The Michaels' Family: Book One - We Saw Daddy Kissing Santa Claus

Chapter Twenty: The Make Over

Chris returned with his backpack and a light jacket. "Mr. Michaels, I think that someone needs to tell the H. R. department that I did nothing wrong. It was like I had the plague or something when I walked in to get my things."

I looked at Cynthia, "You're his boss. You get those people in line."

Cynthia looked at me, "Sure, make me the fall guy, why don't you?"

Chris looked at her, "How about you change that to fall gal, Mrs. Wright."

Cynthia stood and picked up a paper weight, "Would you two get out of here. How can I get my beauty sleep with the two of you yakking at me? After all a beautiful girl needs her beauty sleep."

I put my arm around Chris's shoulder, "Come on son, some people just don't bother to look in the mirror anymore."

Chris rather pulled away from me. I realized that I made a tactical mistake, "Chris, I'm sorry, I was just doing to you what I would do to my two 16 year old sons. I didn't mean to make you feel uncomfortable. Let's bust out of here."

We made our way to the exit and checked out. The security guard stood as he checked me out. I pointed my finger at him, "Look, Chet, I'm just another employee like you. You don't need to stand when you see me."

Chet shook his head, "But Mr. Michaels, Mrs. Clark insisted that we stood when either she or Mr. Pagliano would come into or left the facility."

"Chet, those days are over now. Haven't you heard that Mrs. Wright and Mr. Jenkins here are the real bosses around here. They even tell me when I can go to the bathroom. We'll see you tomorrow, Chet. Mr. Jenkins and I are going to go shoot pool and have a cigar."

Chet was laughing, "Mr. Jenkins, you had better make sure what's in them cigars that Mr. Michaels is smoking. Have a good evening gentlemen."

As we were pulling out of the parking lot, I asked, "Chris, where is the boarding house where you're living located?"

"It's located at 1670 Kingston Road."

"Chris, that's almost three miles from the office. I know that area. How are you going to get back and forth to work?"

"I have to walk about twelve blocks before I can catch a bus to the office." I had to be at the bus stop at 6:30 this morning because the bus service is limited in that area. I need to catch a bus home at 6:30 at night since that's the last bus."

I took a deep breath, "Chris, the first thing that we're going to do is get you out of that neighborhood. Direct me to the place where you live. We'll get your things and check you out of the facility."

Chris directed me to a house that seemed to be well maintained. He led me to a room on the third floor. He quickly gathered everything that he had and it fit into one suitcase. I accompanied him as he went to turn in his key at the owner's apartment.

The old man looked at Chris, "Well, it didn't take you long to find a Sugar Daddy. I hope he can satisfy you and take care of you."

I was so incensed that I hauled off and hit the guy on the mouth. "Look Mr. Sleaze, I have two teenage sons and I sure wouldn't want them to live in a dump like this."

I practically pulled Chris to the car. "Let's get out of here before that creep calls the police."

Chris was looking perplexed, "Mr. Michaels, I don't know what you have in mind. You're scaring me."

I looked at Chris, "Son, I don't know what's going to happen, but I know that I don't want you living in that house the way the owner was talking. It appears to me to be a house where a lot of call people might live."

"What do you mean call people?"

"Chris, there are people who sell their bodies for sex. A good looking young man like you would probably catch the eye of many woman and many men. I'm not interested in you for sex. I just feel a need to protect you as I think Cowboy does. I know that my two sons will have a ball with you and I don't mean in a sexual way."

"Chris, I don't know what's going to happen yet. Everything is happening so fast. I just know I don't want you living in that house. Between Cowboy and I, we have four houses where you could live. If you could drive, it sure would make it much easier."

"Chris, this is totally changing the subject, but did you graduate from high school?"

"Mr. Michaels, I did graduate from high school and the state paid for me to attend the local community college last semester while I was still in the home. I received A's on the two courses I was taking I want very much to be able to finish my education so I can make something of my life."

I pulled into the strip mall where the boys and I got our hair cut, styled or whatever you want to call it. I walked in and Vickie was available. Chris looked at me funny when Vickie led him to the sinks to shampoo his hair. When they returned Vickie looked at me, "Steve, what do you want me to do with this unruly mess."

"Oh, make him look like Brad Pitts or maybe Mickey Mouse. Just do the best you can with what you have to work with."

Vickie seemed to be taking an inordinate amount of time with Chris. While I was watching her work, my cell phone rang. I pulled it out of my pocket and looked at the number, "What's up Kevin?"

"Okay, meet us at the house on the hill and we'll take you to dinner before choir practice. What about Jacob?"

