You Ain't Santa

Chapter Fourteen: He Might Get Scared

When Dan and I arrived in the bedroom, we were greeted by quite a sight.  Nathan was holding Ryan in his arms, "Ryan, I'm sure that the Dads will let us sleep in the same room.  We need to go to sleep."

I sat down on the bed, "Ryan, I said we would talk more about where people would sleep, tomorrow.  Now why are you gentlemen not ready for bed yet?"

Ryan came and put his hands on my thighs, "Daddy, if I don't sleep with Nathan, he's gonna be afraid.  We've gotta sleep together!"

"Ryan, it is up to you and Nathan as to where and how you sleep, and no one needs to know.  Now, we would like very much for you two young men to get ready for bed.  I have the distinct feeling that tomorrow is going to be a very busy day."

Ryan hugged me, "Guess I worry too much, huh?"

I wanted to laugh but I somehow maintained my composure, "Son, I'd be worried about Nathan too."

I looked at Nathan and he stuck his tongue out at me.

Dan and I tucked the boys into one futon and went to get ready for bed.  I had some things that I wanted to talk to Dan about, but with the boys so close, I decided to wait until tomorrow.  I was having a very difficult time trying to go to sleep and I could feel Dan tossing and turning.  As soon as I heard the boys start to quietly snore, I touched Dan and whispered, "Dan, are you still awake?"

He turned to me and whispered, "Yep, how can I sleep after everything that has happened today?  I have a million questions running around in my head.  I guess that's the price you pay for being a parent of some rich kids."

"Dan, maybe we can get some answers tomorrow.  I just don't see how we can afford Belle Monte and all the amenities that it has.  Nathan and Ryan are still too young to be impressed by money.  What are we going to do with all the things we have in the condo?  There certainly isn't room at Belle Monte for much more furniture."

"Kirkie, we'll just have to see what the morrow brings.  Let's get some sleep.  I can't wait until we have our bedroom back."

I started moving my hand into Dan's shorts, "I guess you must feel the need to get into my pants too, huh?"

"Yep, I gotta check to see if there has any much needed growth lately. I need to practice on you so I don't get in trouble for molesting the patients."

"Dan, if you get in trouble for molesting the patients, I'll cut you off."

"Kirkie, you wouldn't do that to poor little ol' me, would you?"

I couldn't help myself, "Danny, I don't know about the poor bit, but I can attest the little part.  I can swear to that in court."

Dan pushed me away, "For that, I'm not talking to you until you apologize.  You're the meanest, most inconsiderate, evil person I know, but I love you anyway.  Now let's get a couple of hours of sleep."

I felt as if I had just fallen asleep when I was being shaken by someone.  "Daddy, get up.  Me and Nathan want to know what we are going to do today.  What do you want us to wear?"

I rolled over and grabbed him, "If you will be patient, Master Ryan, your other Dad and I will change your and Nathan's diapers and then we will decide which kind of dresses to put on you."

Ryan punched me, "Daddy, that's mean."

Nathan added his two cents, "Come on, Ryan, we'll put on some clean clothes and go call Judge Winston and tell him we've changed our minds and need some new Dads."

The four of us took showers.  It was a might crowded with four bodies in the shower.  After we were dressed in jeans and sweat shirts, we went to start breakfast.  The boys asked if we could have French toast and bacon again.  That was easy enough since I could fix it as people arrived.  Dan and the guys set the table and poured the juice so everything was ready.

It was like magic; as soon as I started to cook the bacon, the people started to appear.  The two mothers appeared in their robes wanting to know what they could do to help.

Nathan assured them, "Dad Santa has everything under control.  Why don't you sit down and Dad Dan will bring you your coffee.  It looks as if breakfast will be ready shortly."

I handed each of the boys a plate and they served their grandmothers, without us telling them to serve the grandmothers first.  They came back and were going to the table with the second set of plates when my Dad came in.

Nathan put the plate he was carrying in front of my Dad.  "I'll get your coffee for you Granddad.  Nathan had just delivered the coffee when Mr. Thornton came, "I'm sorry, I'm late; but I had no idea what to wear."

Ryan started talking with his mouth full, "That's okay Grandpa, me and Nathan didn't know neither."

I watched to see if anyone would reprimand Ryan for talking with his mouth full, but oddly enough, no one did.  Ryan was the first person finished eating.  I smiled as he wiped his face on his sleeve, "That was good, Daddy."

"Ryan, if you're finished, why don't you take your plate and utensils to the counter and go see if the paper is at the front door, yet.  It should be here by now."

"Okay Daddy."

When he came back, he not only was carrying the paper but also a box.  He handed me a note.  "Daddy, read the note please."

I started to read, "Misters, please take care of the kittens.  My Dad says he is going to take them and dump them off in the country.  Please, you gotta save them.  The wild animles will kill them.  It's not there fault that they was boarn.  Please help them, Teddy."

