The Michaels' Family: Book One - We Saw Daddy Kissing Santa Claus

Chapter Forty Nine: The Ceremony

Hank finally pulled into a small parking lot behind a small store called 'The Clock Shop.' I was thinking to myself, 'Why do we need another clock.' Hank got out of his car and was getting Cam's seat out, "Hank, why do we need another clock?"

Hank looked at me, "Steve, we're not going to buy a clock. I have something else in mind."

We walked into the store which was unlike any store I had ever been in. There were all sorts of strange things on display. We were approached by a young man, "Gentleman, how may I help you. I hope you aren't looking for a P.A. for the little one there."

Hank shook his head no, "We're looking for two wedding bands."

The gentleman asked, "What do you have in mind? Would you like something gaudy or simple?"

I was totally lost, but Hank answered, "We would like something simple but masculine."

The gentleman brought a tray of rings, "Perhaps one of these might strike your fancy. Hank looked at the tray of rings. He pointed to one of the rings, "Steve, I would like something like this. What do you think?"

I still wasn't sure what was happening, "That looks fine to me."

The gentleman went and got a set of rings and had us try them on to see what size ring we would need. He took the information and went to check on the availability of what we had selected. When he returned he announced, "Gentlemen, we just happen to have the ring you selected in the sizes that you need."

Hank nodded, "We'll take them. We'll bring them back later and get them engraved. Put them on this card, please."

When we were walking out of the store, I had the audacity to ask, "Hank, would you please tell me what's happening?"

"Steve, just follow us and you'll understand."

I followed him to the church and we went into a small chapel that I didn't realize even existed. He placed Cam on the raised platform and knelt down on the step in front of where Cam was sleeping and motioned for me to do likewise. He put the two rings in front us. I was finally beginning to realize what was happening.

Hank started, "Steve, with this ring I pledge to be true to you and cherish and protect you and the members of our family as best as I am able."

He put the ring on the ring finger of my left hand.

I followed his lead, "Hank, I promise to be true to you and do my best to make sure that all of our sons and you are well cared for."

I put his ring on his finger and Cam started to coo.

We stood and hugged each other. As we were getting into our cars, Hank called, "We'll consummate our vows tonight after we get everyone in bed."

I stated to laugh, "Hank, you're nothing but a sex fiend."

He yelled as he was getting into the Hummer, "I have to make up for lost time."

That was nothing compared to the treatment I was going to receive when I got back to the office. When I walked in, Ted was standing there, "Excuse me sir, may I see some identification."

I pulled out my badge and when he scanned it, the bells and sirens started to sound. He looked at me, "Sir, I'm sorry, but I need to ask you to step into the booth over there so I can do a strip search."

I went in the booth trying to figure out what was happening. I was beginning to think that Janet Clark had returned. Ted came into the booth. "I'm just getting even for what you did to me earlier today. Mr. Michaels, I want to thank you for giving me this opportunity. I'll be able to finish college sooner and Dee and I can get married."

He hugged me and pulled a white handkerchief, "Truce."

"Ted, I need to get back to the office."

When I walked into the office, Chris looked up, "We got back from our round of golf just in time. Mr. Michaels will never know that the office was uncovered all afternoon."

I ignored his comment and walked into the office and started to look at the growing pile of papers and notes on my desk. Cynthia entered the office and sat down. "Steve, I don't suppose you would care to tell me why you're wearing a wedding band."

I told her what happened and she started to laugh, "Steve, your life has turned into a story that would make a good daytime soap opera series since you met Hank."

When I finally arrived at the house, everyone was in place except me and boy was I reprimanded. Louie looked at me, "Poppa, you gotta do the clean up, because you're so late." The four young guys were practically gushing about school.

Later, I watched as Ramsey sat with Tad as he was doing his work. He did much as I had done last night, but he went into more detail as to why something was wrong than I had.

After everyone was in bed, Hank and I consummated the commitment ceremony, big time.

