
Chapter 37

Orangekill, NY

As she finished her brunch, Gertrude Weatherby sat reading the Sunday newspaper she had picked up on her way home from church. Specifically, she was looking at the freelance article on Clan Short that Maureen had produced based on her backgrounder for the Dispatch, which she'd updated to take into account the events of the past two weeks culminating in Family Clan status. As she read about the various interventions the Clan had been involved in, she let her mind be drawn to what had happened at the end of the past week. Coming to a decision, she picked up her phone and dialed the number listed.

"Lieutenant McConnaghay? This is Gertrude Weatherby. I teach history at Orangekill High School in New York State."

Hello, Mrs. Weatherby. Just Jonas, please. The rank is for when it's needed. What can I do for you?"

"Very well, young man. A commendable attitude. I have debated whether to make this call, but I understand your group works to right injustices, isn't that so?"

"Yes, ma'am, following the precepts of Vulcan law, that is. You have an issue in mind?"

"Yes. Our district recently adopted a Zero Tolerance Policy."

"That sounds like a good thing – no bullying, no fighting permitted. There's a problem?"

"Yes, I consider it to be one. Like any law or rule, it is only as good as its enforcement. And that is where the problem lies."

"Go on."

"Four students were suspended for fighting on Friday. I witnessed the incident – not that my word was of any value, even after 30 years teaching. It was three ganging up on one. Two of them probably deserved what they got; they were intentionally picking a fight. But for the other two, I believe, the strict application of the ZTP by the school authorities worked an injustice. The one boy did nothing more than raise his arms to ward off punches. And the third of the ones attacking him, I think was pushed into it by the other two. After thinking it through Friday night and yesterday, I decided to call you."

"So you'd like me to investigate, and possibly overturn the school administration's decision?"


"Is there any reason for me to act today, or would it be better to do this in the context of the school day?"

Gertrude chuckled. "I think that would be a good move; it would take the starch out of one or two stuffed shirts."

"Then I'll see you tomorrow."

"Thank you."

"It will be my pleasure."

Camp Bam Bam, Residential Pods

"You're on top, of course," Grant 'pathed.

"The South done rose again," Lee responded in what passed for a telepathic drawl, with a gesture at his crotch. Grant grinned back and shifted into the proper position for their 'fun'.

Platinum blond identical twins, the boys had been named Grant Winston Watson II and Clarence Lee Watson after their two grandfathers; Lee's vehement reaction to having his first name turned into 'Clarabelle' by teasing schoolmates and the chance parallelism to the two Civil War generals' names had led to a fresh set of more good-natured witticisms. Although the Grant-versus-Lee jokes had gotten old, they had spawned a few catchphrases that the boys had retained.

The senior Watsons had been 'Type A' career-oriented people who had wanted to have children, but seemed almost at a loss as to what to do with them once they'd conceived and born them. Day care was followed by preschool, then school with after-school programs, and a neighbor who had found it profitable to start up a business watching the children of their upscale suburb when parents were away on business trips, seminars, and other reasons to be far from home. The boys had never lacked for anything material; instead, what they were missing in their lives was a sense they mattered to anyone.

Except each other. The peculiar form of 'benign neglect' they had lived under had led them to be closer even than most twins, and they had discovered early that they could communicate in a way no one else could overhear. As small children they had gotten some attention and affection on visits to their grandparents Watson, until Grant Sr. had a stroke and died, but this small taste only served to underscore to them what they were missing from their nuclear family.

Worse was to come, however. The parents rendezvoused in Madrid from his business trip to the Middle East and her conference in Geneva, with the intention of flying home together. That flight never made it across the Atlantic. And their tastes for upscale housing, cars, etc., meant they had been living on their admittedly-generous current earnings. There was enough to bury them and pay off their debts, and scant little left over.

Their Uncle Efrem considered it his family duty to take the boys and finish raising them. But in his opinion they had been 'spoiled' by all the toys and gadgets their parents had bought them, and he was a stern man, not given to showing affection and expecting quick compliance with his directions. The boys were of course rounding the turn from childhood into their teens at that point, and conflict ensued – conflict he dealt with by confining them to their room whenever they 'defied his authority.'

With their libidos already revved up by puberty, shut in a room with nothing to play with except each other, they came to find that their ability to communicate mentally had another dimension – each was able to know what the other would enjoy having done to him. And they spent quite a bit of their 'timeouts' pleasuring each other in one way or another. Both were heterosexual by orientation – girls were the fantasy of choice – but sex with each other, and with other boys when they picked up on veiled hints, took up much of their free time.

