The Michaels' Family: Book One - We Saw Daddy Kissing Santa Claus

Chapter Twenty Six: The Winning Basket

It was almost four o'clock when Dusty and David arrived.  Dusty explained, "We had to stop at the Dairy Queen and get a hot fudge sundae because David was starving."

Chris pouted, "Why didn't you bring me one?"

David looked at his Dad, "Daddy, give Uncle Chris your car keys and I'll show him where to go to get one."

Chris hugged David, "David, I can't drive.  I don't have a driver's license."

David looked disgusted, "Poppa Steve, go buy Uncle Chris a driver's license so he can drive."

I started to laugh and David looked puzzled, "Poppa, what's so funny?"

I hunched down, "David, first, you can't just buy a driver's license.  You have to learn to drive and then you need to take a test.  The other funny thing was that you were sounding like your Granddad Hank."

I hadn't heard Hank come into office, "Look President Michaels, I resent that comment."

I ignored Hank's comment, "David, I have a better idea, why don't you and your Dad take Chris to get his learners permit.  I'll make sure your Granddad Hank does Chris' work.  That way you can take Chris home so you can get ready to go the basketball game tonight."

David nodded.  "Good idea, Poppa."  He took Chris' hand, "You heard what your boss said, let's go.  Come on, Dad."

As they were leaving, Dusty reminded me, "Don't forget to bring Wayne home."

I sat down at Cynthia's desk and Hank pulled up a chair, "So did you miss me while was running your errands?"

I laughed, "Of course I missed you, you sex fiend, but not too badly because it has been a relatively busy day.  Doctor Harrison called and they will be doing the platelet transfer on Monday.   One of us should be at the hospital to be with the guys, since Dusty has our new equipment and programs coming on Monday." 

"Cheryl Lee, stopped by to talk.  It seems that we have picked up seven new clients not including the Throckmorton account.  While she was here, I explained why Dusty might not be available all the time until we get Danny on the road to recovery."

"Does the name Brent Farway ring a bell?"

Hank shrugged, "Are you talking about the former Denver Bronco quarterback who retired several years ago?"

"Yep.  He called this afternoon, practically begging for me and the staff to meet with him tomorrow afternoon.  We are to pick him and his male companion up at the airport at 3:45 tomorrow afternoon.  It seems that Congressman Throckmorton and Mrs. Hamilton have recommended he talk to me about a media blitz for a new store that he will be opening."

Hank nodded, "Monday and Tuesday are going to be very busy days for all of us.  We may have to borrow some extra bodies to make sure that we have someone everywhere we need them to be.  The mover's will be packing the things in the two houses on Monday, and then on Tuesday the movers will take the goods to an environmentally controlled facility that I have rented.  It is big enough so that the things won't need to crammed into a small space and you and the twins will have easy access to the things from your house.  The facility has two separate adjacent areas so that two shipments will not be intermingled."

Hank was interrupted by the phone.  I picked up the receiver, "This is the Michaels Advertising Agency, Steve Michaels speaking."

"Steve, this is Elaine Graham, might I speak to Chris.  I am in the area with my two younger sons."

"Elaine, I just sent Chris to get his driver's learner permit with Dusty and Dusty's young son.  I'll have Chris and Chase contact you and perhaps you can meet with the two guys sometime over the weekend if you would like."

"I would like to meet with them, and my Mother, who has already met Chris and Chase, would like to meet with them again.  Have one of the guys call me. Talk to you later."

Hank looked at me, "I assume that was Chris and Chase's mother."

I was puzzled, "She said that Chris and Chase had already met their maternal grandmother.  I'm trying to think who it might be.  It isn't Mimi or Rosa and it can't be Cynthia.  What other woman have both of them met since Chase arrived?"

Hank started to laugh, "The only person that I can think of … It can't be. …"

He picked up the phone and dialed, "This the Cowboy.  I would like to speak to Flo if she is available."

He put the phone on speaker, "This is Flo.  Cowboy, is there a problem?"

Hank got an evil grin in his eye, "Yeh, lady, there's a big problem.  I want $10,000.00 to keep Chris and Chase from finding out that you're their Grandmother."

There was an audible inhalation of air, "Hank, how did you figure that out?  Neither Elaine nor I let on that we knew each other when you were here for lunch with the two handsome young men.  I wanted to say something, but I was so surprised by what was happening that I couldn't think what to say.  I talked to my husband and Elaine and we agreed that it would be best for us to not interfere with the two boys lives since I was sure that you and your Romeo, Stevie, would see that they were well provided for."

Hank laughed, "Me and Romeo will do our best.  Talk to you later."

Hank looked at the clock, "Let's lock up this zoo, go get Wayne and go home then eat.  We have a basketball game to go to tonight."

I looked at Hank, "Cowboy, you're enjoying all this activity aren't you."

"Steve, I'm feeling alive for the first time in a long time.   It's all because you flashed me in the bathroom.  You and your sons have turned my world upside down."

