The Michaels' Family: Book One - We Saw Daddy Kissing Santa Claus

Chapter Thirty Two: So You're A Gigolo

As I was driving Brent back to my house, he surprised me.  "Steve, I so hope that the DNA tests show that Chase and Chris are my sons.  I know that they will never love me as a father, but I would like for them to at least let me help pay for their college education."

I was totally blindsided by Brent's comment.  It took me some time to think of something to say.  "Brent, don't try to second guess what anyone is thinking, or what they will be thinking in the future.  People are very unpredictable, especially young people."

I dropped Brent off at the house.  "I guess, I'll see you later tonight.  I not sure since I have no idea what the schedule is for anyone."

When I got back to the office Cynthia  frowned, "Maybe we should replace you as the boss.   It's a good thing that Dusty and Wayne were here to cover you butt.  Your friend, the witch, called and demanded that she be compensated for the house and furnishings of her house on the hill."

"Dusty was so composed.  He told Mrs. Clark in no uncertain terms that she would never receive a penny from the sale of the house or the goods that were inside.  He informed her that the house had already been sold and the furnishings and other things were to be sold at an auction in the near future."

"He had me contact Wayne and have him come to the office.   Dusty continued, 'In fact, I have the new Comptroller here and he is preparing to go to court to sue you so that the Michaels Ad Agency can recover other of the funds that you sucked from this company.'"

"Wayne took the phone, 'Mrs. Clark, this is Wayne Young-Freeman.  I'm still finding more money that you and your buddies had siphoned from the Michaels Advertising Agency, illegally.  We are preparing to take legal action as soon as we can determine the full extent of what you pilfered from the company.  If you don't stop calling, we'll take you to court with the information we have already.  You could be sitting in jail for a good ten years with the information we already have.'  Wayne didn't even say goodbye.  He slammed down the phone and said, 'She's a bitch of a witch.'"

I was laughing, "So I guess what you're saying is, that Dusty and Wayne can take care of the business while I play all day?"

"That's not what I said at all, President Michaels.  What I said was that you have some very good people in the right places.  I need to go since Jennifer has her first formal appearance in town tonight, and she wants us to be there."

I hugged Cynthia, "Very well, Queen Mother.  I think I can handle the office.  If not, I'll just call my trusty assistants and they can bail me out."

I was looking over some paperwork when there was a knock on the door.  Dusty was standing there and I motioned for him to come in.  "What's up, Dusty?"

"I'm going to go stay with Danny until I'm relieved.  I really don't think Jacob should spend the night.  His body has got to still be feeling the effects of the platelet transfer."

As I was finishing the paperwork, Wayne came into the office, "Boss, Justin called and said the packers were finished at your house.  He's going to pick up Chris and Chase and take them to the ranch.  Can I catch a ride with you since I rode to work with Dusty?"

Before I could answer Wayne, the phone rang.  I answered, "This is the Michaels Ad Agency, how may I direct your call?"

"Hi Michaels Ad Agency, this is your bed companion.  We are leaving for the ranch for dinner as soon as Mr. Farway and Mr. Phillips get here.  I understand that Chris and Chase are being picked up by Justin.  I talked to the ranch and it seems that Miss Rosa made enough chili to feed an army.  Now if I can get this gigolo Ramsey to get his fat butt in gear we'll meet you at the ranch."

I heard someone complaining in the background, "Mr. Rodgers, please don't say anything like that."

Cowboy continued, "We'll meet you there as soon as we can get our guests outfitted properly."

When Wayne and I arrived at the ranch, there was no one around.  The only vehicle that was visible was Justin and Wayne's truck.  Wayne went to change clothes and I went into the house.  Mimi was standing there.  "Steve, when will the others be here?"

"Mimi, I thought they would already be here.  Where is everyone else?"

"Dusty is at the hospital, and I sent Mom and Dad to their apartment at the other ranch.  Mother was really tired after making the chili this morning and watching Danny this afternoon.  She is concerned because all Danny did was wave his hand when they talked to him."

The quiet was interrupted by the arrival of four cars.  Tim and Tad arrived from wrestling practice first.  "Sorry, we're late, but the coach was prepping us for the meet tomorrow night.  We're going to go change so we can help take care of the critters."

Mimi answered, "Justin, Chris and Chase went to take care of the horses at the other ranch.  David was with them.  Perhaps you could take care of the horses here so we can eat sooner."

Kevin arrived, "Hi Aunt Mimi, hi Dad.  Something smells good.  I need to go change.  The coach wants to know when Jacob can come back to practice.  We really need him for the big game on Friday night."

