for coming to the meet.  It meant a great deal for us to know that you were there rooting for us."

Cowboy hugged both boys, "We'll be there whenever we can, Sons."

He looked at Kevin, "Would you please get Jacob a change of clothes so I can take it to him in the morning?  I'm going to stay with Danny in the morning to let everyone get some rest.  Where are Dusty and Mimi?"

Kevin started laughing, "I'm proud of you, Dad Hank. You finally said please.  Yes, I'll bring Jake's clothes  to your room.  The last I saw Mimi and Dusty they were watching television."

Hank waved, "We'll see the rest of you tomorrow." 

We walked to the great room and Dusty, Mimi, Ross and Rosa were sitting watching a show.  Hank looked at them, "I'm going to relieve Jacob in the morning.  Could one of you please relieve me about eleven o'clock so I can take Stevie to lunch?"

Mimi nodded, "Dad Hank, I'll be there to relieve you.  Dad Ross is going to relieve me so I can pick David up and spend some time with him so he doesn't feel left out.  He's been so busy with Kevin that we haven't had much a chance to spend any quality time with him and he is already insisting that he gets to go to the guys' basketball game tomorrow night.  Both boys are going to be spoiled with all of the attention that they have been receiving."

We bid everyone good night and went to Hank's suite and were sitting on the sofa in our briefs talking about the houses when there was a knock, Hank went to the door and Kevin was standing there with a garment bag.  Hank surprised Kevin when Hank yanked him into the room, "It's about time you got here.  We've been waiting for you.  We couldn't start the show without you."

Kevin was perplexed and I had no idea what Hank had on his mind, "Get over there and sit by your father, so I can get started."

Hank flipped a switch and the music started to play.   I realized that the song was The Stripper.  Hank stood in front us and started to gyrate his body forcing his penis and testicles to be accentuated in the briefs that he was wearing.  He stuck his thumb inside the side briefs and started to pull them down. 

Kevin was laughing so hard that he fell back against me.  He was trying to speak but was having a difficult time getting the words out.  ", t.ell  Mis…tah Rob…erts that he's it all"

Kevin stood, "Sit down Mr. Roberts, and let an expert show you how it should be done.  Please start the music again."

Hank started the music and was sitting beside me with his head on my should as Kevin was seductively shedding the shirt.  He was  flinging it around his head; then he threw it on the bed.  He continued his performance until the only thing he was wearing were his briefs.  He came and stood directly in front of us and started to gyrate. 

Hank put his hands over his eyes and whined, "Oh, Stevie, I'm so embarrassed to think that one of our sons is a strip tease artist.  Maybe we should send him to be reprogrammed." 

Hank stood and walked over to the dresser and got his wallet and took something out.  He walked to Kevin and pulled the front of Kevin's briefs out and stuck what he had in his hand into Kevin's briefs.  "Maybe this will make you behave."

Kevin looked surprised but he wasn't at a loss for words, "Yeah right, Dad Hank.  You just wanted to cop a feel of my penis."

Kevin pulled out what Hank had stuffed in his briefs and looked at it.  Kevin started to laugh, "Dad Hank, for $100.00 a cop you can do it any time.  I'll alert the other guys that you are an easy mark."

Hank was laughing, "Look kid, sit your butt down.  Your Dad has something serious he needs to talk to you about."

I wasn't sure what I was to talk about.  I looked at Hank, "With all the gyrating that has been going on, I forgot what I needed to talk to Kevin about."

Hank was very helpful, "You know, it starts with 'h' and ends with 'e'."

Kevin looked at us, "Horses?"

Hank started to laugh, "Very close, but no cigar.  You just lost the $100.00 because you had one letter wrong."

I explained the offer on our house to Kevin and his response was a little different from Jacob's response had been, "Dad, just think of the money you'll be saving if you don't have to pay the for the utilities, insurance and taxes.  We can always store the things in one of Dad Hank's barns and have a humongous garage sale.  I mean after all we can free load off of Mr. Rodgers until Jacob and I go to college."

Kevin hugged Hank, "Just kidding, Dads.  We don't need three houses.  I'm not really sure why we need the house on the hill, but it does have the swimming pool and would be convenient if we were stuck in town for some reason.  I say go for it while you have some hot prospective buyers.  Now if you will excuse me, I need to get ready for bed before David comes looking for me."

Kevin picked up his clothes and put on his jeans and started toward the door.  "Dad Hank, I'll leave the money here, so I don't have to explain that I received it because you copped a feel of my penis.  Love you, Dads."

