Cupid Steps In - 2018

Cupid Steps In - 2018

"She likes you. You know she does. What are you waiting for?" Jimmy's best friend David teased. "I'm starting to think you might be a little girlie."

"Shutup!" Jimmy barked, punching David in the arm. "I'll talk to her, geez."

"No, he won't." A larger boy that most were frightened of said as he knocked Jimmy's bag out of his hands.

"Cut it out, Alan!" David shouted as he stood in front of Jimmy who was much smaller than both of them. "He wasn't doing anything to you."

"No." Alan sneered, "But I bet there's plenty that little fag would like to do to me. Isn't that right Jimmy?"

"Not true," David said in his friend's defense. "We were just talking about it. He knows this girl likes him and he's going to give her a Valentine's Day card today."

"Oh, how sweet." Alan teased. "I'll believe it when I see it." He barked as he pushed David out of the way so he could get right in Jimmy's face. "Let me see the card then, pansy."

"I didn't write it yet." Jimmy nervously replied.

"I want to see it at lunch then." Alan demanded before shoving Jimmy back into the closed lockers before turning to walk to his next class. "If I don't see it, then you're a fag Jimbo, and I'll make sure everyone knows."

The next class was the only one before lunch. Thankfully it was a study hall, and while David read some magazine, he opened the blank Valentine's Day card and stared at it. The words "Be Mine" in the center in a pretty script style. "Dude, doesn't she write her name with a K instead of a C?"

"I don't know," David replied shrugging his shoulders. "She knows who she is, don't write her name on it. Then you don't need to worry about making her mad at you." David giggled. "Like that could happen. She watches every move you make bro."

"Yeah, I know." Jimmy tried to sound happy but failed. Thankfully David wasn't really paying attention. You see, Jimmy did have a crush and it was on someone in the classroom. Just not her. He was angry because if he ever said who it really was, then that bully Alan would be proven right. 'If I don't see it, you're a fag Jimbo, and I'll make sure everyone knows.' Although he really didn't care what Alan thought and most days, that's exactly what he wished would happen. Sometimes, he wished everyone knew.

Staring at the card for what seemed like an hour, Jimmy finally picked up the pen and slowly wrote, in his neatest handwriting:

I know you probably don't think that I've noticed you looking at me. I have and, I've been too nervous to look back but, I do think you are cute and if you would like to, I'd really like to go out sometime. Maybe if you don't already have a date, we could go on the Cupid Cruise through the city on Saturday. My dad owns the horse and cart they do the hayride with, and it should be fun. I'll be there so; I hope you'll go with me. So, will you be my Valentine? - Jimmy

With a less than enthusiastic smile, he handed the card to David who smiled and nodded his head. "The Cupid Cruise for a first date? Bro, you are gettin' lucky for sure!"

"Yeah, really lucky," Jimmy replied under his breath. If only he had the courage to stand up and tell David. Not just David, the whole school. They are all right, Jimmy is a little fag and he has a crush on Christopher, not Christine or Kristine. However, she spells her stupid name. Jimmy closed the card and folded the envelope flap into the opening. The entire time thinking about the boy who sits next to her in class. It was because he was sneaking glances at Chris that he noticed that she was constantly sneaking glances at him.

"Actually, I think it's a K," David said, cutting into Jimmy's thoughts.

"What?" Jimmy jumped, not realizing he had been daydreaming about the boy with soft chestnut brown hair with eyes to match... The cutest boy in the school who all the girls wanted...

"It's Kris with a K I think. I just remembered that she corrected one of the teachers at the beginning of the year about the spelling." David smiled. "I'm almost positive."

"I left her name off just to be safe. If she accepts I will learn it soon anyway." Jimmy said as he packed the card and the books he had on his desk into his backpack.

"You gotta be excited." David grinned as the bell rang. "I mean, I am. You know, excited for you."

"Thanks," Jimmy said as they headed to the cafeteria where Alan and two of his lackeys were standing in the doorway.

"So pansy, did you write it?" Alan asked as his two boys laughed.

"Yeah, here," Jimmy said as he handed the card over. After Alan read through it, out loud, twice... he finally put it back into its envelope but, didn't hand it back. "What the hell? Give it back Alan."

"How do I know you're actually gonna give it to her?" He asked with a laugh.

"Why do you even care?" David asked, being pushed by one of the two boys who had even less interest in the matter.

"Because one less fag in this dump is one less fag." He replied with a grunt. "Mickey, come here." He barked. "I'm gonna have my boy here make sure this little wus doesn't chicken out. Do you know which desk Kris sits at?" He turned and asked, ignoring the glares coming from Jimmie and David.

"Naw, I'm not in that class. What desk does she sit at? I'll put it there for ya." He said taking the envelope from Alan.

"Whatever." Jimmy relented. "She sits in the front of the class in the third seat from the wall opposite the door." Jimmy sighed.

"The third, No prob." He said, and they all entered the cafeteria for lunch.

At his locker, Jimmy watched as Mickey snuck into the classroom and he shook his head. "What a loser." He said getting a laugh from David. After a couple of minutes, Mickey came out and gave them the thumbs up and then left.

"Makes you wonder if someone has to remind that idiot to breathe," David said with a laugh. "Go to class, I'll see you after school unless you end out going back to her house." He said with a big smile. "Go get her."

"Yeah, later," Jimmy said, shaking his head. Entering the classroom, almost everyone was already seated. As usual, Kristine was surrounded by her girlfriends, probably reading the card. On his way by, Chris looked up at him and smiled.

"Hi Jimmy." He said which made Jimmy's breath catch in his throat.

"Um... He, uh, hi Chris." Jimmy stuttered before taking his seat while he was screaming inside his head 'He said Hi! Omigod!'

Class was nothing but a blur and before Jimmy knew it, everyone was getting up to leave. He looked up just in time to see Kristine and her group leave the room, talking and giggling all the way. Then, he locked eyes with Christopher.

"Got a minute?" Chris asked as he stood up and walked in Jimmy's direction.

"Um, yeah, sure." Jimmy tried to get out without sounding like an idiot. "What's up?"

Then, Chris took the red envelope out of his pocket briefly so Jimmy could see it. Panic flushed through Jimmy. Every breath he took was like breathing in deeply over an open flame. "If you knew I was looking at you, why didn't you ever say anything?"

"Um..." Jimmy choked. Tears threatening to give away the fear that was beginning to become unbearable.

"And why did you have that idiot give it to me? He had to ask three people 'which desk is Chris'?' before he finally found mine."

"Kris, not Chris," Jimmy whispered. "Chris, I'm sorry."

"I'd like to go on the cruise with you though." Chris smiled. "I knew your dad ran it and, well, I didn't know how to ask you or even if I should."

"You really want to go with me? Really?" Jimmy smiled, his heart rate maintaining a steady gallop inside his chest.

"Yeah," Chris said, a blush now highlighting his already perfect smile. "I'd really like to be your Valentine."

It was at that point that Jimmy decided, Cupid's name must be Mickey and he's a bit of an idiot... and that's okay.