The Michaels' Family: Book One - We Saw Daddy Kissing Santa Claus

Chapter Thirty Three: Are They Or Aren't They?

I was awakened by someone manipulating my penis.  I looked up and Cowboy was standing there in his jeans.  "It's too bad we don't have time to fully exercise Little Stevie right now.  Hopefully, we'll have enough energy tonight to make sure he gets exercised.  Get up and get dressed; Chris, Kevin and David are fixing breakfast."

When I got to the kitchen, everyone was already eating.  Hank looked at Tim and Tad.  "Where is your meet tonight and what time does it  start?"

Tim answered, "It's at North High and starts at seven o'clock."

The chefs had cleaned the pans they had used to cook, so each of us rinsed our own dishes and put them in the dishwasher.  Mimi looked at us, "I'm going to pick David up at school and take him to the hospital, so he can see Danny and talk to him.  Hank, you can take him to the house on the hill when I relieve you.  Since Dusty has class tonight, I'll stay with Danny, then Dad and Mother will relieve me after they eat.  That way, everyone who wants to go to the meet can do so."

Justin looked at the clock, "Come on, Chase and Chris, I need to deliver you to the Clark house and get to the hospital to relieve Jacob, so he can get to school on time."

Kevin and David left for school.  Cowboy scratched his head, "I guess that means the rest of us will need to take our own vehicle, since I'm not sure what anyone is going to be doing, and we know that Dusty has his first class tonight."

"I'm going to my office to work this morning, since I have some legal things that I need to take care of like the houses and boys' names."

The morning was busy.  I met with some clients and took care of some phone calls.  I was just about caught up when the dam broke so to speak. Dusty stopped in, "Steve, Wayne and I are going to go to the hospital to see Danny.  I'll stay with Danny until Hank arrives.  Wayne is going to take Justin to lunch."

Cynthia knocked, "Are you going to be here?  The hubby wants to take me to lunch.  He wants me to look at a car that he is thinking about buying."

"Cynthia, the sandwiches I bought yesterday that no one ate are in the fridge, so I won't starve, and remember I do know how to answer the phone."

She stuck her tongue out, "I guess that's why you're the boss."

She had just left when the phone rang, "This is Steve Michaels, how can I help you?"

"Steve, this is Elaine Graham.  Have you heard the news?"

"Elaine, I have no idea what you are talking about.  What news?"

"The results of the DNA tests prove that Brent is Chris and Chase's father and that I am their mother.  How can I get in touch with the guys?"

"Chris and Chase are watching the movers at the old Clark house which is next door to Hank's house.  The phone was disconnected and neither of the boys have cell phones, that I know about.  Brent and Jeremy are at my old house watching the movers there and I don't know their cell phone number."

"I doubt very much if the Med Center could get in touch with them unless Brent gave them his cell phone number.  I'm going to put you on hold.  There is a call on another line."

"This is the Michaels Ad Agency, Steve Michaels speaking."

"Steve, its Brent.  I just received a call from the Med Center with the results of the tests.  The boys are indeed Elaine's and my sons, I think you should be the person to tell them."

"Brent, I have Elaine on another line.  Let me see if I can turn this into a conference call.  Hold on."

"Elaine, Brent is on another line and I am going to see if I can set up a conference call."

I did what I thought would do the trick and it did.  "Elaine, are you there?


Brent responded before I could ask, "I'm here."

"Elaine and Brent, I will gladly tell the boys the news that you are indeed their parents.  However, I would like to have a copy of the test results to take with me.  Chris is going to have a difficult time accepting the news at best.  I'm sure the med center would not release the results to me, so one of the two of you will need to pick the report up for me."

Elaine spoke first.  "I can pick it up, but it can't be until later this afternoon.  I'm out of town working on a case."

Brent began, "Hank just brought lunch and the movers are eating.  He was here just before I got the call.  He was on his way to the Clark house with food for the guys and the movers and packers if they are still there.  I'll go to the hospital while the movers are eating and eat when I get back.  Jeremy can man the fort alone while I'm gone.  I'll drop the report off at your office."

Elaine interjected. "Steve, why don't you make copies for each of us and have them notarized.  That way we each have a copy."

