The Michaels' Family: Book One - We Saw Daddy Kissing Santa Claus

Chapter Forty Seven: Adoption Day

Hank handed Cam to Jacob and we went to the boys' room. Hank walked in and started as if he was the bad guy. "You brats get your butts on Danny's bed and sit up straight."

I decided to play the role of the good guy and went and sat down on Danny's bed and motioned for the four guys to sit on either side of me. When everyone was seated, I decided to lean back on my elbows to see what would happen. Louie and David immediately mimicked me. There was no way that Lionel could do it because of his casts so he sat leaning forward leaning with his arms on his thighs and Danny did likewise.

Hank started to complain, "How come you guys are not doing what I told you to do?"

Danny answered before I could, "That's just it Grandpa, if you had asked us nicely, we probably would have done it. Besides we're tired."

Hank started to laugh, "I guess I need to go eat some worms."

Louie jumped up, "Grandpa, can I come watch? I always wanted to see someone eat worms."

Hank sat down on the floor, "Why don't you two six year olds come sit beside me, so Poppa and I can try to explain everything that has happened and is going to happen. That way you can understand why it needs to happen."

We must have done a decent job because the guys only had several questions, and they were very good questions, I might add.

Lionel started it off, "Grandpa and Poppa, I don't understand why people need to get married to adopt us children. Why couldn't the two of you just have adopted us all?"

I sighed, "Lionel, we would very much liked to have been able to adopt all of you, but the judges could never allow that to happen. They have to make sure the laws and rules are followed. Besides, if we had adopted all of you, where would we all sleep?"

Danny looked at us, "Couldn't they sleep at our house with David and me?"

Hank answered, "I suppose they could, but then where would your new brothers and sister sleep."

Danny sighed, "I guess we're going to be running out of room, too."

David was shaking his head, "Grandpa, I don't understand why people would need to get married so they would be able adopt the guys and girls since everybody already knows that you and Miss Watson are going to turn around and get a divorce. I don't understand why you are going to get to keep Cam and she is going to get to keep Tammy and Lindsey. That seems so silly to me. Why couldn't somebody just say, "Here, Cameron is your son and tell Miss Watson that Lindsey and Tammy were going to be her daughters."

Hank and I looked at each other. I decided to answer David, "I totally agree that it is silly that all of these things need to be done, but that's the only way it can happen. I'm sure that you guys have more questions, but I think you need to get into bed. It's getting late, and I don't want to have to dress David and Louie in the morning. We sure don't want to be late for the first day at your new school. Danny and Lionel, your school will start the following day."

When we got back to our bedroom, Cam was in his crib sleeping and Jacob was sitting talking on the phone, "I'll tell them, Mr. Phillips."

Hank asked, "Tell us what, Jacob?"

"Dad Hank, it sounds as if Ramsey is having a difficult time understanding why all the shenanigans have to take place for Mr. Phillips and Mr. Farway to adopt them. Mr. Phillips was hoping that one of you might talk to Ramsey."

Cowboy nodded, "Jake, we just ran into the same question with the four young guys. Steve, why don't you call and see if you can talk to Ramsey and reassure him since you did such a good job with the four little guys. I'll go talk to our four high school students and let them know what is happening, so they can be prepared to help us if we need it."

I was just completing my conversation with Ramsey when Hank returned, "Ramsey, I think it would be very effective if you were to sit next to the Mrs. Phillips and talk to her tomorrow while you are in the courtroom. Make sure that the judge observes the two of you talking. That will also let help Lionel and Louie loosen up."

"Poppa, you sure aren't making this any easier. Tell Grandpa that I demand the right to live at the house on the hill."

I started to laugh, "Ramsey, you know that ain't going to happen once everything settles down. Besides Tad and the Cowboy are going to need your help."

"Yeah, Grandpa needs all the help he can get."

I had the phone on speaker and Hank had been listening, "Look, you punk. You may not be able to walk for a week when I take care of you tomorrow, after the hearings."

Ramsey retorted, "I guess I will need to talk to judge and make sure he takes care of you before that happens. Thanks for calling, I'll see you tomorrow but I'll be avoiding Mr. Rodgers since I heard he had the plague. Good night."

