You Ain't Santa

Chapter Fifteen: The Belle Monte Express

As we were finishing the dessert of crème de brulle topped with fresh raspberries, Bruce suggested, "I'll call Belle Monte and inform them that they we'll be there for dinner.  That way you can start bringing some clothes until you can get everything sorted out.  I really would like for you and the boys to see the homestead and everything that belongs to the boys."

"The boys' father left everything to Nathan and Ryan with the stipulation that I be allowed to live there as long as it was acceptable to all parties.  Because I have a very difficult time moving about in winter conditions, I have chosen to make my primary residence in Phoenix. I had planned to spend only a limited amount of time here.  However, now that I have met my two nephews, that may well change."

Bruce continued, "I have established a good law practice in Phoenix as well as here.  Thank goodness, we have the internet and fax connections these days so that I can handle business in both places from either location.  I have two associates here and two in Phoenix."

I asked, "It appears to me that you wouldn't need to work if you didn't want to.  Why do you maintain offices in both Phoenix and here?"

"Kirk, I was about to shut down the office here, since I had just about given up hope of ever finding Ryan and Nathan.  I needed to keep my mind active.  It's not as if I can go play golf or tennis as many retired people do.  My options are severely limited by physical limitations."

"Now that you have found the two boys,  I will probably be spending more time here, so I can get to know them.  Thank goodness they are still young enough so that I can watch them grow up to be fine young men."

Bruce continued, "Ryan, seems to be the more insecure of the two."

I interrupted, "Actually Ryan is probably the more intelligent and manipulative of the two.  Last night we were talking about sleeping arrangements when we move to Belle Monte and Ryan claimed that it was Nathan who might be afraid to sleep by himself.  Nathan is very protective of Ryan, perhaps almost overly so."

The conversation was interrupted by the arrival of Sharon, "Bruce, would you see if you can find out how Vince and Alex are making enough money to buy that fancy car.  I sure as hell hope they are not into the drug or prostitution scenes."

Bruce chuckled, "I think we'll turn that task over to Kirk and Dan. We'll let them be the private detectives, since they will be Vince and Alex' bosses."

Dan glared, "Gee, thanks, Bruce.  Now our sons' uncle is telling us what to do."

Sharon had departed and Bruce added, "Guys, I happen to know how the guys make the extra money and they are doing nothing illegal.  I think that you two will be better able to convince them to level with their parents better than I can.  They think of me as a silly meddling invalid.  Ike, before you say anything, I promised the guys that I wouldn't tell anyone what they were doing to make money.  I have tried for a year to get them to tell you."

As we were walking to our cars, Bruce reminded us, "We'll see you at the farm as soon as you can round everyone up."

When Dad Stanton, Dan and I arrived at the house, I announced, "We've been invited to Belle Monte for dinner."

Ryan looked up at me, "Dad, these kittens don't listen very well.  They won't stay in their own bed.  They think they need to be in the same bed."

Dan and I started to laugh, and Dan asked, "So are you telling us that they are acting just like you and Nathan."

Ryan was stymied for a minute.  "Dads, this is different.  They're cats and Nate and I are people."

Both Dads were almost in hysterics.  I decided to take charge, "Where are the kittens going to sleep.  We can't have them running around the house when we're not here until they are potty trained and declawed especially when we move to your house.  They could ruin the beautiful furniture that's in the house with their claws."

Nate obviously had been doing some thinking, "Dads, if we moved to Belle Monte, you're still going to be our Dads, aren't you."

Dad Thornton answered, "Judge Winston said you were the sons of your two Dads.  They will always be your Dads, unless you divorce them."

Both boys looked at Dad Thornton and Nate asked, "What do you mean, unless we divorce them?"

My Dad answered, "That means that if your Dads do something that makes you mad, then you can hire a lawyer and have a judge unadopt you.  But then they would not be able to adopt you again."

Ryan had tears in his eyes, "Our Dads can't unadopt us can they?"

Dad Thornton answered, "It has happened before, so I guess they could, if you made them really angry."

The guys both jumped up and hugged Dan and me, "Dads, we'll be real good.  Please don't unadopt us!"

Fortunately the two Mothers picked that minute to return home.  My Mother explained, "We needed to get some jeans so we can go to Belle Monte and walk with the animals.  We heard that jeans were the proper clothes to wear there."