This is not to say they were preoccupied by it. They enjoyed badminton, swimming, card games, exploring the surrounding countryside on bikes, and similar boyish activities. Physically they were alike, with bright blue eyes to go with their hair, a 'swimmers build' with understated muscles on a slender frame, and a radiant smile when something did make them happy – which did not happen often enough.

When Clan Short's hotline was publicized after the Montana Massacre, they called. And the UNIT retrieved them and put them through Intake. But finding themselves more or less confined to a pod, even though it was for protective-security purposes and they were warmly welcomed, had left them wondering if they'd made a mistake phoning. And when the burgeoning Camp Bam Bam population were asked whether anyone would like to volunteer for the new Clan compounds being refurbished at former military bases, they were quick to volunteer. Now they were waiting to see what the move would bring.

And occupying themselves with their favorite pastime in the meantime. Lee took the lube and took loving care of anointing his twin's sphincter, as Grant grabbed it from him and took equal care with Lee's erection. The 'of course' of his initial telepathed comment was due to the events of the previous night: after a spirited romp with Grant on top, an hour later Lee had felt horny, again or still – you make the choice, and had connected with a large-bodied 17-year-old from the next pod whom they knew to be bisexual, for a rather rough intense liaison that had left Lee a little inflamed and quite sore – nothing abusive, just overdoing it a bit. Though he was already feeling better, with no treatment but aloe lotion which the boys kept on hand, by common consent it was better if Grant took the 'bottom' role for now.

+ + +

Their libidos slaked for the moment, the twins got up afterward, slipped on jogging shorts, and went to the pod's common area, where they joined in a spirited game of hearts.

Several hands later, Claire slipped into the pod. The rumor machine was busily spinning far-fetched explanations of why she had been detached from Strike Team Charlie by orders of Amur Khan; only Adam, Logan, Janet and three other doctors, and she and Amur himself knew that it was because she was pregnant with his late brother's only child, and he was sedulous, perhaps even over-protective, of her health and safety since he had found out.

Claire scanned the room; her eyes came to rest on Grant and Lee, who were obvious as the only set of identical twins in the room. "Grant? Lee?" she said, not waiting for their acknowledgment, "Your transfer has been okayed. Get your things together, then go to Quartermasters area and request winter wear in your size. You're going to the pilot residential compound up in North Syracuse, New York." Though neither of the twins was usually telepathic with anyone besides his brother, they both read clearly her unspoken 'And I wish I was going there with you, to be with my team.'

And in the Helicopter Hangar

Wearing matching gold-ochre quilted jackets with dark green trim and blue jeans, Tony and Dan emerged from the elevator. Tony was bare-headed; Dan wore a knit toque. As Tony's gaze passed over the Demo. storage area where he had met Malinda, his heart gave an involuntary twinge. 'What's done is done,' he thought. 'But I still wish it could have been different.'

Skipper, Bobby, Brandon, and Grace were busily stowing medical supplies that Dr. Debra had issued them, as little Andy monitored the load balance inside the 'copter. It was Grace who spotted Tony, just before he saw them. Motioning Dan to follow, he trotted their way.

Seeing Tony, Bobby clouded up and began to rant. "I thought we were done with you and your manipulative games, you...." Skipper and Grace looked unhappy with the situation as well, but held their tongue.

Getting angry himself, Dan began to jump to Tony's defense. Tony shushed him and stood stolidly, taking it, until Bobby ran down. Then he said, "Bobby." He drew a breath. "I deserve everything you've said. More accurately, the guy I was a week ago deserved it. And I got what I deserved. Literally. I learned my lesson the hard way: by having done to me exactly what I'd done to others. You sent me here to turn my life around, right?" Nods assented to the truth of that. "Well, I learned how to care about others. I learned how it hurts when you love someone and they just use you. I learned what it feels like to have somebody look up to you as a role model, and how it makes you feel you have to do right to live up to what they see in you." A loving smile at Dan accompanied this; the younger boy beamed. "I don't expect you to believe what I'm saying; I've been too good a con artist in the past. What I am asking is for the chance to prove to you, by what I do, that the last few days woke me up and changed me."

Skipper looked Tony in the eye. Gulping, Tony raised his head and met his gaze. A few seconds passed. It wasn't clear to anyone else what Skipper was looking for, but whatever it was, he found it. He turned to the others and said, "He's paid his dues. Now he deserves a chance."

"But..." Bobby started to say.