The phone went dead.

Hank put his arms around my neck as I was sitting on the sofa, "Daddy Stevie, I've been a bad boy. I think you need to punish me."

"I'm sorry Mr. Rodgers. I can't do that in front of our son. What would he think if he heard one of his Daddies crying? Let's go take care of your problem in the shower. I'm exhausted."

The next morning, Hank and I were awakened by David, "Poppa and Grandpa, what do we gotta wear to the new school?"

Hank looked at him, "David, just wear the same kind of clothes that you wore to your old school. That's what it looked the like boys were wearing yesterday when we were there."

Hank looked at me, "Today is going to be a very busy day. You are going to need to pick Louie up at one o'clock and get him dressed for court, since I will need to bring Cam and Lionel. Trent and Jeremy can pick up Ramsey. Cathy and Lori can bring the girls."

We were getting ready to leave for the day when Hank blindsided me again, "Steve, I think you need to go to the Academy with us so they know that you will be picking Louie up."

Louie came in with a sports bag, "Mr. Rodgers, is this what you want me to wear to court?"

Cowboy looked through the bag, "Louie, this looks just right. You can leave the bag in Poppa's car and you can change while he's driving you to the courthouse."

"You want me to change clothes in the car?"

"Why not? No one is going to see you except Poppa and he has already seen your skinny body."

"Oh, okay."

Everyone left for the day, driving their own cars, since we would be going every which way the rest of the day. We had a three car caravan going to the Wentworth Academy. Hank had Cam with him; I had Louie, and Dusty had David with him. When we pulled into the parking lot at the Wentworth Academy, Jeremy and Brent were waiting for us as was Deanna.

I left as soon as I talked to the people in the office and informed them that I would be picking Louie up at 1:15 for an appointment. I didn't even bother to tell them what kind of appointment it was.

I was working at my desk when Dusty came in about nine thirty. "Steve, do you have a minute?"

"Of course, come in and sit down."

After Dusty sat down, he started, "Steve, I can't tell you how impressed I am with Wentworth Academy. The boys' teachers came to greet David and Louie. They each had a little guy who was to be the their sponsor or host. The teachers sent the boys on to the classroom with their hosts. The teachers had a packet of information that they gave to me and Jeremy and asked us to visit sometime late next week so they give us a rundown on how the boys were doing."

"The principal took Deanna to meet the second and third grade teachers and invited Deanna to spend the day at the Academy so she could collect the things she might need, to teach the four young people."

"One other thing, would you inform your partner that he needs to let us pay for the costs of our children's education? I stopped at the office to see how much I would need to pay for David to attend the Academy and was informed the fees had already been paid for both boys. I might as well just stop working if Hank is always going to treat me like a little boy all the time."

I was laughing, "You can't quit, but I will discuss the problem with Cameron's Daddy. You know how the Cowboy is; he's like a bull in a china shop. Once he gets going on something, it's full speed ahead and don't get in his way."

Dusty laughed, "I probably know that better than anyone else. Steve, please talk to him."

It was about twelve thirty when Chris came in the office with a sandwich and a glass of iced tea. "Here you go boss; I went and stole a sandwich and some tea from Grandma for you. Don't forget you need to pick up Louie in about 45 minutes."

"Thanks Chris."

As I was leaving, I looked at Cyntia and Chris, "I think I should be back about three. I'm still not sure why I need to be at the hearing, since I'm not adopting anyone."

Chris started to laugh, "Because Cam's other Daddy said you were to be there. When Cam's other Daddy speaks, everyone jumps."

I went to the school office and asked to have Louie report to the office. He arrived almost immediately with his host or escort. They bumped hands and said goodbye. As we were walking to the car, Louie asked, "There's nobody with you, is there?"

"Nope, it's just you and me."

"Good." As Louie was changing clothes he asked, "Poppa, what do I gotta do today?"

"Louie, you shouldn't need to do or say anything unless the judge asks you a question."

"Good. Poppa, I really like the new school. I get to keep going here, don't I?"

