The Michaels' Family: Book One - We Saw Daddy Kissing Santa Claus

Chapter Forty Four: Another Orphan

At eleven fifteen, I finished the calls that needed to be taken care of and went into the reception area, "Cynthia, I'm going to take your assistant to get his driver's license. We'll see you after lunch. You and Dusty can figure out the lunch schedule."

As we were driving to the court house, Chris started to complain, "Mr. Michaels, I feel funny about driving a Towncar to take my driver's test. The person giving me the test will think that I'm a rich kid."

"Tell the person that you're my chauffeur."

Chris started to laugh, "I'm sure the person will believe that, seeing as to how I don't have a driver's license."

Chris took the eye exam and computerized written exam. The young lady behind the counter handed him a number, "One of the testing officers will be with you shortly."

We were sitting in the waiting area and Chris' legs were going up and down a mile a minute, "Chris, relax. You'll do fine."

A young female state patrolman came into the area, "Mr. Chris Farway."

Chris stood and the Officer looked at me, "Uncle Steve, what are you doing here?"

"Hi Beth, I'm here to get my chauffeur his driver's license."

Beth pulled out a pencil, "Minus ten points for being Uncle Steve's chauffeur. You're already in the hole, Mr. Farway. Let's get this ordeal over."

I watched as Beth and Chris left for the car. It was about 20 minutes later when Beth and Chris returned. They were both laughing. That was a good sign. Beth handed Chris something and said, "Good luck, Chris, I'm sure I'll be seeing you around. Miss Oakes, you're my next victim."

We went to the area where they were taking the pictures and laminating the licenses and Chris got a funny look on his face when the person at the desk told him what the cost would be. I handed him my wallet, "Here's your wallet, Chris. I'll meet you at the car. I need to go to the bathroom."

When Chris arrived at the car, he reprimanded me, "Poppa Steve, you didn't have to do what you did in there. You could have said, 'Here's the money.'"

"Gee, I've been promoted to Poppa Steve from Mr. Michaels. How come it's Daddy Hank and Poppa Steve?"

"Mr. Michaels, you already have two wonderful sons. What would they think if I would call you Daddy Steve?"

"Probably nothing. Now drive us to the Bread Basket while I catch a couple of winks. I need to catch up on my beauty sleep after last night."

Chris quipped, "Mr. Michaels, I'm afraid you have already lost that battle."

"Mr. Farway, you're going to be joining the unemployment line with talk like that."

"My Daddy taught me to never lie."

"Wait a minute, which Daddy?"

"You pick one. It could be Daddy Hank or Daddy Poppa."

"Okay, smartass."

We were climbing out of the car at the restaurant and we saw Hank walking toward the restaurant with an infant carrier. Chris asked, "What is Mr. Rodgers doing with an infant?"

"Beats me."

Chris and I were the last people to be seated at the table. Hank was there with the infant, as well as Brent, Jeremy and Elaine Graham.

Everyone was looking at Hank, waiting for an explanation, he looked around, "So Chris, did you pass your driver's test?"

"Yes, Mr. Rodgers, but that is not what everyone wants to hear about. Why are you walking around with an infant?"

"You mean Cameron, I guess. I just got back from the Medical Center with him. Mrs. Watson was taking Tammy and Lindsey to buy them some clothes. After lunch, I need to go buy some things, so we can keep Cameron at our house until Mrs. Graham helps us to do what we want done with the Young's three children."

I was thinking, 'I only know about two children.'

Elaine objected, "How am I involved all of a sudden?"

Hank was relentless, "Because, no one knew much about the Youngs. When we talked to Lindsey and Tammy, they said they have moved four times in three years and they kept changing their names. Chief Hanratty and the people, who were investigating the site, suspect arson in the Youngs' house burning down."

Hank looked around, "The girls said that they're brother, Cameron was born on Christmas day. Mr. and Mrs. Watson pleaded that they were too old to look after an infant, so we're taking him home to live with us, until Elaine gets this mess straightened out."

The discussion was interrupted by the arrival of someone I didn't know. He looked at Flo, "Why the hell can't I access any of the money accounts. I need to have money to pay my escort for this glorious weekend."

Hank stood, "Mr. Lambert, I have an injunction that forbids you from ever stepping foot in this establishment again. These witnesses will attest that I served you with the injunction. Two of us here at the table were present at the audit of the books for the restaurant. I will be filing charges to have you arrested for grand theft and larceny, unless you sign over your share of the restaurant to Mrs. Baker immediately."