Skipper slipped his arm easily over his younger partner's shoulders. "You want people to treat you as an adult, to acknowledge how you've grown and learned, right? People change; you should be the first to recognize that. Tony's changed. I'm not sure how, but he's different, and seems... I don't know, more trustworthy? ...than he was. Give him the same break you want others to give you, mugwump." He smiled at Bobby.

"I guess," Bobby said grudgingly.

"Who's your friend, Tony?" Grace asked.

"Grace, Skipper, Bobby..." Tony began. "He's Brandon. And that's Andy in the fuselage door," Grace supplied. "...Brandon, Andy, I'd like you to meet Dan. He's got a long, nasty history of abuse that's his, not mine, to share, when he's ready to tell you. He's kind of attached himself to me, learned to count on me. And I need to learn to be the sort of person that he can count on." Tony's sincerity was evident on his face.

And that did the trick. Grace and Skipper's attitudes made a 180. Bobby still looked a bit skeptical, but his hot temper vanished as quickly as it had started.

He held out his hand to Dan. "Pleased t'meetcha," he said with a smile. Returning the smile, Dan shook his hand.

"Here, give us a hand getting the last of this stuff stowed," Skipper said.

"I'll be glad to," Tony replied. Turning to Dan, he added, "You park your ass somewhere. You're still a ways from fully recovered, and you burned up a lot of the gains you made with what happened this morning. And while I'd trust these guys more'n most regular doctors, there's no sense letting you overdo it again; that's just asking for trouble."

Grace was smiling at this. Tony dug in and helped with the boxes; with a grump of "I can handle it," Dan did as Tony'd told him.

Two identical blue-eyed blond 12-year-old boys emerged from the elevator and came running over. "Hey, guys," Todd said, "can we hitch a ride up to Arkham? Tilden here's headed for North Syracuse, to handle Intelligence there, but I'm going to introduce him around to the guys at Northeast first, before he heads there."

"Of course," Skipper smiled. "Good to meet you, Tilden."

They all climbed in, and Skipper and Bobby took pilot and copilot.

"Hey, Daileass, can you give me a flight plan east to Maine, and who to contact for clearance?"

"I can do better than that," the A.I. giggled. "Get it started, and I'll transport you to right above the Arkham Fire Hall. Then you can land it where you wanna."

"Go for it." The klaxon warning that a 'copter's blades were being engaged blared; Skipper started the helicopter up, and it vanished.

In Arkham

"Jonas?" His commbadge speaking up startled him. He keyed it.


"This is Kurt Farnsworth, down at the new Clan residential compound in North Syracuse. I need to check out some legal questions."

Josiah's ears perked up; he stepped over and sat on the arm of the chair Jonas was sitting in.

"Does the Town of Cicero have any authority over what we build on the compound? My boys said not, but I need to check this out. I got a visit from the Zoning Officer today."

Josiah gestured to Jonas to activate his commbadge. "Kurt? This is Josiah Brewster. I'm Family Court Judge up here, and Jonas's father. I had to research out the legalities of Clan operations back when the boys first got involved, and I can assure you that your Zoning man has no more authority over what you're doing than he does over the White House. Everything the Clan does is covered by diplomatic immunity, and all Clan property is regarded as being under Vulcan jurisdiction and Vulcan law. The President can't tell you what you can and cannot do, much less any local functionary."

"Thank you very much, sir! That's very good news."

"Jonas here, Kurt. If he gives you any more problems, don't hesitate to let me know. The Clan has resources to deal with stuff like this. Jonas out."

"Kurt out."

As promised, the Medevac helicopter popped back into existence above the Arkham Fire Hall. Skipper set it down in the lot behind, and he, Bobby, Grace, Brandon, and Andy piled into the Rescue ambulance to head home. Todd and Tilden turned down a ride, preferring instead to jog up the street to the house Josiah and Maureen had bought. Tony and Dan set off on the short walk to Tony's home.

It was only a short distance to the DiPuglia pizza shop, behind and above which Tony's family lived: the fire hall was only a half block down Church Street from Main Street at the center of town. They crossed Main and walked across the parking lot to the rear entrance of the DiPuglia shop and home. Tony led Dan up onto the porch, opened the door, and called out, "I'm home!"

Domenic DiPuglia, Tony's father, rushed to the door. "How dare you show your face back here, after what you did?!" he asked in a rage. "Trying to get laid I could have seen; it's only what every red-blooded boy wants. But getting caught by your girlfriend's father with your pants down, cheating on her with a boy, then raping him – you're a disgrace to the family!" He went on in the same tone, as Tony's mother and sister came up behind him. His mother was clenching a handkerchief and twisting it in her hands.

