The Michaels' Family: Book One - We Saw Daddy Kissing Santa Claus

Chapter Twenty Seven: Meet Mr. Farway

I think that both Cowboy and I realized how exhausted we were when we finally climbed into bed.  We were both content to just cuddle and kiss a little.  Hank looked at me, "Stevie, we need to slow the world down so we aren't always running on empty.  We can't keep collecting sons.  First I had none and now I have six plus two grandsons.  I'll be broke just keeping them in food."

I started to laugh, "Tell you what we're gonna do, Cowboy.  We'll put them out to pasture as soon as the grass gets green and they can fight the horses for the best morsels of grass."

Cowboy pushed me down on the bed, "Stevie, just wait until I tell the guys what you said.  Now hold me and never let me go."

The alarm sounded the next morning and I tried to shut it off before it could wake Hank.  After I had shut the blasted thing off, I looked to see where Hank was and he wasn't in bed.  I immediately looked at his office and there was a light coming from under the door, so I guessed that he must have felt inspired to create.  I found myself thinking, 'When does this man sleep?'

I went and tapped on the door which was not completely closed, "Little Cowboy, Little Cowboy, let me come in."

Hank turned around and glared at me, "Only if you brought my breakfast treat.  Let me wrap up here.  I'll have to have Kevin and Jacob check out this game to see if they think it will sell.  Let's take a shower and we can go have some breakfast before you go relieve Jacob.  I need to take care of some ranch business this morning.  I'll come pick you up when you are relieved today in the Towncar so we can pick up your mysterious Mr. Farway.  I want to be able to practice with Kevin and Chris for the services tomorrow.  I just wish Jacob could be there too.  Now give me a kiss, my kissing fool."

I sat down on his lap and hugged him and kissed him.  I felt a stirring underneath where I was sitting.  I looked at Hank, "Cowboy, you need to keep that monster of yours under control until we go to bed tonight.  I should be well rested from sitting with Danny this morning."

We took a shower and dressed and were eating breakfast before anyone else surfaced.  Kevin came in just before I was leaving, "Dad, I'll relieve you today.  We guys are going to go paint Mr. Ross and Miss Rosa's apartment at the other ranch today.  We'll get the things that we need from the other house tomorrow after church.  Where should we take the things that we don't want in storage, Mr. Rodgers?"

"That question got a rise from Hank, "Look Mr. Michaels, if you call me Mr. Rodgers one more time, I will make sure your father suffers until you repent.  You have access to any place in the house on the hill or here on this ranch.  Kev, please call me anything but Mr. Rodgers."

Our discussion was interrupted by the arrival of David, "Hi Grandpa and Poppa.  Can I go see Danny, please?"

I reacted immediately, "David, I think you need to stay here and make sure the teenagers are doing what they are supposed to be doing.  I'll tell you what I'll do.  I'll give you my cell phone, and I will have Danny call you.  Make sure you carry it with you wherever you go so you can talk to him if he feels good enough to call."

David looked at me and then at the cell phone, "Poppa, I don't know how to use this thing."

Kevin saved the day, "David, I'll show you how to use it after Dad leaves to go stay with Danny.  Once you know how to use it, we'll have your Grandpa get you and Danny one of your own. That way, if you have an accident, you will be able to call and tell someone."

Hank looked at me and raised his eyebrows.  I just shrugged my shoulders and pretended as if to say I didn't understand what was happening.  I stood and took my dishes to the sink and Kevin informed me that he would take care of them.  Hank followed me to Jacob's car.  He hugged me and whispered, "Steve, where have you and your sons been all of my life?"

I kissed him on the lips and I didn't care who saw what I was doing.  "Hank, we were in the right place at the right time so I guess we will just have to say it was predestined that we should meet.  You make sure that nothing happens to anyone while I'm gone.  Love you."

When I got to the hospital and had changed into my scrubs, both of our guys were still sleeping.  I went and sat on Jacob's bed, "Son, I'm here to relieve you."