I looked up to see who had just come in, "Hank's here.  Hank, you can notarize something for us, can't you?"

Hank nodded his head, "Yep, what do you need notarized?"

"Brent, why don't you to pick up the report and bring it here.    I'd come there but Cynthia and Wayne are at lunch and Dusty is at the hospital with Danny.  He can stay with Danny until Steve arrives. I'll detain the Cowboy long enough so he can notarize the copies. I'll call you later and let you know what the boys' reactions were.  Why don't you give me your cell numbers?"

"I'll call you as soon as I talk to Chris and Chase. Talk to you later."

I hung up after Brett and Elaine had signed off.

Hank scowled, "I'm assuming that you were talking to Elaine and Brent and they want you to tell Chris and Chase what the results were."

I nodded my head yes and said nothing.

Hank couldn't stand not knowing.  He got down on knees and crawled toward to me, "Stevie, please tell me what the results were.  If you don't, I'll start playing with your instrument that delivered your sons to the waiting receptacle.  I don't care if Cynthia sees it or not."

"I got up from the desk and picked him up and kissed him lightly on his lips.  Cowboy, Elaine and Brent are indeed Chris and Chase's parents."

"I think it's probably a good idea that you are the person who is going to tell the guys.  I'm not sure how Chris is going to respond to the news?  He still seems to be rather angry.  Here, I brought you a sandwich since Dusty called and told me he was going to go stay with Danny until I got there.  I figured this would provide me with the opportunity to play with your body."

"You need to get in touch with Doctor and Mrs. Harrison and the Hamilton's so you can set up a time for the closing.  I can be available almost anytime."

Cynthia walked in and Hank asked, "Mrs. Wright, are you a notary?"

"Yes, why do you ask."

"We're going to need you to notarize some contracts later, but Steve will need you to notarize some reports when they arrive.  I'd do it, but I need to go relieve Dusty, and my stamp and seal are the office.  Steve will need to take care of some business elsewhere when you have copied and notarized the reports for him."

"See you all later."

Hank had only been gone a few minutes when Cynthia received a call from the security people.  "There is a Mr. Brent Farway here to see Mr. Michaels on personal business."

Cynthia turned to me, "Are you expecting a Mr. Farway?"


"Mr. Michaels is expecting him; please show him to the office."

A young man escorted Brent to our office, "Hi Brent, I'd like to introduce my office manager Mrs. Cynthia Wright.  Cynthia, this Brent Farway."

As Brent was shaking Cynthia's hand he commented, "It's easy to see where the new Miss America got here good looks from."

Cynthia laughed, "And, it's easy to see where my assistant got his good looks from, too."

Brent handed me the report.  I looked at it and went to the copy machine and made ten copies.  I handed the original and the copies to Cynthia, "Queen Mother, would you please notarize these documents for us." 

Cynthia opened her desk drawer and pulled out a seal and a stamp and notarized the documents.  She handed them to me, "The going rate is $25.00 per document." 

Brent took out his wallet, but Cynthia stopped him "Brent, I'm just kidding.  The company paid the fees for me to become a notary.  I can't charge my boss for doing things, especially since it involves my assistant."

Brent looked at her, "Mrs. Wright, is there any possibility that I could schedule an appointment for us tomorrow to meet with Mr. Summers and Mr. Michaels on a business matter?"

"Brent, I'm not sure what Dusty's schedule for tomorrow is.  I heard him say he had some technicians and training people coming tomorrow sometime.  Mr. Michaels will have to let you know what time, after the two of them can coordinate a time."

"Great, gotta get back to work.  It is really challenging watching movers loading things on a truck. Better go see if Jeremy is still awake.  See you later."

Dusty arrived shortly after Brent left. "What was Brent doing here?  I thought he was watching the movers at your house." 

"He is, but he dropped off a report.  Here, read it.  I need to take it the Clark house.  It seems I have been designated as the person to tell Chris and Chase the news."

After Dusty had read the report he commented, "I can see why you are the person who's going to tell.  Poor Chris didn't have any parents and now he has a father and a mother.  I will be interested to hear what the guys' reactions were, to the news."

"How is Danny doing?"

"Steve, he just lays there and sort of moans.  He told me he didn't feel very good."