"Father, stop it!" Angela shouted. The younger of Tony's two older sisters, she was in her first year of college at the university down in Farmington, living at home and driving the eleven miles to school.

"Why should I!?" Domenic shouted. "He's smeared the family name in the mud. He is no son of mine!" He rounded on Dan. "And who's this? Not only do you play the queer with the millionaire's son, but you go and bring one of your boys home with you!"

"It's not like that at all!" Tony answered, a little hotter than he'd intended. "Dan is a kid that got screwed over by the world, and I met him while I was doing work in the hospital he was in. He's somebody who looks up to me, and I need to make sure he gets treated right."

"How? By fucking him like you did the Throxton boy?" Domenic sneered.

"Father!" Angela exclaimed again.

"Not now, girl!"

"Yes, now!" Angela shouted back, her own temper up now. "You know, you disowned Rosa for marrying somebody you didn't approve of. You said she was disgracing the family. Well, now you're doing the same thing to Tony. It seems to me that 'family' to you means 'accepts my word as law,' and if one of us does something you don't like, poof! They're out of the family!"

"Well, I have news for you," she went on. "My boyfriend's been after me to move in with him. And I said no, because I knew how you and Mamma would react. Well, 'family' just dropped to you, me, and Mamma when you threw Tony out just now. So guess what? I'm going to go see Andy and tell him yes, I'm moving in. Then 'family' will be just you and Mamma, and you'll be happy."

She grabbed her coat and purse from the hook behind her, walked out the door slipping her coat on, and said, "C'mon Tony, I'll give you a lift."

Tony and Dan got into Angela's car as Domenic slammed the house door. She slipped into the driver's seat, and said apologetically, "I wish I could offer you a place to stay. But Andy's got this dinky little two-room apartment. There's barely room enough for him and me. Where do you want to go?"

Tony thought fast. He had Dan with him, and didn't have a lot of friends. "Take us to Grace Martin's," he said at last.

Dressed in fleece sweatpants, a sweater over a form-fitting long-sleeved woven shirt, and regulation teenboy footgear (sneakers), Grant and Lee appeared in the middle of a grassy area with low buildings in all directions around them. They were carrying the few personal belongings they'd managed to hang onto, and the clothing that the Quartermasters at Camp Bam Bam had issued them an hour earlier.

A low rumble caught their attention, and they turned their gaze to see a jet "grabbing air" as it took off from the adjacent airport. The call of "Hey, guys" drew their attention back to their surroundings, and they looked in the direction of the voice to see a boy about their age with sandy-brown hair, wearing fatigues, come jogging easily up to meet them.

"Hi, I'm Ethan," the newcomer introduced himself. "Grant and Lee, right?"

"That's us," Lee answered, as both twins braced themselves for the inevitable joke.

It never came. "Welcome to, um, here," Ethan said with a touch of embarrassment. "This is the Clan's new residential facility, but nobody's decided what to call it yet. When it was an airbase, it was named, along with the airport, after a former Mayor of Syracuse 70 years back, and nobody wants to keep that name. The two frontrunners among choices to name it are after guys who died in the Montana battle: Mark Little and Sammy Campbell. But it hasn't been decided yet." "Anyways," Ethan went on, "I'm supposed to show you around, get you oriented, that kind of thing. If you have any questions, just ask."

"Kewl," Grant said. "Lead on."

Ethan looked at the arms full of clothes and things they were carrying, and said, "Can I give you a hand with that stuff?"

"No, we're okay," Lee answered.

"As long as we don't have to carry it everywhere," Grant amplified.

"Okay, that makes our first step obvious," Ethan said, and led them off to a long, low two-story building nearby.

It proved out to be laid out like a dorm, with rooms on both sides opening onto a central hallway. He led them to one room, looking like a very typical dorm room, with two single beds and two small dressers the only furniture. Grant and Lee exchanged glances.

Ethan caught their eye contact, if not the accompanying thought. "We left a couple of the old barracks in place when they rebuilt stuff here for the Clan. This is your room for only as long as you want it to be."

"You guys get to move into one of the nicer new places as soon as you figure out what it is that you want to do," he went on. "It's been the Clan's experience that families build themselves, if given half a chance. You guys may meet an adult single or couple that is the perfect father, or mother, or grandparent, for you. Or you may fall in love with someone and join their family. Or maybe start a new one. Or several other possibilities." He paused. "Or you may not find anyone you want to hook up with as family, and decide to take an apartment just for the two of you. The barracks are only so that you have a place to sleep, somewhere to call your own, while you're figuring out what you want to do about family. It's as simple as that. Don't feel like you're stuck here – you're not. It's just a simple utilitarian spot you can call your own until you make up your minds what you really want to do." He gave them a friendly smile.

