The Michaels' Family: Book One - We Saw Daddy Kissing Santa Claus

Chapter Forty Five: Most Spoiled Kid On the Planet

The four high school guys arrived a couple of minutes before six, while Ramsey was sitting beside me. Ramsey called, "Hey guys, come see your new brother."

That caused the four guys to quickly appear. Kevin asked, "Don't tell me someone else was living in the basement, too?"

Ramsey looked up, "Nope, Grandpa Hank bought Cameron so you wouldn't be the only spoiled brats in town."

Chris came and announced, "Dinner is now being served. Where's Dad Hank?"

Ramsey answered, "He's upstairs with the delivery people, showing them where to put Cameron's things. I'll go tell him dinner is ready."

I hadn't realized it but Jeremy, Brent and Chris had been working in the kitchen helping Rosa and Mimi fix dinner. I was thinking, 'Rosa and Mimi shouldn't be responsible for always feeding us, especially when Mimi and Dusty and the boys move to the other ranch.'

As we were eating, Hank explained, "The Watsons will be arriving at seven with Cathy and Lori. Cathy will have the formal appraisal with her. Hopefully, we can have that business out of the way before the others arrive. The Watsons will be bringing Tammy and Lindsey with them, so guys, be nice to them and don't talk about the fire. Chris and Chase, could you keep your eye on the young people while we're having the meetings, please, because I'm sure that the other guys probably have some work that they need to do for school."

Hank looked at Danny and Lionel who were eating at the breakfast bar, "Danny, remember to put your mask on as soon as you finish eating. Doctor Harrison said that the times that you were to not wear it was when you were eating, taking a shower or brushing your teeth, until he sees you again next week."

"Grandpa, I'll remember. I sure don't want to get sick again."

Dusty looked around, "Hank, we're going to start moving our things to the other ranch, starting tomorrow, now that Danny's home, and you're running out of beds here for all the people you keep bringing home."

I had forgotten that they were going to move, "Dusty, if you need to take time off, please do so."

"Thanks for the offer, but I need to start earning my pay. We'll move some things each evening and that way it won't be such a strain on Mimi to get things ready all at once. We still have some things at the house on the hill, too."

As we were finishing, the Watson's arrived with Cathy and Lori and the two young girls, Tammy and Lindsey. Hank suggested, "Guys, why don't you take the two girls to the family room, so you can play some games while we talk in the living room."

It turned out that Lindsey and Danny were in the same classroom so they already knew each other so it was no big deal.

After the introductions, Cathy started, "Here is the formal appraisal of the property that we came up with. I have already shown it to my parents and they are satisfied." She handed me the appraisal, "Here you go, Mr. Michaels. Since you're the person who dropped this bomb shell on me, you get the appraisal."

I looked at the bottom line and handed it to Hank who was sitting beside me. He quickly looked at it, "That's about what I expected."

He handed it to Brent and Jeremy. The two guys were looking at it when the doorbell rang. Chris came in, carrying Cameron, "Mr. Michaels and Mr. Rodgers, Mrs. Graham and Mr. Wetmore are here and wish to speak with you."

Hank stood, "Please show them in, Chris."

Hank stood and greeted the visitors. "Hi, Elaine and James. Thanks for coming. Let me introduce everyone."

Mr. Wetmore spoke up, "I think I know everyone from their mug shots. He stopped in front of me, "Nice to meet you Mr. Steve Michaels."

He had already met Mr. and Mrs. Watson, as I was to find out. He correctly called everyone by name. When the introductions were completed, he asked, "Could I please meet the six individuals that are about to be adopted, before we get down to the business at hand?"

I went to collect the six people, Lindsey, Tammy, Lionel, Louie and Ramsey, please come with me. There are some people who would like to meet you. Chris, why don't you bring Cam, since you're feeding him."

When we walked into the room and Louie saw who was there, he turned to me and started to hit me, "Poppa, you lied to me. You said I wouldn't have to go back to a home. Please don't make me go back. I'll be good and I won't beat David up anymore."

I picked Louie up, "Louie, no one is going to take you anywhere. Mr. Wetmore just wanted to meet you. Now go shake his hand."

Louie did as he was told and suspiciously approached Elaine, "You're not going to take me away, are you?"

Elaine answered. "I wasn't planning to, but if you're going to keep beating people up, I may have to."