Hank fell against me, "Stevie, how can your two sons be so different but so similar in many ways.  I don't  think either of them has a selfish bone in their bodies.  I just wish that Tim and Tad would be so free and open."

I hugged Hank, "Hank, give them time and I'm sure they will learn to love you as they did Bill.  Remember, we just buried their father even though it seems like it was forever ago with everything that has been happening.  Now let's take a shower and go to bed.  I'm exhausted."

We took a shower together, of course, but nothing happened until we got into bed.  Hank hugged, "Steve, I wish I could have met you and your sons sooner.  We need to make up for lost time, so have your way with me.  Hold me and use me and never let me go."

I complied with his request and was holding him tight when I fell asleep.  When I woke up in the middle of the night and he was gone again.  I went to his office and he was working at his computer again.  He must have heard me because he looked up.  "Stevie, all those squiggly things you deposit in me have worked their to my brain and  it's working overtime.  I can hardly wait to have Kevin and Jacob see what you caused to happen."

"Hank, come to bed.  I'm lonely."

"Okay, Stevie, I'll be there shortly."

He finally crawled into bed and snuggled against me.  When I woke the next morning, he was gone again.  I checked his office and he wasn't there and I noticed that Jacob's clothes were gone.  I decided to take a shower after our playtime activities of last evening and realized that he had already taken a shower because the shower walls still had drops of water on them.

I took a quick shower thinking I could catch him and was walking into the bedroom drying my hair when there was a knock on the door.  I figured it had to be Kevin and told the visitor to enter.  It wasn't Kevin at all, it was Tim.  When he saw that I was naked, he started back out and shut the door.  I called out, "Tim, come on in.  I'm sure you have seen a naked man before, so relax.  You must have something on your mind."

I pulled on briefs, "Tim, what's up?"

Tim started, "Mr. Michaels, I was hoping Uncle Hank was here.  I was going to ask to borrow some money so we could buy lunch today."

I motioned for Tim to sit down, "Tim, please call me Uncle Steve or something other than Mr. Michaels since it appears as if we are going to be living together.  Why would you need to borrow money?  Why couldn't you have just said, 'Uncle Steve, we need some money for lunch.'"

I picked up the $100.00 bill that Hank had put in Kevin's briefs last night.  "Your Uncle Hank left this so you would have some money if you needed any." 

I hugged Tim, "Tim, you don't realize how much Cowboy loves you and Tad.  Please be good to him."

Tim leaned against me, "Uncle Steve, we both love Uncle Hank so much.  He has been like a second father to Tad and me.  If it weren't for him, I don't know what would have happened to us if we had to live with our sister and her family in California.  This is our home."

I hugged Tim as tight as I could, "Tim, just be sure that you let Hank know how you love him."

Tim pulled away from me, "You're going to make me start crying if you're not careful."  He reached over and kissed me on the cheek and I reciprocated.

He indeed did have tears in his eyes as he departed.

When I finally got downstairs, Kevin and David had their backpacks and were headed toward the door.  "Kevin, do you need any money?"

He turned to me, "Nope, I am fine, Dad.  Come on, David, we don't want to be late."

I looked around, "Where are Wayne, Dusty and Chris?"

Chase looked up from his breakfast, "They left about twenty minutes ago for the office thinking that they would have to cover for you today."

Tad came and hugged me, "Tim told me what you did.  You have a good day, Uncle Steve."

Everyone who was going anywhere except for me had already departed.  I looked at the people who were left and asked, "Did I sleep through part of the day or something?  What time is it anyway?  Has the electricity been off or something?"

Chase looked at me, "Welcome back to the world of the living, Uncle Rip.  I'm surprised that you didn't fall down the stairs from tripping over your beard.  How many little men are sleeping in your beard?"

Everyone was laughing.  I looked at Chase, "Oh great, a comedian in our midst.  Look, kid, you ain't no Jerry Lewis or Jimmy Durante.  Gracie Allen, maybe, but George Burns I don't think so.  You better find a new profession."

Ross looked at me, "Steve, you're showing your age.  I bet even Justin doesn't recognize any of those names.  I'm surprised that you even know them."

As I was driving to work I was thinking, I'll never get through this day.  It's not even 8:30 and I'm exhausted. 

Editor's Notes:

That was a very nice chapter.  We still don't know what is going to happen to Danny though.  I sure hope he will be okay.  It is really great that the whole new family is becoming closer and beginning to realize just how much they belong together.  I have a feeling that things will work out really well.  I want more chapters, SOON!!!!!!

Darryl AKA The Radio Rancher