The Michaels' Family: Book One - We Saw Daddy Kissing Santa Claus

Chapter Nineteen: It's Just Beginning

After Cynthia and Dusty left the office, I started to look around. Why did I need all of these gadgets in a business office? There was a small kitchen with a refrigerator and it was stocked with all types of mixes for drinks. There was a separate cabinet fully stocked with liquors and wines. My mind was racing, 'Why do I need all this alcohol in here?'

The more I looked around, the more confused I got. The kitchen was state of the art and I looked at dishes and they had been made in England and the silver was sterling. There were even a set of crystal glassware for beverages of all kinds.

I looked at the office set up and I just threw up my hands. I went to my new desk and started to make a list that I needed to do. As I looked at the list, I realized that I needed to find someone to handle the finances of the company as Dusty had suggested. That had to be my first priority. Dusty could handle the day to day operations.

I walked into Cynthia's office, "Cynthia, when Mr. Rodgers calls, tell him to bring four Custer sandwiches, plastic utensils, paper cups, and paper plates. Inform Dusty that he and you will be having an executive board meeting over lunch in the executive dining room."

Cynthia looked up, "What if I have other plans and why are we having lunch with disposable plates?"

"Well my dear lady, I'm not going to do the dishes. I am such a klutz that I would probably break something or have the garbage disposal eat it. If you have other plans say so. But I would prefer that you be there to take notes so I can remember everything that happened. Now if you will excuse me, I'm going to the Human Resources Department to review the files of our employees to see if there is anyone who might be qualified to be take over as the Comptroller of the company."

I went to the Human Resources Department and the young man who was helping me couldn't have been more helpful. I had been reading files for approximately two hours when the young man came and tapped me on the shoulder, "Mr. Michaels, Mrs. Wright called and said that your lunch had arrived. She indicated that you should get to your office to make sure that the Cowboy didn't throw a tantrum."

I looked at the young man, "Thanks for your help. I'm sorry, but I don't remember your name."

The young man had a sparkle in his eye, "Mr. Michaels, I never told you my name. That's probably why you don't know it."

I was liking this young man, "Okay, I guess I will have to issue an edict that everyone wears a name tag while they are at work in the facility."

The young man snickered, "Oh, so we will just have to wear a name tag with any name on it while we are at work. Good, that will really confuse everyone when we play musical name tags. I think I'll be Glenda, the Wicked Witch, tomorrow."

I was having a difficult time trying not to laugh. I succeeded, "Look Glenda, I want to see you in my office in ten minutes. If you don't show then, you are going to be out of here so fast that you will think you were shot out of a canon. Do you have any questions?"

The young guy was shaking, "Mr. Michaels, I apologize if I offended you. I was just trying to be funny."

I was feeling sorry for the young man but I wasn't ready to let him off the hook yet, "Look, what's your name, I will see you in my office in ten minutes or else."

As I was walking back to my office, I was thinking, 'Steve, why were you giving that young man such a difficult time. He was extremely helpful today. You need to lighten up.'

I walked into the office and Cowboy was standing there talking to Cynthia. When he saw me, "Getting awfully bossy aren't you President Michaels. Next time, could you have Mrs. Wright say, 'Please bring some Custer sandwiches?'"

I bowed, "Excuse me, King Rodgers, I forgot that I had to bow down to your Majesty. Can we just eat? I have a full agenda that we need to discuss, and I have a young visitor coming in, so I want to be ready. I hope you brought an extra sandwich."

We went into the conference dining room and left the door open. We had just started to eat when the young man arrived. I yelled out, "Glenda, get your butt in here, and tell us who you are. You have one minute."

Hank looked at me as if I had lost my marbles.

The young man began, "My name is not Glenda. It's Christopher Jenkins. When I turned 18, I was released from a special home for troubled boys. The social services people were able to find me a menial position here as a file clerk in your Human Resources Department. I guess you will be firing me now that you know the truth."

I looked around the table and everyone seemed to be as impressed by this young man as I was. He seemed so innocent and honest that I don't think he knew how to lie. Hank looked at him. "Chris, where are your parents and family?"

Christopher looked at Hank, "I never knew my family. I was dropped off at a home for young children when I was an infant. When I became a teenager, they moved me to a home for teenagers. One of our caretakers took a liking to me and tried to coerce me into doing things with him, but I refused. One night, when I was sixteen, he trapped me in a secluded place and brutally used my body. After that incident I was moved to home for troubled youths because I caused the man to lose the sight in one eye."

Chris realized who was there, "I'm sorry if I offended you Mrs. Wright or anyone. I'll leave quietly."

I sucked in my breath, "Christopher, sit your ass down and I'll share my lunch with you."

