The Michaels' Family: Book One - We Saw Daddy Kissing Santa Claus

Chapter Fifty: The Curtain Comes Down

As we were finishing dinner, the doorbell rang. Kevin went to answer it. He returned with a man who looked like a slob, "Tim, Mr. Crosley would like to speak to you."

The gentlemen minced no words, "Tim, I'd like to talk to you in private. It's important and it will be worth you while."

Tim stood, "Mr. Crosley, whatever you have to say will be said here. I would like my Dads to hear what you have to say. My brothers aren't going to go blabbing about the conversation. Now what is it that you need to talk about to me that would cause you to come uninvited to our home at dinner time?"

The man was unfazed by the tongue lashing he had just received, The man put a document on the table in front of Tim, "If you will sign this I will be your agent and get you into a really good college."

Tim stood, "Look asshole, I'm not turning pro. Why would I hire an agent. Are you saying that you are going to take a percentage of the money that a scholarship would be providing for me. Dads, call the Sheriff's office and tell them that we have an unwelcome visitor here. Mr. Crosley, I suggest you leave, and leave now."

The man grabbed the papers, "Look, you punk, I'll make sure that you never get a scholarship to any major universities."

Hank stood, "Mr. Crosley, I believe the young man asked you to get your ass our of here. He has already had offers of full scholarships to more than a dozen universities. Kevin, show this person to the door, please."

Tim announced, "I've decided to attend Iowa State. I like the new coach and when he called, he congratulated me on a fine meet. He didn't apply any pressure about making a decision as to where I was going to attend school. I like Iowa State because they have a veterinary school there that I could attend and come home and take care of the horses."

The school year was starting to wind down. Kevin and Jacob's basketball team made it to the semi finals at the state tournament before losing.

David and Louie were excelling at the Academy and came home each day ready and eager to go back.

Deanna was working wonders with the four home schoolers. Danny was growing and didn't look like the same little sick boy I first met. Lionel had full mobility of all of his limbs after we attended many therapy sessions and the guys had spent many hours in the pool at the house on the hill.

When the school year ended, all of our guys made the honor roll. The one who was the most ecstatic was Tad. He had never made the honor roll before. When Ramsey came to visit, the night Tad found out, Tad mugged him. "Ramsey, if it hadn't been for you help, I would never have been able to do this."

Ramsey pushed Tad away, "Dude, you could have done it by yourself if you would let yourself realize how intelligent you really are. Now that you made honor roll, there is absolutely no reason that you can't keep doing it."

Hank and Deanna had the people at The Wentworth Academy test Danny, Lionel, Lindsey and Tammy and they tested far above grade average. The bad thing was that the Academy wanted to hire Deanna to replace a kindergarten teacher whose husband was being transferred to another city."

Deanna accepted the position, so that meant Hank and I needed to find someone to take care of Cameron, because at the end of June, Mimi gave birth to not two, or three but four children. David and Danny now had two brothers and two sisters. Mimi and Rosa had their hands full. That could explain why Danny and David were at our ranch more than they were at home, plus, of course, Lionel and Louie would be there."

When Cameron was six months old, he was crawling everywhere. Whenever any older people would arrive, he wanted to be picked up. He loved to roughhouse with Kevin, Jacob, Tad and Tim.

I don't know how many hours Hank spent looking for someone to take care of Cam. It was as if the master planner had something on his mind. Ellie, the lady from the diner's, husband died and she sold the business. Hank lured her into coming to work for us. We not only had a babysitter, but someone who could cook for us. Boy did she start to spoil the guys.

Cathy and Lori moved into the home that was built on the burned out site, so the girls could walk across the road to go to school. When it was time for school to start in the fall, Hank arranged for a van so Justin could drive the children to and from the Academy.

It was a sad day when Tim left to drive to Iowa State. The good thing was that Tad turned sixteen and got his driver's license. Hank bought him a pickup, so he could drive back and forth to school. Of course, he picked Ramsey up in the mornings and waited for him until he was finished with football practice.

It was just after Labor Day when Cameron started to walk. He wanted to be outside with the dogs. He was only satisfied when he was with the guys. He knew when they came home.

Hank and I have so much to be thankful for. The games that Hank and Ramsey are creating are bringing in a lot of money. The Michaels Advertising Agency is now the biggest in the six state area. Dusty has everything organized.

Chris and Chase are taking classes at the university at night, as is Freddie. Freddie now lives with Chase.

Everyone has been accounted for, so I guess it's time to end this story.

Don't get constipated though, because the sequel is about to start. It will contain a few surprises and a few downers. So hang on for the roller coaster ride of your life. Watch for the sequel, 'What Happened to Baby Cameron?"

Editor's Notes:

Well, it looks as if a lot of loose ends have been tied up, but I really like the idea of a sequel. I always like those things. I have the feeling that Cameron is going to be a very special person, and I can hardly wait to find out about him.

Darryl AKA The Radio Rancher