Lambert started to laugh, "Yeah, I'm sure you got the old hag's husband to sign the injunction. There is no way in hell that I'm going to sign over my share of this restaurant to her."

"As a matter of fact, Mr. Lambert, Judge Baker did not sign the injunction. Another judge with whom you have dealt in the past and who holds you in very low regard signed it. Now, I suggest that you sign this agreement or I'm calling the sheriff's office."

A strange voice said, "Sign it, you idiot."

"Alice, what are you doing here?"

"Sign the document and we'll talk."

Mr. Lambert signed the document and threw it at Flo, "There, I hope you're satisfied."

The Alice person turned to Hank, "Mr. Rodgers, do you have some papers for me?"

"Yes, Mrs. Lambert, Judge Coleman gladly signed them."

"Mr. Rodgers, would you please explain the papers to the gentleman. I really don't wish to speak to him."

"Certainly, Mrs. Lambert, did you do as I suggested?"

"Yes, all locks and key pads have been changed. All checking and savings accounts have been changed and all credit cards have been canceled. The jerk's personal things are on the curb in front of the house, as we speak. They are scheduled to be picked up by the Salvation Army at four o'clock."

Hank handed Mr. Lambert, the two documents, "Mr. Lambert, the first is an injunction against you trying to contact your soon to be ex-wife, and the second her petition to divorce you."

Mr. Lambert was sputtering, "Rodgers, what did I ever do to you? Why are so intent on ruining me."

Chris leaned over and whispered something to Hank. Hank nodded, "Ask him."

Chris looked at Mr. Lambert's traveling companion who was presumably a lady, "Sir, are you a top or a bottom?"

The person answered, "I'm versatile. For Lambie, I'm a complete top. You're so cute that I could be a complete bottom for you. I'll bet you could ring my bell."

Chris started to laugh, "You're going to wait a long time before your bell is going to start ringing, then."

Flo interrupted, "I recognize that voice. I know you, don't I?"

The young man took his wig off, "Yes, Mrs. Baker, I work here, or should probably say, I did work here. Come on Lambie, let's get your things and you can take them to my crib."

The two gentlemen left, Flo looked at Mrs. Lambert, "Alice, sit down. I'll get everyone a piece of quiche and some fruit."

As we were eating, Chris asked, "Dad Hank, how in the world were you able to accomplish everything that you did and still do everything else you had to do?"

Hank looked up from his lunch, "Easy, I have a split personality, so I can take care of two things at the same time. Haven't you ever heard of a phone and a computer? How did you pick up on the fact that Lambert's friend was a guy?"

Chris giggled, "I don't know. It was a lucky guess, I guess. Something didn't seem right, and Mr. Lambert referred to him as an escort."

Everyone laughed. Hank added, "Steve, I think I'll be stealing your assistant office manager from you. I totally missed that one."

Cameron started to stir, and Chris picked him up. "I think the little man might need to have his diaper changed."

Hank reached into the bag he had been carrying and pulled out a diaper. Chris took the diaper and went to the bathroom. When he returned he announced, "I think Cameron might be hungry. He's trying to suck his thumb."

Hank reached into the bag again and pulled out a bottle, and we watched as Chris feed Cameron and burped him. Chris announced, "I need to get back to the office or I'll get fired. Here, Mr. Michaels, hold the Mr. Rodgers' youngest son. I guess I'll have to move to the house on the hill to make room for him."

Hank looked at Chris, "Look, dude, you take the Towncar back to the office and tell them that Stevie has been kidnapped by Mrs. Graham and me, so we can go buy the things we need for Cam. We'll stop by and pick up the car, after you drive it to the house on the hill, where you aren't staying, so that Brent and Jeremy can take you to get your new car, after Ramsey gets there."

Elaine directed us to a store where we could find the things we needed for the newest member of the clan like a crib, car seat, layette and hugh selection of clothes and things that would be needed to take care of an infant. The only thing that the we couldn't get was formula and Elaine directed us to a store where we could get the rest of the consumable things that we would need to take care of an infant.

We were on our way to Elaine's car when Hank's cell rang. "This Hank Rodgers."

"Good afternoon, Mr. Wetmore, what can I do for you? … Yes sir, both Mrs. Graham and Mr Michaels are with me as I speak, as is Cameron. … That's fine with us sir. Here, let me put Mrs. Graham on so you can talk to her."