"Jacob was going to go home and is going to skip choir practice. The shot made him feel like he had the flu? What about Tim and Tad?"

"So they already went home. They only had a light workout since they have a meet tomorrow. Okay Kevin, we'll see you about six o'clock."

As I put my cell phone in my pocket, Chris was crawling out of the chair. I looked at him, "Vickie, are you sure that this is the same young man I brought in here? I can actually see his eyes."

Vickie was laughing, "Steve honey, I'll take Chris, Jacob or Kevin any day. You sure do have some fine lookin' sons."

I handed Chris $25.00, "Pay the lady before she takes you and holds you for ransom."

When we got to the car, I looked at the time, "Chris, we need to go and meet Doctor Harrison and his family. This took longer than I had planned. I hope you don't mind."

Chris had tears in his eyes, "Mr. Michaels, that was the first time that I have been to a barber or a hair stylist in my life. In the homes they used to line us up and cut our hair."

When we got to the Clark's old house, Congressman Throckmorton and Cowboy were talking. Hank looked at us as we approached, "It's about time Michaels. Who do you have with you?"

Chris started to laugh, "Mr. Rodgers, I'm the same person you saw at lunchtime. The only thing different is the hair. Good evening Congressman Throckmorton."

The conversation was interrupted by the arrival of a van with a middle aged couple and two boys about 6 and 8. Hank and I both started to laugh. I started to speak, "Doc, what did you do to my son that caused him to go directly home? I understand that he is going to be feeling like he has the flu for several days."

I looked at the two little guys, "Hey, I'm Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer. Won't you come meet the other reindeer and Bambi here will take you and make sure that you are okay."

I turned to the Harrisons. "Let me introduce everyone." After the introductions, I unlocked the house, "I have no idea what you are going to see, since I have not been inside this place for a number of years."

The house was immaculate. It was easy to tell that the Clarks had made sure they had nothing but the best. Chris and the two young boys quickly found the game room and they were no problem at all. Hank, Congressman Throckmorton and I were talking while Doctor and Mrs. Harrison walked through the house.

Our conversation was interrupted by a call from Kevin, "Dad, how soon are we going to eat? I'm starving."

I looked at Hank, "Son, we're at the house to the south of Dad R.'s house. Doctor Harrison from the Med Center is looking at buying this house. Why don't you meet us here and we can save time when we go to eat and you can meet Chris."

Kevin came back, "Dad, you're talking like The Riddler in Batman. You're not making any sense."

"Look, Kevin, go out of the house and turn right. You will see our cars in front of the first house. Park in the driveway and come in. Are you sure you don't need me to come hold your hand?"

"Knock it off Dad, you're beginning to sound like Cowboy."

Kevin arrived almost immediately. He rang the doorbell. Hank went to answer the door and started to give Kevin a difficult time, "What took you so long, kid?"

Kevin started to give Hank the up yours sign until he saw who else was there. Kevin approached Eric, "Good evening, Congressman Throckmorton, it nice to see you again. How are the guys doing?"

"Their both excited about going to college in the fall. Kevin, you sure have turned into a handsome young man."

"Thank you, Sir. Dad, who is this Chris person you want me to meet?"

I took Kevin to the game room, "Guys, I would like to introduce one of my sons. This is Kevin."

"The tall ugly one is Chris Jenkins, and two cute young men are Billy and Bobby Harrison. Their Dad is the doctor who made Jacob ill today."

Kevin shook Chris' hand and stooped to talk to Billy and Bobby. "Dad was right, you sure are handsome young men. If you move into this house, there will two young boys who are about your ages who will be visiting next door. Do you like to go swimming?"

Before the guys could answer their parents came into the room, "Guys, we need to go, we've taken enough of these gentlemen's time. Mr. Michaels, we are definitely interested in the house. How much are you asking for it?"

"Doctor and Mrs. Harrison, I have no idea what we should ask for the property. Why don't I arrange for an appraisal at the first opportunity? After we get the appraisal, we can discuss what is going to happen."

Eric Throckmorton nodded, "Steve, I'll arrange for Larry Jansen to appraise the property tomorrow. He should have a written appraisal by Monday. Hank can handle the paperwork, so there shouldn't be any real estate fees."

Hank started to object, but Eric cut him off, "Look Hank, I know for a fact that you make a bunch of money each time one of your silly games sells. Now let's go eat, I'm getting hungry."

Chris and Kevin took Billy and Bobby to the van and made sure they were strapped in. I locked the house and Hank directed us to follow him. We had decided to take all four cars since we were going to be going separate ways or would need them in the morning.