Friday turned into a boring day compared to what had been happening. Well almost. Danny and Lionel had doctors appointments and Doctor Harrison said that Danny was doing so well that he wouldn't need to wear his mask anymore, but that he still couldn't be around big crowds or go to school. The cast on Lionel's arm was removed and that made it so much more simple for him to maneuver.

Dusty and Mimi took care of Cam while we went to the boys' basketball game with everyone but Danny and Lionel. The guys lost, but they were pleased with what they had done because they had only lost by two points to the number one team in the state.

On Saturday, everyone helped Dusty and Mimi move the last of their things to the other ranch, much to Danny and David's chagrin. I might add that Louie and Lionel weren't too appreciative of the idea either.

Hank sat down with the four guys and explained, "Guys, you can always come here and fight, play or whatever, but Louie and Lionel will probably be moving next door, next week. Lionel and Danny will continue to go to school here at the house with Lindsey and Tammy. Someone will make sure that David and Louie get to and from school."

On Sunday, Ramsey was complaining as the guys left for church, "Grandpa, I don't want to sing a solo."

I went to the early service so everyone else who wanted could go to the late service. Ramsey did an outstanding job.

Sunday afternoon, Hank and Tim left for their Iowa trip. I figured that was the last I would hear from them until they returned. Boy was I wrong. Hank was providing me a detailed report via emails on what was happening.

They arrived home early on Wednesday and Tim even went to school for the afternoon and Hank and Cam abducted me to have lunch at the diner on the hill. Jeremy and Brent arrived early on Thursday afternoon, so that meant Ramsey, Lionel and Louie were moving that night. Tim and Tad had matches that night but we had no one to take care of Cam.

I looked at Hank, "You go support the guys; I'll stay here and take care of Cam. We can't keep expecting people to take care of him for us all the time. He's our responsibility."

Jacob had heard what I said, "Dads, I'll stay with Cam tonight. Tim and Tad need to know that both of you are there. Why don't you see if you can take Louie and David with you? That would mean a lot to them, and Chase is taking Ramsey."

We took the two young guys with us and it was a blast. Tad won his match easily, Tim won and made it look easy, and Freddie had a struggle but he also won.

I figured everyone would be exhausted when they arrived home, but that was not the case. As we dropped off Louie, he started on me, "Poppa, make sure you pick me up on time tomorrow, we don't want to be late for school."

That set the pattern for the rest of the year. I was the official ride to school for the two guys. That was probably a good thing because it made me get moving in the mornings.

Lori and Jeremy's divorce was granted.

Dusty, Jeremy and Brent met with David's and Louie's teachers and received glowing reports.

Back to the state wrestling finals, Tim won the championship for his weight class. Tad was the runner up and Freddie was third in his weight class. The guys were elated because they won the team championship.

At the awards ceremony, Tim, who was the team captain, accepted the team trophy. He was very eloquent. "Ladies and gentlemen, I accept this trophy on behalf of our school. We won this because of the effort from the entire squad from my baby brother to the pizza man. We want to recognize our coaches who have worked very hard to make us become better. He held up the trophy, "For Carson High."

Unbeknownst to anyone, representatives from a number colleges were at the meet. Sunday was to turn into a zoo.

We went to the late service since Tim and Tad had partied after winning the championship. We stopped at the diner and had lunch on the way to the house on the hill, because Hank invited the team and their dates to have a swim party.

The party was set for two and the guests started to arrive. I was surprised to see Ramsey arrive with Chris. Ramsey explained, "Tad invited me."

Tad had a date there, so I was totally confused. I saw Ramsey talking to Tad and his date, and it was as if they were old friends. I whispered to Hank, "I don't understand what is happening between Ramsey and Tad."

Hank looked at me, "They're just good friends. It is obvious that Tad thinks of Ramsey as his peer, even though he is two years younger. Look, Ramsey is over there giving Kevin and Cyndi a difficult time. I'm surprised he isn't giving Chase and Freddie a bad time."