Hank started to laugh, "Never fear, Super Cowboy is here. I brought six lunches just in case you ran across some strays. Flo told me to tell you that you were expected tomorrow for lunch. They're going to have a special quiche."

We were eating and I started on my agenda, "I've been through the files and I didn't find anyone on the staff who is qualified to be the comptroller/treasurer. I think we will need to hire someone or have an accounting firm take over the finances for the company.

Hank interrupted, "Steve, why don't you hire Wayne to be your Comptroller/Treasurer."

I shrugged my shoulders, "Wayne who?"

Dusty looked at Hank, "You mean our Wayne from the ranch?"

"Yep, he has his Master's Degree in Finance and was teaching courses in finance at Iowa State when he fell in love with one of his students, namely Justin."

I started to laugh, "Cowboy, if he has his master's degree, why is he working for you as a ranch hand and why didn't you make him the business manager for the two ranches instead of Ross?"

Hank nodded, "Steve, it's a long story. We can talk with Wayne and Justin tonight after choir practice and see if he would be willing to accept the position. What's the next item of business?"

Cynthia held up her hand, "Would you please slow down and eat, I need to catch up with what you already said since it's as if you are talking in a foreign language."

Poor Christopher had no clue what was happening but he was sure making a dent in his food.

I started to talk very slowly. "The next order of business is who decided that we were going to keep the cars instead of selling them?"

Hank raised his hand, "Steve, the company would have gained very little by selling them. They are almost two years old. You can use them as company cars and the company can use them for tax purposes. Cynthia made a very wise decision to keep them."

Cynthia looked up, "Don't blame me. It was your idea, Mr. Rodgers. Stevie didn't even bat eye when the Lexus was assigned to Mr. Summers, but he flipped his wig when he found out that the Lincoln was going to be his. Next item of business."

Christopher stood, "Mr. Michaels, I need to get back to the office or I'll get fired. Thanks for lunch. It was nice meeting everyone."

"Sit down, Glenda, I'll tell you when you can leave. Besides how can your boss fire you when she's sitting right here. The next order of business is the house on the hill. Hank, I had a call from a Doctor Harrison who is interested in buying it. What do you think we should do? I told him that I would call him back later and discuss it with him. I haven't even been inside the house since Mr. Clark died."

Hank looked at his watch, "I need to go. I have an appointment in thirty minutes. Steve, call Doctor Harrison and we can meet him at the house on the hill anytime after four. I don't have to be at choir practice until 7:30. Call me when you have something set up. Call Kevin and Jacob and tell them that they are to be at choir practice at 7:30. Nice meeting you, Glenda. Enjoy your new job. Cynthia, you be kind to the young man, ya' hear."

Christopher looked totally confused. "Mr. Michaels, I have no idea what's happening. Could you please tell me what you expect of me?"

"Fair enough, Chris, you're going to be Mrs. Wright's gopher and assistant. We'll get back to you later. Dusty, how was your meeting this morning?"

Dusty had a big smile, "Boss, it went much better than I expected. The staff bought into the idea that they should form teams with a person from the sales department and a person from the graphics design department each team. They would make calls on prospective clients together so that they share ideas almost immediately and there wouldn't be any way that the clients wishes or thoughts would be misinterpreted."

"They also agreed that each of the teams will have a goal of bringing in at least one new client every two weeks. They agreed that they would divide the city and surrounding area so that everyone had an equal opportunity to bring in new clients."

"They decided that the customers that they had previously brought to the company would still be their clients at least for the time being. I think they are excited to try the ideas and also the fact that we will be updating the existing equipment. With your permission, I would like to start looking around for more modern equipment and programs immediately."

I threw up my hands, "Well, why are you wasting time? Keep me informed so I know what's happening and know what 's expected of me."

Dusty left and I turned to Cynthia, "Mrs. Wright, would you see if you can find Mr. Jenkins a desk so you can teach your assistant what he needs to do. In the meantime, do you have any idea where the keys to the house on the hill are, in case the doctor would like to look at the property?"

She nodded, "I have the keys in my desk. The security people brought them to me last Thursday. Come on, Chris, let's get you settled before the grouch changes his mind."

I called Doctor Harrison and made arrangements to meet him and his family at the house on the hill at five o'clock. I called Kevin and Jacob's cell phones and left messages telling them that Hank wanted them to be at the church at 7:30 for choir practice.

I called Hank's office and left a message with his secretary telling Hank the time of the meeting with the Harrisons.

I had no more than hung up than Chris stuck his head in the open door, "Mr. Michaels, Mr. Rodgers is on the phone."

"Cowboy, I just called your office and left a message."

