The Michaels' Family: Book One - We Saw Daddy Kissing Santa Claus

Chapter Twenty Nine: Punks versus Pricks

Hank and I had just climbed into bed when there was a knock on the door.  Even though we were naked, but Hank called out. "Please come in."

Chris opened the door, "Mr. Michaels and Mr. Rodgers, I'm so confused.  It's as if my life is being turned upside down and it is spinning around out of control.  For 18 years, no one wanted me and now I have a Dad and Mother who still don't really want me.  They are just feeling a little guilty for what has transpired in my life."

Hank got out of bed even though he was naked, "Chris, please listen to me.  Just give your biological parents a chance.  You've already made your feelings very clear about how you felt about being in the those homes all these years.  Now please don't push them away if they should want to help you."

Hank took a deep breathe, "Chris, Mr. Michaels and I will stand by you and Chase, no matter what.  Son, if you let this situation fester inside you, you will be become a very angry person.   We still don't know the full story of why Mr. Farway never acknowledged you and Chase and I'm guessing there's more to the story than we know.  Now go back to bed and stop thinking about it until we can find out the rest of the story tomorrow." 

I had gotten out of bed and was sitting on the other side of Chris, "I hugged him and gave him a kiss on the cheek, "You heard what the master said.  Get your butt back to bed."

Chris stood, "I really wish you could have been my Dads."

Hank stood and hugged Chris, "Look at me Mister, we are your Dads and don't you forget it."

Chris hugged us both, "Oh, I so wish."

Chris had hardly departed when there was another knock on the door.  Hank looked at me, "It's a conspiracy."

He muttered, "Come in."

He stood up and went to answer the door.  Brent and Jeremy were standing there.  Hank opened the door even though he was naked.

Brent started, "Hank and Steve, please can we talk?  Do you realize how you have turned our world upside down?  I was told that I could never have children by several different doctors.  That's part of the reason I was married and divorced three times before I met Jeremy."

I started to laugh, "Brent, I guess you fired all of the your good rounds when you impregnated the twins' mother.  I think you two should go back to bed.  We'll arrange another swim party tomorrow so that your twins can hear the rest of the story.  Having met some of the other players involved here, I'm sure that we don't know the entire story yet."

"Chris was just here talking to us and he is a bitter and confused young man.  We need to give him and Chase some time to assimilate what has been happening.  I know that Chris is a very intelligent young man, and I have the feeling that Chase might be as well.  We all need to make sure that they are able to attain their full potential."

Our discussion was interrupted by someone yelling, "Let go of me, you prick."

I heard Kevin's voice, "Shut up punk, or I'll break your arms.  Dads look what I found stealing things from the refrigerator when I went to get a glass of milk."

Hank stood even though he was still naked.

"Kevin, what's going on?"

Kevin was holding a young boy who looked to be about thirteen,  "I caught this punk taking some of the new things that we just bought out of the refrigerator.  He didn't see me and I followed him down to the basement.  He has some really nice digs set up down there.  He even has a television and microwave."

Hank looked confused, "How could he have set up a place like that in the basement."

Hank started to walk toward the young man even though he was naked, "How long have you been living down there?"

The young man started pushing back against Kevin, "Please let me go. He's going to try to rape me."

That comment caused Hank to stop.  He went and put on some briefs and his robe, "Look kid, I own this house and if you don't come clean I'm going to call the police and get your ass arrested for trespassing and theft.  Now get your butt over here and sit down."

Kevin released his hold on the young man and the boy looked as if he was going to try and bolt until he saw Chris standing behind Kevin.

I put on some briefs and a robe.

The poor kid was thoroughly intimidated by adult men and two even more formidable teenagers standing in the doorway.

The young man finally moved toward the sofa where Hank was sitting.  Hank looked at the young man, "Before you start explaining how you got into my house, you better tell us your name.  If I don't believe you, I rip your clothes off of you and we'll start pulling every hair and finger nail out of your body.  If you don't come clean we'll start on you toe nails until you do come clean."

The young boy had tears in his eyes.  He looked at Kevin, "He wouldn't do that, would he?"

Kevin nodded, "Yep, here I'll show you my finger nails and where they pulled out my hair."

Kevin put his thumbs in the waist band of his briefs.  The young man looked at Hank, "Okay, my name is Ramsey." 

Hank held out his hands, "Ramsey what?"