Grant and Lee's relief was palpable – they had of course read the place they'd been taken as what they were stuck with, and didn't like it a bit.

"C'mon, I'll show you around," Ethan went on. "Remember your room number: B-14. This is 'B' barracks. Easy to find." And with that, he led them around the facility, pointing out the school, the various rec. facilities, and a few of the housing units, to give them an idea of what they had to choose from.

"Um, dude, what's with the fatigues?" Grant asked Ethan as they were walking. "I thought we left that stuff behind at Camp Bam Bam."

"Me and my teammates, we're Unit, on detached duty here," Ethan explained. "We head up security for the compound, and are available if somebody needs to mount an intervention. But things are quiet enough, and there's enough folks arriving, that some of us volunteered to do Welcome Wagon duty, showing new arrivals like you around. Now, here's a typical block of apartments, if that's what you decide on...."

As they were leaving one of the larger houses, a nine-year-old towhead ambushed Lee with a big hug. "Random hug!" he called out with a grin, then applied the same to Grant, and then to Ethan. With him was a slightly-older but still preteen boy with sandy brown hair like Ethan's and hazel eyes, who looked startled at them.

"Are you two brothers?" Grant asked Ethan and the younger boy who looked something like him.

The boy laughed. "No, we're not even from the same Universe!" he answered. "I'm Galen. But Peter, check these two out."

"I did," Peter said. "You're right."

"Didn't anybody at Camp Bam Bam ever ask you two if you wanted to go into Clan Intelligence?" Galen asked the twins.

"Um, no. Why would we?" Lee responded with a puzzled look.

"Because of this," Peter answered them mentally. Out loud he added, "You two are potentially strong enough to be really good at telepathy. And the Clan's not exactly overstocked with telepaths, and we need them for nearly every intervention we do, and other stuff besides."

Naturally Grant and Lee's first reaction was to think of things they would rather hide. Peter sobered. "Your love life is your business," he said sternly. "Nobody should be snooping in it for any reason. Clan Intelligence is very strict on that. Matter of fact, I'm filing what I just caught from you under 'Things That Are None of My Business.' Don't worry about that stuff; everybody does it, or something pretty close to it."

Blushing, Lee said "Thanks," echoed by an equally red Grant.

"Seriously, though," Galen added, "would you two be willing to go get training to use your telepathy? You could be a huge help here and to the Clan as a whole if you agreed. But it is your choice," he added, realizing he sounded like a used-car salesman putting the pressure on.

A quick mental exchange, and "We'll think about it and talk it over," Grant said for the two of them.

"That's all I ask," Galen answered him.

"C'mon!" Peter said to Galen. When he turned his attention back to the little Mikyvis, they both vanished, leaving Grant and Lee dumbfounded.

"Wanna go get something to eat?" Ethan asked.

"At least!" Lee answered, still stunned.

He led them off in the direction of the dining hall.

Abbie was bustling about. "Here, Teena, give me a hand with this candy," she requested.

"What's that for?" Gilroy asked.

"The trick-or-treaters tonight; it's Hallowe'en," she explained. Gilroy looked puzzled. Then she added, "Harry, you might give a thought to taking at least the younger ones out tonight."

Jonas, Harry, and Maureen all looked uneasy at the concept, but were seemingly unable to articulate why. Josiah, on the other hand, put his finger on the problem.

"Abbie, consider where these kids are from. Fourteen of them were raised in a world where nobody did trick-or-treating, one where the fundamentalists won. The other 20-odd were raised in the F.C.C.; while they probably know about it from their schoolmates, they haven't been able to go out themselves, and probably were told it was the Devil's doing, or some such." There were nods from some of the F.C.C. kids at this.

Maureen thought a moment. "I have an idea: why don't we have a Hallowe'en party here for all these kids. Let them dress up as they like; we certainly have enough stuff around to outfit them. Have pizza, popcorn, candy, and whatever you can come up with for snacks, Abbie!"

"That sounds like a good idea. What do you all think about it?" There was stone-faced silence, then a soft-spoken voice saying, "Can we? Please?"

"Of course you can!"

This provoked a barrage of enthusiastic "Yeah"s from 36 kids.

"Hmmm," Harry added. "Despite the addition, we didn't exactly plan on sleeping 36 kids. Maybe we follow it with Northeast Division's first nest?"