"This is Elaine Graham. … Mr. Wetmore, do you realize what you are asking me to do? … You think this is the only way to protect the children? … You already talked to my stepfather so that everything can happen on schedule, so that I can meet the regulations of the department. … Okay, I'll be at Mr. Rodgers' spread at 7:30. … Here's Mr. Rodgers."

"This is Hank. … Who do you want to be there? … Mr. Wetmore, I'm sure that all of the parties that you named will be there. We'll see you at 7:30."

We arrived at the Bread Basket where Elaine's car was parked and she exited; we departed for the house on the hill so I could get the company car.

As we were driving, I asked, "Cowboy, what was that call with Mr. Wetmore about and why do you think that there is even a possibility that we will be able to keep Cameron?"

"Steve, it's very complicated and I don't know all of the details. It will make more sense tonight, after we meet with Mr. Wetmore. It looks as if Chris has already been here. I'll see you at the ranch."

I stopped by the office to see if there was anything that I needed to do. Cynthia was waiting for me. "Steve, a Mr. Wetmore from the U. S. Attorney's office called to talk to you. Is the company in trouble with the government. He wanted to know how to get in touch with Hank?"

"Cynthia, what Mr. Wetmore wanted to talk about has nothing to do with the company. He spoke to Hank earlier, and I am not exactly sure what it's about but we are meeting with him tonight at the ranch."

Cynthia wasn't done, "Who is this little Cam person that Chris came back gushing about? How come your life is out of control now that you met Cowboy?"

"Steve, did you know about the fire out in your area, last night, where five people died. The news said that a young couple and there three children died and it was believed to have been deliberately set."

"Cynthia, I was the person who first detected the fire and called 911. Now, let's go home. It was a short night and long day and it's not over. I'll explain more about what is happening, tomorrow. There are things happening that I don't even know about."

I was asking myself, 'Why are they reporting that the three children died in the fire, when we know that they didn't?'

When I arrived at the ranch, David and Louie were rolling on the ground. David was sitting on top of Louie, "I'm going to knock your teeth out for talking to me like that. He had his fist cocked and I thought he meant it.

I grabbed him and ordered, "You get your butt over there and don't move until I tell you can. Louie, you go over there and stand and don't say a word until I can find out what this is all about."

Our conversation was interrupted by the arrival of Chris and Ramsey, in Chris' new car. Ramsey jumped out, I ain't never going anywhere with Chris again. He was driving so slow that even the turtles were passing us. I finally put my foot on his foot that was on the gas pedal and I thought he was going to hyperventilate."

I turned around and David and Louie were walking away with their arms around each other, "Where do you think you two are going? I thought I told you two to stand still."

David turned to me, "Poppa, you're just like everyone else. You forget about us little people when something more interesting happens, and besides I would never really hit Louie even if he's mean."

Louie reacted immediately, and had David on the ground. I decided not to interfere because it was apparent that this was a game between them and they were developing a special relationship.

"When you guys get finished fighting, it's time for you to get ready for dinner, if you're going to eat.

Both boys jumped up and ran toward the house. I thought to myself, 'So much for not being friends.'

When I finally made it into the house, Danny was standing there with a mask on, "Poppa, have you seen Cam yet? Grandpa and Lionel are feeding him in the family room. Cam acts as if he hasn't eaten in days."

I had just sat down next to Hank, "Cowboy, you need to tell me what's happening."

"Steve, to be honest with you, I'm not sure I even know what's happening anymore."

Our conversation was interrupted by the front doorbell. Ramsey answered, "Mr. Rodgers, the people are here with the things from The Children's Shoppe. Where do you want them to put the things?"

Hank handed Cam to me, "Here, hold our son, while I show the delivery people where to put the things."

Ramsey came and sat down beside me, "Poppa, what did Grandpa mean by our son. You can't just go buy a baby, can you?"

"Ramsey, I'm just as confused as you are. We'll have to wait and see what the Cowboy has planned."

I thought to myself, 'I can hardly wait until we see what reaction we might get from Tim, Tad, Kevin and Jacob.'

Editor's Notes:

You can't imagine how pleased I am to see this chapter of this wonderful story. I see that Danny is home and he seems to be doing pretty well. All the kids seem to be getting along about as well as kids ever do, and it looks like Cam is being well taken care of. As always, I will be waiting impatiently for the next chapter.

Darryl AKA The Radio Rancher