The Michaels' Family: Book One - We Saw Daddy Kissing Santa Claus

Chapter Twenty Two: The Hornets' Nest

After Mrs. Graham left the office, I looked at Dusty. "What did you make of that encounter?"

Dusty nodded, "Steve, I don't know what it is about you and Hank, but you have a propensity for getting involved with a lot of people's lives. To be honest with you, I think Mrs. Graham is Chris and Chase's mother, but I have no idea how we will ever be able to prove it without having them have blood tests."

I started to laugh, "I just thought of a way. Let me go check and see if she is still in the office."

I walked to the door and saw Mrs. Graham starting to leave, "Mrs. Graham, could you come visit for a moment? I realize that you must be busy, but I have a question for you. Mrs. Wright, Wayne Young and Justin Freeman should be arriving shortly; make sure you get them some strong coffee to keep them awake."

When we went into the office, I had Mrs. Graham sit down. Mrs. Graham, "This is Dustin Summers, he is my personal assistant and is charge of the day to day operations of the agency. All I do is sit here and look pretty. Seriously, I have a question for you. How would you be able to prove that Chris and Chase are your sons?"

She nodded, "I still have their original birth certificates with their foot prints on them."

I wasn't satisfied, "Mrs. Graham, because you work for the Child Welfare Agency, you could have obtained copies of the birth certificates. While you had the boys, did you notice any distinguishing marks on their bodies?"

She nodded yes.

I pushed, "Can you tell me what they were?"

She blushed, "They had small heart shaped moles at the base of their penises."

I started to laugh, "I saw the marks last night when my son made your sons undress in front of us. I'll tell you what. Why don't you come back here about 11:30 and go to lunch with us and I'll introduce you to your two sons. We won't tell them who you are unless the right opportunity presents itself. As of now, only Dusty, you and I know the real story and Dusty doesn't even know all of it."

Mrs. Graham stood, "Mr. Michaels, I apologize for coming on so strong, but Chris' ex-landlord made it sound like he was involved with a Sugar Daddy."

Poor Dusty had no idea about the background. I nodded, "That's why I punched man in the face, because Chris and I had no intention of doing anything wrong."

The three of us were laughing as Mrs. Graham left. She turned as she was leaving, "I'll be here at 11:30 with bells on."

I called after her, "You might also want to wear some clothes."

She turned back again, "Mr. Michaels, you have a twisted mind."

After Mrs. Graham had departed, I looked at Cynthia, "Cynthia, would you come in so I can tell you both what's happening. Leave the door open so we can see if anyone comes in and we can answer the phone in here."

I briefed them on what had been happening in the last twenty-four hours. "Dusty, you need to call Congressman Throckmorton and get started on his campaign. Also, I want you to be with Mimi when she takes Danny to the Med Center today. I don't like what is happening. We need to make sure that both Danny and David are okay."

"Now, how did your shopping excursion go yesterday. Were you able to find what you were looking for?"

Dustin smiled, "Yep, and the equipment and programs will be arriving on Monday. I hope the agency can afford them."

Our conversation was interrupted by the arrival of Wayne and Justin. Gee whiz, they were handsome. They were wearing tan slacks, light blue shirts with a tie and dark navy blazers. They didn't even look like the two guys from the ranch. They hadn't even dressed like that for the service for Bill.

I introduced the two guys to Cynthia and they were very proper. I looked at Dusty, "Please show Wayne and Justin around the agency so they can assess if Wayne would like to be the Comptroller of the company and make sure they meet as many people as possible. Everyone needs to be back here at 11:30 because Cowboy is taking us to lunch."

Everyone finally left the office and I decided to take a bathroom break. When I was sitting down at my desk, Cynthia came in, "Steve, there's a Mrs. Hamilton here to see you."

"What does she want to talk about and what do you know about her?"

"Steve, I have no idea who she is. She didn't say. All she said was that she needed to speak to Mr. Stephen Michaels."

I went to the door, "Mrs. Hamilton, I understand that you wish to speak with me, won't you please come in? Can we get you anything to drink?"

She entered and plopped down in the chair. She looked around, "I'll have a chocolate malt with strawberries, please."

I started to laugh, "Are you sure you wouldn't like two or three bananas in the malt, also?"

She started to chuckle, "Okay, I'd like a nice cup of tea."

Cynthia brought her some tea and I looked at Mrs. Hamilton. "Mrs. Hamilton. My name is Steve as you know and Cynthia is my administrative assistant. How can I help you?"

She started, "My name is Janice Hamilton and my husband and I are moving here from Washington, D. C. I'm going to be Senator Throckmorton's campaign manager. My husband is one of the Senator's advisors. I understand that Senator Throckmorton has hired you to be the advertising agency to design his campaign. I would like to meet this young and rising star who is going to be in charge of the campaign publicity. Don't give me any guff. I know he's only a Congressman, but we're going to make sure that he becomes a Senator."

I nodded, "I've known Eric for some time. Mr. Summers will be handling the advertising for the campaign. He should be returning shortly."

