The Michaels' Family: Book One - We Saw Daddy Kissing Santa Claus

Chapter Forty Six: Teacher and Nanny

Believe it or not, Cam slept through the night until six o'clock when the alarm clock sounded, and boy did he let us know that he was hungry. Hank put on a pair of sweat pants, "I'll go get some food for our son while you change his diaper."

I did as I was told and was holding Cam on my lap even though I was naked. When Hank came into the room, he started to laugh, "Stevie, are you trying to corrupt our son already? I'll feed Cam while you take your shower. You'll need to take David and Louie to school today."

"Hank, do you think it's a good idea for David and Louie to go back to school? They might inadvertently say something about Tammy and Lindsey and where they are, especially David. I'm sure that they don't have any idea about what's going on and could very innocently say something about the girls."

"Are you suggesting that they be home schooled, too?"

"Hank, it's either that or enroll them in a different school. I quite frankly think that they need to be around other children, especially Louie."

"Steve, go take your shower, and don't waste my dessert."

I was about to get out of the shower, when I was joined by Hank. "Where's Cam?"

"He's in his crib kicking and making the mobile bounce. I'm here for my reward, and I want it now!"

I gave him his reward and when I finished, Hank pushed me against the wall, "Steve, just hold me for a minute. Make me feel loved, so I can get through the day. I so wish it could be you and me who were getting married."

"Me too, Cowboy, me too."

When we got to the kitchen, everyone else was eating except Kevin who was on the phone, "Just a minute Mr. Wetmore, here are the Dads now. Let me put Dad Hank on."

Hank took the phone, "Good morning Jim, is there a problem? … Funny that you should suggest that, because Steve and I were talking about that very thing, and we already decided it would be best not to send them back to that school for the very same reason you just mentioned. … Steve is of the opinion that they should attend school because of the socialization. … Okay, talk to you later."

Hank hung up the phone and turned to David and Louie, "You young men will not be going to school today."

David started to complain, "Why can't we go to school? We're not sick."

I was waiting to hear how Hank would respond, "No, but you might bring home germs that would be bad for Danny. We need to be very careful."

David wasn't about to give up without a fight. "Then why are the four Uncles going to school?"

"They take showers before they come home to get rid of the germs."

David asked one last question, "Does that mean we can't go to Tim and Tad's wrestling match tonight, too?"

"We'll have to talk about that, later. Why don't you four young guys go check on Cam while I talk to the rest of the people a minute?"

Danny giggled, "Come on guys, I know when we've been told we weren't wanted."

Hank quickly told everyone what was happening. Just in case anyone should come around asking any questions about the Youngs, simply tell them that you never had a chance to get to know them and that as far as you know everyone died in the fire."

Kevin laughed, "Dad Hank, this is all about as clear as mud. I have something to say about how you handled the school situation with David and Louie. If you do get them enrolled in another school, they are going to remind you what you said about bringing home germs that might make Danny sick. I think you need to sit down with the four young guys and warn them about talking to anyone about the Youngs, especially Danny and David, in case someone were to come around, and try to trap them into giving them information?"

Hank glared at Kevin, "Score two points for Kevin's side. Good points, I might add. I'll remedy the problem immediately."

We were to find out at dinner how good the points really were.

Chris decided to go to the office with me since Dusty and Wayne had left earlier. When we walked in, we were met by our favorite security guard, Ted. "You're just the person I wanted to talk to. Has your fiancée found a job yet?"

"There just isn't anything open right now. She's afraid that she's going to have to go back to being a waitress, just to subsist."

"Ted, why don't you bring her to the ranch tonight and I think we have a job that she might be interested in. She would be home schooling four and perhaps six young people. Chris can give you directions as to how to get there. Why don't you come about seven thirty, I'm sure it will be worth her while."

"I'll call her on my break at nine o'clock and let Chris or Mrs. Wright know what she says, but I'm sure she'll be interested. It sounds intriguing to me."

It was nearly 11:45 when the office door opened and Cynthia entered, carrying an infant. Steve, there's a young man here asking to see his Daddy."

I stood and took the infant who was wide awake and smiling. Cynthia commented, "Cam certainly is adorable."

Cowboy appeared at the door, "Our son was missing you and wants to take you to lunch. We're to meet Jeremy and Brent at the diner at 12:30, so I can show off Cameron to Ellie. I can hardly wait to see her expression when she sees our son."

Chris knocked, "Mr. Michaels, Ted and his fiancee are here. Do you have time to talk to them?"

"Of course, show them in."

Ted entered with a stunning young woman, and Ted made the introductions, "Everyone, this is Deanna Holmes. That's the big boss, Mrs. Wright. The man sitting holding the illegal infant is the President of the company, Mr. Michaels, and the other gentlemen is his special friend, Mr. Rodgers."

Deanna had a smirk on her face, "Like how special?"

Chris answered before anyone had a chance, "Like very, very special."

Cynthia was giggling.

Deanna shrugged, "So, why didn't you just come out and say that they were partners instead of making me dig for the information. I do have a question though. You aren't expecting me to home school the young man there are you?"

