The Michaels' Family: Book One - We Saw Daddy Kissing Santa Claus

Chapter Seventeen: The Memorial Service

Tad went and started to fill the bathtub with water, "Okay men, bring our first victim in and place him in the tub. If his testicles float, that means he has recently had a release of his semen and his testicles are still in the state of recharging."

The guys forced cowboy into the tub and his testicles sank like a ton of bricks. Kevin pouted, "This poor man ain't even jacked off forever and ever. He'll probably have a wet dream and we'll have to clean the mess in the morning."

I started to resist when they tried to put me into the tub but I realized I was not a match for the four teenagers. Hank was standing there laughing his butt off. The guys forced me to sit in the warm water and I guess my testicles must have started to float but then slowly started to sink.

Tim made a judgment call, "I guess maybe Uncle Steve had sex recently and his system is just now recharging. We'll have to check them each night for several weeks so we can chart their progress. Come on guys let's go to bed. Good night uncles. Don't make too much noise tonight."

I started to pout, "They didn't even help me to get out of here. I'm so weak that I think I'll sleep in here tonight."

Hank grabbed my hand and pulled me up, "We're going to have to test the guys theory about flotation. Why don't you take care of my problem first since I was deemed to be the person most in need of help. Do you suppose the guys theory is really true?"

I hugged Cowboy, "Hank, why don't we check tomorrow night. It's late and we do have a very busy day tomorrow. I don't think it would be wise for either of us to be uncomfortable during the Memorial Service or the mandated testing to see if we might be donors for Danny. Danny broke my heart tonight with his comment about being ill. We have to find a way to help him."

Hank and I decided that we had better put our briefs back on since we still had two little boys who might wake us in the morning. We held each other after we said our goodnight's and I could feel the tenseness in Hank. "Hank, tomorrow will be fine. Just relax and everything will turn out fine. Cowboy, I love you."

Hank sat up, and looked at me, "Steve, did you really mean that?"

I pulled Hank against me, "Hank, I don't say things I don't mean. We are going to have a lot of hard decisions to make when the dust settles. We may not agree on everything, but we are going to need to sit down as a family and discuss the issues. You can't control everyone's life. I'm pleased to see that the four teenagers seemed to be compatible."

"We need to make sure that they don't try to compete with each other or that could spell disaster. As my sons said, "We have lived alone for six years so it going to be difficult for us sometimes. It will probably be even more difficult for you since you won't have Dusty and his family around all the time. Maybe we should go on a nice long cruise after the dust settles."

Hank reached up and kissed me, "Stevie, you talk too much. Let's go to sleep and we'll discuss this cruise stuff after we settle the issue of flotation. Now go to sleep. You're beginning to sound like me."

"Heaven forbid, I'm going to sleep. Goodnight, Cowboy."

Both us were tossing and turning but we must have gone to sleep. I woke on Tuesday morning and the sun was starting to make its presence seen. I went to the bathroom and was standing there stretching when I felt two arms close around me and the hands made their way to the inside of my briefs. Hank whispered, "Why don't you get this little worm ready and we'll go for a short run since we've been neglecting our bodies?"

I put on a jogging suit and was tying my shoe laces when Hank returned.

He started to pout, "I thought maybe you would wear some of them skimpy jogging shorts, so I could ogle your body."

"Cowboy, running outside is a little different than running on the track at the House on the Hill. Unless you have a hidden gym here, I suggest you put on some proper clothes."

When we went out the door, we noticed the Hummer was gone. Hank looked at me, "Why don't we ride to the other ranch, "I have the feeling that there might be some bodies there."

We got Alhambra and Anastasia saddled and left for the other ranch. Sure enough, the Hummer was there and the six guys were taking care of the horses. Danny and David were feeding them, Tad and Jacob were exercising the horses while Tim and Kevin were mucking the stalls. David looked up at us, "Hey Granddads, we're almost done. We'll be back as soon as we get the rest of Uncle Tim's and Uncle Tad's things."

Tim looked at us, "We figured we'd take care of these critters since everyone is going to busy most of the rest of the day. We should be home in about thirty minutes."

Hank and I left the stable and Hank fell against me, "Stevie, did you hear what Tim said? He said they would be home in thirty minutes."

I hugged Hank, "Then we had better get home and make sure we have some food for them to eat."

When we got to the ranch, Justin and Wayne were taking care of the things in the stable. Justin looked at us, "Hank, you don't realize how much easier it is to clean the stalls when Alhambra isn't around to make our lives miserable. He seems to think that he needs all of the attention."

Hank took Alhambra's saddle and bridle off and Alhambra walked into his stall. Wayne looked concerned, "Are you sure that's Alhambra? When we left for our Christmas vacation, he would never have done that."