"Ramsey Watts."

Hank looked perplexed, "Ramsey, when was the last time you had a shower?"

Ramsey looked at Hank, "Why are you asking me that question?  If it means anything, I had just taken a shower when I decided to come and see if I could find something else to eat.  You really need to keep more food in the house.  I was starving."

Kevin and Chris were both laughing.  Brent and Jeremy were almost doubled over,  Hank looked at the assembled guests, "I suggest that the visitors to this suite go to their bedrooms.  We're going to make Ramsey pay for his transgressions.  We'll be awakening everyone at 6:30.  If I have to go to early church, so do you.  Ramsey, get your skinny butt in that bed so we can make sure that you don't escape.  If you try to get away, we'll have the police here so fast that every policeman in the city will be looking for you.  They'll probably find your fingerprints everywhere."

Poor Ramsey.  He let out a big sigh, "Okay, but please don't hurt me."

I was surprised by how fast he went to sleep.  I guess Hank and I did also because the next thing I remember was a small voice talking to me, "Poppa, Kevin and Chris said you were to get up.  Who's that sleeping in bed with you?"

I whispered, "That's Ramsey.  Go wake up your Grandpa."

David moved to the other side of the bed and Hank reached and grabbed him.  "David, why are you being so mean to me?  I guess I have to be mean back."  He started to tickle David.

David was giggling, "Grandpa, please stop, or I'll wet my pants."

Ramsey grabbed Hank's arms, "Let him alone.  He asked you nicely to stop.  So stop."

Ramsey crawled over Hank, "Come on David, let's split this place.  I need to go get dressed.  By the way, my name is Ramsey and I'm starving."

Ramsey and David departed and I hugged  Hank, "Hon, I think you just lost control."

Hank turned to me, "Either the world has gone bonkers or I've lost my mind.  What are we going to do about Ramsey?"

I started to laugh, "Don't ask me, sir.  I'm just a guest here, remember."

Hank looked at me, "Wait a minute, you lost the guest status the first night you were here.  Your, or rather our sons made it very clear that we needed to make decisions together."

We dressed for church and went downstairs, and I was surprised to see that Brent and Jeremy were already there, drinking coffee.  Kevin looked at us, "I'm so glad that you old men could get out of bed this morning.  If you would take your seats, we'll start serving breakfast."

We had coffee and juice and Chris put a plate with an omelet, hash browns and Canadian bacon in front us. "Here eat this, so Mr. Rodgers gets sick, and then we don't have to sing this morning."

Hank looked around, "I'm not taking a bite of this stuff until everyone else does first.  You guys probably poisoned it."

Ramsey looked up from his food, "Why can't you ever say anything nice?  All you do is complain."

Hank sucked in his breath, "Ramsey, we'll discuss this after we get back from the first church service."

Ramsey shook his head vehemently, "I ain't going to no white peoples' church.  I don't have any proper clothes and everyone will gawk at me."

Hank looked at David, "David, would you please get me the phone, so I call the police and report that we have an unwelcome intruder in the house."

David started to get up but Ramsey grabbed him, "Never mind, I'll go to church, but I'm not going to stand and shout 'Amen, Amen' , and I ain't going to let anyone push my head under water ever again."

After everyone had finished eating and the guys had taken care of the dishes, we made our way to the church.  Hank, Chris and Kevin left first so they could get ready.  The rest of us, Ramsey, David, Brent, Jeremy and I, were in the second load.  When we walked in we were seated in the third pew.  We were soon joined by the gang from the ranch except for Tim who was to relieve Jacob.

I was surprised when Jacob came in and sat down beside me just before the service started.  "Hi David, Danny wants you to call him later.  He was eating his breakfast when I left."

David had been sitting in my lap, but I lost him when Jacob appeared. Jacob leaned over and snickered, "Dad, I guess we know who the most important person in our family is."

David looked at Jacob, "Say hello to Ramsey.  He's not very happy about being here.  Kevin caught him stealing food from the refrigerator last night, and Grandpa is going to call the police if he doesn't behave."

Jacob leaned over and greeted the unknown person, "Hi, Ramsey, I'm Jacob."

Ramsey looked at Jacob, "I know who you are.  You're the prick's brother.  I hope you aren't as mean as he is."

Jacob leaned over and whispered, "Dad, what did I miss?"