Hank laughed, "Probably not until next week. You would initially be home schooling three third graders and one second grader. You may also have two first graders but Cam's Dad seems to think the two first graders need to attend school for the scoialization that they seem to need."

I decided to ask, "Miss Holmes, if you were to take the job, how would you feel about being a part-time nanny for an infant."

"Mr. Michaels, please call me Dee. I assume that you're talking about taking care of Cam. I could do that very easily. I am the eldest of six children and learned to take care of little children at an early age."

Hank stood, "Dee, if it were up to me, you would already have the job. But since none of the children involved are ours, we need to have the persons who are going to be the parents of the children meet you tonight. Can you be there?"

Ted answered, "We'll be there, Mr. Rodgers."

Hank asked, "Dee, do you know anything about the Wentworth Academy?"

"Mr. Rodgers, I'd give my eyeteeth to get on staff there. Once a teacher starts working there, they almost never leave. They almost never have an opening. I did put my application in there, though."

Cynthia spoke, "I concur with Miss Holmes. It is an excellent school and that's where our two daughters went to school until they were ready for middle school."

Hank looked at his watch, "Come on, Stevie, we need to roll. I'll have Stevie back by three o'clock. We have an appointment after lunch at The Wentworth Academy at two o'clock."

When we arrived at the diner, Brent and Jeremy were already seated in a booth. When Ellie saw us with the baby seat and the diaper bag, she yelled, "Cowboy, whose baby are you sitting for. I wouldn't think anyone would trust you to handle their child."

Hank turned to Ellie, "Meet our son, Cameron."

Talk about a reaction, Ellie dropped the plates that she was carrying and grabbed Cameron out of his seat. She yelled, "I'm off duty. I need to take care of this poor little child. Any son of Cowboy is bound to need help. She pulled up a chair and sat down. Okay, Hanky poo, you have a lot of explaining to do."

Ellie turned to another waitress, "Linda, bring these gentlemen a hot roast beef sandwich special with a side of fresh fruit and a glass of unsweetened iced tea."

Ellie sure would have made a good prosecuting attorney, because she asked Hank all sorts of questions. We were finally able to escape after Ellie threatened us if we didn't stop in more often.

We took two cars to the Wentworth Academy. The exterior of the school was impressive. I hoped the interior was, as well. The four of us were extremely pleased with the reception and the presentation that the staff made. When we met the two first grade teachers, we were sold that this was the best place for the boys. Hank announced, "I'll have the two boys here at eight in the morning, and have a certified check to pay for their tuition for the remainder of the year."

When I returned to the office, both Chris and Cynthia were all over my case. They handed me a hand full of messages and I thought I would be working all night. Finally at five thirty, Chris entered my office, "Poppa Steve, Cam called and said you were to get your butt home. Everyone else has already departed for the day. The rest of the work can wait until tomorrow."

"Chris, I guess you're right. I just don't know how much more excitement I can take in one day."

As we were driving to the ranch, Chris commented, "Mr. Michaels, I wish I had had dads like you and Mr. Rodgers. Cam is a lucky little guy. He'll probably be the most spoiled kid on the planet."

"Chris, Cowboy and I are probably going to be the meanest parents you ever met, according to Cam, when he gets older."

"Poppa, I doubt that."

When we were pulling into the driveway, a strange man was talking to David and Louie. When we exited the car we heard David say, "Mister, the news says that the the Youngs died and went to heaven. We don't know nothing about it because it happened Sunday night while we were asleep. The news said five people died in the fire."

I took out a pen and pad and wrote down the license plate, because I didn't like what was happening. Chris and I approached the man and Chris asked, "Sir, is there anything we can help you with?"

The man answered, "I'm trying to locate the Youngs, so I can collect the money they owe us."

Louie spoke before any of us could, "Mister, if you're going to speak to them then you better get some wings. Come on, we need to go eat, so we can go to the wrestling meet."

The man crawled into his car and sped away. I was thinking, 'I need to relay this information to Mr. Wetmore.'

When the four of us got to the kitchen, the phone was ringing. I was standing by the phone so I answered, "This is Steve Michael's how may I direct your call?"

"Steve, this is Jim Wetmore. I want to commend whoever prepared the two young boys as to what was happpening, because our agent came back to the office today complaining that the two boys had used undue force on him and is preparing to to sue for damages."

"Jim, you're talking gibberish."

"Check with the boys and see what happened when they talked to the man on a motorcycle after lunch. Agent Atkins thinks they deserve an Academy Award for the their performance. By the way, tell everyone the adoption proceeding are scheduled for tomorrow at two in courtroom 3."

"Jim, when we arrived home just now, there was another gentleman questioning David and Louie about the Youngs. They told him to buy some wings so he could visit them in heaven. I did write down the license plate number of the car. Perhaps that will be of some of help."

As we were eating, David asked, "We can go to the wrestling meet tonight, can't we? We don't have to be here for the meetings tonight do we?"

Jacob answered, "I'll take you, since I don't have a date."

Ramsey had arrived with Brent and Jeremy, "We're not going to be your date. I need to get some more clean clothes if I'm going to be staying at the house on the hill again. These people haven't given me any time to do my laundry and I need to be there to watch Tad."