Hank took us to a Greek restaurant and I was beginning to think that he must never eat at home. We walked in and we were greeted by a middle age woman. "Good evening Sasha, are you going to do your belly dance for us tonight?"

"Look Hanky Poo, my name's Athena. This is Wednesday night so you must have choir practice. Now sit yourselves down at the table there, so I can make sure that you don't steal the utensils. I'll be with you as soon as I can pull myself together from seeing two such gorgeous young men."

Poor Chris didn't know what was happening. Athena brought us a bottle of wine and two sodas. She winked at Kevin and Chris, "We have to make it look like you guys are having sodas. I brought you extra long straws so you take a sip out of the wine bottle. Your meals will be ready shortly."

I looked at Hank, "Don't we ever get to order our own food?"

Hank looked at his watch, "Not when we're running short of time. Now sit back and enjoy the food."

We had a Greek green salad which was great. Athena brought five plates with gyros and home fries. The plate was covered. I watched as Chris watched what everyone was doing. He tentatively started to pick up his gyro and it must have tasted rather good because his plate was the first to be emptied followed closely by Kevin.

Athena was making sure we had everything we needed and she brought the guys a refill on their sodas. As soon as we had finished eating she served us a each piece of baklava which was absolutely scrumptious. I watched as the two teenagers practically inhaled it."

Hank had been watching the time, "Come on Kevin, we need to go to choir practice. Eric we'll talk to you soon. Say hello to Ruth Ann and the boys for me. Steve, why don't you and Chris follow us to the church in case we need some help. Chris can you sing?"

"Cowboy, I need to get Chris some clothes so that he presents a favorable impression on the visitors to my office as our illustrious Congressman suggested."

Hank wasn't to be deterred, "Look, Mr. Michaels, we can take care of the clothes later. We'll just have Chris show up naked. Eric, would that make you happy?"

Eric started to laugh, "You people are all nuts. I'm sure that if Chris were to show up naked, Steve's office would be so crowded that the rescue squad would need to be called because people were hyperventilating."

Poor Chris was absolutely red. Kevin looked at Chris, "Just ignore these old men. They can't stand to see anyone as good looking and well built as us. They're just jealous. Let's split this place."

Hank paid the bill and I watched as he hugged Athena and a gentleman who had come out of the kitchen. Eric leaned over, "Steve, I don't know what your relationship is with Hank. He's one of a kind. Be good to him. He's had a difficult life and has landed on his feet. I don't want him to be hurt again. I'll have Larry Jansen call you tomorrow about the appraisal."

As I was driving to the church, I was thinking, 'What is it about Hank that makes everyone so protective of him?'

I was the last to arrive at the church and Kevin and Chris were talking quietly and Hank was speaking with the choir director. Hank looked at the two guys, "Get up here, Kevin you sit with the baritones. I'll sit with the bass. Chris what is the range of your voice?"

Chris started to laugh, "Mr. Rodgers, my voice is still changing so I don't know what I sound like. I haven't had much to sing about lately."

Hank glared at Chris, "Can you read music?"

Chris was undaunted, "Yes, but that doesn't mean I can sing."

The choir director looked at Mary Anne who was at the organ, "Mary Anne, please play through the piece one time so everyone can get the feel of the anthem. There are several male solos. After Mary Anne played through the anthem, the choir started to sing. When it came time for the baritone solo, the director pointed to Kevin. Kevin sang and it was as if he was singing to the angels. When the next solo, which was for a tenor, the choir director pointed to Chris.

Chris looked confused but he started to sing. The rest of the choir was quietly humming and the organist was playing very quietly. When the solo ended the entire choir and the organist as well as the director were applauding. Mr. Enright, the choir director, looked at Chris, "Young man, you will be here on Sunday, won't you?"

Hank spoke before Chris could respond, "Lou, he'll be here even if have to pull him behind my horse."

Choir practice ended at nine o'clock. I realized that we still hadn't purchased any clothes for Chris. After choir practice Kevin and Chris left for the ranch while Hank was talking to some people. As we were walking to the cars, he reminded me, "Stevie, you need to talk to Wayne and offer him the position of comptroller at the agency."

I punched Hank, "Look, Cowboy, I don't know how much more my system can absorb in one day. Let's do what we can. Why aren't there enough hours in a day to get everything done?"

Editor's Notes:

I am pleased as can be with this chapter. It looks like Chris is going to do pretty darn well. I sure hope he will be able to handle all the good things that I am sure are about to happen to him. I am sure there will be much more to come in this wonderful story.

Darryl AKA The Radio Rancher