He sat up, "Is it morning already.  Danny had a good night.  I think they gave him a sedative because he has been zonked."

I hugged Jake, "Son, are you okay?  Doctor Harrison was concerned that you might have overdone it last night."

Jacob hugged me, "Dad, I'm okay.  I feel so much better after a good night's sleep."

Danny woke up and looked around, "Hi, Poppa."

Jacob went to sit on Danny's bed, "Okay, Super Hero, I'm going to leave now.  You make sure that you take care of my Dad and don't let him get into any trouble.  I'll see you tonight."

Danny sat up.  He hugged Jacob, "Don't worry Uncle Jacob, I'll make sure that he behaves himself.  Thanks for spending the night with me."

Tears started to come to my eyes as I watched the interaction between the two.  Danny obviously adored Jacob.  I had to do something, "Jacob, the keys to your car are on the shelf in locker number two with my clothes.  Danny and I need to call David.  David wants to talk to Danny."

That was all that it took to divert Danny's attention away from the fact that Jacob was leaving.  I put the phone beside Danny and had him call the number for my cell phone.  It was obvious that David had answered because of the way the conversation was going.

When Danny hung up he looked at me, "Poppa, thank you for giving David your cell phone so I could talk to him.  I feel much better now that I can talk to him when I'm feeling good.  David said that Uncle Jacob looked very tired at the game last night, but he threw up the ball and it went through the net without any noise."

Breakfast arrived and Danny was trying to eat it, but he looked at me, "Poppa, I want to go home and have some good food.  This stuff is yucky."

I sat down beside him, "Danny, they are giving you the things you need to make your body strong so that your body will be able to take the help that Jacob is going to be giving you on Monday."

I guess I spilled the beans because Danny asked, "Poppa, what kind of help is Jacob going to be giving me?"

I got myself into this mess, so now I had to figure out how to get myself out of it. I decided that the truth was the best way, so I explained that on Monday they were going to take the bone marrow platelets from Jacob's body and give them to him."

Danny got concerned, "But, Poppa, what is Jacob going to do if I take all of his platelets?"

Doctor Harrison had been standing there listening to our conversation, "Thank you for telling Danny what was going to happen.  Danny, Jacob will be fine if, and I emphasize the if, he doesn't try to overdo it.  His body will make new platelets and he will be fine. Now let me check you to see how you're doing before the nurse takes your blood today.  No, you aren't going to have another treatment today, but I want you to get plenty of rest."

As he was leaving, Doctor Harrison motioned for me to follow him to the sterile changing room.  "Steve, I'm amazed that Danny is this alert this morning.  I am also a little upset with Jacob because he did what I had advised him not to do.  He should never have played in the game last night.  Having said all that, would it be possible for my wife and me to go into the house on the hill and take some measurements?"

I looked at him, "Could we arrange for a time tomorrow?  The rest of today is rather booked since I am scheduled to be with Danny until two and don't have the keys with me.  I have to meet a client at the airport at 3:45."

"That's probably just as well, since our two boys have soccer matches this afternoon, and we try to go to them when we can."

When I returned to Danny's room, he was asleep and I thought to myself, 'I hope I didn't wear him out.'

Danny seemed to be sleeping peacefully, so I started to make a list of everything that needed to be done in the next week so Cowboy and I could make sure that we had all the bases covered.

I was busy writing when a young orderly came in and asked, "Mr. Michaels, can we bring you some lunch?"

I looked up, "No, thank you.  I'll grab a sandwich later.  Thanks for asking."

The orderly returned with a meal for Danny.  The orderly shook Danny's shoulder, "Danny, your lunch is here." 

Danny sat up and stretched.  He looked at his meal, "Why can't I just have a hotdog or a peanut butter and jelly sandwich?"

The orderly smiled, "Danny, the Doctor is trying to make sure that your body is strong for Monday."

Danny looked disgusted but he started to eat.  While he was eating, the phone rang.  I answered, "This is Danny Summers' room.  How may I help you?"

