The Michaels' Family: Book One - We Saw Daddy Kissing Santa Claus

Chapter Twenty One: Chase

When we arrived at the ranch, Justin and Wayne were walking toward the house from their apartments. Cowboy must have called them on his cell phone and told them we wanted to talk to them. When we walked into the kitchen, the five teenagers were sitting around the table. Kevin, Jacob, Tim and Tad were giving Chris the third degree.

Chris was overwhelmed, "Guys, I don't know why I'm here exactly. Mr. Michaels kidnapped me from my office at the agency and he smacked my previous landlord on the face and we escaped before the man could call the police. Mr. Michaels was upset to think that the man had called him a Sugar Daddy."

Everyone broke up at that comment. Tad looked at me, "Dad Steve, I didn't know that you were a Sugar Daddy. How come you ain't taking care of us?"

Hank looked at the guys, "Chris, tell the boys about your background and tell them how you came to be working at the ad agency. They need to realize what a good life they have had."

The four teenagers, Justin and Wayne were listening intently as Chris reluctantly repeated the story of his life for them. Jacob looked at Hank and me, "Dads, where's he going to sleep. We're out of bedrooms already. Danny and David are already sleeping with Kevin and me. Tim and Tad only have twin beds."

Tim nodded, "We could move the beds together and make one bed. He can sleep with us if he doesn't have a problem with that."

Wayne interrupted, "Guys, why doesn't Chris sleep in our extra bedroom for now at least. That way everyone will still have enough room to move around. Chris, just so you know Justin and I are a couple, we have no desire to try to do anything sexual with you. Think about it and we'll check back with you as soon as we meet with Mr. Michaels and Mr. Rodgers. They have something they want to discuss with us."

We went into the dining room and Hank looked at me and pointed, "Steve has a proposal to make. Before anyone says anything in response to the proposal, I have some things I would like to say."

I took a deep breath, "Wayne, I would like to offer you the position of Comptroller/Treasurer of the Michaels Ad Agency. I have no idea what the salary will be or what is actually involved in the duties. I propose that you and Justin visit the agency tomorrow and look around to see what is required."

Wayne started to say something but Hank stopped him, "Wayne and Justin, this is the perfect opportunity to insure your futures. Wayne would be making big bucks as the Comptroller and Justin you would be drawing the full salary of the manager for the two ranches. I think you should hire one or maybe two assistants to do the menial work while you take care of the management aspects of the job. You will have your evenings free to enjoy the freedom of the open space together. Just think you'll have so much money you won't know what to do with it."

Wayne and Justin started to laugh. Justin spoke for the two of them, "Hank, you've already decided what's going to happen, haven't you? You're just afraid that we'll be getting more loving than you and Steve so you going to try separate us."

Hank stood, "Watch it or you both may be looking for jobs. Now let's go check on the guys. We need to find out how Jacob is feeling."

When we walked into the kitchen, Jacob and Chris were doing the dishes. Hank looked at them, "Where did the other three guys go?"

Jake turned around, "They all had school work to do. I did mine this afternoon when I got home to keep my mind occupied so I could keep from puking."

Hank looked at Chris, "Have you decided about the sleeping arrangement options?"

"Sir, it would be more comfortable if I stayed with Mr. Wayne and Mr. Justin. They have already said they aren't going to make me do anything I don't want to do."

Jake in his own style, took over, "Let's get your things and get you moved into your new living space. That will make me forget about how much my bones ache. Mr. Justin and Mr. Wayne, would you please show us where Mr. Chris will be residing?"

When the four of them had departed, Hank hugged me. "I think we hit the target again. I guess we need to wait for Jake to return before I take you to our bedroom and have my way with you."

I tried to pull away, "Hank, there are too many things happening at the same time. I am having a difficult time prioritizing what needs to be done next."

Our conversation was interrupted by Jacob returning, "Dads, I think I'll move into the apartment with Chris. They have the perfect set up there. I guess we need to get busy with the painting of Ross and Rosa's apartment."

I looked at Jake, "Son, how are you really feeling?"

Jacob came over and put his head on my shoulder, "Dad, I feel like death warmed over. Dr. Harrison warned me that I was going to feel bad because the shot they gave to make my bones release the marrow platelets into my blood stream does that. But it is all worth if it will help Danny get better."

Both Hank and I had tears in our eyes as I hugged Jacob, "Son, I'm really proud of you for feeling that way. Perhaps you should get to bed and rest."

Jacob couldn't have felt too bad, "Yeah, you just want to get rid of me so you can play reindeer games."

Hank hugged Jacob, "Son, we're too old to join in the reindeer games. I'm really proud of you for what you're doing."

We were interrupted by a knock at the back door. I went to answer and a young man was standing there with a backpack, "Mister, please, can I have something to eat?"

I stood back, "Chris, we just ate. What happened to you? You look terrible."

The young man was totally confused, "Mister, my name isn't Chris. It's Chase. Please mister, I haven't eaten all day."