"The other reason I'm here is that my cousin, Darryl, tells me that you and your sons haven't been staying in your house lately. I'm interested in looking at the house if you're planning to sell. How much are you asking? We like the neighborhood and it is conveniently located to the campaign headquarters."

I looked at Cynthia and then at Mrs. Hamilton, "Ma'am, I hadn't even considered selling the house, but it is just sitting there basically unused."

The outer office door opened and Larry Hansen entered. I went to my office door. "Larry, could you join us? I have another appraisal that I would like for you to do."

Larry entered my office and I introduced him to Mrs. Hamilton. "Larry, I, personally, own another house that I'm interested in selling. It seems that Mrs. Hamilton might be interested in buying it, but I have no idea what a fair asking price is since I have been living there for 15 years. Would you have time to appraise it?"

Larry looked at me, "I can do it now if you trust me. Perhaps Mrs. Hamilton might like to accompany me so she can see if I have done a good job. Here is a preliminary appraisal value for the house on the hill."

I looked at it and nodded, "Thank you, Larry. I appreciate your doing these appraisals on such short notice."

Mrs. Hamilton stood, "I would like to see the house. Here's my card, please have Mr. Summers get in touch with me sometime tomorrow."

Mr. Hansen and Mrs. Hamilton had just left when Dusty returned with Wayne and Justin. Wayne shook his head, "Mr. Michaels, this company's finances are in shambles. It seems the previous people in power were bilking the company for all it was worth."

I nodded, "Wayne, we know that, and that is why Cowboy suggested that you come and fix it so we can show a profit again. I handed him the appraisal on the Clark house on the hill. This is the preliminary appraisal for the house that the Clarks had bought. There are some valuable items in the house as well."

Our discussion was interrupted by the arrival of Hank, Chris and Chase. Hank just walked into the office since the door was open. "Is everyone ready to go to lunch? I'm starved. These two guys are wearing me out."

I looked at the two guys and they looked identical except for the dimple on Chris' cheek, "We have one more guest who will be joining us for lunch. Cynthia, find someone who can man or woman the phones while we're gone."

Chris looked at me, "Mr. Michaels, I'll stay here and answer the phones since I goofed off all morning. Vickie took even longer on Chase's hair than she did on mine. Mr. Rodgers had to go the bathroom three times while we were waiting for Chase to be done. Speaking of which, I need to go to the bathroom."

While Chris was in the bathroom, Mrs. Graham arrived. We went to meet her. "Mrs. Graham, I'll introduce everyone to you as soon as Mrs. Wright's assistant returns.

When Chris returned, I made the introductions being careful not to use either Chris' or Chase's last names. "I believe we have a reservation to have some nice quiche for lunch. As soon as Mrs. Graham had a chance to greet the newcomers, we departed because someone had arrived to take care of the phones.

We had a five car motorcade going to the restaurant. I had Cynthia in my Lincoln Towncar, Cowboy had the twins, Justin was driving their truck, and Dusty was driving his car since he was going to be going to the hospital after lunch to meet Mimi and Danny. Mrs. Graham said she also had some appointments after lunch.

When we walked into the restaurant, the hostess seated us. We were met immediately by Flo who slammed down our water glasses, "Cowboy, do you suppose you could give us some advance notice next time that you're bring 5000 people? Do you know how long it takes our chickens to lay enough eggs to feed all of you people?

I'll have to go see if we have enough food in the kitchen to feed all of you."

The people who had never been at the restaurant before were just amazed at the treatment. Flo returned immediately with cups of soups, "I suppose you will want some spoons and crackers. Cowboy, this is gonna cost you extra."

As we were eating, Chase started, "Mr. Justin, Mr. Rodgers offered me a job as your assistant at the ranches. Would you have a problem with that?"

Justin started to laugh, "Well, I hope you're up to the job. I'll work your butt off."

Chris looked at Mrs. Graham, "Ma'am, I don't understand why you're here. If you are with the Child Welfare Agency, why would you be concerned with Chase or me? We're both 18, so legally, we're adults. You surely can't be concerned about Mr. Michaels' two sons or Mr. Summers' two sons."

I made a decision that it would be best for Chris and Chase to know the truth. "Chris and Chase, Mrs. Graham is your birth mother. She knows about your heart shaped marks you know where. She just wanted to meet you. We weren't going to tell you who she was just yet, but I think it is best that you know the truth."

Mrs. Graham started to cry and Cowboy was glaring at me. Chris and Chase were sitting as if they were frozen in space. Chris started shaking his head, "Mrs. Graham, if you are our mother as Mr. Michaels said, then why are you just now looking for us?"

Everyone looked at Mrs. Graham. Mrs. Graham started, "Guys, I can't tell which of you is Chris and which is Chase."

I nodded, "There are two ways to tell. The first is that Chris has a dimple on his left cheek. The other way we won't discuss."

Both boys glared at me, "Guys, she knows about your heart shaped moles."

Both guys turned red. Hank was laughing, "Steve, stop talking like that. You're embarrassing the two gentlemen. Mrs. Graham, I think you owe the boys an explanation."

