The Michaels' Family: Book One - We Saw Daddy Kissing Santa Claus

Chapter Thirty: An Afternoon of Surprises

When we got to the church, Hank suggested, "Steve, we'll leave after the anthem so sit in the back so you can slip out when the choir leaves."

Like a good little boy, I followed directions.  On the way back to the house on the hill, Hank detoured to the supermarket.  When we went in, he looked at Kevin and Chris.  "Look, Ramsey says the cupboards are bare.  Since Mr. Farway and Mr. Phillips are going to be staying there at least through Wednesday, we need to make sure there is enough food for everyone to eat.  We'll buy some snacks for this afternoon and the things for lunch."

When we got to the checkout stand, we had two carts full of food.  When everything had been scanned.  Hank swiped his debit card and it cleared,  He looked at Kevin, I thought you said it wouldn't work."

Chris started to laugh, "He swiped sideways.  He pulled a card out of his wallet and swiped it and it cleared immediately."

Hank got the funniest look on his face.  I patted him on the back, "Cowboy, take a deep breath and relax."

"Steve, this is not funny. No one is paying any attention to me anymore.  I'm going to run away, but I'll be back in time for lunch."

When we got to the house, we started to carry the groceries in and were met by David, Ramsey and Jacob.  Ramsey looked at us, "I'll put the groceries away, since I know where everything goes, while the rest of you bring them in.  David, why don't you take the things out of the sacks and put it on the counter so I can see what they bought.  Next time, check with me before you go to the store, please."

Brent and Jeremy were standing there laughing and started to help carry the groceries in.  Jeremy looked at us, "You really do need to see where Ramsey has been living.  He has everything he needs.  It looks as if it was originally built for a bomb shelter.  It is immaculate."

After the groceries were put away, Hank grabbed Ramsey, "Okay, kid. We want to see this place where you have been residing illegally while stealing me blind."

Ramsey tried to pull away, "Mr. Rodgers, could you please stop acting like a tough guy.  You're really a softy or you would have already canned my ass."

Hank took a deep breath, "I'll cut you a deal, kid.  If you stop talking like a hood, I'll stop acting like a tough guy.  Now would you please show us where you have been living?"

Ramsay took us to the far corner of the basement.  There was what looked as if it might be a storage area.  Ramsay opened the door and turned the electricity on.  It was indeed something that must have been built as a bomb shelter.  He showed us around and it had a sleeping area, a small eating area with an old refrigerator and a small stove.  He showed us the small bathroom with a shower.  The entire area was immaculate.

I sat down on the sofa, "Ramsey, I have several questions that I would like to ask if you will permit."

He shrugged his shoulders, so I started.  "Ramsey, how long have you been living here?"

Ramsey smiled as if pleased with himself, "I found the window that I could open and get into the basement the day after Thanksgiving when I ran away from the home.  I crawled in to get out of the cold.  Once inside I started to explore the basement and found this room.  Other than being very dusty, everything seemed to be working.  It took me all weekend to get it clean before I had to go back to school."

It was a perfect setup until Mr. Rodgers and the dogs came here at Christmas time.  After the pups arrived I had to be very careful so they wouldn't give me away.  I was really glad when you and your sons came to stay with him, because they brought all kinds of junk food.  I especially enjoyed the pizza.  No one ever noticed that there were several pieces missing."

"Mr. Rodgers, are you going to allow me to stay here or you going to  kick me out?"

Hank sat down on the sofa beside me. I was amazed at how mature Ramsey seemed to be.  "Ramsey, please come sit with us.  We need to get you into school."

Ramsey pulled away, "What do you mean?  I haven't missed a day of school this year.  If I did, they would call the home where I was supposedly living and the CSA people would get involved again.  Do you want to see my report card?  I'm a very good student and I try very hard to not get into trouble."

He went to a shelf and pulled down a file folder, "Here, see for yourselves."

Hank looked at the report card and handed it to me.  It indeed was a very good report card.

Our discussion was interrupted by David, "Jacob says you have to come fix your own lunch.  He says the visitors should be arriving in about an hour.  Tim and Tad are already here."

Hank looked at Ramsey, "We'll continue our discussion after the visitors leave this afternoon.  Do you have a swim suit?"

Ramsey looked a little bashful, "Yes, but it's a little tight."

When we got to the kitchen, Jacob and the guys had made an assembly line so everyone could make their own sandwiches.  Ramsey cautioned, "Only take what you can eat, so I have things to eat instead of the free school lunches."

Lunch conversation centered around what was going to happen the rest of the afternoon.  Hank asked Tim and Tad, if they minded being designated life guards for whoever was there.  Tim laughed, "After last night and the heart shaped moles, you need to make a tape recording of what's happening so we don't miss anything.  Chase, Uncle Wayne and Uncle Justin should be here shortly.  They were going to stop and get Chase a swim suit.  Chris, I hope Uncle Hank has one that will fit you or you might be in trouble."