I started to laugh, "Mr. Rodgers, if I remember correctly. You were the one who flashed us and mandated that we would do certain things."

"Yeah right, let's bust out of this mausoleum before the undertakers arrive.  I'll meet you at the ranch."

I made sure everything was secured and went to collect Wayne.  When I walked into his office, his fingers were flying over the keyboard of his computer.  He finally looked up, "Steve, how can I help you?"

"Wayne, look at the time, I need to get home and eat so I can be at my sons' basketball game tonight.  I am your chauffeur and boss, so close down the operation for today.  There is always next week."

As we were driving home, Wayne laid into me, "Steve, I can't believe that Mrs. Clark could have been as evil as she was.  I was talking to some of sales and graphic design personnel and they were telling me that it is like night and day.  They told me that they were excited to come to work again."

"Wayne, I suggest that you tell Dusty what you just told me.  He is the primary reason for the big changes.  I only placed the people in their positions.  I was elated when Cheryl Lee came and told me that the teams had brought in seven new clients since we took over.   Wayne are you having regrets about coming to work at the agency?"
Wayne looked at me, "I was reluctant to come to work for you because that would mean that I wouldn't be able to spend as much time with Justin as I previously had.  Justin and I talked about it last evening and we decided that being apart during the day would make the time that we did have together that much more meaningful."

"It also helped when young Chase and Chris showed up and were going to be living with us.  We were surprised by Chris' vehemence about not accepting his Mother and her family with open arms.  Justin and I talked about it last night in bed and we decided that we would probably have responded as he did after what he has experienced."

I nodded, "Wayne, you have also met Chris and Chase's maternal Grandmother.  Cowboy figured out who she was just before we shut the office."

That caused Wayne to stop and think, "Well we know it's not Mimi or Rosa and I don't think it is Cynthia or anyone else in the organization and the only other woman that we have met is the boys' mother Mrs. Graham and … You mean Flo is their maternal Grandmother?"

I nodded, "It appears so, but please don't say anything to the boys.  Let the information come out naturally.  I have the distinct feeling that there are some things that happened in the past that we don't know about.  I think the two young men have had enough hard knocks that they are having a difficult time absorbing all that has happened."

When I pulled up to the ranch, we were met by Justin, David and the Cowboy.  David started on us, "Where have you been?  We've been worried sick about you.  Right, Uncle Justin?"

Justin hugged Wayne, "Well, we were beginning to get concerned."

I looked at Hank and winked, "Well not everybody ignores all the speed limit signs like your Granddad Hank does."

David ignored my response, "Come on, dinner is ready.  Uncle Kevin and Uncle Jacob are already eating so they can go to their basketball game."

David was pulling my arm, "Come on, Poppa Steve.  We gotta eat so we don't miss the basketball game."

When we walked into the kitchen, Kevin and Jacob had just finished eating.  Jacob stood, "Thanks, Grandma Rosa, that hit the spot.  We're sorry to eat and run, but the coach wants us to be there a little early so he talk to us and we can warm up.  Hope to see some of you at the game."

After the two twins left, the rest of us started to eat and as we were finishing, Dusty stood, "I'm going to go relieve Dad Ross until Jacob gets there."

I nodded, "I'll relieve Jacob in the morning so the rest of you can get some rest.  Would someone please relieve me about two, because I have to pick up a client at the airport at 3:45?  Now come on everybody, we ate, so the least we can do is clean the kitchen for Grandma Rosa since she cooked us a great meal."

After the kitchen was clean and we had made a meal for Grandpa Ross, I called out, "All of those people who are going to the basketball game need to be assembled in the kitchen in ten minutes after they go to the bathroom and brush their teeth."

We watched as David disappeared before anyone else could move.  Hank looked at me, You're corrupting our grandson.  We'll meet those of you who wish to join us, in the kitchen as the boss directed."

When Hank and I returned from his bathroom, I was surprised to see that even Wayne and Justin were waiting as were Chase, Chris, Tim, Tad, and of course David.  Wayne looked at me, "Lead us to the massacre, Boss."

When we got to the school gymnasium, it was nearly full and we had a difficult time trying to find a place where we could all sit together.  We finally found a place but it was near the top of the bleachers and David had to sit on my lap.

When the game started, Kevin and Jacob were playing in the guard positions.  Our team was playing like a well coached team and had the other team looking as if they were at a complete loss as to how to stop us.  Jacob had scored ten points and Kevin had scored 12 when the first half ended.  I was watching Jacob and he was looking rather tired. 

David announced that he had to go to the bathroom so Tad took him to the bathroom.  I leaned over to Cowboy and whispered, "I'm going to be so bruised that I won't be able to do anything in bed for several weeks.  David has been jumping up and down every time either of the guys scores a basket."

Hank looked at me and whispered, "We'll check on your physical apparatus when we get home tonight."

When the team came out for the second half, David looked up at us, "Jacob looks tired.  Is he okay."