The voice came back, "This is Danny's Grandpa Hank.  May I talk to my Grandson if he's awake?"

I laughed, "Let me check to see if he has time to talk.  He's busy devouring his lunch."

Danny grabbed the phone, "Grandpa Hank, don't believe Poppa.  He exaggerates.  I'm forcing myself to eat this yucky stuff so I can be strong for Monday. … Okay, I'll tell Poppa that he has to walk home. … Tell Kevin to bring me a cheeseburger with everything on it when he comes.  Okay Grandpa, I love you, too.  See you tomorrow.  Here's Poppa."

Danny handed the phone to me, "What's up Hank?"

"Kevin and I are coming to relieve you as soon as I hang up.  In fact Kevin is leaving now.  I'll meet you in front of the hospital at the visitor's entrance and take you to lunch before we go pick up your clients.  I'll see you in about 30 minutes."

Danny looked at me, "Poppa, please make sure that Uncle Jacob is okay."

He pushed his tray that had the food on it away, and he had done a credible job.  When Kevin came into the room, I hugged Danny and I also hugged Kevin, "I'll see my handsome young men soon.  Danny, you get a lot of rest.  I'll see you tomorrow."

When I arrived at the visitor's entrance, Hank was sitting in the Towncar with a chauffeur's hat on.  He climbed out and opened the passenger's door for me and whispered, "Get your butt in here, so I can manhandle it on the way to lunch."

I figured we were going to go see Flo or The Diner on the way down the hill.  No, we went to a small delicatessen and as soon as we walked in an older lady hugged Hank, "Hank, I've been worried about you.  You haven't been in since before Christmas."

Hank hugged the lady, "Aunt Pam, I've been rather busy.  I'd like you to meet my special friend, Stephen Michaels."

Aunt Pam looked at me and asked, "Hank, just how special of a friend is this Mr. Michaels?  Are you sure he isn't after you for your few bucks?"

I could feel my face getting red. Hank only made it worse, "Nah, Aunt Pam, he's married to his Advertising Agency and he's just chasing me so I can make sure his sons grow up to be real men.  I have to teach them how to be real cowboys."

Aunt Pam looked at us and started to laugh, "Mr. Michaels, good luck with this critter here.  I've been trying to house break him for years and I ain't succeeded yet.  Now maybe you better tell me about these sons of yours."

Hank didn't give me a chance to answer, "Aunt Pam, we actually have six sons now.  Stevie brought his two sons with him, and Bill died and we now have his two boys and we just picked up two more sons this week.  So we have two eighteen year olds, one seventeen year old, two sixteen year olds and one fifteen year old son.  Oh yeah, we also have two grandsons and are expecting three more grandchildren in June."

Aunt Pam looked at Hank, "I'm getting dizzy from just hearing about the family that you didn't have when you were in before Christmas.  I need to sit down while you tell me about it.  Rosa, bring these gentlemen the deluxe luncheon special.  They're going to need all of the energy they can get."

As we were eating, Hank explained to Aunt Pam everything that had been happening.  When he finished, she started to laugh, "Heck, Steve, I have always felt sorry for Hank because he has had to endure so much loneliness.  Now I guess I'll need to feel sorry because he doesn't have any quiet time."

I looked at the clock, "Aunt Pam, it was nice meeting you, but we need to leave because we need to go to the airport to pick up a prospective client."

As we were leaving, Aunt Pam hugged me and whispered, "Please take care of Hank.  He's a very special person and needs a lot of love.  I can hardly wait to meet all of these new sons of his."

As Hank and I were driving to the airport, I was concerned, "Hank, I haven't made any reservations for the two visitors to stay anywhere."

Hank shrugged his shoulders, "That shouldn't be your responsibility.  They are two grown men, so I would assume that they can take care of that themselves.  Let's play it by ear when we meet the two jerks.  How are we going to identify them?  I know Mr. Farway's name, but haven't the foggiest idea what he looks like."