After we finished eating, Hank sent the guys to make sure the pool area was ready for the expected visitors.  It was almost 1:30 when the doorbell rang and David and Ramsey met the Harrisons with their two boys who were carrying backpacks.  David took the two boys to the pool area and Ramsey brought the visitors to where we were sitting.  "Mr. Michaels, the Harrisons said you had a key for them."

I went and got the key and handed it to them, "Your sons will be just fine.  Take as long as you like.  We won't let them get too tired."

They had just left when the doorbell rang again.  Ramsey and Chris went to answer it since David had taken the two Harrison boys to the pool area.  When Ramsey saw who was there he came into the room with tears streaming down his face.  "Mr. Rodgers, you betrayed me.  Why did you call that woman.  She'll take me away and put me back in another home.  She's the person who placed me in the home that I ran away from."

I jumped and put my arms around Ramsey.  "Ramsey, Mr. Rodgers did call Mrs. Graham and asked her to come here, but not because of you.  You heard the calls that he made in the kitchen this morning and he never mentioned you did he?"

Ramsey wasn't about to back down, "But how do I know he didn't call her while you were gone for church or shopping?"

"Ramsey, please settle down.  Believe me, she didn't come here with her family looking for you.  Do you realize if you hadn't reacted the way you did, Mrs. Graham might not even have recognized you?  Now get your butt out to the pool area so you can help Tim and Tad make sure that no one drowns."

Hank was still looking a little peaked so I stood and introduced the people whom I knew.  I looked at Flo's husband, "I assume that you are Judge Baker."

He laughed, "Guilty your honor, but you can call me Ron."

I looked at Elaine's husband, "So that means you must be Mr. Graham."

He looked at me, "Gee, you must be Houdini.  Yes I'm Gordon Graham.  You can call me Gordy for short or if you're really lazy you can call me G.G."

These two innocent bystanders were just what the assembled group needed to lighten the situation after Ramsey's outburst.  I looked at Hank, "Are you going to moderate this event or am I?"

Hank stuck out his tongue at me, "You're the person who started this mess when you yanked Chris out of your Human Resources Department and made him your Deputy Administrative Officer."

I decided to let the story flow chronologically the way we became familiar with it.  I looked at Chris.  "Christopher Jenkins, would you please describe what had happened in your young life up until the time I met you."

When Chris finished his tale to include how I yanked him from the boarding house where he had been living.  There were a few wet eyes.

I had Chase tell his story next and how he happened to land up on the doorsteps of the ranch as he did.

People were really sucking air now.

I looked at Elaine, "Mrs. Graham, would you please share what you told us at lunch the other day for those who have not heard the story?"

Elaine told us what she had told the two boys at lunch the other day. 

Flo interrupted her, "I would like to add, I was totally unaware of what Elaine's father had done until she returned from his sister's house.  I was so furious that I divorced the bastard.  Fortunately, I met Ron and our lives suddenly became much better."

Cowboy broke the tension, "Flo, I can't believe you even knew that word?"

Flo laughed, "Cowboy, there a lot of things you don't know about me.  I never guessed that you would fall in love with another man either.  He must be a snake charmer to have been able to snag you."

Kevin interjected, "Miss Flo, it wasn't like that at all  Dad Hank flashed us while he was wearing his Santa suit and started to order us around but we're slowly training him to be a little more mellow.  After we're done with him, we've decided that you're our next reclamation project."

I stood, "I apologize for my son.  He sometimes gets carried away.  Now for our last witness for today.  Over to you Mr. Farway."

Brent started, "I'll be the first person to admit that I did sow my oats when I was in high school.  I was a big man on campus and ladies were practically begging me to make love to them.  I did and even to some who weren't so eager.  It took me several dates to get Elaine to have sex with me.  I tried to get her to go out with me again, but she refused."

"Things started to go sour when I was confronted by another bimbo who claimed that I had made her pregnant.  It was shortly after that I learned from the first bimbo that she was pregnant and then Elaine told me she was pregnant.  I was 18 years old and had a scholarship to a good university so I pooh, poohed her because I couldn't marry two people."

I overheard a conversation between the other bimbo and one of her friends where she admitted that she wasn't really pregnant and she just wanted to marry me for the prestige,  so I confronted her.  I took her to a doctor and he confirmed that she wasn't pregnant."

I talked to my parents and told them what was happening and they insisted that I go talk to Elaine and her parents.  I went to the Jenkins' house and the only person home was Mr. Jenkins.  I explained why I was there and he said I was lying.  He told me that Elaine had moved and had gone to live with his elderly mother to help take care of her.  He assured me that she was not pregnant and never wanted to see me again.  My parents moved to a new city during my freshman year in college.  So this is the first time in 18 years that I have been back to this city only to find out that I have two sons that I didn't know existed."