Hank laughed, "Don't blame me. Blame Stevie's sons. They wouldn't let Alhambra get away with anything. They weren't about to let a horse boss around two city slicker boys. We need to go check on breakfast since the guys will be back from the other ranch shortly."

When we got into the house, Mimi was helping Rosa fix breakfast. I thought to myself, 'That's a good sign.'

We were having a cup of coffee when Ross came in, "Hank, Rosa and I are going to stop at the paint store and pick up the paint so the guys can paint the apartment when they have time. I have the feeling that they would be very upset if I tried to paint it."

The guys had come in and had heard what Ross had said. Kevin spoke for them, "Grandpa Ross, you got that right. The six of us are going to need all of the money we can get our hands on so we can take over the Rodgers empire. What's for breakfast?"

Danny looked around, "Where's Daddy?"

Mimi answered, "Guys, your Daddy is packing things so we can move them to the other ranch."

David started to whine, "But Mommy, we want to stay here with Kevin, Jacob, Tim and Tad."

Kevin knelt down and held David, "Look man, you need to go make sure that your new brothers or sisters know how to be good. The rest of us will be close by and we'll be able to take you to school so you don't have to ride the bumpy school bus in the mornings."

David started to argue but Kevin stopped him. "We need to eat, so we can get ready for the Memorial Service. You can take a shower with me and Danny can take one with Jacob. I guess Tim and Tad will just have to go smelling like they went to the bathroom in their clothes."

Tim looked at Kevin, "Kev, playback is going to be even worse than you could ever have imagined."

After a great breakfast, the guys did the dishes and disappeared. It was nine o'clock when everyone assembled in the great room. We decided to take six vehicles since we would be going different ways after lunch. Wayne and Justin were going to stop and order feed for the horses. Ross and Rosa were going to pick up paint. Mimi, Dusty and David were going to go back to the ranch and the rest of us were going to the University hospital to have the donor testing done.

We arrived at the church at 9:30 and Pastor Taylor greeted us. He took everyone but Hank, Kevin and Jacob to a private sitting area. "The ushers will come and get you at five minutes until ten and escort you down the aisle. Tim and Tad will be the last persons escorted in."

Tim spoke for the two guys, "Pastor Taylor, we'd like for Mr. Michaels, David and Danny to sit with us. We don't want to sit alone."

Pastor Taylor looked away and blew his nose, "I'll advise the ushers what is happening. I need to go get my robe and stole on and I'll come back and say a prayer before we start the processional."

I was sitting on a sofa and Tim and Tad were sitting beside me. Danny and David climbed on the boys laps. Danny looked up at Tim, "Don't worry Uncle Tim, your Daddy is fine. He isn't going to have to worry about dying anymore."

Danny's comment caused a lot of tissues and handkerchiefs to come out. Danny wasn't finished, Granddad Hank will make everything better, so just be happy and be glad that your Daddy is going to be one of the angels that takes care of us, especially me."

I felt like I wanted to yell at God for letting a young boy like Danny feel like he was going to die. I was really angry at the world.

My reverie was interrupted by the arrival of the ushers. They took Justin and Wayne first, followed by Ross and Rosa and then Dusty and Mimi.

They returned and took Tad and David, me and Tim and Danny. When we entered the sanctuary, it seemed as if it was rather full, so I guess Bill had a lot of friends.

The five us were ushered to the second pew and David crawled onto Tad's lap and Danny was onto Tim's.

The service was something that I will never forget; between the message that Pastor delivered and the singing of Hank and my sons, it was so uplifting that I felt like things might turn out okay.

I looked at the people in the pews as we were leaving and I had the distinct feeling that they were feeling as I did.

When we exited the church, we were met by a limousine and we were joined by Hank, Kevin and Jacob. At the burial site, as the container with Bill's ashes was being lowered into the ground, Hank Kevin and Jacob started to sing, Here I Am Lord.

The clouds had rolled in while we were in the church, but as the three guys began to sing the clouds rolled away and the sun was shining brightly. Danny looked up, "Uncle Tim and Uncle Tad, your Daddy is going to meet the angels."

When we returned to the church, Hank handed out some envelopes to Pastor Taylor and we got into the cars after he mandated that everyone was to follow me. He directed me to a posh country club. We were met at the entrance and the doors of the vehicles were opened and we were helped out. Hank led us inside and the host practically bowed to Hank, "Sir, you and your party will be dining in the Zebulon Pike room. If you will follow me, everything is ready."

The host led us to a room and there were shrimp cocktails on the table ready for us to eat. Hank had gone all out.

After the meal, Hank sent everyone who wasn't going to be tested back to the ranch so it was just Hank, me and the four teenagers who went to the Med Center to be tested. I thought it was going to be a simple saliva test, but was I wrong. We had the saliva test okay, but then they drew blood. After they took the two samples, we were interviewed by team of physicians and other professionals.