"Please Mrs. Graham, I like it here. I'll be good."

Lionel decided to save Louie any further embarrassment and hobbled to Mr. Wetmore, "Hi, I'm Lionel. I'm the middle sized brother."

Mr. Wetmore started to laugh, "They didn't tell me that you were a comedian. It's a pleasure to meet you, young man. I'm glad to see that you're feeling better."

Mr. Wetmore looked at Ramsey, "That means you must be the ingenious Ramsay, who managed to survive for over a month in the house on the hill without anyone knowing. I also understand that you're a math and computer wizard. Is that right?"

Ramsay went and shook the gentleman's hand. "Sir, don't believe everything that you hear. I like school and would still be living at the house on the hill, if Mr. Rodgers wasn't afraid that I might hurt myself. It's not too shabby here, but it is getting awfully crowded. It's like living with the Little Old Lady Who Lived In a Shoe."

That comment broke the assembled adults up. Hank stopped the banter, "Chris, would you please make sure the young people have a snack while we finish our business?"

"I would be glad to. Come on, you young peoples."

Mr. Wetmore asked, "Is there a place where we can talk so that no one will here the discussion? Not that anyone would be listening."

Hank nodded, "Let's go into the dining room. We can close the doors and I can warn the guys not to interrupt unless there is an emergency."

After we were settled, Mr. Wetmore didn't waste any time. "Ladies and gentlemen, I'm with the Federal Protection Program. The children's father provided some very damaging information against some very powerful people. The adversaries have been relentless in tracking the family down. That's all I'm at liberty to say about that."

"The fortunate thing is that the three children have survived this horrendous mess. We deliberately miss informed the news services, so that perhaps the children would be safe. Chief Hanratty has been provided enough information so that he will not say anything."

"I have the children's new identification here, and they are predicated on the following events happening. Hank Rodgers and Cathy Watson would get married. They would decide that they weren't compatible and get divorced. Cathy would get custody of the girls and Hank would be Cameron's father. That's perfect, because that would mean that the three children wouldn't be associated with each other. That would throw the bad guys off if they were not convinced that they had died."

"When I talked to Mr. Rodgers, and Cathy's parents, earlier today, they told me what was going to happen tonight, so I decided to take things into my own hands to make it possible for Dr. Lori Spilker and Jeremy Phillips to get married at the same time, so that they can adopt the three Watts boys. After meeting the three boys, I'm sure that my colleagues and I made a good call there. You could have a double wedding and then have a double divorce hearing as soon as Elaine can get the adoption paperwork processed."

Mr. Wetmore stood, "One last thing, the girls should not return to the same school that they have been attending, for two reasons. First their names must be changed and second the bad guys just might not believe that they died in the fire."

Hank asked, "Would it be permissible for them to be home schooled? Danny's doctors do want him to go to school for at least a month and they could work here at the house, if we can find a qualified tutor."

Mr. Wetmore nodded, "That would probably be the best solution."

Mr. Wetmore added, "We decided that this would be the best arrangement since Mr. Farway already has two sons, as does Mr. Michaels. We were just evening out the odds. I need to go. I do have a family to take care of, as does Elaine. I'll be following these children's cases with bated breath. I'd like to say goodnight to the three Watts guys. They are special and you will need to help them develop to their full potential, Brent and Jeremy."

After Mr. Wetmore and Elaine had departed, Mrs. Watson decided to take the girls home. I sent the four youngest boys to get ready for bed, while Hank went to make plans with the others for the weddings and the sale of the property. While I was saying goodnight to the four youngest, I suddenly remembered what the young security guard had told Chris and me about his new fiancee having just completed her master's degree in education and was looking for a job.

After I hugged and kissed the four guys, I went back to where the others were assembled. I listened as Jeremy and Brent agreed to buy the Watson's property. The discussion turned to the proposals that Mr. Wetmore had made about the marriages.

Hank was his old self, "What Mr. Wetmore proposed makes perfect sense to me. Why don't we take care of the problem tomorrow night. I happen to know a justice of the peace and I'll have him here tomorrow. That means the four of us need to meet at the court house tomorrow at say, ten o'clock."

Lori spoke, "But I have a class that I am supposed to teach at ten o'clock."

Hank was relentless, "Have one of your colleagues conduct the class for you. Give the class a surprise quiz to see how much they have or have not been learning."