"Good idea, Harry," Jonas seconded it.


"We fill up the family room floor with blankets and pillows, and everybody sleeps together, sort of an indoor camp-out. That means nobody wakes up in the middle of the night alone in a strange place; there's somebody right there nearby, and it's perfectly okay to cuddle up to them and feel comforted. The Clan's been using it for months as new people get brought in."

"We're staying, aren't we, Daddy?" Randy and Drew asked George. Philip didn't ask in words, but the expression on his face would have had puppy dogs taking notes, had any been present.

"Yes, you can," George replied, with an amused look at his boys.

Todd and Tilden arrived at that point, and Tilden was introduced around. "He's heading down to the new compound in North Syracuse tomorrow," Todd explained.

While this was happening, Jonas had been thinking. "I didn't really want to take the twins into a high school situation," he commented. "Tilden, how would you feel about doing Intelligence for me on an intervention in the Catskills tomorrow, then we'll both go to North Syracuse from there. I want to see this new facility for myself."

"I'll be glad to help," Tilden said with a smile.

"What about school?" Maureen asked.

Jonas explained the arrangement that Ms. Kilbride had set up. "Harry, you want to call and let her know our paper will be a bit delayed by what we've had to do this weekend?"


"Here's her business card; her home number's written on the back."

"On it." And Harry betook himself to their room to phone.

"Have we got enough bedding for the nest?" Philip asked.

"Between Maureen and me, and what Josiah had stashed away down in his house, we've got plenty," Abbie replied. "Who wants to help me make up some munchies for the party?" About a dozen volunteers loudly cheered their willingness to help – and no doubt taste-test the product.

And so they were off, getting things ready for an evening of fun and a night of comfort.

Tony and Dan came up onto Grace's front porch and knocked on the door. Andy ran and let them in.

At the curious, questioning looks from the three oldest residents, Tony said briefly, "My father threw me out."

Bobby started, then thought better of saying anything. Tony noticed. "Go ahead, Bobby."

"Aww – I was gonna make a smart-ass comment about it serves you right, but Skipper's right; you deserve a chance. So I bit my tongue."

"Thanks – for the chance, and for the honesty. I came here because I literally didn't know where else to go."

Grace spoke up. "Why don't you tell us about what happened in Utah? Maybe that'll clue us all into what you ought to do now."

"Well," Tony began, "you all know why I went there." Seeing Dan's confused look, he explained, "I was sent there, Dan, as part of a suspended sentence. I used and abused two of my friends here to the point it turned into criminal behavior." As Dan began to protest, Tony went on, "No, don't. It's the truth, and they all know it. What they don't know is what happened there."

"The first thing is, I met a girl you just plain won't believe, my wildest dreams turned into very real, and very gorgeous, flesh. I fell for her like a ton of bricks. Then I got detailed to help out at the clinic there, and as a piece of my duties, I got asked to try to draw out of himself this kid who had seemingly given up on life. That was Dan here."

"That worked; Dan came to see something in me that gave him something to live for. And it led to his and my being present at the debriefing of the Unit intervention that eliminated Jerome." Dan shuddered; Tony almost absently wrapped a comforting arm around him.

"Jerome," Tony went on, "was the ultimate pedophile predator, the guy who used boys for his purposes and then threw them away. Like he had Dan." Six faces were intent on Tony's narrative. "That night was my turning point. I thought about what I'd heard about Jerome. I thought about the attitudes of people at my trial. And I ended up facing some hard truths about what I'd done."

"And so I made a couple of resolutions. I chose to be the boyfriend Malinda could be proud of. And I chose to be the kind of guy that Dan could look up to. And, well, that's what I've been doing since."

"So where's Malinda?" Brandon asked innocently.

"Um, she shipped out with her strike team. And broke it off with me. She'd been using me the way I used to use Lisa." Tony was stone-faced admitting this, but one could see the repressed emotion threatening to boil over. "I got what I deserved. And then Dan, um, came to me and comforted me." Dan was giggling and blushing at this.

Bobby caught Dan's gaze and looked him in the eye, with a big grin. Dan blushed even deeper, and hid his face. Which resulted in laughter all around. "I said something stupid that hurt Dan," Tony pressed on. "That led to Daileass walking us through a lot of personal stuff about our relationship. And in the course of that, I made Dan a promise, and then Daileass told me that I'd completed the terms of my rehabilitation, and released me. Then he sent us to go find you guys loading up your helicopter."

"Well, what do you know how to do? What are you good at?" Grace asked, hoping to come up with some advice for him.