The team called us into the room where we were interviewed. The leader of the team asked, "Would you like for us to talk to you individually or as a group? You obviously care very much for Danny or you wouldn't be here."

Jacob looked at the doctor, "Sir, why don't you tell us the results of the tests so we all know what's happening and there won't be any surprises?"

Doctor Harrison nodded, "There are three of you who would be suitable donors. Mr. Rodgers would be our first choice if he hadn't had his experience with cancer earlier. We think it would be unwise that he be the marrow donor because of any antibodies that might remain in his system. Danny doesn't need to risk further disruption to his immune system."

We have ruled out Mr. Michaels, Tad, and Kevin because there are problems with blood types. That leaves Jacob and Tim. We think that we should try the blood marrow from Jacob first because it very closely resembles that of Danny, It is not going to be a fun thing for either of them. Jacob, you may need to limit your physical activity while we are collecting the blood platelets that we need."

Doctor Harrison continued, "If Danny's body rejects the platelets from Jacob's blood, Tim, we may ask for you to be the next person to try to save Danny's life. We are just amazed that you people from four different families seem to be so compatible."

Jacob spoke up, "Dr. Harrison, when do you want me to come to do whatever it is that I have to do?"

The Doctor looked like he was surprised, "Jacob, we can start tomorrow, if you are willing. That would give us five days and we could begin Danny's treatment on Monday. Danny is going to be here for some time after the treatment begins to make sure that he isn't exposed to any strange viruses or diseases. He isn't going to be a happy camper, but we can't expose him to more danger when his immune system is weakened, trying to adjust to foreign antibodies. If everything works out, he should be ready to resume a normal life in approximately five weeks. It is going to be a very difficult time for his family and friends as well as for Danny. Danny very well could come to hate us all before this is over, so please, just love him in his periods of mood swings."

As we were leaving, Jacob announced, "Doctor Harrison, I'll be here tomorrow after school. Where do I go to do what I need to do, and what are my dietary restrictions?"

"Jacob, there are no dietary restrictions but please don't have any alcohol or nicotine products. I'll tell the lab to expect you at four tomorrow afternoon and they will make sure you are fit to drive home without a babysitter. Make sure you drink lots of liquids. Otherwise you can probably do your daily routine."

"If you find yourself getting tired, then stop and rest. We don't want you becoming ill, too."

When we got home, I hugged all four guys, "Men, I'm so very proud of you. You were all wonderful today. Jacob, I am especially proud of you, and your Mother would have been too. Now we all need to pray that Danny will be okay once this ordeal is over,"

Out of the clear blue, Tim asked, "Uncle Hank, what did the doctor mean when he said that they didn't want to use your blood because of your experience with cancer. How come we didn't know about it?"

Hank was caught red handed, "Guys, I had a rare form of testicular cancer, but I went to the Mayo clinic over the Thanksgiving vacation and was checked and they assured me that I was clear of cancer. I will go back in a year and be rechecked. In the meantime, I plan to live my life to the fullest now that I have a family to share it with me."

Tad must have had all of the emotional strain he could handle. "Come on guys let's give these two old men the float test before we go check on the horses."

I held up my hand, "Tad, if your theory is correct then you are going to see four depth chargers charging to the bottom of the tub. Come on let's take the horses for a ride and see what's happening around our homestead."

Hank stopped, "Did you gentlemen hear what Mr. Michaels said? He said that we need to check to see what is happening around our home. We better go get Danny and David so they don't miss out on any of the fun."

We were joined by the two little guys after Jacob and Tim saddled their horses for them. I watched and Danny and David were more adept at riding their horses than I was. I noticed that Danny was riding next to Jacob as we rode to the other ranch.

After a quick check, it was apparent that someone had already been there so we galloped back to the ranch. The guys took care of the horses and Hank and I went to visit with the other adults who were fixing the meal. Thankfully, it was a light meal because I was still full from lunch. The guys came in and shed their boots and washed their hands.

After the dishes were done, everyone seemed to disappear. Hank and I decided to go to his bedroom after we secured the house.

We had just taken our showers when the fun began.

Editor's Notes:

I wonder just exactly what kind of fun he could have been talking about?

I certainly hope that Jacob's bone marrow is compatible with Danny's.

I can see more and more that Hank is going to have the family he has wanted for so long. I know that things are not going to be easy for quite some time, what with Danny needing to recover for so long, but I know the rest of the family will show him just how much they love him.

I guess we now know about the float test and It will be interesting to see how those two fair in the test in the morning.

When I received this chapter, I was warned to have Kleenex ready, and I am glad I had some on hand. That was a very touching and heartwarming chapter and as always, I feel like these people are an inseparable part of the family.

Be here next time to see what happens next. I know I will.

Darryl AKA The Radio Rancher