We pulled into the short term parking area because it was already 3:35.  I looked in the glove compartment and there was a tablet with some magic markers so I quickly made a sign that would indicate that we were there to meet the Farway party.

When we walked into the terminal, we looked at the monitor the flight they were scheduled to arrive on had already landed, so we practically ran to the baggage claim area in order to be there when the Farway party exited.

We were standing in line and I was holding the piece of paper when two very distinguished looking gentlemen approached us. The older of the two looked at me, "Mr. Michaels, I'm Brent Farway.  Thanks for coming to meet us.  I would like to introduce my friend …"

I interrupted, "Mr. Farway, I recognize Mr. Phillips from some of the movies that my sons have dragged me to.  I must say he looks better in person than he does on the big screen."

I shook Mr. Farway's hand, "I'm Steve Michaels and this is my friend Hank Rodgers.  Things have been rather hectic so I haven't had time to make arrangements for your sleeping accommodations yet."

Mr. Farway spoke for the two of them, "I'm Brent Farway and this is my companion, Mr. Jeremy Phillips.  Mr. Michaels as I told you on the phone, we don't need a fancy place to crash."

As we were walking to the car which wasn't very far away, Hank caught me off guard, "Mr. Farway and Mr. Phillips, would you have a problem with staying in a private residence while you are here."

Mr. Phillips laughed, "Who would want two old men in their house?"

We arrived at the car and Hank put the luggage in the trunk.  "Stevie, you drive.  I need to make some phone calls."

I climbed into the driver's seat and paid the parking fee, "Hank, where am I going?"

Hank winked at me, "Head for the house on the hill.  We'll get Mr. Farway and Mr. Phillips checked in and then we'll take them to the ranch for dinner."

Hank turned to Mr. Farway, "Brent, I have to ask you a very personal question, and I ask that you answer honestly."

I had no idea what the question was going to be.

"Brent, do you happen to have a heart shaped mole on the base of your penis?"

I looked in the rear view mirror and both Brent and Jeremy had this funny look on their faces.  Jeremy looked at Brent, "Hank, are you saying that you had an affair with Brent or something?  How could you possibly have known that?"

Hank looked at me, "It was a lucky guess.  I was a virgin until just before Christmas when Stevie seduced me."

Hank had just finished telling the visitors how we met when we pulled into the driveway of the house on the hill.  He got out and opened the door of the garage since the Towncar didn't have a remote control in it.

I pulled into the garage and Hank took the guys bags from the trunk and led us to a guest bedroom.  Hank took control, "We don't have time to mess around right now.  Do you have anything suitable packed to wear to a ranch?"

Brent looked at Hank as if he had lost a screw, "Why would we bring things to go to a ranch?  We came to take care of some business arrangements."

Hank was relentless, "Get undressed, I'll go get you some proper clothes.  Steve, you make sure they don't mess around while I'm gone."

After Hank departed, Brent looked at me, "Mr. Michaels, is Mr. Rodgers weird or something?"

I shook my head no, "Hank, picked up on something that I should have detected, also.  Please do as he asks and I don't think you will be sorry.  I haven't known Cowboy long enough to know exactly what he is thinking.  He owns this house so he can't be too out of touch with reality."

Hank returned with two pair of jeans and two western shirts, "Here, put these on so you aren't out of place at dinner.  Move it.  Steve and I will be waiting in the kitchen.  Dinner will be ready in an hour."

When we were in the kitchen, I hugged Hank, "Cowboy, what are you planning for tonight?"

"Wait and see, Stevie."

Editor's Notes:

Well this was quite an interesting turn of events, wasn't it?  Is it my imagination or did Brent have that Farway look in his eye?

Just what do you suppose Hank has in mind?  I think there is going to be a very interesting meeting coming up.

From what I could tell, Danny seems to be doing better.  He sure seemed to be in better spirits when Steve got there in the morning. 

The next chapter is probably going to be very exciting.  I can hardly wait to see what happens next. I sure hope we get to see it soon.

Darryl AKA The Radio Rancher