"Yep. You're tuition has already paid up for the rest of the year. Louie, when we get to the courthouse, I think it would be very nice for the judge to see you holding your new mother's hand. Lionel won't be able to do that because he will probably be on his crutches and Ramsey is a little to old to do it."

Louie giggled, "So you're telling me that it's not okay to tell a little white lie, but that it's okay to do a little white lie."

I started to laugh, "Louie, why don't we pretend that you're an actor on television and that is what the people said you should do."

After we cleared security, which was scary for Louie, we met up with the others and everyone was already standing there with Elaine and Judge Baker. Louie walked up to Lori and took her hand, "Hi Mommy, are you having a good day?"

"Louie, I had a very good day. How about you?"

"I had a great day. The new school is really neat. The teacher is so friendly and the other kids are nice. The food at lunch was great."

I looked at Judge Baker, "Judge Baker, I thought you would be the person handling the adoption proceedings."

"We decided that it probably would be best if someone else handled the adoption proceedings, since I will be handling the divorce proceedings. We had better go in. Judge Holmes is a very punctual person."

We walked in and after the preliminaries, Judge Holmes, who just happened to be a lady probably in her early fifties looked at us. "Mrs. Graham, I take it that you have looked into these requests to adopt these children?"

"Yes, your honor."

"Hank are you representing the parties involved or what? You don't usually get involved in cases like this."

"Your Honor, I'm one of the parties involved."

"Oh so you're the Henry Rodgers whose involved. Why wouldn't I have guessed. I didn't know that you were married. Now let's get down to business. Let's take the case that involves the three young men. Would the three Watts boys please stand, so I can see who you are?"

Louie and Ramsey stood immediately, but Lionel was having a hard time getting up. Judge Holmes realized that he had casts on his arm and leg, "Never mind, young man. You can remain seated. Ramsey, let's start with you. It says that you are just about to finish middle school and that you are struggling with your grades."

Ramsey looked around and glared at us, "Judge Holmes, that's not exactly true. I am in my last year at Wilson Middle School, but I'm on the honor roll, and have been for the past two years."

Judge Holmes picked up a piece of paper and crumpled it up. "So much for that report."

"Ramsey, it says here that you three boys want to be adopted by a Ms. Lori Spilker and Mr. Jeremy Phillips. Is that correct?"

"Yes, Your Honor."

"Doesn't it bother you that they don't have the same last name even though they are married."

Ramsey was ready, "Your Honor, Mother has been a Dr. at University for some tome. How confusing would it be for her to change her name at this point. First, it would blow her students' minds, and second, how are her colleagues going to react when all of sudden her articles in the journals would be published under a new name? What's in a name anyway? The three of us would like to keep our last name even after we are adopted. It will be easier for me, especially, so I don't have to explain what has happened."

"Thank you for sharing, Ramsey. You may sit down. Louie, it says here in the report that you're mean and always beating up someone called David."

"Your Honor, that's not true. We take turns beating each other up, but have agreed we would never hurt each other. It's more like we're wrestling."

Judge Holmes crumpled another piece of paper and threw it away. "Louie, do you go to school?"

"Yes, Your Honor, I started going to a new school today. It is really great. The teachers are super and the other kids are very friendly and the food at lunch was really good."

"What school was that?"

Louie looked at Jeremy, "Dad, what was the name of the school? I know it started with a W?"

Jeremy answered, "The Wentworth Academy."

Louie sparked, "That's right. I just forgot. Me and David started today."

Judge Holmes scowled, "I have a grandson who goes there and is in the first grade. I don't suppose you know him yet. His name is Carson."

Louie frowned, "My escort today was a Carson, but his last name wasn't Holmes. It was Carson Newman."

The Judge laughed, "That was my grandson. He is my oldest daughter's son. I'll check with him and see how mean you are. I need to talk to Lionel."

Judge Holmes turned her attention to Lionel, "Young man, why are you wearing a cast on your leg and arm. Did Louie beat you up?"

"Your Honor, I hadn't seen Louie since our Mother died and he was adopted. I was injured in a vehicle accident, and I wound up in the same room with Danny who was really sick too. He had … Poppa, what did Danny have?"