The young people had all departed except Danny, Lionel and Cameron, of course. I would like to have gone with them, but I was the delegated babysitter. It wasn't long before the Watson's arrived with Cathy, Lori and the two girls. The bad thing or perhaps good thing that happened was that Ted and Dee arrived at the same time as the Justice of the Peace.

While the Justice of the Peace was performing the wedding ceremonies, Ted and Dee were winning the children's confidence by playing a game with them.

As soon as the Justice of the Peace had departed, Cowboy sent Danny to get his parents. When everyone was assembled, Hank looked at me, "Steve why don't you make the introductions, since you're the person who found our guests."

After I had introduced everyone, I had Deanna explain her qualifications. Lori and Cathy had a couple of questions which Dee fielded very well. Danny asked, "If Miss Dee is going to be our teacher? Where would we go to school?"

I answered, "We'll have the school here at this house, since it will be halfway between where you and Lionel will eventually be living. It may not be too convenient for Lindsey and Tammy though. Miss Holmes has agreed to be Cameron's nanny. Another reason for having it here is that when you have free time, Justin and Chase will be here to help saddle your horses."

Cathy asked a logical question, "Miss Holmes, what would you be expecting as a salary?"

Hank answered before Dee could say anything. "Cathy, Steve and I will take care of the salary. We'll make sure that she is adequately paid."

Jeremy objected, "Hank, that's very generous of you, but I think you need to let us assist in paying Miss Holmes' salary since she will be working with our children."

Hank ignored Jeremy's comment, "Dee, I'll draw up a contract. Can you meet us at the Wentworth Academy at eight in the morning when we take David and Louie to be enrolled? You can sign the contract and we can get some text books or whatever you might need to start teaching three eight year olds and one seven year old. Since you have already received your teaching certificate from the state, I can not imagine it being a problem for the children to be home schooled. I'll check into the matter after we get the boys enrolled at the Academy.

After Dee and Ted had departed, "Dusty, you probably need to go to the Academy with us tomorrow. We'll see those of you who are to be involved in the adoptions at the courthouse at two o'clock tomorrow afternoon, in courtroom 3. Don't yell at me I didn't set the meeting up. Come on you young people, let's go see if we can find you a snack."

As Hank was leaving with the four young people, he turned back, "I'll get the contract for the sale of the farm finalized and you can get together and sign it after the adoption proceeding tomorrow."

Lori started to laugh, "Cathy, your husband is like a ping pong ball bouncing all around the room."

"Mrs. Phillips, I heard that comment."

Dusty commented, "People, he performs better when he's doing two or three things at the same time."

"Watch it, nephew."

"Yes, Daddy Hank."

The Watson party had just departed when David and Louie arrived with Jacob. David announced, "The rest of the guys will be back shortly. You should have seen the meet, all three of our guys won."

Hank looked at David, "Who is the number three our guy?"

Louie answered, "Chase's boyfriend Freddie. When Freddie was wrestling his guy, the other guy peed his pants and quit."

Jacob was laughing, "That's just about what happened."

David continued the tale, "Tim's match was over almost as soon as it started. Tad made the guy he was wrestling cry again."

I looked at Jacob, "Son, would you take these two young men and get them ready for bed, since they need to get up in time to go to school in the morning."

Both boys turned to me and David questioned, "If we couldn't go to school today, then why are we going to school tomorrow?"

Hank patted the guys on the head, "You're going to a different school."

Louie asked, "Does that mean we'll go to another different school the next day?"

Jeremy answered, "Son, we hope not."

Louie reacted, "Why did you call me son? You're not my Dad."

I watched to see what Jeremy would say, "Not yet, but I will be after we adopt you, tomorrow."

Louie was totally confused. "What does 'adop' mean?"

David put his arm around Louie, "I think it means that you are going to have two daddies like Jacob, Kevin and Cam do."

"Oh, okay."

After Jacob and the boys started up the stairs, I decided to say something, "I think you need to explain exactly what is happening, to your guys. Start with Ramsey and have him help you explain to the other two. I think you need to try to do it before they have to be in court tomorrow afternoon, so it might be a Herculean task. I think you probably need to get back to the house on the hill since Ramsey is already there."

Hank was feeding Cam when Jacob returned, "Dads, someone needs to go talk to the guys. Lionel and Louie are both very confused. I'll take care of Cam. I think you both should go and explain to them exactly what is happening."

I looked at Hank, "This is what I was afraid would happen."

Editor's Notes:

I was a bit worried about it as well. These boys have not had anyone who cared about them, let alone love them. It is not going to be an easy task to convince them that these two guys want to have three young guys become their sons.

I think Ramsey will take it pretty well, and he can probably help his younger brothers get used to the idea. I think Louie is going to be the hardest nut to crack, so to speak. Having said that, I also think that once he is convinced, he will be the one who will take to the idea most completely.

I wonder who that dirt bag was that showed up and tried to get information out of the two youngsters. Let's hope the authorities get a hold of him and detain him, for questioning.

I really need more chapters of this story. Things keep happening, don't they?

Darryl AKA The Radio Rancher