"Well, Poppa taught me how to make a pizza from scratch, not that that will do me any good now. And I guess you'd call what I was doing at the clinic being an orderly. Besides that, there's not much I can do good."

"That's not true!" Dan burst out. "You can – never mind," as he realized what he'd been about to say, and blushed again. The younger boys were giggling.

"Hmmm," Skipper mused, "I wonder if the Rimmers have filled all the jobs they had open." He touched his commbadge. "Skipper to Seth."

"Read you, Skipper. What can I do for you?"

"I need to check out job vacancies with the Clan. Skills include pizza chef, hospital orderly, and stud extraordinaire." There was a round of laughter. "Okay, skip that last," Skipper said. "Got anything?"

"Gimme a second," Seth responded. "Ah. A whole variety of positions, including both of the ones you mentioned, needed at the new compound Kurt Farnsworth is getting started up. That help?"

"It sure does," Skipper answered, going through the usual sign-off. Turning to Tony, he went on, "If you want my advice, Tony, you can live down the past here in Arkham, but it's going to be an uphill battle all the way. I'd say to make a fresh start somewhere, and the new compound makes sense to me. It's up to you, though." Grace was nodding yes, that was good advice, to judge from her facial expression.

"What do you think, Dan?" Tony asked. "Wanna give the new compound a try?"

"I want to stay with you. Wherever you go." Dan was clear and firm on this. Bobby reached over and patted him on the back.

"Have dinner with us, and spend the night," Grace said. "You can go check out this new compound in the morning. It looks like it's been a rough day for both of you so far; get some rest first."

"Thanks; we'll do that." Tony answered for them both, without thinking about it.

Malinda was finishing a jog around the perimeter of the new Clan facility her team had been detailed to handle security for. The rent-a-cops Bryan was training in Clan procedures, and the newbies undergoing security training, seemed to be working out fine, but it never hurt to have somebody from Charlie checking up on them. Besides, it helped her burn off some excess energy, and keep in shape.

The sight of a hunky maintenance man working along the runway of the nearby airport piqued her libido. The two guys she'd tried out since arriving here had crashed and burned – no staying power, either of them. She ruthlessly repressed a vagrant memory of the good times with Tony just before coming here, and the feelings it engendered: 'That would never have worked out, girl,' she thought to herself; 'no point in wishing for what can never happen.' The exercise had gotten her thirsty; she decided to stop by the dining hall for a soda or shake before heading back to the Security office.

As she took a soda and a sticky bun from the snack bar area, she spotted Ethan over at a table with identical 14-year-old platinum blond twins, who were both undressing her with their eyes. As she watched, they caught each other's eye, then looked back at her.

"Oh my god!," Lee 'pathed to Grant. "Will you look at her!? I could..." The remainder of that sentence has no business in a gay story, okay?

"You're telling me," Grant sent back. "Just look at that body."

Then they were both surprised as Malinda came walking over. "Hey, Ethan, who are your friends?"

"Hiya, M'lin. These are Grant and Lee Watson. Guys, make the acquaintance of Malinda Casey."

"It's a real pleasure to meet you," they chorused. She chuckled, twigging to their having a twin-link. Malinda's own telepathy, though present as it was in all Genesis Project-enhanced kids, was minimal except with Tilden and the other Logan clones, or during lovemaking where it amplified body language. Now she tested it out with them, and was pleasantly surprised by the degree of horniness they were exuding. "This could prove to be interesting," she thought to herself, and aloud said, "E, if you want to go back and do orientation for more newbies, if these two don't mind, I'll take over getting them settled in."

"Sounds good. Okay with you guys?"


"So what'd Ethan do with you guys already?"

"He took us to the barracks, then showed us the rec. facilities and all the kinds of houses and apartments there are. If I got him straight, we've gotta pick out some parents and then they'll take a house?"

"Not exactly; you just have to figure out what kind of family you want," Malinda explained. "It sounds like you've covered almost everything already. What would you like to do now?"

"You'd probably slap me if I answered honestly," Grant replied.

"Oh, I don't think so," Malinda said flirtatiously. "Not unless that's something you like to include in foreplay, that is." Then she laughed heartily at Grant's stupefied expression. "But what about Lee?" she asked.

"He can wait his turn," Grant replied.

"Impatiently," Lee put in.

"You two are comfortable as a sort of tag team?" Malinda asked.

"We've been doing it ever since we found out what use stiffies are," Lee answered her.

"Well, come on up to my room and let's, uh, discuss this in more comfortable surroundings," Malinda said delightedly.