I hugged Dusty, "Remember, Dr. Harrison said it would take some time before the platelets would begin to work.  I'll be back after I've talk to Chase and Chris.  We have some things to discuss."

The boys were sitting on the stair steps when I got there.  Chris announced, "The movers are taking a ten minute break.  They plan to finish loading the truck about 4:45.   I'm surprised to see you here."

I handed the boys each a copy of the lab report.  They read through it, and the reaction was rather what I expected it might be.

Chase looked at me, "So, what do we do now?"

Chris threw the paper down and came and put his arms around me.  He was openly shedding tears, "Mr. Michaels, why is this happening now?  What do Mr. Farway and Mrs. Graham want from me?   How come you are the one that brought the report?   Were they too embarrassed to do it?"

I hugged Chris, "Chris, you're over reacting.  This report just confirms what we were sure was the case.  The only question that was left unanswered was whether Mr. Farway was capable of having a child.  This just proves that he was able to have children at least at the time you gentlemen were conceived."

"We'll talk more about this tonight.  I'll stop by and pick you up about five and take you home.  It looks as if the movers are getting ready to start again."

The guys handed me the copies of the report I had given them, and I went back to  the office.  Dusty and I were in my office checking our schedules trying to figure out a good time to meet with Brent and Jeremy.  We had decided that 11:00 would be the best time. 

Dusty was just getting ready to leave when Cynthia stuck her head in the door, "There's a young man out here asking to talk to his Daddy and Poppa."

"Cynthia, please show David and the Cowboy in."

David came in the door, "Guess what?  Danny tried to sit up while I was there and he was talking to me.  He wants me to go back every day if I can."

I got up from desk and hugged David, "We'll have to make sure that you can go as often as possible.  What are you going to do now?"

"We're going to go get Ramsey and take him to the ranch so he can help take care of the horses again, right Grandpa?"

Hank laughed, "Whatever you say, boss.  Who's going to bring Chris and Chase home?"

"I told the guys I would be back to get them about five.  They thought the movers would be done by then.  I'll call Brent and Jeremy and tell them what's happening and have them meet us at the ranch."

David hugged us, "We'll see you at the ranch."

After everyone had left, I called the Harrison house and talked to Mrs. Harrison and asked her to check on a good time to meet with them for the closing and call me when they decided.  I did likewise with Mrs. Hamilton. 

I had just finished talking to Brent when Cynthia stuck her head in the door, "Mrs. Graham is here to see you."

I stood as Mrs. Graham entered, and I asked her to sit down.  I handed her a copy of the report.  After she read it, she asked, "How did Chris and Chase react when they read it?"

"I think pretty much as we would have expected.  Chris is a bitter and confused young man right now, so we probably need to give him some time to think about the situation.  Chase is probably confused, also."

I agree with you, Steve, "I think we need to allow the guys to make the first move.  May I please have two more copies of the report, so I can put one in Chris' file and give one to my mother?  Steve, if there is ever anything that we can do for the boys, please let us know."

Dusty came into the office at 5:00, "Steve, I thought you were going to go pick up Chris and Chase.  You're going to be late.  I'll lock up since my class doesn't start until 6:30."

I parked in front of the old Clark house as the moving van was pulling away.  When I went into house, Chris and Chase were making sure all of the windows and doors were locked.   Chris saw me first, "We'll be ready in a sec.  We need to check the basement windows, especially after what Ramsey told us he did."

When we got to the ranch, Tim and Tad were just getting into their truck.  I yelled to them, "We'll see you later."

Tad turned around, "Yep, that's what David told us.  See you at the school."

Darryl's Ramblings:

Well, that was pretty nice.  As we were all pretty sure was the case, it looks as if it is certain that Brent is Chris and Chase's biological father.  You really can't blame Chris for being bitter, but hopefully, he can eventually get past all that.

Danny seems to be improving, and I think at least part of it is because he has seen David.

I actually think that Ramsey will loosen up a bit too.  He is truly a good person and he has had a lot of challenges in his life.  I believe it is time for him to get the chance he really needs, and to top that off, I think he might just be nearly ready to accept the fact that people really do care about him.

Please hurry with the next chapter.

Darryl AKA The Radio Rancher