Nathan jumped out his chair, "Let me see them."

Ryan put the box on the floor, and the boys opened the lid and there were two tiny little kittens inside.  They started to meow as soon as the boys opened the lid.  Nathan looked at us, "I think they're hungry; we gotta feed them."

My Dad cautioned, "Boys, don't pick them up.  We need to take them to a veterinarian and have them checked out before you start to play with them.  Let's get them some milk.  We should probably warm it a bit."

The boys were helping Dad get the milk.  Dad pulled out a shallow saucer and poured milk into it and zapped it in the microwave.  "Here put this into the box and see what the kittens do.  Let's hope they're old enough to eat by themselves."

Everyone watched as the two kittens sniffed the saucer.  The kittens must have been really hungry because they started to lap the milk and they were on the saucer before they finished the milk.  Dad looked at Dan and me, "We need to take the kittens to be checked."

I shrugged my shoulders, "Dad, we know nothing about vets."

The conversation was interrupted by the phone.  I kept thinking that it might be the hospital calling to say that Dan was needed.  "This is Kirk Richter."

"Hi Kirk, it's Bruce.  I just spoke with Ike Lassiter and he can see us at ten.  Is that a problem?"

"No, that shouldn't be a problem.  Dan and I will meet you then, but where are we going to meet you?" 

Bruce laughed, " I guess it would help to know where to go.  Ike is located at the main office of the Conservative National Bank."

"Bruce, since you have animals on the property, do you happen to know a good veterinarian in the area?  We seem to have had two little kittens deposited on our front porch this morning."

"Kirk, I'll put Vince on, since he's sitting next to me.  That's his area of expertise since he is or was a registered veterinarian technician.  He can probably direct you to someone."

"This is Vince.  How can I help you?"

"Vince, this is Kirk Richter.  Your new bosses just became the owners of two kittens.  They were left on our front porch this morning.  Where would you recommend that we take them to be checked out?"

"Kirk, call the Papio Vet Clinic, and ask to see Kathy Mansfield.  She is especially good with felines.  She'll make sure the kittens are fine.  The number is 676-2929."

"Thanks Vince, we'll probably see you later today."

I called the number and the person who answered asked, "Who is the appointment for?"

"It's for Nathan and Ryan Holloway and their two cats."

"Have the cats been seen here at the clinic before?"

"No, they were left on our doorstep, this morning, Vince Simmons recommended that we call Dr. Mansfield."

The voice came, "If Vince recommended you, I'm sure that Dr. Mansfield will have time to see you.  Please hold, sir.  I'll be right back.

The phone started to play irritating music.  The voice came back on, "Dr. Mansfield will be able to see you at 10:00 this morning.  Can you be here by then?"

"Miss, I have no idea where here is."

"I'm sorry, sir.  The clinic is located at corner of Harrison and 78th Street."

"Thank you ma'am, we'll have the kittens and their owners there.  That's very close to where we live."

I gave Dad the directions to the clinic and Dan and I went to do a quick change of clothes as did Dad Thornton.  We arrived at the bank at exactly ten o'clock and Bruce was waiting for us as we walked in.

He led us to a receptionist who looked up, "Good morning, Mr. Holloway, Mr. Lassiter is expecting you.  Please go right on in.  He's on the phone, but he'll be with you momentarily.  May I offer you gentlemen anything to drink or eat?"

Dad Thornton was the only taker for a cup of coffee.  When we entered, a gentleman was standing, talking on the phone.  He motioned for us to sit at the table which had a number of legal looking documents on it.

When the gentleman hung up, he joined us and Bruce introduced the gentlemen, "This is Mr. Ike Lassiter, the money guru who is handling your sons' accounts.  Ike, you already know Counselor Don Thorton.  The gentleman on my left is Dr. Kirk Richter, one of them teacher people at the university.  He is legally Nathan's and Ryan's  father."

I shook Mr. Lassiter's hand and Bruce continued,  "The gentleman on the left of Kirk is Doctor Dan Thornton,  He just happens to be Don's son.  He has been assigned as a co-executor of the two boys estates.  He's one of those doctor people, who make sure people don't have contagious social diseases."

After the introductions were completed, Mr. Lassiter looked at us with a funny look, "The boys stopped by yesterday when they were in town.  They were excited that they were going to get to meet their new bosses."

Bruce laughed, "Guys, Alex is Ike's stepson.  Ike worries about him and can't understand why Luke is content to work on a rinky dink farm, for next to nothing, rather going to school full time.  Ike, Luke tells me he is going to get his degree in May.  He and Vince just enjoy being with each other as much as possible.  Look at what Vince gave up.  He gave up the opportunity to go to Veterinarian Medical School at Iowa State, so he could be with Alex."