Hank had no more than uttered those words than Ramsey was tormenting Chase and Freddie. The two guys started after Ramsey, but he eluded them and jumped out of the pool. "My Dad is calling me."

I missed anymore fun because Cam started to complain. I fed him while Hank made sure that the young people had everything they needed.

It got really exciting when we arrived back at the ranch after the pool party. The phone was blinking like crazy. Hank flipped through the calls and didn't recognize any of the callers. He turned on the speaker; the first message started, "This call is for Tim Matthews. I would like to arrange for an appointment to met with him. I'm an assistant wrestling coach at Arizona State University. Please have him contact me at 666-5454."

Hank punched the save button and went to the next message and it was another coach wanting to talk to Tim.

Hank hung up the phone, "Steve, it's as if the vultures are out to get Tim. We need to protect him."

"Hank, you're wrong. Tim is well equipped to take care of himself. He's not some dumb athlete who isn't going to think through his decision. He is a very bright and insightful young man. He'll come to us if he needs our help."

Tim and Tad took that moment to arrive. Tim spoke, "Dads, thanks for hosting the victory party today. Everyone had a great time."

Hank pointed at the phone, "Tim, there are a number of messages on the phone, and they all seem to be for you. We only listened to the first two and saved them. Why don't you go to my office and listen to them so you aren't bothered by the noise."

We were trying to decide what to do, when Chris approached us, "Dad Hank and Dad Steve, would you have a problem with me continuing to live at the house on the hill? Chase and I have talked the matter over and he needs to have the freedom to be able to get together with Freddie when they can."

Hank looked at Chris, "Chris, I don't like the idea of you living there alone. What if something would happen to you?"

"Dad Hank, I have a possible solution to that problem. I could have Ted move in with me until he and Deanna get married."

I looked at Chris, "Have you asked him about doing something like that? Why would you think that he would even consider doing something like that?"

Chris shook his no, "Dad Steve, I haven't spoken with Ted about doing something like that. I was talking with him this week and he was complaining about the dive where he was living. He indicated that he has been living by himself since he started to work for the Agency."

Hank scowled, "It appears to me that you might be looking for a place where you and Michelle might have some extracurricular fun."

Chris turned bright red, "Mr. Rodgers, I can assure you that isn't going to happen. Ted also told me that he and Deanna have not engaged in premarital sex. So I think I can safely say that we would not be living in a house of sin."

"Chris, I was trying to be funny. Why don't we talk to Ted about the possibility tomorrow?"

We hadn't heard Tad arrive with Ted and Dee. Ted asked, "What do you need to talk to me about?"

We turned around so we could see them, Tad complained as he stood there with a towel wrapped around his waist, "Could someone answer the doorbell the next time so I don't have to get out of the shower? Ted and Dee, next time just walk in."

Since we were seated at the kitchen table, Hank asked them to sit down. Chris, explain what we were just talking about.

When Chris finished explaining the possibility of Ted moving into the house on the hill with him, Ted and Dee started to laugh. Ted explained, "This is really ironic. Dee and I have spent the afternoon looking at possible places where I could move, now that I can afford some decent accommodations."

Chris chuckled, "I'm sure that you would find the house to be very suitable accommodations. It even has an indoor swimming pool."

Dee looked skeptical, "This sounds almost too good to be true. What's the catch?"

Hank looked at Chris, "Chris, why don't you take these two doubting Thomas's and show them the house, after they explain why they came here. I doubt they came to look for a pad where Ted could crash."

Dee grinned, "You're right, we had lunch with my parents today and my mother suggested that since there will be times when I'm here alone with the five children that I should have some sort of paperwork that I could use in case of an accident or an emergency."

Hank, smacked his head, "Your mother is absolutely right. I should have thought of that. I'll take care of that tonight. Did your mother tell you anything about the children?"