Lori laughed, "Hank, I'll say this for you, you have a mean streak as wide as a skunk's tail, but I like that idea."

I decided to lighten the conversation. "People, I think I know a good candidate to home school the children. I'll check, first thing tomorrow to see if she's still available, and if she is, I'll have her come for an interview. My next question is, do I need to plan a reception party or anything?"

That caused three cushions to come flying at me. I backed up, "Okay I'll leave. I know when I'm not wanted."

I was sitting in the bedroom holding Cameron when Jacob, Kevin, Tim, Tad and Ramsey came in. Kevin started, "Dad, I don't suppose you would care to share what's going on, would you?"

I told the guys the story of what was happening as best as I could and the reactions were very different. Ramsey started, "Dad Hank, are you telling me that the two football jocks are going to adopt my two brothers and me. Why didn't anyone ask what we wanted? Maybe we don't want to be adopted."

We hadn't seen Cowboy, Brent and Jeremy come into the room. Jeremy asked, "Ramsey, do you have a problem being adopted by Brent and me? I mean, after all, we're going to be living next door, so you can still come and boss everyone around."

Ramsey whirled around, "Mr. Phillips, it would have been so much better if you could have sat down and talked to Lionel, Louie and me, and asked for our input. Will either of you be able to truly say love us, or are we going to be your token sons? Last night, Mr. Rodgers and Mr. Michaels kissed and hugged me and I knew they meant that they loved me for who I am and weren't asking for anything in return, other than perhaps a little love and respect."

I decided to intervene, "Ramsey, things are happening so fast that I'm having a very difficult time understanding what's happening. Please give Mr. Farway and Mr. Phillips an opportunity to show that they are worthy of your love. I suggest that you go collect some things, so you can go to the house on the hill to spend the night with the two old men, to make sure that they don't get into trouble."

Ramsey started to laugh, "Poppa, that's a good idea. I was wondering where I was going to sleep tonight. I hope there's something to eat there. You don't suppose grouch Rodgers will object, do you?"

Hank grabbed Ramsey, "Who are you calling a grouch? I thought you knew that I was the Grinch who stole Christmas?"

Ramsey pulled Hank's face down, "Grandpa, everyone knows that you're the meanest man in town, even meaner than LeRoy Brown."

Ramsey turned toward me, "Poppa, do have a bag or something that I can throw my clean rags in for tomorrow?"

I went to the closet and got a small suitcase, handed it to Ramsey. He looked at it and had a big smile on his face, "Gees, why would you use this? Is this what you take to work in case you have an accident? Cameron, protect me."

The other four teenagers were watching as Ramsey left with Brent and Jeremy. Tad spoke for the group, "Ramsey acts like Dad Hank. His mind is always two or three steps ahead of anyone else's. He has to be a genious. When he was helping me with my algebra tonight, he made it seem so easy. Why can't the teachers do that?"

Hank looked at him and asked, "He didn't do your work for you, did he?"

"No, he made me do it by myself, but he did show me what was wrong when I made a mistake. The funny thing is, I didn't even resent him knowing more than me because of how he made me think through the problems. I hope his new dads appreciate him."

Cameron started to complain, so our conversation was terminated. I looked up, "Who's going to change Cam's diaper, while I go get his food. The four teenagers disappeared and I changed Cam's diaper while Hank went to get his food. It was an experience feeding him cereal with a little apple sauce. At first it seemed to dribble back out of his Cam's mouth, but before long it was as if he was saying more, more, more."

When Hank and I finally got into bed, I said, "Hank, we can't take many more days like this? We're not spring chickens anymore. Do you think we'll be able to keep Cam?"

Hank rolled on top of me, "Stevie, I've always wanted children, and this is the only chance that I will ever get. You have two wonderful sons and I have no one to carry on my legacy."

"Hank, what about Tim and Tad?"

"You don't understand, Tim and Tad had a wonderful set of parents and I can never replace them. Cameron is so young that he will only grow up thinking of us as his Dads. He'll probably be the most spoiled kid on the planet."

Editor's Notes:

It looks like things are really working out well for everyone. I will be very tickled to learn more and more about these people. As I have said, time and time again, when I read a story by E walk, by the time I have read one or two chapters, the people we meet become part of our extended family, and we love them.

Let's all sit back and see what will happen next.

Darryl AKA The Radio Rancher