I looked and Jacob did look tired.  The second half started and the opposing team was using an entirely different game plan.  They were trying to wear our team down.  It was about half way through the half when Jaob called time out and talked to the coach and the coach put another player in.  The teams went back and forth and with about ten seconds left the opposing teams grabbed a rebound and scored an layup shot and were up by two points.

Our coach called a time out and when the team returned to the floor, Kevin was inbounding and Jacob was standing just behind the half court line.  Kevin threw the ball to Jacob and an opposing player was all over him harassing him.  He turned around threw up a shot.  The buzzer sounded as the ball was in the air and there wasn't a sound in the bleachers as the ball swished through the net without even touching the backboard.

The bleachers erupted and the team mugged Jacob.  David looked at me, "Why is everyone beating up on Uncle Jacob?"

I pulled David close, "David, they're just celebrating their win.  They aren't hurting him. Let's go talk to him and make sure he is okay."

When we got to the floor, Kevin was helping Jacob up.  David ran and put his arms around Jacob, "Are you okay, Uncle Jacob?"

Jake picked David up, "I'm fine, Davey.  I need to go take a shower so I can spend the night with Danny.  I told him I would be there after the game so I could tell him about it."

Unbeknowst to us, Doctor Harrison had joined us, "Jacob, why in the world were you even playing tonight.  You're body is in a weakened state after what you have been through.  I'm surprised that you could even lift the basketball."

Jacob being his normal self, "My mind wouldn't admit that I shouldn't play.  Now if everyone will excuse me, I need to go relieve whoever is on duty and stay with Danny tonight."

I hugged Jacob, "Son, you are really special.  Do you want someone to drive you to hospital?"

He shook his head no, "I'll be fine after I take a shower."

After Jacob departed, I looked at Kevin, "Kev, please make sure he gets to the hospital tonight.  I'm going to take his car home and I'll return it in the morning when I relieve him.  Tell him that our car broke down or something."

Hank shook his head no, "Kevin, tell him the truth that we were worried about him driving and wanted to make sure he was safe."

David looked at Kevin, "Are you going to come home so you can sleep with me"

Kevin laughed, "Dude, I gotta be there to make sure you don't wet the bed."

David frowned, "Uncle Kevin, that was mean.  Maybe I'll sleep with Uncle Tad instead."

When we got to the ranch, the house was quiet, I hugged David, "Why don't you get ready for bed and crawl in Grandpa Hank's bed until Uncle Kevin gets home.  That way you won't be lonely.  We'll be up as soon as we get the rest of these bums put to bed.

The others except Kevin were seated at the table.  I looked at them, "I think it is only fair that you know what is happening.  Jacob has been taking shots so that he can provide Danny with the blood platelets that Danny's system needs to combat the cancer that Danny has.  They are going to do the transfer on Monday, so we are going to need everyone's help to get everything done that is scheduled to be done."

"Cowboy will be talking to you in the morning because I am going to be relieving Jacob.  We can't expect him to be at the hospital 24/7.  He needs time to enjoy the fresh air or he might become sick.  Justin and Wayne, please see that Chris is ready to take his driver's test as soon as possible.  It is imperative that everyone who can, be able to drive.  Tad is legally too young yet, but I bet he could drive rings around me."

"I'm not only concerned about Danny and Jacob, but this is going to be an extremely difficult time for Mimi and Dusty, and most of all, David.  We need your help to ease any pain that they might be feeling.  Thanks for listening.  I need to go make sure that David is okay."

When I got to the bedroom, David was asleep, so I went to take a shower and I was soon joined by Cowboy.  He wrapped his arms around me and bit my ear, "Are you trying to make me look a wimp or something?"

I turned and hugged him, "Cowboy, I know you're not a wimp.  I was just letting everyone know that I was concerned.  In fact, I'm a little upset with Jacob to think that he would endanger his health even though he is desperately trying to help Danny.  I can not imagine that there are many teenagers who would do what he is doing."

Hank hugged me, "Steve, Jacob is only doing what he is doing because you instilled in him the understanding that he needs to help his fellow man.  He and Danny have connected and probably will be best friends for life after this experience.  Let's go to bed.  We can't do anything because you invited David to sleep in our bed."
When we went into the bedroom, David wasn't in the bed.

We put on our robes and went to Kevin and Jacob's room.  Kevin was just crawling into bed.  He looked at us, "I collected my security blanket.  I wouldn't know what to do without it.  Besides I figured you old men needed some time to enjoy each other.   Goodnight, Dads.  Sleep tight." 

Editor's Notes:

  That was very sweet. Jacob needs to take better care of himself. I know he is doing his best to help Danny, but we don't want him to become ill because he has run his body into the ground.

I sure hope that Danny is able to beat that darn Cancer.  He is a really special boy and doesn't deserve to suffer so much. This is one heck of a wonderful story.

Darryl AKA The Radio Rancher