Jacob came to the rescue, "Dad Hank, I'll fix the young man some food. Why don't you go to check and see if Chris is okay? Chase sure does look like Chris. Maybe you should have Chris come and talk to him."

Hank left and returned with Chris, Wayne and Justin. When Chris came and saw the young man he turned white.

The Chase person stood when he saw Chris and started to slump to the floor. Jacob looked at us, "Dads, what's happening?"

Hank took charge, "Chris, what's wrong?"

Chris stammered, "Mr. Rodgers, it's as if I'm looking at myself when I looked at that person. Except for his long hair, he looks almost like me. Is he a clone of me?"

Hank and I helped the young man stand and I pulled his hair away from his face and he sure did look like Chris. Hank looked at Chris, "Chris, do you have any distinguishing birthmarks on your body other than the dimple on you left cheek?"

Chris looked at us and nodded yes with a sheepish smile.

Jacob wasn't about to miss this event, "Well show us, and I'll check to see if Chase has the same birthmark."

Chris dropped his jeans and shorts and showed us his penis that had a small heart shaped mark on the base of the right side."

Chase started to go down again. He looked at us, "People, this can't be. I have a mark just like that but it's on the other side."

Jacob stood there, "Well show us."

Chase timidly undressed. He obviously hadn't had a shower or a bath for several days. He indeed did have a mark on his penis."

I looked at Jacob, "Son, perhaps you should go to bed."

Jacob started to laugh, "Dads, I feel great. I can't miss the tale of the two twins. Wait until I tell Kevin, Tim and Tad what they missed. Poor Chris and Chase will have a lot of explaining to do."

Chase pulled his clothes up, "People, I need to tell you this so your aren't surprised. I'm gay."

Hank ignored that comment looked at Chase, "Young man, perhaps you should tell us about yourself how you happen to get here tonight?"

Chase was almost crying, "Sir, it was the night of my graduation from high school and my step parents threw a big party for me. When my best friend was leaving I kissed him on the lips and my stepfather saw me. He went ballistic and called me all sorts of names and threw me out. I have been slumming around trying to make enough money to survive by providing sexual favors to other men in order to survive."

Jacob was concerned, "Chase, what did you do with these other men?"

Chase looked around, "I would help them to have an orgasm with my hand or my mouth. Sometimes they wanted to do the same to me."

Chris had a grimaced look, "Chase, have you ever been penetrated by another man or have you done so."

Chase sat down, "That's why I'm here. I was picked up tonight by this handsome guy. He started to take off my clothes and he pushed me down on the seat of his truck and said he was going to make me feel good. He placed his cock at my backside opening and I realized what he was doing."

"I pushed him away so hard that he hit his head on the steering wheel and he passed out. I quickly got dressed and started running to get away from him. This is the first house I got to that had lights. Sirs. I need someplace to sleep and I would really like to take a hot shower. I've been living in abandoned buildings ever since it started to get cold. It would be so nice to sleep in a warm bed for a change."

Hank looked at Chris, "You have an extra bunk in your room don't you? Perhaps Chase can stay with you tonight. Steve and I are going to go see if we can find the person who did this. What can you tell us about the truck."

"It was a black Chevrolet Silverado or something like that and I think it had funny license plates from another state that said Go Huskers."

Hank practically dragged me out the door after telling Justin and Wayne to take care of the guys. We drove up and down the road and didn't see any trucks. Hank looked at me, "I guess this one got away from us."

When we got back to the house Jacob was waiting for us. "Dads, what's going to happen to the Chris and Chase. We can't keep taking everyone in. We need to take care of everyone who is here now. Dads, I'm really worried about Danny. He needs to get help soon. Please pray that his body doesn't reject my blood platelets."

I hugged Jacob, "Son, you're doing your part. Now we just have to hope that the medical experts can do their part."

Hank hugged Jacob, "Jake, you tired. Things will look better tomorrow after you get a good night's rest. Right now you are the only person who can help Danny. We'll standby you and support you however you need us."

Jacob left to go his bedroom and Hank looked at me, "Steve, your son is very special to be doing what he's doing. I did some research today and I am really concerned for both Jacob and Danny. If Danny's body rejects Jacob's blood platelets then it will be grim situation indeed."

I hugged Cowboy, "Hank, we have to think positive. That is just one of the problems that we need to worry about. What are we going to do about Chris and Chase?"

Hank looked at me, "Lover boy, you worry about making the Comptroller/Treasurer job so enticing for Wayne that he can't turn it down. You're right, we do have a lot of things happening, but this is the type environment in which I thrive best. It makes me get off my ass and do something. The funny part is that it also makes my creative juices flow, so I may be up all hours creating a new game or two. Now that I have some in-home critics, they should inspire me to make some money and maybe we can even take a trip to Florida or some place exotic."

When I woke up the next morning there was no one beside me. I looked at the clock and it was only five o'clock. The light in Hank's office was on and I could hear some clicking sounds. I wandered to the door and Hank was concentrating on making some creatures do what he wanted. I decided not to bother him and went to take a shower. I was soon joined by another body who started to molest me.