"I know, that's why I'm calling. Why didn't you ask to speak to me instead of leaving a message?"

"Hank, you said you had an appointment and I didn't want to bother you."

"Look, Stevie, when you call, always identify yourself and my secretary has been instructed to put your calls through if at all possible. If I am really tied up, she'll advise you so. I'll meet you at the old Clark house at five. Why don't we eat in town since we will be late and I may hardly have time to eat before returning for choir practice?

"Whatever you desire, Santa? Why don't you call Rosa and tell her so she doesn't fix more food than she needs. I'll see you at five."

I had just hung up when Chris knocked, "There's a Mr. Throckmorton here to see you, Mr. Michaels."

"Please show him in, Chris."

I stood and went to greet the visitor, "Eric, it's good to see you, my friend. I haven't seen you since you were elected to Congress. How's the family."

"They're fine. The boys will be starting college in the fall. Ruth Anne is up to her ears in charity work as usual. How are Kevin and Jacob doing?"

"They're doing just fine. They are both playing basketball."

"Steve, the reason I'm here is that I would like your company to design the advertising for my next campaign. As you know I had been using one of your competitors since Mr. Clark died. I couldn't stand that bitch who was running this firm. When I heard that you were the sole owner of the agency, I came to see if you would handle the advertisement for my next campaign. I know it seems early, but I am planning to run for the senate in two years. The incumbent is retiring and I think that I stand a very good chance of winning."

"Eric, we would be delighted to work with you and your campaign committee, I have just the person to work with you on this. He is fresh to the business and has some new ideas. He's not here right now or I'd introduce him to you. He is my personal assistant and he is out trying to take our company to the 22nd century. His name is Dustin Summers."

Eric got a funny look on his face, "Are you talking about the Dusty Summers who is Hank Rodger's nephew?"

I was having trouble keeping a straight face, "He is the one and the same. I take it you know Hank rather well if you know that Dusty is his nephew."

"I should, I was his lawyer until I ran for Congress. My office still handles his affairs even though Hank is a lawyer."

"Eric, I'm meeting Hank at five o'clock. I'll tell him that you asked about him. I'll have Dusty call tomorrow first thing. Where can he contact you?"

After Eric provided me with the information, he stood to leave. "Steve, I'm sure that some more of your other former clients will be returning to your fold as well, now that the wicked witch of the West is gone. You've never been afraid to try something different."

He stopped, "Wait a minute! Steve, why are you meeting Hank at five o'clock?"

I was probably saying the wrong thing, but so what, "He's meeting me at the Clark house which the company reclaimed. He has a vested interest in who the new owners might be since it is adjacent to his property here in town."

"Maybe I should be there too, since we live four houses away. I think there is more to this story than you're telling me. I'll be there at five o'clock too, since Ruth Anne and the boys are visiting her Mother in Phoenix."

Eric wasn't finished, "Steve, if that young man is going to be working in your office, you really need to have him get his hair trimmed and have him dress properly. He doesn't make a very good impression for any first time visitors. Steve, I'll see you at five o'clock at the Clark house."

How can one visitor cause such I flow in emotions? Where do I start?

I'll take the easiest step first. I walked into the office, "Cynthia honey, me and Chris are going to split this joint. We'll see you in the morning. I want you out of here by 4:30 and if I find out that you left a minute later, you're in trouble. See you in the morning."

"Chris, let's go get your things out of the H. R. area. Do you have a car?"

"Mr. Michaels, I don't even have a driver's license."

I looked at Cynthia and I could tell that she was wondering what I was up to. "Chris, how long have you worked here and where do you live.?"

Chris gulped, "This is my third day here. I turned 18 the day after Christmas. The social service system found a room for me in a boarding house and paid the rent for the first month. They provided me the funds to exist until I receive my first paycheck."

I took a deep breath, "Chris, go get your things. We will have time to do a couple of things before I need to meet Mr. Rodgers and the Harrison family."

Chris left and I turned to Cynthia, "This young man is tearing my heart out. What kind of life must he have had? I wonder what Kevin and Jacob would think of having another brother?"

Cynthia shook her head, "Steve, don't make plans for Chris. He's an adult now, and he has a right to do what he wants. I know how you feel. I just want to take him and hug him and make things better. We can't magically undo what he has had to live through. We just need to support him as best we can."

Editor's Notes:

Well, it looks like we have a new addition to the family, if I don't miss my guess. I think Christ is going to agree to come live with them. We will just have to see, won't we. I have already fallen in love with him.

I think that things at the office are working out very nicely. It is nice to see the old clients returning to the fold, now that She who was a bitch is gone.

I am so ready for a new chapter.

Darryl AKA The Radio Rancher