The processional started so nothing more was said until after the service.  Hank, Kevin and Chris had received a round of applause after the anthem was finished.  The pastor even commented, "We are fortunate to have these talented gentlemen in our midst."

Ramsey leaned over to me and whispered, "They are pretty good for a bunch of pricks."

Brent heard what Ramsey had said and looked at me and laughed.

After the service, I introduced Brent and Jeremy to Dusty and Mimi.  "This is the gentleman you need to talk to about setting up an ad campaign.  Dusty, what time would be a good time to have the gentlemen stop by to see you tomorrow?  There is so much happening tomorrow that I'm not sure how we can get everything done."

Brent surprised us, "We've decided to stay at least through Wednesday in light of the new revelations that have surfaced.  We found out that we have some unfinished business which we need to take care of."

Hank and the two guys had approached us heard Brent's comment, "Good thinking.  We have somethings that you can help us with, especially tomorrow.  Good morning Jake, have you eaten yet?"

"Hi Dad R., and no I haven't eaten yet.  Tim arrived before I could eat.  I'll take the punk and David and we'll go to Burger King and go through the drive through so I can get a breakfast meal.  I'm sure that Ramsey and David will find something they want to eat."

The three guys left and Hank turned to the assembled group.  "Who's relieving Tim?"

Ross answered, "Rosa and I are going to relieve Tim at noon."

Kevin interrupted, "I'll stay with Danny from seven until Jacob arrives tonight.  I have to write a paper and that would be a perfect place for me to do it."

Dusty answered, "I'll relieve Mom and Dad Murphy and  stay until Jacob arrives."

Hank wasn't finished, "Good, I'll stay with the guys tomorrow while the transfer is taking place.  We can take care of the rest of the schedule later.  Tad, Tim and Chase and anyone else who would like to be there, needs to be at the house on the hill this afternoon by one thirty.  This time swimming suits will be mandatory because there will probably be some women in the area.  There maybe some interesting things that take place."

Chris leaned over to me, "Mr. Michaels, what is he planning now?"

I whispered back, "Only the Cowboy knows."

When we got to the house on the hill, Hank started, "Chris, do you have Mrs. Graham's phone number with you?"

Chris pulled out his wallet and handed Cowboy the card.  Cowboy picked up the phone and punched the number, "Hi, this is Hank Rodgers, may I please speak to your mother?"

"Hi Elaine, this is Hank Rodgers, would it be possible for you and your family to visit us at the house on the hill for a discussion this afternoon about 1:30? … Great, have your children bring their swim suits.  We'll have someone here to make sure they don't drown. … If your Mother and Judge Baker are available, it might be good if you brought them along."

We listened as Hank gave Mrs. Graham the address and phone number.  "Great … well see you about 1:30."

Hank hung up, "Steve, what's Doctor Harrison's phone number?"

I handed him the Doctor Harrison's card.  "Hi, this is Hank Rodgers. May I please speak to one of your parents. … Hi Mrs. Harrison, this is Hank Rodgers.  If you and your husband would like to go into the house this afternoon, we'll have some one here to watch the children while they swim.  … Great just have the boys bring their swim suits.  We'll have the key here and you can go through the house at your leisure and not have to worry about the boys. … Great, we'll see you about 1:30."

We heard noises coming from the kitchen and went to see what was happening.  Jacob, David and Ramsey were sitting there eating what looked like a soft shell breakfast taco. 

Hank looked at the clock, "Kev and Chris, we need to get ready to go back the church.  Steve are you going with us or are you going to stay here?"

Brent intervened, "Jeremy and I will stay here and make sure that the punk doesn't try to escape."

Ramsey looked up, "Would you please stop calling me the punk?"

Kevin answered, "We'll stop calling you punk if you stop calling us pricks."

I followed Hank to the bedroom,  "I looked at him, I guess me and the boys will have to move out if you keep collecting all these strays."

Hank grabbed me, "Steve, please don't even talk like that in jest.  We are in this together.  We need each other.  Please hold me and show me how much you care."

I held him and showed him how much I cared, or at least as much as I could until we were alone.

Editor's Notes:

Okay, Watts going on? I love puns. I wonder who this Ramsey person is.  I suppose we will find out soon enough, once we get to the next chapter.  I already like Ramsey, and I strongly suspect everyone else will too.

Darryl AKA The Radio Rancher