Kevin disappeared up the stairs, changed clothes and went to the stable to help Tim and Tad.

The next two cars pulled in together.  I went to meet them. 

Jacob was pushing a reluctant Ramsey out of the car, "Get your butt out of the car.  We need to go check on the horses."

"I ain't touching no horses, and I sure ain't going to clean up the mess that they made."

Hank, Brent and Jeremy were standing there watching as the Hummer pulled up and the four guys climbed out with the four dogs who were excited to see new people.  Marc Anthony ran to Ramsey and jumped up and was trying to kiss him. 

Ramsey was really scared, "Please, don't let the dog hurt me."

David did some hand signals, "Marc, sit.  Ramsey, Marc Anthony was just saying he was glad to see you. "

Marc sat down and sat looking at Ramsey.  David started to pull Ramsey's arm. "Come on, we gotta go help take care of the horses.  I'm hungry.  Let's hurry."

Ramsey reluctantly went with David; the four of us adults, Cowboy, Brent, Jeremy and me, followed to watch what would happen when Ramsey met the horses.  Of course, Alhambra acted up when new people arrived.  David looked at Ramsey, "Alhambra wants to be the boss, just like Granddad and Poppa.  Let's go take care of Super Dog and Peter Pan."

Brent and Jeremy were a little bit surprised by what they saw.  Brent asked, "Hank, do you own these beautiful horses?"

Kevin answered before Hank could, "Mr. Farway, there are many more of these beautiful horse at the other ranch.  We will be moving some of the horses around after Danny and David move, so their horses will be there for them.  Mr. Justin will be selling some of the young stallions when they are old enough, so we can buy us in some food."

Ramsey took exception to that remark, "Kevin, don't try to kid us.  You have never been poor like I have been or you wouldn't joke like that.  How many nights have you had to go to bed without any food?"

David was persistent, "Ramsey, come help me take care of Super Dog and Peter Pan.  They won't hurt you.  Forget what Kevin is babbling about.  Let's get done, because I'm getting hungry."

Brent and Jeremy were enthralled watching everyone take care of the horses.  After they had walked them around in the corral and fed them, and they were set for the night.  David was leading the charge.  "Ramsey, just be nice to them and they will be nice to you.  Even Alhambra will be nice, if you let him know that he's not the boss."

The guys had Ramsey give the horses their treats.  Ramsey was very reluctant at first.  He must have finally decided that it was cool, though, because he was climbing on the gates and the horses nibbled their treats out of his hand until he got to Alhambra.  Ramsey held out his hand and Alhambra backed away.  Ramsey climbed down, "Okay, if you don't want it, I'll give it to Queen Anastasia."

He started to walk away and Alhambra started to raise up on his back legs and was braying.  Hank looked at Ramsey, "Ramsey, I think you should give it to Alhambra.  You've already showed him that you're the boss."

Ramsey retorted, "Just like you when you made me go get those new clothes that are going to make my friends at school think that I'm a hooker for sure."

"Ramsey we'll continue this conversation later."

David looked at Ramsey, "What's a hooker?"

Ramsey answered immediately, "A hooker is someone who makes rugs."

David wasn't satisfied, "Why would people at your school think you were a hooker?  What's wrong with making rugs?"

Ramsey was looking for help.  Jeremy stooped down, "David, some people think that hooking is something only women do.  Ramsey is afraid that people are going to think that he is a sissy if he is making rugs.  Let's go eat, you said you were starving."

David accepted Jeremy's answer, but added, "We gotta go make sure our hands are clean first." 

We went into the shower room and David demonstrated how to properly wash our hands. 

As we were walking toward the house, Hank leaned over, "Wait until I tell you what happened this afternoon, after you left."

When we walked into the house, we took our shoes off and all the new people were a little perplexed.  David looked at them and explained. "It makes cleaning the floors much easier if we take our shoes off."

After a dinner of chili over rice topped with cheese and big helping of salad, we were stuffed.  Of course the seven teenagers had two bowls of the chili.  As we were getting up from the table, Kevin announced, "I'm going to go relieve Uncle Dusty until Jacob gets there.

Hank objected, "I really don't think that Jacob should spend the night.  His body is still recovering from the transfer."

"Dad Hank, I am going.  I promised Danny that I would be there for him at night.  I can't let him down.  I'll walk if I have to.  Someone needs to take David to talk to Danny.  That would probably lift his spirits more than anything else.  Besides, my car is still at the hospital isn't it?  I can go to school in the morning from there when someone relieves me."