Ike shrugged, "What's a father to do?  Why don't we get on with the paperwork.  I have prepared copies of all of the accounts that are in the boys' names.  I thought it might be best for you two gentlemen to go over them at your leisure.  I will be glad to explain anything as  best as I can, when you have questions.  Will you still be maintaining, Mr. McTavish as the person responsible for the day to day finances of the plantations' operations.?  Also, will you be continuing to retain Mr. Fort as your accountant?  I highly recommend that that you do so.  They are both doing an excellent job."

After the we had been given a stack o financial statements, Mr. Lassiter handed us some forms to sign,  "Gentlemen, these forms merely acknowledge that the two of you are now legal guardians of Nathan's and Ryan's estates until they reach the age of 21.  Bruce, I believe that it's what you asked to have happen today."

"Ike, I'm afraid we have overwhelmed the two new Dads.  I think the least you could do is to take us to lunch.  What do you have to lose?  You charge it to the bank as a business lunch, and me and the boys will wind up paying for the lunch anyway.  Why don't we take these gentlemen to the Rose of Sharon so they can meet the owner?"

I think Dad Thornton was as overwhelmed as Dan and I were by everything that was happening.  While we were following the Holloway's van to the restaurant, Dan pulled out his cell phone and called the house, to tell them that we wouldn't be home for lunch.

"Hi, this is Dan, we're having lunch with the boys' banker. … So Dad Richter has kidnapped them? … You ladies are going shopping, because you're bored.  I guess we'll see you when get back."

I looked at Dan, "Where are the boys?"

"Your mother said that your Dad called and he and the boys were going to eat out.  He said that they had some shopping to do, before they could bring the kittens home."

When we arrived at the restaurant, it was a little upscale.  Not someplace that Dan and I would usually go, especially for lunch.  The valets took our vehicles and I leaned over to Dan, "This place is going to cost us an arm and a leg."

We were met at the reception desk, "Good afternoon, gentlemen, do you have a reservation?  I don't see any reservations under the name of Holloway or Lassiter.  I guess you mist be freeloading on these gentlemen today.  Gentlemen, what name is the reservation under?"

Dan, Dad Thornton and I were completely baffled by what was going on.  "Look, Sharon, you'd better take good care of these gentlemen, they're the fathers of you son's new bosses."

Sharon stopped, "What new bosses?  I thought you, Master Holloway, were the owner of Belle Monte.  What'd you do sell the property?  How come the guys didn't tell me anything about this yesterday when I saw them?"

Bruce was enjoying the encounter, "The guys said you threw them out because you had a big date."

"Well I did.  I received the humanitarian award for helping underprivileged children at the homeless shelter.  But that's no excuse."

Bruce snickered, "If it will make you feel better, the guys didn't know about their new bosses until they got to the rinky dink farm, last night.  Now do you suppose we could get some of the crap that you serve here as food, to get us through the afternoon."

Sharon turned around, "Chad, please take these people to table ten and make sure they get the prisoners' special.  They'll probably walk out without paying, and don't expect a tip from them.  They look a little shifty to me."

Chad was very proper as he escorted us to a table that looked out on the terrace.  There were six of us now since George had joined us.  Chad showed no emotion as he said, "Gentlemen, I'll be right back with the prisoners' special so we can get you out of here as fast as possible."

He returned with six glasses of water and a plate with a tooth pick on it.  "Enjoy, gentlemen."

He left and returned with six bowls of soup and two baskets of bread and announced, "We had this left over gruel from before Christmas, and this stale bread.  We need for you to help us get rid of it before the rats eat it."

Needless to say, the soup and the warm baked bread were absolutely scrumptious.  He returned with six huge salads with everything imaginable on them.  There were hard boiled eggs, slivers of ham, turkey and roast beef as well as some grated cheddar cheese and crumbles of blue cheese on it as well as some pieces of freshly cooked bacon on top."

He took our soup bowls away as he set the salads in front of us.  He announced as he was putting a server with different salad dressings in front of us, "I noticed that the six of you were desperately in need of some food, to help you control your weight.  Let me know if there is anything else that I can do for you.  Gotta go, Mom is approaching."

Sharon was standing between Bruce and Ike, "Gentleman, all I ask is that you make sure that Vince isn't hurt again.  He and Alex are doing fine, but I wonder why neither of them have asked for any money.  I can't believe that Bruce has been paying them well enough to buy a new Chevette."

Editor's Notes:

Uncle Ed has certainly continued his winning streak with bringing us wonderful stories.  I already have fallen, head over heels, in love with these new people.  I am certain that this is going to be still another favourite story of mine.  I don't know how he does it, but I do know that I am glad he does.   I can hardly wait for the next chapter.

Darryl AKA The Radio Rancher