Mrs. Graham started, "Chris and Chase, I was 16 when you were born. You young men look very much like your father. He was the all state quarterback of the high school where we lived. He had a scholarship to a major university and went on to be an all star in the National Football League."

Flo had brought our plates with the quiche and fruit while we were talking.

"When he found out that I was pregnant, he told me he wanted nothing to do with me. It seems as though he had already gotten another girl pregnant before me. My parents sent me to live with an aunt until you were born, and my parents insisted that I take you to the home so that you could be adopted."

"When I was in college, I started to track you down. Chris was still in the home which I couldn't understand why. Chase had been adopted by the Starks. They kept moving and I couldn't find them because they just seemed to have disappeared."

"Chris, I know that you had a difficult time in the homes and I know what that caregiver did to you and what you did to him. You will be glad to know that he is now spending time in prison for what he did to you and others."

"I'm married to a wonderful man and he does know about you. He would like to meet you. We have three children, Alisha is 10, Pete is 8 and Paul is 6."

Chris broken into what Mrs. Graham was saying, "Mrs. Graham, if you expect me to call you Mother, it isn't going to happen. I'm not sure I could handle that and I'm not sure if I even want to meet your parents and I sure don't want to meet our father."

Chris was sitting beside me and I put my arm around him, "Chris calm down. You're overreacting. Mrs. Graham has not made any suggestions that you do anything. She is just telling you what happened."

Chris looked at me, "But Mr. Michaels, why is she just now looking for us after 18 years?"

Mrs. Graham had tears in her eyes, "Chris, I can fully appreciate how you must feel. I didn't know where you were until you were placed in the home for troubled youth and as hard I tried I couldn't get the powers to be to revoke that placement."

Chris wasn't done, "So how come my last name is Jenkins? Was that our father's name?"

"No, that was my maiden name."

Chris looked at Chase, "Chase, I thought you said your last name was Lowery. Mrs. Graham said you were adopted by the Starks."

Flo interrupted, "Chase, don't say anything until I get back with the desserts. I don't want to miss anything."

That was what was needed to break the tension. She rolled a cart with desserts to the table while another server refilled the drinks.

When everyone had what they wanted, Flo pulled up a chair, "Okay, Chase you start now."

Chase could hardly talk because he was laughing so hard. "I was adopted by the Starks, but they were divorced when I was six. Since I had been legally adopted, I lived with my stepmother. She married Mr. Lowery when I was ten. They legally changed my name, so I've had three last names in 18 years."

Hank interrupted, "People, I need to go. I have some appointments this afternoon. Mrs Graham, why don't you give the guys your card in case they would like to speak to you. Here is my card with my phone numbers and Steve can give you his card in case you would like to get in touch with your sons. I think they need some time to assimilate what has happened today."

I looked at Dusty, "Dusty, you need to go the hospital to be with Mimi and Danny. Call me and tell me what's happening."

"Justin, why don't you take Chase home with you and work his butt off and Cynthia will make sure that Chris and Wayne are earning their keep."

Cowboy started to laugh, "Stevie, it's a good thing your sons didn't hear you or they would be all over your back accusing you of acting like me."

As we were leaving, Flo put her arms around Chris and Chase. "Guys, stop in anytime. This is the most fun I have had in years. Don't be too hard on your Mother. Believe me, I've been there and know what you're going through."

As we were riding back to the office, Chris started, "I feel as if I'm on a roller coaster. I can't decide if I angry at my birth mother or if I feel sorry for her."

Wayne was sitting in the back with Chris, "Chris, just let the information sink in, and you and Chase need to talk about what happened today. I'm sure Steve and Hank will also be there to listen to you if you need to talk or have questions as will Justin and I."

I was to find out that Justin and Chase were having a similar discussion on their way home.

When we got to the office, the young woman who was phone sitting handed me a stack of messages, "Mrs Wright you sure are going to have your hands full, taking care of all Mr. Michaels calls and visitors."

I laughed, "Thank you for watching the shop. I hope you had a chance to get some lunch. Don't feel too sorry for Mrs. Wright; she just bosses me around. Wayne, do you need me to go with you to your new office and introduce you around?"

"Steve, that won't be necessary. Dusty already announced to the staff we met this morning that I was the Comptroller effective today. I can find my way to my office since it's just down the hall."

I nodded, "Wayne, if you need anything let Cynthia know. She'll take care of it."

Cynthia followed me into the office, "Chris, take care of the phone, please. I need to talk to Mr. Michaels."

She shut the door, "Okay, Steve, you have some explaining to do. What is your relationship with Mr. Freeman and Mr. Young and how come they know so much about what is going on?"

When I explained the relationship of everyone and the living arrangements, she couldn't stop laughing. "Steve, you have really gotten yourself into a hornet's nest this time."

Editor's Notes:

Well, it looks like Chris and Chase have truly landed on their feet, haven't they? I wonder who that jerk of a quarterback is.

It must be quite a shock for Chris and Chase to find out who their birth mother is, let alone finding each other. I still have a feeling that there is more to this than meets the eye, so to speak.

Darryl AKA The Radio Rancher