I answered, "He had a rare form of leukemia."

Lionel continued, "Danny and I got well enough so that we could go live at Grandpa's house, but the doctor said that Danny couldn't go to school because of germs. We're going to be home schooled with Lindsey and Tammy. We met our teacher and her boyfriend last night. They're really nice."

Judge Holmes was shaking her head, "This is all very confusing. I don't understand why Poppa and Grandpa are such a big part in all of these proceeding. Is this teacher qualified to teach you children at home?"

Hank stood, "Deanna is very qualified. She just graduated from Purdue University with her master's degree in Education Instruction. She is fully qualified and has been certified by the state. She and Ted are planning to get married as soon as Ted, her fiancé, can finish his degree."

Judge Holmes frowned, "How much is my daughter going to be making for home schooling these children?"

Hank answered, "If Deanna is your daughter she signed a contract to home school the four people this morning. See was pleased with the amount and I am not at liberty to tell what the amount agreed upon was. You'll probably try to coerce her out of some of the money so you can retire."

The judge pounded her gavel, "Be careful Mr. Rodgers, or I'll fine you for being in contempt. In the meantime, Mrs. Graham, I have signed the the paperwork awarding Mr. Jeremy Phillips and Dr. Lori Spilker custody of the three amazing Watts young men. Secondly, I am going to grant the adoption of Lindsey and Tammy Watson and Cameron Rodgers to Mr. Henry Rodgers and Ms. Catherine Watson."

Judge Holmes wasn't finished. "Judge Baker, I'll remember this mess the next time you ask me to fill in for you. Court is adjourned."

She took off her robe and came to the area where we were seated and picked up Cam, "So this is the little Cameron that everyone is excited about."

Ramsey challenged, "Judge Holmes, why didn't you question Tammy and Lindsey as you did us? That seemed a little unfair."

"Ramsey, you have a very valid point. When I first started questioning you people, there were reporters in the court. I needed to make the hearing appear to be legitimate. I honestly did not know that our daughter was going to be working with the four children. I knew something happened last night, but she wouldn't say what."

"Hank, you have a very handsome son here. Be the best Dad you can be, and stop working all the time."

After Judge Holmes had departed, Judge Baker asked, "When would you like to have the divorce and custody hearings? I have time tomorrow afternoon at two, for one."

Jeremy spoke for them, "Judge Baker, why don't you resolve the problem between Mr. Rodgers and Ms. Watson then. We need to go to Palm Springs and get our things. Fortunately, we have been renting and our lease is going to be up at the end of the month. We should be back by next Thursday, since we will be driving. Lori, when would be a good time for you?"

Lori mentally looked at her schedule, "I can be free all afternoon on Friday."

Judge Baker nodded, "I'll check my schedule and let you know what time to be here on Friday."

Louie announced, "If we gotta be here, make it after school, please."

Judge Baker hugged Louie, "Louie, I think you did your part today. You and your brothers shouldn't need to be here. Cathy and Hank, I think we can resolve your problem tomorrow, without the children being here."

As we were going to the cars, Hank suggested, "Poppa, why don't you take Louie with you and stop and get some shakes since Dusty was going to pick David up and take him back to the office since he had a four o'clock appointment."

Louie seized on that comment, "Come on Poppa, we gotta go. David will get bored sitting in his Daddy's office. Can we stop and get some chocolate milk shakes, please?"

His two brothers started to complain and Hank proclaimed, "We'll make sure everyone is treated equally."

Lionel stopped even though he was on crutches, "You mean even Cameron gets one?"

Hank started to laugh, "Lionel, I don't think he's ready for that yet. Everyone who wants a shake, follow us.

Editor's Notes:

Well class, I certainly hope you have all been paying attention, because there will be a quiz at the end of the semester.

Some of the things you will need to know on the test include what were the names of the three children who were rescued from the burned out building? Of course there will be many more questions on the quiz, but I am a very easy grader, so I imagine that everyone will pass the quiz.

Everyone should study and then you will all pass with flying colours.

Let's hope we get a new chapter very soon.

Darryl AKA The Radio Rancher