"No, she never talks about her cases. She just mentioned that she had met some of them. She thinks Louie is a stitch."

Hank looked at me and I could almost here him thinking, 'I think we need to explain to Deanna why the three children are here.'

I nodded yes and Hank suggested, "Chris, why don't you take Ted and show him the stables. We need to talk privately to Deanna."

We explained who Lindsey, Tammy and Cameron were and why she needed to be alert for anyone who might be checking about the Youngs. When we finished, Deanna spoke, "I thought perhaps something bad had happened to them. None of the four young people I have been working with have said anything. I couldn't seem to make a connection as to why the girls were being home schooled. I could understand Danny and Lionel. Do the children know about everything that has been happening?"

"The two boys know what has happened as do David and Louie. Those two have been approached by strangers, trying to find out about the Youngs. I'm sure that Cathy and Lori have talked to Lindsey and Tammy as well."

The conversation was interrupted by David, "Is Louie here yet?"

I shook my head no, "We haven't seen him. He might be in the stable with Uncle Chris and Uncle Ted. Go check and tell them it's safe for them to come in."

"Okay." David was out the door.

Chris, Ted and Deanna had just departed for the house on the hill when Cathy and Lori arrived. Hank met them at the door, "Don't tell me you have come to demand alimony?"

Cathy laughed, "That's not a bad idea, but that's not why we're here.

We had a call from Mr. Wetmore today. It seems that the Youngs house was well insured and that the property was to go to the children if something should happen to their parents. The government has gotten involved and the house is going to be rebuilt. He offered Lori and me the opportunity to buy the house."

I looked confused, "Isn't that like advertising who the girls are?"

Lori shook her head no, "Steve, that was my initial reaction. But the more I think about it, the more perfect the idea seems. This is the last place that the bad people, whoever they are, are going to think to look for the children."

We heard someone on the stairs, "Dads, there was one call for you on the phone. A Mr. Wetmore would like for you to call at you earliest convenience." He came into the living room where we were seated. "Pardon me, I didn't realize we had company."

He handed Hank a piece of paper, "It's nice to see you again Ms. Watson and Dr. Spilker. Dads, I'll go start dinner."

I looked at the assembled group, "Cowboy, why don't you call Mr. Wetmore. I'll take Lori and show her around while you and Cathy talk to him. We technically aren't involved."

When Lori and I walked out the back door, Louie, David, Jacob and Kevin were on horseback returning to the stable. Louie waved, "Hi Mom."

Lori looked at me, "You have to admit that young man is something else."

"Lori, all the young men here are special as are Lindsey and Tammy."

Lori grinned, "I never dreamed that Cathy and I would have children."

I laughed, I know what you mean. "Before Christmas, I had two sons. Now I'm up to five plus three foster sons, two other almost sons and two nephews."

Lori poked me on the arm, "The neat thing is that they are all very handsome."

Kevin was coming out of the stable with David and Louie, "Come on, I'll take you home. I don't want you to be walking across the fields when it's starting to get dark."

Cathy and Hank appeared and Cathy announced, "Lori, we need to go retrieve the girls before they think we've deserted them."

After everyone had left, I looked at Hank, "Where's Cam?"

"He's in the kitchen eating, Tad was feeding him, and complaining because he had to answer the phone."

Tad looked up at us, "Would you please put a sign that says, 'No Vacancies'? Would you please disconnect the phones? Me and Cam are getting tired of taking care of everything."

We were about finished eating dinner when the next attack started.

Editor's Notes:

It seems to me that this story is getting busier and busier, and that is really saying something.

It does look as if things are starting to come together though. I still need a score card to try to remember all the names of all the kids. I think I am going to go back and reread the story, so I can familiarize myself with everything.

Don't worry, I'll have it all worked out in a year or so. I'm old, remember. Anyway, I am ready for the next chapter.

Darryl AKA The Radio Rancher