Justin answered before anyone else could say anything.  "Jake, I'll relieve you in the morning.  Mr. Farway and Mr. Phillips can monitor the packers at your house while Chris and Chase monitor the movers and packers at the Clark house.  Hank, why don't you take the guys' lunch before you relieve me and I can come home and take care of the ranches?"

Brent started to laugh, "I swear, everyone around here is an A type personality.  Jake, we'll take you to the hospital when you're ready to go. In the meantime, we'll visit with your Dads while the rest of the guys do the dishes.  Mrs. Summers, why don't you make sure that there's enough food for your husband."

Wayne and Justin stood, "If you will excuse us, we're going to go to our den and hide out for a while before Chris and Chase come tumbling in.

Tim and Tad excused themselves. "We need to do some homework and get to bed since we have a meet tomorrow."

That left Chris, Chase, Jacob, David and Ramsey to do the dishes but they didn't seem to mind.  Hank led the rest of us into the great room.  He started, "Ramsey is a work of art."

"When I got him home after school, I asked him how many clothes he had.  He told me that he had two sets of clothes and that he had to wash clothes everyday.  I suggested that we go shopping for some new clothes, but he was adamant.  'I can't go until I do my homework.'"

"I took him to my bedroom office area and he started to rebel.  'Please Mister, don't make me do anything bad.'  I explained that I wanted him to do his homework while I worked on my program.  I told him that he had inspired me to do something new with the program.  I caught him watching me and threatened him, 'Look dude, I thought you were supposed to be doing your homework.'"

"Mr. Rodgers, I'm done.  I was just watching you do what you're doing.  This is really a nice hangout you have here.  Is the rest of the house this cool?  I never went anywhere but the kitchen and the basement."

"I shut down my computer.  Okay, Mr. Ramsey Watt, we're going to go get you some more clothes.   Where do you want to go?"

"Ramsey shrugged his shoulders, 'The only clothes that I can remember getting either came the Good Will Store or from garage sales.'"

"I practically had to force him into the car.  When I stopped at the JC Penney's store, I almost had to restrain him.  He was almost crying and pulling back, 'Please, Mr. Rodgers, if I get clothes from here the kids will all say I'm a hooker for sure.'"

"I laughed at him.  Look, Ramsey, if people call you a hooker, all you have to say is, I'm not a female so I can't be a hooker.  I'm just a giglolo who found someone who can take care of me and buy me some nice clothes.  I don't even have to do anything except do the dishes and clean the house.  Oh yeah, you can tell them that you have to mow the lawn and rake the leaves too."

"His comeback was priceless.  'Mr. Rodgers, in case you hadn't heard, slavery was abolished about 150 years ago by President Lincoln.  I will gladly do what you ask, but I expect to be paid for doing the jobs.'"

"The remainder of the shopping trip went without a problem.  He probably needs some more things, but I decided not to push my luck.  He really is a neat young man.  I hope we can gain his trust."

Our conversation was interrupted by Jacob and Ramsey.  Ramsey announced, "Mr. Farway and Mr. Phillips, we're ready to go.  I need to go to bed and Jacob wants to go relieve his brother.  Everyone else has already gone to bed, but David says he won't go to sleep until Kevin comes home."

Brent and Jeremey got ready to depart with Jacob and Ramsey.  Jake looked at us, "Dads, I'll be fine.  I'll see you tomorrow night."

The house was totally quiet and we went to the master bedroom and Cowboy held me.  "Stevie, we have to make the world right for not only Chris and Chase, but also for Ramsey.  I'm really concerned about Danny."

"Hank, Doctor Harrison said it would take some time before the platelets would work.  Danny will be fine.  Let's get ready for bed and pray like Dr. Harrison suggested."

There was nothing sexual about our shower.  Hank and I both were restless.  I was having a very difficult time going to sleep.  My mind was thinking about all of the things that had happened and needed to happen, and Hank was tossing and turning.  I assumed that his mind was thinking the same as mine.

Editor's Notes:

I am going to predict that somehow Ramsey will come around and realize that he has truly landed on his feet.  Maybe for the first time in his life he is in a place where everyone really cares about him and wants him to succeed.

I am still worried about Danny though, and only time will tell if he will be alright.  Somehow, though, I have the feeling that he will.

Chris and Chase seem to be adapting pretty well, I would say.

I can't wait for the next chapter, and luckily, I don't have to, since it is already here waiting for me to edit it. I think I will do just that.

Till the next time,

Darryl AKA The Radio Rancher