I looked up at the two mothers, "Well, you got them just in time, since we're going to leave for Belle Monte as soon as the boys put the kittens and all of their things in the laundry room.  We've been invited to dinner there.  We need to pack some clothes for the boys and us, just in case they go to the bathroom in their pants."

Both boys yelled, "Dad, that was mean."

We were taking the kittens and all of the paraphernalia, that my Dad decided the kittens needed, to the laundry room when Brandon and Will arrived.

Brandon watched what we were doing, "Guys, we came to see if you wanted to go bike riding?"

Dan answered, "Guys, we're getting ready to go to Belle Monte.  Why don't you go with us and perhaps you could take the guys bicycles and you can go riding there, after we see what their farm, or whatever, looks like.  We've been invited to dinner.  Since you obviously know Vince and Alex, it should be a good time.  You might want to call your parents and tell them where you will be.  You can always give them Kirk's cell phone number, since I have no idea what the phone number for Belle Monte is."

I took the guys to get a change of clothes.  Ryan asked, "Daddy, you're going to take some clothes, too, aren't you?  We don't want to stay there by ourselves and we need to come home and take care of the kittens."

I was walking on thin ice, but I answered, "Ryan, we'll take some clothes, too, but I don't know what exactly is going to happen.  You're correct, someone needs to check on the kittens.  Some or all of us will be spending the night here."

We packed a sports bag with clean clothes for the boys and I went and did likewise for Dan and me to appease the guys.  When we arrived on the first floor, Brandon took charge, "Come on guys, let's motor.  I want to see what your farm looks like.  I wonder if you have any alligators on the farm."

Our parents were laughing as the guys departed.  My Dad shook his head, "If there are alligators in these parts, global warming is worse than anyone thought."

We decided to take two vehicles since we had no idea what lay ahead; it was a good thing we did.

When we arrived at Belle Monte, we were greeted by a strange sight.  Evan and Chase were showing Nathan and Ryan where to put their bikes.  Will and Brandon were standing talking to Vince and Alex next to a strange looking vehicle.  When we exited the vehicles, Vince called, "We'll be ready for the tour as soon as Mr. Bruce and George get here."

Nathan and Ryan were running toward us and Nate was yelling, "Everybody, you gotta come see all the vehicles that we have.  There is one that is so long that it almost doesn't fit into the garage."

Bruce and George were approaching.  Vince started to ring a bell, "All aboard the Belle Monte Express.  We're about to take a tour of the Belle Monte."

The four young guys climbed aboard and we followed.  It was like something that you would find at an airport where everyone was standing holding on to the poles and rails.  When we were all abroad, a lift went down so Bruce could get on board.  When every one was situated, Vince came onto a speaker.  "We want to thank you ladies and gentlemen  for traveling with us on the tour of Belle Monte.  The first stop will be the hen houses.  Chico and Cisco are are awaiting our arrival.  They have some things that they would like to discuss with the new bosses."

When we arrived at five long houses, two men were standing outside.  When we pulled in, one of the young men stepped forward, "Welcome ladies and gentlemen.  I'm Chico and he's Cisco.  Who are our new bosses that are going to be coming to gather the eggs every morning at six o'clock and clean out the the manure so we can sleep all day?"

Bruce spoke for us, "Curtis and Craig, I'd like to introduce you to your new bosses, Nathan and Ryan.  They'll fire your butts if you keep taking like that.  Chico, I understand that you have an addition to your family."

Chico acted as if he was put out, "Yeah, the kid arrived the night before Christmas and he hasn't stopped complaining since he got home.  He wants to know why he didn't get any Christmas presents."

Ryan looked at Chico, "Well, why didn't you tell Santa that he wanted some Christmas presents?  Mr. Cisco, do you have any children?"

Craig answered, "Not yet, but our dog just had four puppies and they keep biting me."  He pulled up his pant leg and showed us some bite marks.

Nate looked at them, "Mr. Cisco, I think the puppies just need some love.  How old are they?"

I was having a hard time following where the conversation was going, but Craig answered, "They will be four weeks old tomorrow.  Why don't I bring two of them tomorrow, so they can bite you?"

Ryan shook his head no, "Mr. Cisco, me and Nate already have two kittens and the puppies would proably eat the kittens up."

Craig asked, "Why can't the kittens and the puppies be friends?  They are young enough that they could live together.  Now let's go see what you two new bosses need to take care of."