"Elaine, I would like to have the four of us to have a DNA test to absolutely confirm that the two guys are our sons.  I don't doubt that any of you have told the truth, but I have had three doctors tell me that I could never have any children, so I find this entire experience hard to believe."

The conversation was interrupted by the doorbell.  I went to see who was there.  It was the Harrisons.   I took them into the room and they knew both the Bakers and the Grahams.  I suggested, "Why don't we move to the swimming pool to check on the young people?"

When we walked into the pool area.  The five young guys were sitting playing a game and eating snacks.  Tim, Tad and Ramsey were standing at the side of the pool talking.

Ramsey climbed out, and approached us.  He was practically begging "Mrs. Graham, I apologize for my outburst.  Please let Mr. Rodgers and Mr. Michaels be my guardians if they will have me.  I don't want to go back to that home or any other home ever again."

I spoke, "Mrs. Graham, you might appreciate seeing where Ramsey has been living. Ramsay, why don't you change into your jeans so you can show Mrs. Graham where you have been living."

Ramsay went to the dressing room and Chris looked at Judge Baker. "Sir, is there anyway that I can have my last name changed to anything other than Jenkins after what I know now about my maternal grandfather.  I don't want to perpetuate that name."

Judge Baker, hugged Chris.  "Son, get Mr. Rodgers to submit a petition and I'm sure it won't be denied."

Chase looked at Doctor Harrison, "Doctor, how hard is it to take a test to determine someone's DNA."

Doctor Harrison laughed, "If I had the proper equipment we could do in two minutes.  It would be best if the participating parties would go to the lab at the Med Center to have it done.  Here, I'll give you a prescription asking that the tests be done."

Doctor Harrison looked at Jacob, "Dude, please don't eat anything after nine o'clock tonight so that your blood is cleared of any debris to that would slow Danny's recovery."

Jacob and Dr. Harrison had obviously connected and Jacob answered, "Whatever you say, quack.  I'll be at the hospital after 9:30 checking to make sure that they do the right things tomorrow."

Tim, Tad and Ramsey came out of the shower room with the five young guys dressed to go.  Ramsey addressed the group, "Anyone who would like to see my digs, as Kevin called them, needs to follow me."

Ramsey proudly showed Mrs. Graham and Flo around his little empire.  I suggested that he show Mrs. Graham his report card.  After she saw it she nodded.  She looked at Ramsey, "Mr. Watts, I want to see you and Mr. Rodgers and/or Mr. Michaels in my office as soon as you all get Danny taken care of.  If I hear any bad reports about you, I'll have you put back into the welfare system immediately.  Do you understand?"

She reached down and hugged Ramsey, "You be good to Mr. Rodgers and Mr. Michaels, you hear?"

Ramsey hugged Elaine, "Why do all adults have to be such phonies?"

After all of the guests had departed, Hank made a command decision, "We're going to the pizza place down the road.  They have a nice all you can eat buffet on Sunday evening .  They have things other than pizza, too."

Ramsey and David were leading the charge to the cars.  As we were eating I was amazed to see how much food the young people were eating.  I couldn't decide who was eating the most.

Hank's mind was working on overdrive, "Chris, why don't you sleep at the house on the hill with Ramsey, and you can walk next door to let the packers in and monitor them until Chase can get there to help you.  He can bring you some clean clothes."

"Justin, why don't you go to Steve and his boys' house to monitor the packers.  Perhaps we can persuade Brent and Jeremy to help you.  I'll be with Jacob and Danny while they make the blood transfer.  I have no idea how long that will take."

"Ramsey, you need to make sure that Mr. Farway and Mr. Phillips behave themselves after we leave.  Now if everyone has had enough to eat, I suggest we depart."

Editor's Notes:

Well, it looks to me as if things are going very nicely.  Ramsey seems to be in a better place than where he had been.  He also seems to be a very intelligent young man.  I see good things ahead for him.  Danny seems to be doing better as well. I hold a lot of hope for his recovery.  It looks to me as if Chris and Chase are going to have a better life than they ever thought possible, and maybe they can forgive their father for abandoning the two kids that he didn't know he had produced. That is especially true since the Doctors had told him that he couldn't father any children. 

I suppose you are wondering why I am recapping all this.  Well I have it on pretty good authority that we are going to have to wait for a while to get more of this wonderful story.  Hey, don't blame me.  I am not the author.  If you want to find out what E Walk plans to do, you will just have to ask him yourselves. I am sure he would appreciate the letters anyway, and that way he will know if there are any readers interested in his continuing to update us on the story. 

Besides, as I have said so often, the only reward we authors get for writing these stories, besides the pleasure of actually writing them, is the feedback we get from our readers.  I do believe that we do a better job of writing when we know that there is someone out there who enjoys reading what we write. How was that for laying a major guilt trip on you?

See you next time.

Darryl AKA The Radio Rancher