Two hours later, the following had been accomplished: eight orgasms (Malinda 4, Grant and Lee 2 each), a two-bedroom bungalow signed out to the three of them, and the personal effects of all three moved there.

They sat down in the living room and exchanged Reader's Digest Condensed versions of their life stories, which led to another round of bedroom activities.

Malinda was now prepared to admit that she still missed Tony a bit – but between them, Grant and Lee might well keep her satisfied.

Next door, Becky had just put Dani to bed, and now sat down to cuddle with Austin as he recounted Ethan's story of Malinda and the Two Bears.

Aided by a group of young 'helpers', Abbie was busy baking an assortment of treats – cookies, brownies, candy of various descriptions, etc.

Maureen and the teens were assisting the younger kids in putting together costumes for the Hallowe'en party. When Linda seemed determined to wear her 'harem girl' outfit for Philip, Harry came up with an idea. Taking a pair of lounging pants that bloused out loosely even on Philip's stocky-muscular frame, he liberated a similar-colored vest from one of Josiah's old suits, ad had Philip strip off his shirt and wear only the vest above his waist, which served to emphasize his strong biceps and pecs. A pair of sandals without socks, and Philip was decked out in an Aladdin-style costume to match his girlfriend's. Philip seemed embarrassed but pleased at the costume.

A length of plaid fabric, a couple of gilt pins, a toy dagger, and Gilroy was decked out as a Highland chieftain's son, which matched his red hair and freckles perfectly. He was all grins as he looked at himself in the mirror.

The usually-somber Trent had decked himself out in a white flannel sheet-blanket draped as a toga. His boyfriend Terry was wearing a white linen skirt intended to make him look like Trent's servant. Maureen was pleased that they seemed to be losing themselves in having fun for a change.

Teena had found a rather tiny bikini and a 'grass' skirt of strips of green fabric, making her a passable Polynesian wahine. She was all smiles at the result.

The kids from the F.C.C. Church had by and large come up with Biblical characters, which made sense given their upbringing. One gangly teenage boy, though, had found appropriate things in a stash of Josiah's parents' belongings to portray Abe Lincoln, complete with stovepipe hat. His little brother had removed a detachable fur collar from a winter coat, and draped it around his underwear-clad thighs to, as he explained, "be John the Baptist."

A blond boy had combined an old pair of Jonas's spandex pants, a velour shirt, a Clan cloak, and Jonas's (safety-locked-on) phaser to produce a passable Cory Short; Harry and Jonas congratulated him on the imaginative costume, and shot a picture with a digital camera to send to Cory.

Calvin was busy programming a play-list of music for the party into a computer which would in turn feed them into stereo speakers.

Two of Abbie's 'helpers' set out the first two pizzas, which did not last much longer than it took to cut them, and the party was under way. The kids were dancing, chatting, playing out their costumes' characters, just generally having fun, and the adults watched indulgently.

The first trick-or-treaters came to the door, and were met by "King Solomon" and "Cory Short," who handed out candy to them. A couple of tween boys were wowed by Teena's Polynesian wahine outfit, and almost didn't think to ask for candy.

Harry set Drew and Randy to doing occasional checks of the new kids, in order to head off any problems that might come up. The only issue that came up, however, it was Calvin who de-fused emotions. Harry complimented him on what he'd done. "I just passed on to him what Derrick told me the other night," Calvin said modestly. Harry patted him on the back and told him that was the simple secret of how the Clan worked: "Each of us gets what we need, and then give it on, pay it forward, when we see someone else who needs it. You did just the right thing." Pleased and embarrassed by the compliment, Calvin grinned back.

As the evening wound down, Jonas got their attention, and explained about the nest. Several couples' eyes met, pleased at the idea of being able to spend the night in each other's arms. Maureen announced she'd make sleeping arrangements in the new wing for any kids who did not want to nest.

John the Baptist's treble voice rang out in one last song:

Sleep my child and peace attend thee,
All through the night
Guardian angels God will send thee,
All through the night;
Soft the drowsy hours are creeping,
Hill and vale in slumber sleeping,
I my loved ones' watch am keeping,
All through the night.

Angels watching, e'er around thee,
All through the night
Midnight slumber close surround thee,
All through the night
Soft the drowsy hours are creeping,
Hill and vale in slumber sleeping
I my loved ones' watch am keeping,
All through the night

While the moon her watch is keeping,
All through the night
While the weary world is sleeping,
All through the night
O'er thy spirit gently stealing,
Visions of delight revealing
Breathes a pure and holy feeling,
All through the night.