We walked into the chicken house and it was cleaner than some homes which I've been in.  Nate looked around, "Wow, this is a lot of chickens!"

Curtis, or Chico, shook his head, "Nathan, this is only the first chicken house.  There are four more.  There are approximately 200 chickens in each house.  These are the oldest and will be sent to the processing plant as soon as the chicks get a little bigger.  They will be processed and sold as roasting chickens."

Ryan looked at Craig, "Mr. Cisco, why are the chickens sitting in those boxes?"

There were four long rows of boxes.  There was an aisle between two  rows of the boxes.  Craig motioned for the boys to follow him.  "The boxes are where the hens  lay their eggs.  You will need to wear gloves when you collect the eggs.  The chickens tend to get mean when you take their eggs.  I'll show you how it's done."

He put on a pair of gloves and reached under the chicken and pulled out two eggs.  He handed them to Ryan,  "Now you need to take them and wash them."

Ryan was totally confused, "Where do I gotta to wash them?"

Criag laughed, "Put them in the basket on the cart over there, for now."

Cisco and Chico showed us through the rest of the chicken facility and all of us were overwhelmed.  Mr. Thornton commented, "Curtis and Craig, surely, you don't handle this entire operation with just the two of you?"

Curtis shook his head negatively, "We have two full time helpers, but they are both off today.  They have an apartment at the end of the processing center so they can monitor the environmental controls.  We also have two part time people who come in the mornings."

When we were back on the Belle Monte express,  we paid a similar visit to the pig operation which was just as impressive as the chicken houses.  We found out that the boys only had about 200 pigs at the present time, but that number would probably be over 1000 in about six weeks.

The next stop was the cattle operation.  The boys were the owners of two hundred head of registered Black Brangus beef cattle.  The 185 heifers would be ready to calve in about eight weeks.

As we were getting on the Belle Monte Express, Ryan looked at my Dad, "Granddad Richter, how are me and Nate going to be able to take care of all these animals?"

Dad hugged Ryan, "Son, you need to make sure that you take care of the people that are working for you, and they'll take care of the animals for you.  You need to worry about going to school and keeping your Dads out of trouble."

Vince started the B.M. Express, "Ladies and gentlemen, we have one more stop before dinner."

We started toward a hill which turned out to be a small mountain.  We wound up the the side of the mountain until we arrived at a cabin like structure sitting on a plateau.  After we exited the Belle Monte Express, Vince helped George carry Bruce and his wheel chair to the porch.  

Bruce had the boys stand beside him, "Nathan and Ryan, everything that you see before you, is all yours.  This is the reason we called the farm Belle Monte."

The boys were looking around and Nate said, "Our farm is pretty big, isn't it?"

Bruce grinned, "I guess you might say so.  It has almost 2500 acres."

Ryan turned around, "Uncle Brandon and Uncle Will, can we plant the Santa tree here, next to the house so we can see it from the big house when it's lit next year?"

Brandon picked Ryan up, "I don't know why not?"

Bruce suggested, "Why don't we go inside.  This was your Dad's and my favorite place to be.  It's been too hard for me to come here, since he's gone."

When we went inside the cabin, it was one big open area on the first floor with well defined areas.  My Mother commented, "I could live here very easily.  Just think, there are very few corners to clean."

Dad Thornton added, "That stone fireplace looks great.  Does it work?"

Evan answered, "It works.  We had a big Christmas right over there.  Come on, guys, let me show you our rooms."

Evan led Ryan, Chase and Nathan up the steps.  Ryan appeared shortly leaning over the balcony that looked down upon where the rest of us were seated, "Dads, I'm not sleeping in a crib!"

Bruce laughed, "Don't worry, Ryan.  We'll take care of that problem tomorrow."

The conversation was interrupted by Vince's pager, "This is base calling the Belle Monte Express.  It's time to return to base.  Dinner will be served in thirty minutes whether you're here or not.  Over and out."

Editor's Notes: 

Wow, that is quite a spread, the boys own, isn't it?  I think it is possible that they are going to have to learn to take some responsibility.  There are a lot of people and animals who will be depending on them, and they will need to take all this very seriously, at least part of the time.  They still will need to be allowed to be kids, though. I kinda think that the boys' dads will be taking on quite a bit of that responsibility.  I sure was happy to have a new chapter in my mailbox.  Greedy as I am, though, I would actually like another one, pretty soon.

Darryl AKA The Radio Rancher