I turned around and kissed Hank and molested him back. When we got downstairs, four teenagers and two young boys were fixing breakfast. We were joined by the rest of the gang and everyone had questions as to who Chris and Chase were. Danny and David were particularly curious.

Hank made it very clear that they would be staying with us for a while. "I'm going to take Chris and Chase with me this morning. We have some things to do. Don't worry Steve, I'll have Chris back to work by noon and we can go to lunch to enjoy the special quiche that Flo promised."

Kevin looked at me, "Dad, see, Mr. Rodgers is doing it again. He's telling everyone what's going to happen instead of asking."

I ignored the comment and looked at Wayne, "Wayne, I'll see you in my office at 10:00 and don't be late."

Tad pretended as if he was falling off his chair, "We're in trouble. Dad Steve is beginning to act like Uncle Hank."

Hank looked at Dusty and Mimi, "What's on your schedule for today?"

Mimi spoke, "I need to take Danny to the hospital today. Doctor Harrison called and wanted us to bring Danny in for another test. I'm picking him up from school at two o'clock. Dad is going to pick David up and bring him home."

As Dusty and I were walking to his car, I asked, "Dusty, why does Danny need to go in for more testing?"

Dustin had tears in his eyes. "Doctor Harrison said that his blood count was way out of balance. They may even have to keep him and start chemotherapy and radiation so they can stop the growth of the bad cells. He thinks that the transfusions may need to be done this weekend."

"Dusty, who knows how critical this is?"

"Steve, we've told no one. I think Jacob realizes how critical it is because he's so close to the situation. We haven't even told Mimi's parents. We're hoping for a miracle."

The rest of the way to work was very quiet. When we arrived at the office. Cynthia was waiting, "Mr. Michaels, there are several people here to see you."

I looked at my watch. It wasn't even 8:00. "Cynthia show them in, in the order they arrived since I don't think any of them scheduled an appointment."

I motioned for Dusty to follow me so I would have some back up in case I needed it. The first person was Larry Hanson, "Mr. Michaels, Congressman Throckmorton asked me to appraise a property for you. I came to get the keys if you will trust me."

I gave the gentleman the keys and explained that I couldn't get away to assist him. He assured me that he was bonded and I apprised him that I had no idea of what was in the house.

The next person was a not so pleasant person. It was a person from the Child Welfare Office. Cynthia introduced the lady as Mrs. Graham.

Mrs. Graham didn't waste any time, "Where is Christopher Jenkins? Why is he not in his job that we arranged for him. We had a complaint from the apartment owner where we placed him and he told us someone smacked him in the face and broke his nose. He said some Sugar Daddy had taken him away."

I stood and walked around the desk and bent down so I was looking her in the face, "Mrs. Graham, I smacked that gentleman in the face when he accused Chris of being a call boy. Chris is with a friend of mine, as we speak, who is getting him some new clothes, I think. Chris is going to be the assistant to Mrs. Wright, my administrative assistant. I'm going to arrange for him to continue his college education, even though he doesn't know it yet."

I was angry, "Mrs. Graham, do you people even care about where you are placing people? Chris is 18 now and no longer legally under your jurisdiction. I don't understand why you should even be interested in his case."

She started to cry, "Mr. Michaels, Chris is my son. I was sixteen when he and his brother were born. I dropped them off at a home when they were infants. Chase was adopted by some people and I lost track of him. I have been able to keep track of Chris. It has been very difficult for me to maintain my distance because he has had some very unpleasant experiences."

I was starting to feel sorry for the lady. She continued, "Subsequently I got my degree in social work and have married a wonderful man and we have three children. I still worry about my first borns."

"I would just like to meet them at least. I don't expect them to embrace me. I don't know where Chase is."

I looked at Dusty and he nodded. I started, "Mrs. Graham, your two sons are together as we speak. They both spent the night at our ranch. Christopher was working here yesterday when I was doing some research in the Human Resources Department. For some reason, I felt that he needed some adult attention and I don't mean sexually. I have two sixteen year old sons."

"We took Chris home with us last night and your other son, Chase, showed up at our door begging for some food. One thing led to another and we determined that the two boys were indeed brothers but don't ask me how we determined that. If you would like to stay around, I'm rather sure that the boys will be here before lunch time since I am scheduled to have lunch with the gentleman they are with. Now I believe I have some other appointments."

Editor's Notes:

Now that was a jam packed chapter. It looks like several important things are happening.

One of them is that Danny is very ill. That bone marrow transplant had better be successful.

It looks like Chris and Chase are going to get to meet their mother, I think it is possible that she is in fact a good person. It is going to be interesting to see how they react to finding out that they are brothers as well as being told that this lady is their mother.

I can hardly wait to see what is going to happen next, considering that E Walk and I spent some time discussing what might take place in this story.

Don't look at me like that. I'm not going to give you any spoilers.

Darryl AKA The Radio Rancher